Non-Operational NZDF deaths

Members of the armed services of the NZ Defence Force

Who Died Whilst in Service since 3 September 1945

• Non-Operational •

This database is of the 1186 members of the NZ Army, RNZAF, RNZN or Cadets at the time of their death, if it occurred on or after 3 September 1945. It is only of personnel who died whilst in service. The list includes people who were medically discharged with a terminal illness, who would have died in service had they not been discharged. It includes Regulars and Territorials but not those on non-active Reserves or after retirement, or civilian employees.

This roll is to complement the list of 136 names of operational service personnel who gave their lives for their country in front-line service (in Korea, Malaya, Borneo, Vietnam and peacekeeping missions).

The NZ Defence Force Medals Office and Personnel Archive have been most helpful in assisting me compile this list, as were the Navy Museum and Air Force Museum. I am grateful too to the many individuals who responded with names of former colleagues who they farewelled. I hope over time we can confirm details of all such deaths and, through recognition of their loss, bring some comfort to the families. The former CMT/NS Assn (North City Branch) is to be congratulated on commissioning this work, and the NZ Defence Force applauded for deciding to continue recording such deaths.

Complying with the Coroners Act 2006, no details of any suspected suicide are given.

I welcome any updates, corrections or additional information.

Peter Cooke BA(Hons)

Format of entries:

Surname, number rank Forenames awards (if any, including posthumous), age of home or ‘allegiance’ town, job with unit, corps or service, based at, circumstances of death, and finally date of death [and sources].

ABBREVIATIONS: all ranks (Pte Sgt Maj etc), unit types (Coy, Sqn, Bn etc) and corps (RNZE, RNZCT) are listed below;


2Lt = Second Lieutenant

AB = Able Seaman or woman

AC = Aircraftman or woman

AC1 = Aircraftman or woman Class I

AC2 = Aircraftman or woman Class II

Adm = Admiral

App = Apprentice

Bdr = Bombardier (RNZA)

Capt = Captain

Cfn = Craftsman (RNZEME)

Cmdr = Commander

Col = Colonel

Cpl = Corporal

CPO = Chief Petty Officer

Dvr = Driver

(F) = Female [rank suffix]

F/O = F/O

Flt = Flight

Gnr = Gunner

LAC = Leading Aircraftman or woman

LBdr = Lance Bombardier

LCpl = Lance Corporal

Lt = Lieutenant

Maj = Major

Plt = Pilot

P/O = Petty Officer

Pte = Private

Sgt = Sergeant

Sig = Signaller

Spr = Sapper (RNZE)

Sqn Ldr = Squadron Leader

SSgt = Staff Sergeant

T/ = temporary

Tpr = Trooper

u/t = under training

(W) = Woman [rank suffix]

Wg Cmdr = Wing Commander

W/O = Warrant Officer

WOI = Warrant Officer Class I

WOII = Warrant Officer Class II


Pn = Platoon

Tp = Troop

CMT = Compulsory Military Training

Coy = Company

Sqn = Squadron

Bn = Battalion

Regt = Regiment

Bde = Brigade

RNZA= Royal Regiment of NZ Artillery

RNZAC = Royal NZ Armoured Corps

RNZAEC = Royal NZ Army Education Corps

RNZAF = Royal NZ Air Force

RNZALR = Royal NZ Army Logistics Regiment

RNZAMC = Royal NZ Army Medical Corps

RNZAOC = Royal NZ Army Ordnance Corps (Permanent Force)

RNZASC = Royal NZ Army Service Corps

RNZChD = Royal NZ Chaplains Department

RNZCT = Royal NZ Corps of Transport

RNZDC = Royal NZ Dental Corps

RNZE = Royal NZ Engineers, Corps of

RNZEME = Royal NZ Electrical & Mechanical Engineers

RNZIC = Royal NZ Infantry Corps

RNZIR = Royal NZ Infantry Regiment

RNZMP = Royal NZ Military Police

RNZN = Royal NZ Navy

RNZNC = Royal NZ Nursing Corps

RNZNVR = Royal NZ Navy Volunteer Reserve

RNZ Sigs = Royal NZ Corps of Signals

Non-operational Deaths NZDF