NZ Deaths in WW1 AB
Surname | Forenames | Service Number | Alt Service Number | Alias/AKA | Rank | Rank, abbreviated | Date of Death | Date of Death Approximate | Unit | Cause of Death | Place of Death | Notes | Recorded Cemetery - CWGC |
Abbot | Kenneth Ferris | 12/2545 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 22/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. R. T. and Mrs. M. Abbot, of Rutarere, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Abbott | Ameral Christopher | 7/296 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 08/05/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of William and Isabella Abbott, of Southbridge, Christchurch, New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Abbott | Cyril | 51630 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Hubert and Margaret Abbott, of New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Abbott | George | 41461 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. M. Abbott, of 15, High St., Petone, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Abbott | George Duncan | 7/810 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Isabella Abbott, of 28, Medway St., Shirley, Canterbury, and the late William Abbott. Born at Southbridge, Canterbury. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Abbott | Marcus Claude | 37596 | Sapper | Spr | 31/03/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. E. F. Abbott, of 11, Ravenswood Rd., Walthamstow, England | France - Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras | |||
Abbott | William James | 12/1872 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Abbott, of Kapuraki, Hauraki Plains. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Abbott | William Warriner | 4/1a | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/05/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of the late Rev. E. Abbott; husband of Helena M. Abbott, of 34, Church Rd., Leyton, London, England. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Abel | Arthur Howard | 22519 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 01/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - R S Abel (father), Avondale, South Auckland) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Abercrombie | Clarence Gordon | 11/509 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/01/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of David A. and Mary E. Abercrombie, of New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Abernethy | Charles Milne | 8/316 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Abernethy, of Toiro, Balclutha, Dunedin. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Abernethy | Harold Waldo | 2/2349 | Gunner | Gnr | 19/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Margaret S. Abernethy, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Abernethy | Kenneth Shorland | 14182 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 16/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the Rev. Christopher and Georgina Elizabeth Abernethy, of 363, Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. His brother also fell. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Abernethy | Thomas Mitchell | 55293 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Christopher and Georgina Elizabeth Abernethy, of 363, Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. Born at Balclutha. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Abraham | William Percival | 7/152 | Sergeant | Sgt | 06/08/1915 | y | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edward and Mary Abraham, of Kaikoura, New Zealand | Turkey - 7Th Field Ambulance Cemetery | ||
Absalom | Matthew | 14043 | Corporal | Cpl | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Matthew and Ruth Absalom, of Reefton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Absolum | Norman William Leslie | 42731 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Abraham and Georgjean Absolum, of Battery Rd., Napier. Born at Ross, Greymouth | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ackers | Edgar Lewis | 26/655 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Oliver and Rebecca Jane Ackers, of Tuatapere, Southland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ackhurst | George | 18207 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Eusebia Margaret Ackhurst, of 63, Collingwood St., Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ackroyd | Abram | 62221 | Private | Pte | 17/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. J. Ackroyd, of Rose Cottage Farm, Wilsden, Bradford, England | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
A'Court | Frank Austin | 70898 | Private | Pte | 14/10/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. Emily Ada A'Court, of 239, Kilmore St., Christchurch. New Zealand | UK - Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery | |||
A'Court | Harry Wilford | 11/2645 | Private | Pte | 17/05/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of James and Isabella A'Court, (nee Hammond), of Sanson, Manawatu. Born at Rongotea. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Sanson Cemetery | |||
A'Court | Leonard | 43588 | Gunner | Gnr | 11/01/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. A'Court, of 109, Caledonian Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of England. Served g years with the Royal New Zealand Artillery. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Adair | Hugh | 11/959 | Trooper | Tpr | 03/10/1915 | WMR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Hugh and Mary Adair, of Spring Hill, Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland. | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Adair | John Michael | 46161 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Maria Adair, of Kaikoura, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Adair | Victor Harold Sims | 48149 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Jane Ruth Adair, of 18, Hiropi St., Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Adam | David Norrie | 47296 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. M. Adam, of Turfachie Kirriemuir, Scotland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adam | John James | 6/3592 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 15/05/1917 | CIR | Died of disease | NZ x France | Husband of Louisa Adam, of 148, Waltham Rd., Sydenham, Christchurch. Born at Dunedin. Served in Egypt and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Adam | Kiro Luke | 16/1007 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1917 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Step-brother of Manuel Luke Awarua, of Aurua, Cook Islands, Raratonga. | Belgium - New Irish Farm Cemetery | |||
Adams | Archibald Reynold | 25/304 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. I. Kerly, of 9, Union Square, Packington St., Islington, London, England. | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Adams | Cedric Gilbert | 2/180 | Lieutenant | Lt | 11/10/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of James A. and Emma F. Adams, of Princes St., Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Adams | Clarence George | 65525 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Jane Adams, of 71, Denbigh St., Feilding, Wellington | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adams | Colin | 4/1562 | Sapper | Spr | 23/04/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Duncan Adams (father), Karangahake, Ohinemuri) | France - Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun | |||
Adams | Francis Brown | 11588 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Thomas and Isabella Adams. Native of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adams | Francis Henry | 11/2015 | A/Bdr | A/Bdr | 23/08/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - George Adams (father), Rongahere, Otago) | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Adams | George | 26/700 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams, of Paerata Rd., Pukekohe, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Adams | George James | 12/1136 | Private | Pte | 27/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs R A Wrigley (sister), 33 Sussex Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Adams | James | 16/310 | Private | Pte | 02/06/1918 | Pioneers | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Riperi and Raiha Adams (nee Hetariki). Born at Whangape. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Pawarenga Church Cemetery | |||
Adams | James Alexander | 7/571 | Sergeant | Sgt | 27/12/1917 | ICC | Died of wounds | Egypt x Palestine | Son of Mrs. Majory Adams, of 306, Bealey Avenue, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Adams | John | 61120 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Cecelia Adams, of Grovetown, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Adams | John | 8/899 | Private | Pte | 18/06/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Joseph Wilfred and Jane Adams. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Adams | John Henry | 6/2055 | Private | Pte | 12/09/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Mudros x Egypt | (NOK - J H Adams Snr (father), White Parish, Salisbury, England) | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Adams | John Thomas | 12/292 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Kate Adams, of 2, Green St., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Adams | John Thomas | 23/47 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, of 3, View St., Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adams | Leslie | 13/2994 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Gilbert and Elizabeth S. Adams, of Taylors Rd., Norfolk Island. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adams | Maurice Alwyn | 2/2350 | Driver | Dvr | 28/05/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Lily Adams (wife), 34 Adelaide Rd, Wellington) | Belgium - Dranoutre Military Cemetery | |||
Adams | Mercer John | 14/94 | Private | Pte | 27/10/1921 | ASC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waipukurau Cemetery, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay | ||||
Adams | Ralph Burman | 19100 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert and Marian Adams, of Lane St., Islington, Blenheim. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Adams | Reginald Leonard | 5/1388a | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Dixon Adams, of 120, Aro St., Wellington. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adams | Thomas Charles | 11589 | Private | Pte | 07/02/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Thomas and Isabella Adams, of Belfast, Canterbury, New Zealand. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Adams | Thomas Francis | 12/10 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late William and Hannah Elizabeth Adams. Native of Ashburton, Canterbury | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Adams | Victor Harold | 16740 | Private | Pte | 17/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Francis Adams and Annie Adams, of Napier, New Zealand. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Adams | William Henry | 12/677 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Colin and Jane Adams, of 31, High St., Auckland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adamson | Alexander James | 37959 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander Adamson, of Ormondville, Hawke's Bay, Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Adamson | Frank Forrester | 8/1390a | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edith Mary Adamson, of Invercargill, and the late James A. Adamson. Native of Orepuki, Southland, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Adamson | Frank Vernon | 24/336 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the Rev. H. and M. Adamson, of The Manse, Port Chalmers, New Zealand. Law Student at Canterbury College. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Adamson | Leslie Ernest | 20071 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1921 | EntBn | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Hastings Cemetery, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | ||||
Adamson | Michael Ian | 6/2520 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 30/03/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and M. Burke Adamson, of Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Adamson | Walter Stanley | 42453 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adamson, of 262, Main Rd., North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Adamson | William Albert | 2/203 | Bombardier | Bdr | 04/09/1915 | NZFA | Died of disease | Mudros x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. S. Adamson, of 207, Spey St., Invercargill, New Zealand | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Adcock | Leonard David | 6/2 | Private | Pte | 26/07/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Adcock, of 11, Dundas St., Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Addis | Daniel Lambert | 16520 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Addis, of Taihape, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Addis | John Foxcroft | 54798 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Jessie Addis, of Ellerslie, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Addis | John Vere | 42732 | Private | Pte | 05/12/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Daniel and Mary Addis, of Taihape, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Addison | George | 8/2830 | Private | Pte | 24/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Alice Addison, of Roxby St., South Oamaru. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Addison | John Baxter | 62222 | Private | Pte | 20/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Jane Addison, of Big Omaha, North Auckland. Native of Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Addison | Lancelot Joseph | 6/1445a | Corporal | Cpl | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late William Grylls Addison and of Alice Addison, of 3, West Terrace, Cranbrook, Kent, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Adkin | Gilbert Denton | 44332 | Private | Pte | 10/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Annie Adkin, of Levin, Wellington, New Zealand; husband of Ivy C. A. Adkin, of Wellington | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Adolph | Victor Emiel | 13/225 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 31/03/1918 | ICC | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of W.G.E. and S.J. Adolph, of Kaipara Flats, North Auckland. Born at Waihou, Auckland | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Affleck | David | 19416 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Jessie Affleck, of Opunake, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Affleck | Henry Daniel Blane | 24527 | Private | Pte | 14/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie Affleck, of Glentunnel, Canterbury | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Agnew | Albert Herbert | 30153 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Albert P. and Charlotte Agnew, of Tologa Bay, New Zealand. | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.3 | |||
