Joining the NZMHS.
We encourage anyone with an interest in New Zealand’s military past to join the NZMHS and help keep this important aspect of our nations past alive.
We welcome members at all levels of interest in our military history, students, academics, militaria collectors, family researchers and anyone wanting to grow their knowledge and respect for our history.
Membership Fees:
New Zealand (Individual) | $65.00 |
New Zealand (Institution) | $65.00 |
New Zealand (Student) | $15.00 |
Overseas Via PayPal | $85.00 |
- Annual membership fees (June – June) updated July 2022
- Full membership includes regular email newsletter plus 3 editions of The Volunteers posted to your address per year
- Student membership (NZ registered student) does not include The Volunteer
- New Zealand residents can pay by internet banking:
Bank: ASB Bank Limited, Auckland
Account Name: NZ Military Historical Society Inc.
Account Number: 12 3011 0816981 00
Reference: Your Name
- Overseas residents can also pay by PayPal, please email for a PayPal invoice.
We are currently having issues with the Membership form, to join, please send the following information to the Secretary at:
Name, Full Postal Address, Contact ph number, confirmation you have paid your membership fee.
We look forward to hearing from you and will confirm your membership request ASAP.
If you have any questions or problems with the process or you do not hear back within 48hrs please contact the secretary on