Agnew | Stewart | 80589 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Agnew, of Drumnacannon, Culnady, Upperlands, Co. Londonderry, Ireland. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Ah Keong | Andrew | 59180 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs T Bulled (friend), Meeanee (Napier)) | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Ahearn | William Edward | 23661 | Driver | Dvr | 22/01/1919 | NZE | Died of wounds | NZ x France | Son of William and Kate A'Hearn; husband of Mary A'Hearn, of 36, Myrtle St., Sydney, Australia. Born at Sydney, Australia. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Ahern | John Patrick | 9/785 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ahern, of Convent Rd., Otaki | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Ahern | Joseph | 23/1924 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs M Ahern (mother), Convent Road, Otaki) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Ahern | Leonard John | 25778 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Gerald and Jane Mary Ahern. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Ahern | Reginald James | 24/1884 | Private | Pte | 23/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Gerald and Jane Mary Ahern. | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Ahern | William | 24/2140 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/07/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of James Ahern, of Owaka, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Aherne | Timothy | 65092 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edmond and Mary Aherne, of Monavraher, Killeagh, Co. Cork, Ireland | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Ahier | William Roland | 10284 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of G. M. A. Ahier, of Jersey, Channel Islands. Born at Te Awamutu, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nieuwkerke Churchyard | |||
Aicken | William Michael | 72925 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/03/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of William and Jessie Aicken, of Aickens, Westland. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Aiken | Hugh Colin | 30154 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Christina Aiken, of 114, Glasgow St., Wanganui, New Zealand, and the late Arthur H. Aiken. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Aiken | John | 72391 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Thomas and Louisa Aiken, of Dunedin; husband of Elsie Fisher (formerly Aiken), of 39, Elizabeth St., Paddington, Sydney, Australia | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Aiken | Patrick | 73537 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of David and Mary Aiken, of Leeston, Canterbury | NZ - Canterbury Provincial Memorial | |||
Ainslie | William | 4/1323 | Sapper | Spr | 22/09/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | UK x France | (NOK - Mrs A Ainslie (mother), Black River, North-West Coast, Tasmania, Australia.) | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Airey | Frederick Arthur | 30102 | Lieutenant | Lt | 30/09/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Margaret Avon Airey and the late Walter Henry Airey, of "Ramsay," 24, Glen Rd., Stanley Bay, Devonport, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Aisher | Francis Joseph | 40098 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick and Rose Mary Aisher, of 60, Grey St. Palmerston North, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Aitchison | Francis William Douglas | 39510 | Private | Pte | 22/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Isabella Aitchison, of Methven, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Aitchison | George Ernest | 30749 | Private | Pte | 28/01/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. J. Aitchison, of 6, Brown St., Dunedin. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Aitchison | Robert | 22745 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aitchison, of Whanga Rd., Whangamomona, Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Aitchison | William Alexander | 69046 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. T. Aitchison, of North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Aitken | Andrew James | 35854 | Trooper | Tpr | 25/07/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | Son of William and Sarah Aitken. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Aitken | Arthur Heather | 34304 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Isaline Elsie Elizabeth Aitken, of "Kereone," Morrinsville, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Aitken | David Allan | 11186 | Private | Pte | 15/11/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Aitken, of 198A, Castle St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Aitken | Edward Bouchier | 24/670 | Sergeant | Sgt | 10/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James H. Rigg Aitken and Jessie Aitken | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Aitken | Gordon | 10/956 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Husband of Mabel J. Sygrove (formerly Aitken), of Miro Rd., Upper Hutt, Wellington. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Aitken | James Andrew | 9/416 | Driver | Dvr | 30/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Aitken, of Invercargill, New Zealand. Served with 1st New Zealand Contingent in the South African Campaign | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Aitken | James Horne | 6/4 | Private | Pte | 04/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. G. G. Aitken, of Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Aitken | John | 6/3979 | Private | Pte | 05/11/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Christina Aitken, of Govan, Scotland. | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Aitken | John | 10/1391a | WO2 | WO2 | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George K. and Julia Aitken, of The Manse, Featherston. Native of Queensland, Australia | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Aitken | John Alexander | 12133 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Aitken, of 294, Vogel St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | UK - Birmingham (Lodge Hill) Cemetery | |||
Aitken | Robert Francis | 14044 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Barbara Aitken, of Pleasant Point, Timaru, New Zealand | France - Martinsart British Cemetery | |||
Aitken | Robert Lyal | 8/2787 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Jane Aitken, of Vogel St., Dunedin; husband of Margaret M. A. Aitken, of 46, Douglas St., St. Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery | |||
Aitken | Stewart Alexander | 9/108 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 29/04/1918 | OMR | Killed in action | France | Son of James A. and Ellen S. Aitken, of Waikaka Valley, Southland, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Aitken | Thomas | 8/2831 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. W. Aitken, of Green St., North East Valley, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Aitken | Walter Peter | 42455 | Private | Pte | 14/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Isabella Aitken; husband of Gladys Aitken, of 22, Brighton St., Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Aitken | William Robert | 78839 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/06/1919 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of James and Jessie Aitken, of 16, Currie St., Port Chalmers, New Zealand. | UK - Glasgow Western Necropolis | |||
Aiton | Alexander | 70211 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Sarah Aiton, of Auckland, New Zealand | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Akast | George Herbert | 28846 | Private | Pte | 05/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Akast, of Tahere, Whangarei, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Akena | Rakapa | 16/598 | Private | Pte | 16/06/1918 | Pioneers | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Patio and Mere Akena, of Rangitukia, Tokomaru Bay, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Akersten | Herbert Sefton | 18741 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Catherine Akersten, of Nelson, New Zealand; husband of Mary A. Akersten, of 17, Grosvenor St., Grey Lynn, Auckland. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Alabaster | Edward Harold | 10/1392a | Private | Pte | 21/04/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Horace and Annie Alabaster, of New Zealand. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Albert | Windy | 19840 | Private | Pte | 29/05/1919 | Pioneers | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tautahanga Albert. Born at Wairoa. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Wairoa (Ruataniwha) Maori Cemetery | |||
Alberthsen | Bertram | 56704 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. Christian Alberthsen, of Tututawa, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Albertson | Charles | 8/3461 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Johan and Sophie Albertsen, of Ivargade 3, Marstal, Denmark | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Alborough | Darce Basil | 6/2050 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Henry and Sarah Jane Alborough, of Suburban North, Nelson | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Alding | John William | 56997 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Caroline Alding, of 29, Tennyson St., Dannevirke, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Aldred | Ernest | 28847 | Corporal | Cpl | 24/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Christina Aldred, of Dunedin; husband of Mrs. E. E. Aldred (now Hunt), of 46, Queen St., Onehunga, New Zealand. | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Aldred | John Reaves | 12/2929 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Reeves and Agnes Aldred, of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Aldridge | Ailbe | 10/2510 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Mary Aldridge, of 202, Southampton St., Hastings, New Zealand | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Aldridge | Anthony | 24/957 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of H. Aldridge, of 7, May St., Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Aldridge | Arthur George | 12/1875 | Lieutenant | Lt | 10/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Amelia Aldridge, of Arcadia Rd., Epsom, Auckland, and the late T. Aldridge; husband of Ada Vernon Aldridge, of 2, Bosworth Terrace, Wellington | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Aldridge | Francis Edward | 10/1393a | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Margaret Aldridge, of Awatoto, Napier, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Aldridge | Harry | 33670 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1919 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Michael and Agnes Aldridge, of Picton, Marlborough, Blenheim. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Aldridge | Robert Bertram | 12/2930 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edmund and Jessie Aldridge, of London, England. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Aldridge | Thomas Benjamin | 26/1561 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Aldridge, of Stratford, New Plymouth | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Aldridge | William | 24/1926 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/11/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Antony and Clara Aldridge. Born England | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Alexander | Cecil Walter | 9/473 | Trooper | Tpr | 17/10/1914 | OMR | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mrs. J. Alexander, of Dowling St., Dunedin. Born at Ophir. Put ashore from Main Body departure. Died of pneumonia Wellington Hospital. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Alexander | Charles | 10/2834 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Alexander, of 199, Onepu Rd., Lyall Bay, Wellington. Native of Pahiatua. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Alexander | Eric Douglas | 10/3824 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Hannah Alexander, of Tikorangi, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Alexander | Frederick James | 26/45 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs L Alexander (wife), Sutherland Road, Lyall Bay, Wellington) | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Alexander | Gavin Douglas | 4/513 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 15/09/1916 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - E B Alexander, Clovernook Rd, Mount Eden, Auckland) | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Alexander | George | 45338 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Alexander, of 5, Harbour Terrace, Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Alexander | George | 90732 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Hugh and Janet McCall Alexander (nee Hamilton), of Clevedon, Auckland; husband of Caroline Alexander, of Tennyson Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Alexander | George Albert | 31796 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Ann Alexander; husband of Mrs. Sadie Scott (formerly Alexander), of Newtown Park, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Alexander | George Francis | 62898 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel and Eliza Anne H. Alexander, of Nile St., Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Alexander | Gilbert Stirling | 16257 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Harriet Elizabeth Alexander, of 446, St. Asaph St., Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late Gilbert Alexander. Native of Timaru | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Alexander | James Henry | 29711 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 23/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Kathleen Alexander, of View Hill, Oxford, Canterbury, New Zealand. Born at North Canterbury | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Alexander | John | 6/1444 | Private | Pte | 23/01/1916 | CIR | Drowned | Egypt | Son of Hector and Sarah Alexander, of 57, Glasgow St., South Dunedin | Egypt - Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Alexander | John Stewart | 29713 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Marion Reid Alexander, of Scotland | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Alexander | Thomas Henry | 6/1231 | Sergeant | Sgt | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Henry and Annie Alexander, of 180, South East Belt, Ashburton, Christchurch. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Alexander | William Andrew | 10/205 | Private | Pte | 23/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of David and Martha Alexander, of West Gore, New Zealand. | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Alexander | William Moon | 8/2807 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles M. and F. E. Alexander, of Mangapiki, Te Awamutu, Waipa, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Algar | Herbert | 25/993 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. Algar, of Yaxley, Eye, Suffolk, England. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Waimate Cemetery | |||
Algie | Colvin Stewart | 12/294 | Captain | Capt | 21/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. A. V. E. Algie, of Te Aroha, Piako, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Algie | Robert | 10/4047 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - William Stewart Algie (father), Saunders Road, Alfredton) | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Alison | Charles Frederick | 23940 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Duncan Donald Tobias Alison and Emma Alison, of 46, King Edward Parade, Devonport, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Alker | Edward | 13/963a | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. J. W. Alker, of Beerescourt, Frankton | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allan | Andrew | 54109 | Private | Pte | 28/10/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Andrew and Jennet Allan, of Tapanui, Dunedin. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Allan | Andrew | 65648 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew Allan. Native of Pihama, New Zealand. | France - Beaumetz Cross Roads Cemetery, Beaumetz-Les-Cambrai | |||
Allan | Andrew | 24/1324 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Samuel and Mary Allan. Native of New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Allan | Arthur | 45644 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/12/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of the late Alec and Mary Ann Allan | France - Maubeuge (Sous-Le-Bois) Cemetery | |||
Allan | Bertram | 8/540 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Nephew of Mr. Robert Brown, of Union St., Milton, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Allan | Charles Thomas | 9/2357 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Smith Allan and Grace Margaret Allan, of 27, Russell St., Gisborne | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allan | Clark | 25/164 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Allan, of Wellington; husband of Amelia Allan, of Palmerston North, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allan | Eric Oliver | 8/1391a | Private | Pte | 13/07/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Janet Allan, of 49, Wilson St., Hawera, New Zealand. Native of Taieri, Otago | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley | |||
Allan | Henry Anthony | 18742 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. S. A. Lawson, of The Castle Gardens, Castlewellan, Co. Down, Ireland. | France - Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Allan | Jack Clive | 59838 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 03/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Robert and Martha Allan, of Christchurch; husband of J. C. Allan, of Ravenscourt Flats, 2, Eden Crescent, Auckland, New Zealand. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Allan | James | 2/1125 | Sergeant | Sgt | 02/05/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. H. G. Allan, of 1973, Crotona Avenue, Bronx, New York, U.S. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Allan | James Ernest Warnock | 6/2388a | Private | Pte | 23/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of E. L. and A. T. W. Allan, of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Allan | James Marshall | 4/672 | Sapper | Spr | 07/06/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Christina Agnes Allan, of 3, Warden St., Opoho, Dunedin. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Allan | John | 26/382 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan, of 237, Papanui Rd., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Allan | John | 6/1446 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Isabella Allan, of Doune Terrace, Kelty, Fife. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Allan | Make | 3/1379 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Togatau and Toi. Born at Niue, Auckland. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Allan | Robert Breachin | 29203 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Allan, of 237, Papanui Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allan | Robert Gentle | 10286 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Allan, of 28, Maclaggan St., Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allan | Robert George | 53299 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. R. Allan, of Cranston St, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Allan | Thomas Henry | 11188 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Allan, of Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allan | William | 38925 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Allan, of Dunphail, Morayshire, Scotland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allan | William | 69744 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/05/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Allan of Mill Rd., Ohaupo, Hamilton, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Allard | George Robert | 12893 | Gunner | Gnr | 12/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Ann Elizabeth Allard (nee Wyatt). Born in New Zealand | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Allardice | Henry Jocelyn | 30500 | Private | Pte | 03/06/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Agnes Allardice, of Dannevirke, Napier | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allaway | Albert Edward | 8/3462 | Private | Pte | 03/06/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. H. Allaway, of Seddon St., Raetihi, Waimarino, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Allcock | William | 12957 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | Germany x France | Son of Mrs. Agnes Allcock, of 14, Symonds St., Wanganui, East, New Zealand. | France - Lille Southern Cemetery | |||
Allday | William Edward | 23/1318 | John William Allday | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/01/1917 | NZRB | Died of injuries | UK | (AKA John William ALLDAY) Son of William Edward and Mary Allday; husband of Mrs. Allday, of 97, Lea Bridge Rd., Leyton, London, England. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | ||
Allen | Albert David | 25/928 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Allen, of 223, High St., Rangiora, North Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allen | Albert Edward | 43934 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary A. Allen, of 467, Gloucester St., Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late George Allen | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Allen | Alexander | 48144 | Chaplain | Cpln | 08/05/1918 | Chaplain | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Annie Allen; husband of Eva Allen, of Wai-iti Avenue Wai-iti Rd., Timaru, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.2 | |||
Allen | Arthur George | 15857 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/01/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Benjamin and Mary Persis Allen, of The Lees, Sidcup, Kent, England. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Allen | Charles Bramwell | 10200 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late John Allen, of Lancaster, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allen | Counell | 47047 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, of 216, Main South Rd., Ashburton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Allen | Edward John | 32494 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Maud Allen. Native of Hamilton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allen | Edward Leonard | 10/2056 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Fanny Ellen Allen, of Old Forge Yard, Broadwaters, Kidderminster, England, and the late George Frederick Allen | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allen | Frederick Arthur | 23774 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Frederick and Ada Mary Allen, of 31, Matai Rd., Hataitai, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allen | Frederick Arthur | 10/3805 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mr. A E. Blockley of "Abergeldie," Old Canterbury Rd., Summer Hill, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. | UK - Fort Pitt Military Cemetery | |||
Allen | Harold Gordon | 12/686 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 25/04/1915 | y | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Allen, of 10, Warrington Rd., Remuera Rd., Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Lucy Allen. Of Liverpool, England. Passed examination 1st Lt. before outbreak of war, and had been 2 years at R.M. College, Duntroon, New South Wales, Australia. | Turkey - Baby 700 Cemetery, ANZAC | ||
Allen | Henry Stafford | 33995 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Jane P. Allen, of Makirikiri, New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Allen | James Henry Leslie | 86640 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Dr. James H. L. Allen and Mrs. Hester R. B. Allen, of Taharua Station, Hawkes Bay. Born in Co. Cork, Ireland | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Allen | James Powter | 20943 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Yarnton Allen and Jane Allen, of 22, Flodden Rd., Camberwell, London, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allen | John | 8/898 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of William and Mary Allen. Born at Reefton, New Zealand | Egypt - Suez War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Allen | John Candlish | 24304 | Lieutenant | Lt | 19/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Shepherd Allen and Elizabeth Penelope Allen, of Woodhead Hall, Cheadle, Staffs. England. Held rank of Major in Auckland Motor Reserve. Born at Sunderland, England. | Belgium - Dozinghem Military Cemetery | |||
Allen | Lawrence | 4/1139a | Sapper | Spr | 09/05/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. M. Allen, of Grange Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Allen | Leonard | 27426 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Edward Allen, of Wairio, Invercargill | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Allen | Nicholas Herbert | 64412 | Corporal | Cpl | 29/02/1920 | NZTU | - | NZ | Son of Thomas and Maud Adeline Charlotte Allen (nee Leech). Born at Reefton, West Coast. | NZ - Hamilton West Public Cemetery | |||
Allen | Norman Thomas | 8/517 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen, of Invercargill, Southland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allen | Reginald Arthur | 6/3599 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of T. P. and M. J. Allen, of 102, Office Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allen | Reginald Harold | 6/941 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 02/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mrs. J. Allen. | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Allen | Richard Herbert | 55191 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Arthur Augustus and Adelaide Allen, of Circle, via Bronty, Tasmania, Australia.. Born at Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Allen | Ryves William | 31798 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mabella Allen, of 67, Niblett St., Wanganui. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Allen | Samuel | 6/3982 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Alexander Allen (brother), Killinchy, Canterbury) | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Allen | Stanley | 42007 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Rodda Allen and Mary Allen. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allen | William | 31453 | Private | Pte | 23/02/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Joseph Allen, of Begley, Canterbury. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Allender | Stanley | 13/2525 | Driver | Dvr | 19/07/1920 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John and Elizabeth Allender, of 25, Bay St., Petone. Born at Belfast, Canterbury. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Lower Hutt (Taita) Cemetery | |||
Allerby | John Albert William | 13718 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Sarah Ann Allerby | France - L'Homme Mort British Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein | |||
Allerby | Leslie Harold | 52920 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of George Henry and Maude Matilda Allerby, of Colyton, Feilding, New Zealand. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Allerby | Oscar Roy | 33997 | Private | Pte | 25/07/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allerby, of Colyton, Feilding, New Zealand | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Alley | David Clifford | 12/2932 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. C. Alley. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Alley | Eric Buckingham | 9/239 | Captain | Capt | 17/06/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick and Clara Alley, of 36, Russley Rd., Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. Wounded at Gallipolli and at Armentieres | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Alley | Francis Lignori | 10287 | Private | Pte | 02/02/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of John and Elizabeth Alley, of Salisbury Rd., Gisborne. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Alley | Frederick | 25/1196 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Alfred Alley (father), Hikutaia, Auckland) | Belgium - Aeroplane Cemetery | |||
Alley | Frederick William | 12/3221 | CQMS | CQMS | 02/09/1920 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Alley, of Farndon, Clive, Hawke's Bay. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Havelock North Cemetery | |||
Allfrey | George Alexander | 70923 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Allfrey, of Waimati, South Island, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Allgood | William | 10/2512 | Private | Pte | 25/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Allgood, of High St., Barton, Cambs., England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Allingham | Allan | 25425 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A Allingham, of Plaistow, London, England | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Allington | George Ernest | 8/2402 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 14/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Phoebe Allington, of Ouse St., Oamaru. Native of Pukeuri. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Allington | Samuel | 6/2052 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Charles and Hannah Allington, of 4, Leinster Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Allington | William George | 10288 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Nellie Allington, of Richardson Rd., Mount Albert. Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allison | Cecil Howarth Malbon | 11/489 | Lieutenant | Lt | 09/12/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of the late Frank Malbon Allison and Margaret Allison, of Manaia, New Zealand. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Allison | Eric Charles | 27431 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of H. and W. Allison, of 73, Mary St., Invercargill | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allison | Herbert James | 25426 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 03/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie Allison, of Paori, Wanganui, New Zealand. | Belgium - New Irish Farm Cemetery | |||
Allison | John | 27425 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Isabella Allison, of "Clover Lea," Drummond, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Allison | Robert James | 67932 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Moses Allison, of Ranfurly; husband of Mary Sharkey (formerly Allison), of Kyeburn, Dunedin | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Allison | William | 9/1256 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of John Allison, of Balclutha, Otago, and the late Isabella Allison. Native of Puerua, Otago | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Allwill | John Roderick | 49683 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J Allwill (father), Cambridge) | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Allwood | John | 6/2916 | Private | Pte | 20/06/1919 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Louisa Allwood (nee Hockings), of 5, Kermode St., Ashburton, and the late Frank Allwood. Born at Greytown, Wairarapa. Served on Western Front. | NZ - Ashburton Cemetery | |||
Almond | John Robert | 13/2290 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | Germany x France | Brother of Mr. W. H. Almond, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Lille Southern Cemetery | |||
Almond | William | 13719 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/01/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Jane Almond, of 19, Lauderdale St., Preston, England, and the late Thomas Almond | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Alotau | - | 16/1030 | Private | Pte | 21/01/1920 | 3rd Maoris | Died after discharge from wounds etc | Niue Island | (NOK - Son of Gataulu and husband of Folole Alofi, Niue Island) | Niue Island | |||
Alquist | Charles Alexander | 22915 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alex and Alice Alquist. | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Alsop | William Henry | 46255 | Private | Pte | 22/07/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William W. and Mary A. Alsop, of Liverpool, England | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Ambridge | Charles Thomas | 26/706 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/12/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Charles Henry and Margaret Ambridge, of 174 Harris St., Kaiti, Gisborne. | UK - Oxford (Botley) Cemetery | |||
Ambrose | Albert Thomas | 47384 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Ambrose, of 138, Owen St., Wellington | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Ambrose | Charles William | 26/1562 | Private | Pte | 25/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. C. A. Ambrose, of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Ambrose | James Osborn | 3/3425 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John Wilkinson Ambrose and Jemima Ann Ambrose, of 60, Sandringham Rd., West Hartlepool, England. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Ambrose | Kenneth Duncan | 23/1302 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 15/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of John Andrew and Barbara Ambrose, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Ambury | Raymond John | 63991 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Emily Ambury, of Cheltenham, England; husband of Mildred Sarah Ambury, of Gill St., New Plymouth, New Zealand. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Ames | Albert Edward | 11592 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - George Tobey (friend), 20 Hewitts Road, Merivale, Christchurch) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Amey | Daniel Francis | 31571 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Native of Jersey, Channel Islands. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Amner | Robert | 28411 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Hannah Street Amner. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Amos | Cecil Arthur | 38254 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Henry and Eleanor Rose Amos, of 25, Halifax St., Nelson, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Amos | David | 53112 | Private | Pte | 13/01/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Jane Amos, of Invercargill, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Amos | Edmond | 15460 | Private | Pte | 06/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs E Amos (mother), 85 Montreal St, Sydenham, Christchurch) | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Amos | Philip | 9/1522 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 07/05/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Amos, of Hamilton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Amos | Thomas Alfred | 17604 | Gunner | Gnr | 18/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Annie Amos, of Greytown, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Englebelmer Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Amos | William Henry James | 10/398 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. H. Amos, of Opotiki, Bay of Plenty | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Amundsen | Ralph | 10/878 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of A. B. and Annie Mabel Amundsen, of Waharoa, Hamilton. Born at Woodville | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery | |||
Amyes | Alfred Cuthbert | 27191 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Elizabeth Anne Amyes, of Motukaika Cave, South Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anaru | Albert Paul | 16/1392 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of Te Wika Anaru, of Rotorua, Hamilton. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Ancell | Eric Guest | 14349 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 19/10/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Constance Ancell, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Ander | Edward Frederick | 23/1319 | Rifleman | Rfm | 22/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick and Eliza Ander, of 6, Eastown Rd., Wanganui East | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Andersen | Gregers | 8/4078 | Private | Pte | 02/07/1916 | y | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Carl Soiensen (sic) (friend), Smart Road, New Plymouth) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | ||
Andersen | Neils | 22914 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Jens and Amalie Andersen of Norsewood, Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Andersen | Ole | 54316 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Knud Andersen, of South Notsewood, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Andersen | Robert | 10/2840 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Knud Andersen, of Norsewood, Hawke's Bay, and the late Rangdi Andersen | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Albert Edward | 58657 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Anderson, of 740, North Rd., Belfast, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Albert Percy | 63707 | Private | Pte | 21/04/1918 | EntBn | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. P. Anderson, of Clive, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Albert Robert John | 11/1629 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Georgina Anderson, of 155, Owen St., Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anderson | Alexander | 11190 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Margaret Anderson, of Tuapeka Mouth, Otago. | Belgium - Sanctuary Wood Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Alexis Harry Victor | 62900 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1918 | EntBn | Died of disease | Germany x France | Son of Robert and L. S. Anderson, of Greenstreet, Ashburton, New Zealand; husband of Helen Anderson, of 37, Rata Rd., Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Liege (Robermont) Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Alfred | 8/4079 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson, of Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Alfred | 26/432 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Margaret Anderson, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Anderson | Allan Bertram | 2/519a | Saddler | Sdlr | 26/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Donald McIntyre Anderson and Fanny Nesbit Anderson, of Marangai. Born at Okaihau. Served at Gallipoli and in France | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Andrew | 25/578 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Anderson, of Fairfield, Green Island, Otago, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Anderson | Arthur | 12569 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/11/1917 | MGS | Killed in action | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs A Anderson (mother), 7 Argyle St, Wellington) | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Arthur Phillips | 8/1392a | Private | Pte | 25/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Ann Elizabeth Anderson, of Matama, New Zealand | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Bertie Thomas | 33501 | Private | Pte | 24/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Sarah Stephen, of Staveley, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Bertram Henry | 8/4 | Private | Pte | 03/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Anderson, of Clive, Hawke's Bay | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Anderson | Charles | 23/989 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Ada Anderson of Hokonui, Southland. Also served in Mesopotamia | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Clifford Roy | 43935 | Private | Pte | 14/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Louisa Anderson, of Ashburton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Anderson | David | 28574 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late David and Mary Anderson, of Franklin, Waikato, New Zealand; husband of Eva Clarice Anderson, of "Crosslea," Symonds St., Onehunga, Auckland. Native of Fife, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anderson | David | 63272 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of David and Sarah Maud Anderson, of Pembroke, Lake Wanaka | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | David | 7/299 | Trooper | Tpr | 25/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Peter Anderson, of 206, Antigua St., Christchurch | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | David Watson | 27192 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Jessie Anderson, of Alford Forest Rd., Methven, Canterbury, New Zealand | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Donald Arthur | 6/3237 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Donald McIntyre Anderson and Fanny Nesbit Anderson, of Marangai, Bay of Islands. Native of Okaihau | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Ernest | 71546 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. J. Alderton, of 2, Spencer Rd., Napier, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Frederick | 8/3464 | Private | Pte | 14/05/1921 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Cardiff, Taranaki. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Frederick Andrew | 15445 | Lieutenant | Lt | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Laura Frances Evelyn Anderson, of St. Martin's, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Frederick Turnbull | 12693 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Joseph and Janet Anderson, of 666, George St., Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | George | 6/3601 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Sarah Anderson, of Alnwick, Northumberland, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Gordon David | 10/2514 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson, of Mohaka, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Anderson | Harold Richard | 12/673 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, of 86, Creswick St., Footscray, Victoria, Australia | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Harry | 50974 | Private | Pte | 28/07/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Mrs. Mary Ann Anderson, of Gosford, New South Wales, Australia, and the late Neil Anderson | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Anderson | Henry Kemp | 12/297 | Private | Pte | 21/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Elizabeth Anderson, of 34, Balmoral Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Anderson | Henry Robert Richard | 11378 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Catherine Anderson, of Kennedy's Bay, Coromandel, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Herbert John Lancelot | 30335 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and the late Charlotte Mary Anderson. Native of Taranaki. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anderson | Hubert Calder | 3/2609 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Alice Anderson, of Invercargill, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Hugh | 6/2034 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Helen Anderson, of Riverside, Ashburton, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | James | 13857 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson, of Pembroke, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Anderson | James | 39435 | Private | Pte | 21/07/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Anderson (father), Chesterfield, Greymouth) | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Anderson | James | 63805 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Margaret Anderson, of Gracroft St., Waitara, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | James | 12/3238 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. P. B. Anderson, of Sall, Hammell, Denmark. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Anderson | James | 6/3983 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1917 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Youngest son of Thomas and Henrietta Anderson, of North St., Timaru, New Zealand. Wounded in July, 1916, at Armentieres. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | James | 6/580 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Anderson, of Orawaite Rd., Westport. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | James Byron | 24/2503 | James Brian Anderson | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (AKA James Brian ANDERSON) Son of Allan and Mary Anderson, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | ||
Anderson | James George | 8/641 | Private | Pte | 28/04/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert Henry and Mary Anderson, of 468, Leith St., Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Anderson | John | 14547 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. M. E. Millen (formerly Anderson), of Melbourne, Australia | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | John | 43936 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Catherine Anderson, of Lyalldale, St. Andrew's. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anderson | John | 24/1584 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - A Anderson (brother), Carnbo, Kinross, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | John Fraser | 10/665 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of William and Christina Fraser Anderson, of Dunallan, Keith, Scotland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | John George | 8/3159 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Malieen Elizabeth Barber (formerly Anderson), of Awakeri, Whakatane, Thames | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | John Robert | 15302 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/11/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Alice Mary Anderson, of Stratford, New Zealand | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Anderson | John Stewart | 61174 | Private | Pte | 09/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of John Stewart Anderson and Susan Anderson, of Dunedin. Born at Whare Flat | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Lars Stanley | 59090 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Eliza Anderson, of Summer St., Onehunga, Auckland. Born in New Zealand | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Leslie Harold | 25/709 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/12/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of James P. and Sarah Anderson, of Thames New Zealand | France - Maubeuge (Sous-Le-Bois) Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Louis Alexander | 64414 | Private | Pte | 10/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of William J. and Mary Anderson, of Pukekawa, Auckland | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Martin | 14548 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. John Anderson, of Mauriceville West, Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anderson | Ngaire Milson Hamilton | 6/2057 | Private | Pte | 18/08/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Anderson, of Stirling, Otago | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Nils | 75757 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Nils and Anne Anderson, of Fitzherbert, Palmerston North | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Anderson | Oscar Frederick | 11/4 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. H. Segren, (formerly Anderson), of North Rd., Palmerston North | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Percy Laird | 38105 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Anderson, of Brunswick, Wanganui, and the late Agnes Anderson | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Ralph | 5/282 | Private | Pte | 06/07/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Joseph and Mary Anderson, of Beamish, Co. Durham, England. Also served in Egypt. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Anderson | Richard William | 12/298 | Private | Pte | 14/01/1923 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waihi Cemetery, Waihi, Bay of Plenty | ||||
Anderson | Robert | 11192 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Jane H. Anderson, of Waipango, Invercargill | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | Robert Walter | 54317 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of W. J. Anderson, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Anderson | Roland Cyril | 65524 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James Robson Anderson and Margaret Anderson | France - Favreuil British Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Thomas | 22912 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Anderson, of 15, Bell St., Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Born in Scotland. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Thomas | 58720 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Anderson, of Poolburn, Otago Central, New Zealand | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Anderson | Thomas Ramsey | 35153 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Anderson, of 203, Charles St., Hastings, Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Anderson | William | 31202 | Private | Pte | 16/07/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Sarah Semple Anderson, of Gillhall, Danel, Ayrshire. Native of Hamilton, Scotland | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Anderson | William | 32931 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mrs. J. Gibbons, of Preston Rd., Greymouth, New Zealand. | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.4 | |||
Anderson | William | 52552 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of Robert and Barbara Anderson, of Staveley, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Courcelles-Au-Bois Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Anderson | William | 57292 | Private | Pte | 08/07/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Margaret Anderson, of Ashley Downs, Clinton, South Otago. | NZ - Clinton Cemetery, Clutha | |||
Anderson | William | 80719 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson, of 2, Yale Rd., Wellington, New Zealand. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Anderson | William Alexander | 10135 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Maria Louisa Anderson, of 13, Rose St., Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late William Anderson | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Anderson | William Alexander | 8/317 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander Anderson, of 41, Wyndham Rd., Matana | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Anderson | William Dickson | 9/1 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/04/1916 | OMR | Accident | NZ | Son of Thomas and Margaret Darling Anderson. Born at Otepopo Served at Gallipoli | NZ - Oamaru Cemetery | |||
Anderson | William Donald | 45056 | Private | Pte | 16/01/1921 | 24th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. S. Anderson, of Lovell's Flat, South Otago | NZ - Milton (Fairfax) Cemetery | |||
Anderson | William Eric | 12/1542b | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William David and Lavinia Martha Anderson, of Aria, Te Kuiti, Hamilton. Native of York, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Anderson | William John | 8/1035 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Janet McEwan (formerly Anderson), of 8, County Rd., Kaikorai, Dunedin, and the late David Anderson. Native of Roxburgh, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Andresen | Charles Louis Richard | 10/2060 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Henry Andresen; of Burn St., Nolantown, Hawera. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Andrew | Charles | 52057 | Private | Pte | 26/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Bale Andrew and Mary Ann Andrew, of Greenpark, Canterbury; husband of Alice Campbell Andrew, of 49, Tankerville St., Spreydon, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Andrew | Clifford Frederick Ballard | 31573 | Private | Pte | 27/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Andrew. | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Andrew | Frederick Percival | 55892 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Frederick and Florence Andrew, of Marine Parade, Rona Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. Late of London | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Andrew | James | 7/1939 | Gunner | Gnr | 14/05/1920 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of A. E. Andrew, of 167, Manukau Rd., Parnell, Auckland. Born at Caversham, Dunedin. Served in Egypt and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Rotorua Public Cemetery | |||
Andrew | John | 10/1397a | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Charlotte Anne Andrew, of 5, Chaytor St., Palmerston North | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Andrew | John Robert | 25/1155 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/07/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Isabella Fotheringham (formerly Andrew), of Te Kopuru, North Wairoa, New Zealand, and the late John Andrew | France - Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension | |||
Andrew | Keith James | 72443 | Gunner | Gnr | 09/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of W. T. and Ida Andrew, of 17, Seymour St., Ellerslie, Auckland. Born at Takaka | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Andrew | Percy Roy | 25781 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert Charles and Mary Elizabeth Andrew, of Blenheim, New Zealand | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Andrew | Wilfred James | 6/3604 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Row Andrew and Isabella Andrew, of 100, High St., Shirley, Southampton, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Andrewes | Leonard Charles | 10/2842 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Lancelot Frederick and Jessie Mary Andrewes, of 91, Wills St., Ashburton, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Andrews | Albert Harold | 11594 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. E. Andrews, of Brightwater, Nelson, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Andrews | Alfred Nind | 2/1751 | Corporal | Cpl | 17/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Elizabeth Andrews, of 32, Allandale Rd., St. Clair, Dunedin, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Andrews | Edward Clement | 12/1878 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Caroline Andrews, of Hunstanton, Norfolk, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Andrews | Ernest John Howard | 13/2156 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crofts N. Andrews, of Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Andrews | Francis John | 21952 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Emily Andrews, of New Zealand. | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Andrews | Harold Leslie | 27819 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 15/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Letitia Andrews, of 26, Rodrigu Rd., Kilbirnie, Wellington, and the late Edgar James Andrews. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Andrews | Henry Francis | 6/3602 | Private | Pte | 30/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Emma Sophia Andrews, of William Street, Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand. Native of River Terrace, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Andrews | Henry Gauntlett | 32929 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 30/09/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Florence Gauntlett Andrews, of Hall St., Hokitika, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Andrews | Hugh Despard | 10/477 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James D. and Charlotte H. Andrews, of Winchester St., Levin, Wellington. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Andrews | James | 24/2513 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 11/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Florence Andrews, of Hall St., Hokitika, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Andrews | James Raitt Dickson | 24/31 | Private | Pte | 27/10/1916 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of H. T. Andrews, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Andrews | Sidney James | 22222 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emily Hanley (formerly Andrews), of S, Phillips St., Kensington, South Dunedin | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Andrews | Thomas | 33500 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Marian Andrews, of Fingal, Tasmania, Australia.. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Andrews | William | 11/2021 | Gunner | Gnr | 31/08/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Mary Andrews, of Seddon St., Highfield, Timaru, New Zealand. Born at Waimate, New Zealand. Served in the South African Campaign. | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Andrews | William | 12/3540 | Private | Pte | 23/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrews, of 156, Napier St., Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Andrews | William Henry | 8/3467 | Henry Annals | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Henry ANNALS) Son of James and Sarah Jane Annals, of Pleasant Valley, Geraldine, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | ||
Andrews | William Wilson | 19460 | Private | Pte | 20/01/1918 | Pioneers | Accident | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lot Andrews, of Kasavu Lovonisikeci, Fiji Islands | France - Mazargues War Cemetery, Marseilles | |||
Andrus | Henry | 3/163a | Corporal | Cpl | 10/09/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Andrus, of Gravesend, Kent, England; husband of Marion F. Andrus, of Beauley, Masterton, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Angel | Edward | 16/583 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 29/12/1917 | Pioneers | Died of wounds | France | Son of W. H. and Mary Angel, of Matakohe, Kaipara, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Ramparts Cemetery, Lille Gate | |||
Angell | Henry Wilfred | 25/155 | WO2 | WO2 | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Mary Ann Angell, of Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Angove | Edward | 12/1002 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Margaret Angove, of 36, Haslett St., Auckland. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery | |||
Angus | Harry | 77104 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Angus, of Dunedin, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Angus | Henry Leake | 8/2834 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Margaret Angus, of St. Alban'S, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Angus | James | 9/1643 | Trooper | Tpr | 18/11/1920 | OMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Annie Maud Angus, of Reidston, North Otago. Born at Oamaru. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front. | NZ - Maheno Cemetery | |||
Angus | Mundell | 11/168 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/04/1915 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of James and Isabella Angus, of New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Anker | Albert | 12/14 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Richard and Eva Anker, of 310, High St., Poplar, London, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Annabell | Frederick Felix | 10/1175 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph Robert and Theresa Annabell, of Ngamatapouri, Patea, Wellington. Native of Wanganui | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Annals | Frederick James | 25/481 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Annals, of Waiapi, Temuka, Timaru | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Annand | Archibald Lamont | 23/53 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Marjory Annand, of 17, Reeves Rd., Opawa, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born Timaru. | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Annand | David Burnett | 28313 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Annand (father), Brunswick Road, Hastings. Born in Australia) | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Annand | Frank | 11595 | Private | Pte | 22/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Christian Castle Annand, Hatton of Cruden, Aberdeenshire. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Annand | John Douglas | 6/4585 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1920 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Annand, of 108, Kilmore St., Christchurch; husband of the late Mrs. Annand, of Wanganui. Born at Akaroa. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - WaipUKurau Cemetery | |||
Annand | Stanley George Watson | 7/2226 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. John Annand, of 83, High St., Timaru. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Annandale | Charles James | 2/655 | Bombardier | Bdr | 16/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Martha Annandale, of Forest Hill, Stonehaven, Kincardineshire, Scotland, and the late Arthur Burnett Annandale | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Annett | John | 19224 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Mary Annett, of Brockney, Ballymartin, Co. Down, Ireland. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Anniss | Edward | 23/991 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/11/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of John and Margaret Anniss, of School Rd., Fairlie, South Canterbury, New Zealand | UK - Pidley (All Saints) Churchyard | |||
Ansell | William Henry | 18254 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Alberta Amelia Horner (formerly Ansell), of 13, Lawrence St., Dominion Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Frederic James Ansell. Born at Napier, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Ansenne | Harold Montrose | 38643 | Montie | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joe and Alice Ansenne, of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | ||
Anson | Ralph Whakatane | 72052 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Hamilton Anson and Henrietta Anson, of New Zealand | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Anstey | Charles Lloyd | 10754 | Private | Pte | 12/06/1917 | Cyclists | Died of wounds | France | Son of C. L. and K. Anstey, of Wapley, Glos., England. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Anstis | Norman Elmo | 10/3469 | Private | Pte | 05/08/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Youngest son of William John and Lydia Charlotte Anstis, of Westown, New Plymouth, New Zealand | UK - Netley Military Cemetery | |||
Anstis | Percy | 26/331 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Anstis, of Waipawa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Native of Woodville. New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Anstiss | Walter Townsend | 33671 | Private | Pte | 29/07/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Owen Anstiss and Susan Townsend Anstiss, of Springston, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Anthony | Manuel | 16/1182 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/05/1917 | Pioneers | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of Luke Manuel, of Marairenga, Manuera, Rarotonga | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Apatari | Manu | 16/1365 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1916 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of Mani Apatari, of Muriwai, Gisborne, New Zealand. | France - Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Appelbe | Albert | 35233 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles G. Appelbe, of Marton, Wellington. Native of Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Appleton | Charlie | 12/300 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. J. L. Appleton, of Ford St., Opotiki, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery | |||
Appleton | Leonard | 6/2527 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Appleton, of Gibson Quay, Hokitika, Greymouth | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Appleyard | David | 25782 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/07/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Martha Appleyard. Native of New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Appleyard | John | 48889 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Winifred Appleyard (sister), 146 Cranford St, St Albans, Christchurch) | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Appleyard | William Joseph | 12/3240 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Eleanor J. Appleyard, of Long Drive, St. Helier's Bay, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Apps | Albert George Thomas | 43324 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/10/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of William and Annie Apps. Born at Palmerston South. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Apted | Albert | 10/3828 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Emma Apted, of Neerim, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Aramakutu | Herewini | 16/87 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1915 | Maoris | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Hamiora Aramakutu and Kakahuwai Aramakutu, of Te Araroa, East Coast, Gisborne | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arbuckle | Matthew Milson | 45055 | Private | Pte | 25/01/1918 | OIR | Died of injuries | France | Son of William and Sarah Grace Arbuckle, of Lawrence, Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Belgian Battery Corner Cemetery | |||
Archer | Charles Roy | 61485 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louisa Ellen Archer, of Carterton, New Zealand, and the late John Archer | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Archer | Edward | 15858 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Miss A Faide (friend), Royal Hotel, Temuka) | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Archer | Francis James | 6/2389a | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Doris Archer, of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Archer | Frank | 56127 | Private | Pte | 13/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Ann Archer. | Belgium - Ypres Reservoir Cemetery | |||
Archer | Stephen Radcliffe | 7/509 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 22/06/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Fulbert Astley Archer and Amy Charlotte Archer, of Christchurch | Turkey - Canterbury Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Archer | Thomas Foster | 26498 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 17/11/1920 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Archer, of Capleston, Cronadun. Born at Inangahua Landing, Buller. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Cronadun (Boatman's) Cemetery | |||
Archibald | David | 25/574 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/05/1916 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Elizabeth Archibald, of 66, Macandrew Road, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late William Archibald | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Archibald | James | 25/302 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Ethel Archibald, of Timaru, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Archibald | James Francis | 21683 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Robert Archibald, of 1371, Dumbarton Rd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, Scotland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Archibald | John | 11/853 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Archibald and Sarah Jane Moffatt | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arcus | William Morton | 4/520 | Lieutenant | Lt | 11/10/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Eliza Arcus, of Liverpool, England. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Arden | Neville Henry | 23/1288 | Captain | Capt | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs F E Arden (mother), Frankley Road, New Plymouth) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ardern | Frederick Roy | 12/299 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Albert Lewis Ardern, of Corner of Tauranga Rd., and Union St., Waihi, Thames. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery | |||
Ardley | Cecil Leonard | 11597 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Annie Elizabeth Ardley, of 602, Hereford St., Linwood, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Argo | George | 61981 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late James and Elizabeth S. Argo, of Denend, Udny, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Argrave | George | 10/959a | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alice Maud Argrave, of 36, Sturry Rd., Canterbury, Kent, England, and the late G. H. Argrave. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arguile | Clarence | 10/1398a | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph and Alice Arguile, of 14 Albion St., Anstey, Leicester, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Argyle | Leonard Charles | 10/1399a | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Alice Argyle, of Bunnythorpe, Manawatu. Native of Carterton, Wairarapa | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Argyle | Percival | 10/1400a | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Alice Argyle, of Bunnythorpe, Manawatu. Native of Carterton, Wairarapa | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arii | Ara | 16/1139 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1916 | Pioneers | Died of disease | France | Son of the late Taiki and Kainga Arii, of Rarotonga, Cook Islands, New Zealand | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Arlow | Albert Joseph | 84236 | Corporal | Cpl | 22/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. A. W. Arlow, of Thorndon, Wellington. Born at Christchurch | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Armer | Keith | 40275 | Private | Pte | 27/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Alice Armer, of Leamington, Cambridge, Waikato. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Armiger | Robert Henry Whitnall | 35538 | Corporal | Cpl | 20/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Emma Armiger, of 20, Ardmore Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland; husband of L. T. K. Armiger, of Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Armit | Roland Llewellyn | 26/49 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph Birnie Armit and Elizabeth Armit, of 27, Waikato St., Island Bay, Wellington. Native of Te Aroha, Thames | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armitage | Henry | 25/577 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Mary Armitage, of 22, Beta St., Roslyn, New Zealalld. Native of Blackstone Hid, Otago. | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Armitage | Henry Robert | 70627 | Private | Pte | 24/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and the late M. L. Armitage; husband of the late Janie Armitage. Native of Auckland, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Armitage | John Harcourt | 12/3541 | Corporal | Cpl | 17/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Armitage, of Mount Albert, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armitage | Travis William | 26/381 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Charlesworth Armitage and Elizabeth Ann Armitage, of 66, Derby St., St. Albans, Christchurch; husband of Ninna Armitage, of New Brighton, Christchurch. Native of Ashley Bank, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armitage | Whitfield | 12/3906 | Private | Pte | 30/06/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - G L Armitage (brother), Te Angi, Waitomo Caves) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Armstrong | Alexander | 12958 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Andrew Armstrong (brother), Fairview, Broughshire, County Antrim, Ireland) | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Armstrong | Benjamin | 27156 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Sarah Armstrong, of 21A, Campbell St., Palmerston North. Native of Otaki. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Armstrong | Clarence Percy | 60046 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. G. M. P. Armstrong, of Papakura, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Armstrong | Edward Rippon | 11/1 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of J. E. and M. M. Armstrong, of Willis St., Sedgebrook, Wanganui | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armstrong | Geoffrey Clifford Wilson | 12/3216 | Captain | Capt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Angela L. Armstrong; husband of Dorothy Armstrong, of 14, Albert Rd., Devonport, New Zealand | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Armstrong | George William | 9/2 | Private | Pte | 01/08/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Alice Armstrong, of Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Armstrong | Henry Alfred | 64417 | Gunner | Gnr | 21/10/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Nathaniel and Amanda Armstrong; husband of Grace E. Armstrong, of Takapau, New Zealand. | France - St. Aubert British Cemetery | |||
Armstrong | Ivan Theodore | 12/1829 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Henry James and Maria Armstrong, of Arncliffe, New South Wales, Australia | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Armstrong | James Andrew | 8/3864 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. E. Armstrong, of Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Armstrong | Joseph Edward | 39628 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine Armstrong, of 225, The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand, and the late Edwin Patrick Armstrong. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Armstrong | Leonard Cave | 10/478 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of J. E. and M. M. Armstrong, of Willis St., Sedgebrook, Wanganui | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Armstrong | Lincoln Frederick | 7/1184 | Private | Pte | 03/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Mary Jane Armstrong, of Akaroa, Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served in Gallipoli | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Armstrong | Martin | 10/1727 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Armstrong, of Aramoho, Wanganui | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armstrong | Mostyn Joseph | 44570 | Private | Pte | 05/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Caroline Armstrong. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Armstrong | Percy Thomas | 56213 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Leonard John and Eliza Jane Armstrong, of 36, Argyle St., Morningside, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Mount Albert, Auckland. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Armstrong | Purvis Ford | 18581 | Lieutenant | Lt | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Ruth Armstrong, of Greytown, Wellington | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armstrong | Robert Vernon | 7/1328 | Trooper | Tpr | 12/12/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of George and Mary Jane Armstrong, of Balguerie St., Akaroa, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Armstrong | Thomas | 25/932 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Minnie Armstrong, of Wakanui Rd., Ashburton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Memorial | |||
Armstrong | Thomas Charles | 12/1543a | Private | Pte | 07/06/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Armstrong, of 99, Waipapa Rd., Hataitai, New Zealand, and the late Alex. Armstrong | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Armstrong | Walter Patrick | 13/965a | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. Easton Esdale Armstrong, of Mitcham Tanko Avenue, Bronte, Tasmania, Australia. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armstrong | William | 24/1583 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong, of Matakohe, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Armstrong | William John | 80033 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of William Neil Armstrong and Elizabeth Ann Armstrong; husband of Elizabeth Alice Armstrong | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Arnaboldi | Philip George | 52358 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Joseph and Rebecca Anne Arnaboldi, of Panmure, Auckland. Native of Glen Murray, Waikato, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Arneil | William | 68319 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1919 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of William and Mary Arneil, of Wellington, New Zealand; husband of Eva Arneil, of Queen St., Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Born in New South Wales, Australia. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Arnold | Arthur James | 40744 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 27/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Richard W. and Euphemia P. Arnold, of 489, Manchester St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Arnold | Claude James | 28951 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 21/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Fred and Drucilla Arnold; husband of Annie Arnold, of 24, Leydon St., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Lyttelton. | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.1 | |||
Arnold | Frederick Samuel | 25430 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Arnold, of 36, Beech Rd., Millbrook, Southampton, England, and the late Walter Arnold. Emigrated to New South Wales, Australia and afterwards to New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Arnold | Harry | 10/1069 | Corporal | Cpl | 27/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and C. Philadelphia Arnold, of 326, Hastings St., Napier, Hawke's Bay. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Arnold | Leslie George | 6/1233 | Private | Pte | 10/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Emma Arnold, of Nelson, New Zealand. | Belgium - Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery | |||
Arnold | Ronald | 6/883 | Private | Pte | 18/09/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Malta x Gallipoli | Husband of Florence Emily Arnold, of 18, Beaconsfield St., Bedford, England | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Arnold | Rory | 7/157 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 17/07/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | (NOK - Richard Arnold (father), Korere, Nelson) | Turkey - Canterbury Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Arnott | Robert | 11193 | CQMS | CQMS | 12/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Arnott (father), 788 New City Road, Glasgow, Scotland) | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Arnott | Robert Henry | 53995 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Marion Arnott, of 45, Francis Avenue, St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Fernside, North Canterbury | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Arnott | William Pennel | 13/2410 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Margaret Moncur Arnott, of Tangoio, Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Arnst | John | 51967 | Jack | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of C. Arnst, of Tai Tapu, Canterbury, New Zealand, and the late H. Arnst; husband of Agnes Arnst, of 81, Hackthome Rd., Cashmere Hills, Christchurch, New Zealand. Ex-Champion Road Cyclist of New Zealand and Australia. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | ||
Arrol | John | 25/930 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of James Arrol, of 38, Ward St., Addington, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arrow | Allan Gerald | 42913 | Gunner | Gnr | 23/12/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Hancock Arrow and May Elizabeth Arrow, of Pahiatua, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Arrowsmith | Anthony | 6/3609 | Private | Pte | 21/10/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Husband of Emily Arrowsmith, of Waimata, Taihape, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Arrowsmith | Arthur | 2/1385 | Gunner | Gnr | 28/07/1915 | NZFA | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Jane Arrowsmith, of 458, Anglesey Rd., Burton-on-Trent, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Arthur | Andrew Duncan | 45970 | Private | Pte | 08/01/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, of Shetland Isles. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Arthur | Charles William | 8/2836 | Private | Pte | 15/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Shivas Arthur and Christina Arthur, of Gore, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Arthur | David | 73323 | Driver | Dvr | 21/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Brown (formerly Arthur), of Drummond, Southland | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Arthur | Edward George | 8/2527 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen Arthur, of 12, Carlyle St., North East Valley, Dunedin, and the late Edward Arthur. Native of Cromwell, Dunedin. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arthur | Ernest William | 31455 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas M. Arthur, of Kimberley, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Arthur | George | 13411 | Private | Pte | 06/02/1918 | OIR (NZAEC?) | Died of disease | France | Brother of Mr. A. Arthur, of Hyde, Central Otago, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Arthur | Hedley Charlie | 10/792 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Gibraltar x Gallipoli | (NOK - C J Arthur, Gonville, Wanganui) | Gibraltar - Gibraltar (North Front) Cemetery | |||
Arthur | James | 6/3610 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Arthur, of Kirk Wynd, Abernethy, Perthshire, Scotland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Arthur | Leslie George | 70080 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Leslie Irvine Arthur and Mary Ann Arthur, of Shetland. | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Arthur-Worsop | Archibald Kerr | 3/169A | Private | Pte | 21/07/1921 | NZMC | - | NZ | Son of William Hurnall and Jane Kerr Arthur-Worsop (nee McGaw), of 36, Camberwell Rd., Hawera; husband of Margaret Honor Leigh-Lye (formerly Arthur-Worsop), of 32, Muswell Hill, London, England. Born at Naseby, Central Otago. Served at Gallipoli. | NZ - Waitara Cemetery | |||
Arthur-Worsop | Francis Henry | 3/154 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1918 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of William H. and Jane Kerr Arthur-Worsop, of 36, Cumberwell Rd., Hawera, New Zealand. Native of Wanganui, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Arundel | Ralph Victor | 28314 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 20/11/1919 | AIR | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Frasertown. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18 | NZ - Wairoa Cemetery | |||
Ash | Henry Edwin | 33274 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Ash (nee Bezar), of 76c, Adelaide Rd., Newtown, Wellington. Native of Rotherhithe, London, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ash | Robert | 26979 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother-in-law of James E. Rule, of 116, Tancred St., Ashburton, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Ashbolt | Vernon | 7/1586 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. M. Ashbolt, of Timaru. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ashby | Alexander David | 28949 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of David A. and Mary J. Ashby, of 21, Riccarton Rd., Christchurch. New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Ashby | Gladstone Frederick | 14366 | Private | Pte | 22/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen Ashby, of 66, Custom St. West, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Asher | Frederick Cook | 23787 | Fred Barry | Private | Pte | 19/01/1919 | AIR | Died of disease | France | (AKA Fred BARRY) Son of the late Alexander and Margaret Asher, of 53, Tama St., Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | ||
Ashford | Thomas John | 4/1401 | Sapper | Spr | 02/07/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Timothy and Honor Ashford, of Middle Town, St. Martin's, Scilly Isles. | France - Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras | |||
Ashley | John Richard | 25174 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Faith Ashley, of York, England. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Ashman | Thomas George | 10/1401b | Private | Pte | 01/10/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Turkey x Gallipoli | Son of the late John and Margaret Ashman, of Christchurch; husband of Minnie Ashman, of 41, Cashel St. West, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Turkey - Haidar Pasha Cemetery | |||
Ashton | George | 27197 | Private | Pte | 28/03/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Mary A. Ashton, of Ashburton, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Ashton | Harry | 24/36 | Sergeant | Sgt | 22/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Harry and Sarah Emily Ashton, of Leeds, England, husband of Grace Elizabeth Ashton, of Petone, New Zealand | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Ashton | Norman | 24323 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. G. F. Baker, (formerly Ashton), of Belmont Rd., Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ashton | Sidney Charles | 13283 | Captain | Capt | 31/10/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Thomas Felix and Emma Ashton, of Warkworth, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of London, England. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Ashwell | Sidney Herbert | 21762 | Sergeant | Sgt | 02/09/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Cordelia Ashwell, of Temuka, South Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Ashworth | Ernest | 23780 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Ann Ashworth, of Parkville, Eketahuna, Wellington. Native of Rongomai, Eketahuna | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ashworth | Frederick Reginald | 26/433 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Louisa Ashworth, of 24, Kawatiri Avenue, Wanganui. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ashworth | George Herbert | 34002 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of J. H. Ashworth; husband of C. H. (Nellie) Ashworth, of 17, Holloway Rd., Mitchelltown, Wellington. Born at Feilding | NZ - Feilding Cemetery | |||
Ashworth | Hector Ogilvie | 42011 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Maj. W. G. Ashworth, of Palmerston North, New Zealand. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Ashworth | John Morrison | 80152 | Trooper | Tpr | 12/07/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashworth, of Gonville, Wanganui. Born at Hornby | NZ - Prebbleton Anglican Churchyard | |||
Ashworth | Robert | 10/1402a | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ashworth, of 115, Peel St., Gisborne. Native of Oldham, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Askew | Lawrence Manson | 21640 | Private | Pte | 23/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel Manson Askew and Margaret Askew, of Riwaka, Nelson, New Zealand. | France - Colincamps Communal Cemetery | |||
Askew | William Roy | 40175 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Frances Askew, of Riwaka, Nelson, New Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Askey | James Alfred | 8/3470 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Askey, of Balclutha, Ougo. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Aspinall | William Denys | 28848 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Aspinall, of Temuka, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Asquith | Hugh Dynevor | 24/959 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Swithin and Ann Louisa Asquith. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Astbury | Eric David | 11/2022 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 09/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lyon Abbott Astbury, of Mangatoki, Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Astbury | Horace Vernon Wemyss | 59580 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1918 | EntBn | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry E. and Elizabeth Astbury, of Wanganui, New Zealand. Born at Palmerston North, Wellington | France - Arneke British Cemetery | |||
Astley | Eric Henry | 4/4a | Sapper | Spr | 23/06/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of John Edward and Katrina Elizabeth Astley, of Hobson St., Auckland. Enlisted in London, Oct., 1914. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Aston | Eardley Howard | 10/1176 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Minnie Aston, of 118, Karori Rd., Wellington. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Aston | Francis Cyril | 4/1028 | Sapper | Spr | 11/11/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frank Aston of Napier, New Zealand. Born at Wellington, New Zealand. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Aston | Herbert Henry | 29665 | Private | Pte | 15/08/1917 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Charles and Mary Ann Aston, of Moa Creek, Otago Central, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Astridge | Norman William | 13/884 | Trooper | Tpr | 12/08/1916 | AMR | Killed in action | Egypt | (NOK - A C Astridge (father), Queenwood Road, Levin) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Astridge | William George | 24/1331 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Sarah Astridge, of Queen St., Levin, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Athfield | David | 17262 | Gunner | Gnr | 03/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. L. and A. F. Athfield, of Macandrew Rd., Port Chalmers, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Athfield | Ernest William | 69048 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Leonard and Ann Francis Athfield, of Port Chalmers, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Atkins | Thomas Frederick | 25/482 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Annie Atkins, of Clevedon, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Atkins | William Vernon | 2/433 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of James Reed Atkins and Ellen Atkins, of Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay. Born at Napier | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Atkinson | Andrew | 13858 | Private | Pte | 04/01/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Jane Dickson Atkinson, of Dumbarton, Scotland. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Atkinson | Arthur Felton | 37960 | Arthur Feltom Atkinson | L/Corp | L/Corp | 08/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | (AKA Arthur Feltom ATKINSON) Son of Eliza Atkinson, of Inglewood, New Plymouth, and the late Arthur Edward Atkinson. Born in New Zealand. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Atkinson | Bertie Edwin | 16058 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/11/1917 | AMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Edwin Atkinson, of Whangarei, New Zealand. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Atkinson | Clarence Clifford | 23/1541 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Atkinson, of Mangatete, Awanui North, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Atkinson | Edward George | 26761 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of John Craston Atkinson and Hannah Sophia Atkinson, of "Hacremai," 23, Royal Terrace, Mount Albert, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Atkinson | Gerald Innes | 8/2250 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. A. H. Atkinson, of Feilding | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Atkinson | Harry | 23331 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Atkinson, of Linton, Manawatu, Wellington. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Atkinson | Hubert Hattersley | 24124 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Jane Atkinson, of Sheffield, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Atkinson | John | 12/678 | Private | Pte | 29/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Maria Atkinson, of Cambrian Hill, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Atkinson | John Thomas | 26530 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Catherine Atkinson, of 47, Church St., Ponsonby, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Atkinson | Lionel Arthur | 25/28 | Sergeant | Sgt | 22/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Atkinson, of Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Atkinson | Montague Bevel | 6/3613 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 06/06/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick Albert and Mary Atkinson, of Nelson, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Atkinson | Peter William | 11/1771 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/12/1918 | WMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Catherine Atkinson, late of Remuera, Auckland. Born at Wanganui | NZ - Hastings Cemetery | |||
Atkinson | Robert Stockdale | 6/2922 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Nathan and Mary Ann Atkinson, of "Danby Lodge," Middleham, Yorks., England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Atkinson | Samuel Arnold | 14714 | Lt T/C | Lt T/C | 05/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Sir Harry Albert Atkinson, K.C.M.G. (Prime Minister of New Zealand, 1876-77, 1883-84, 1887-91), and Annie Atkinson; husband of Mary H. Atkinson, of Upland Rd., Kelburn, Wellington. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Atley | Peter | 15122 | Private | Pte | 16/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Atley, of Arthurs Point, Queenstown, Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Attewell | Arthur Joseph | 34608 | Private | Pte | 20/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Stace and Victoria Attewell, of Waimate, South Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Attrill | Robert James | 14551 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1920 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. J. Attrill, of Eltham, New Plymouth. Born at Huntly. Served on the Western Front, 1916-18, and with Army of Occupation, 1918-19. | NZ - Eltham Cemetery | |||
Attwood | Edward Bennett | 10/179 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederick Albert and Rachel Attwood, of "Evendale," Melville Rd., Falmouth, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Attwood | Sidney James | 23945 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Ellen S. Attwood, of Walton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Atwill | Joseph | 14901 | Lieutenant | Lt | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Atwill, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Atwood | Ernest | 53746 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Atwood, of Blenheim, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Atyeo | Frederick George | 3/130a | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of William John and Phoebe Atyeo, of Sumner, Christchurch. Served in Egypt | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Auld | Robert Wilson | 10/1178 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Thomas Auld (father), Aramoho, Wanganui) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Auld | William | 6/1453 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Catherine Auld and the late James Auld. Native of Carluke. Scotland | Turkey - Lancashire Landing Cemetery | |||
Austen | Charles Henry | 12/3543 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - A Austin (brother), C/o Mrs Walton, 40 Donegal St, Belfast, Christchurch) | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Austin | Albert Henry | 6/1454 | Private | Pte | 28/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of A. W. and Jane Austin, of 22. Rose St., Timaru. Born at Oamaru. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Austin | Eric Mannington | 24/339 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charlotte Austin, of Ardingly, Sussex, England, and the late William Alabaster Austin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Austin | Frederick Harold | 23/2148 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Amelia Austin, of 6, Waitemata St., Ponsonby, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Austin | Horace | 10/3175 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Herbert and Adelaide Austin; husband of Alice Mary Austin, of 114, Putney Bridge Road, Wandsworth, London, England | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Austin | Hugh Reynolds | 23/669 | Corporal | Cpl | 13/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Sellwood Austin and Mary Austin, of Palmerston, Otago, New Zealand. Native of Watson's Bay, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Austin | James John | 5/640 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Jane Austin, of 135, Wellesley St., Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Bald Hill Flat, Otago, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Austin | John Joseph | 32283 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of P. J. and A. J. Austin, of 124, North Avon Rd., Richmond, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Autridge | Charles | 40271 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Autridge, of Richmond St., Thames. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Auty | Robert George | 6/2530 | Private | Pte | 13/05/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and May Victoria Auty, of 46, Waitoa Rd., Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Auwha | King | 19921 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Auwha and Ngaporia, of Matangirau, Whangaroa, Northland. | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Avent | Francis Richard | 6/585 | Corporal | Cpl | 30/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mary Avent, of St. Day, Scorrier, Cornwall, England, and the late George Avent. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Averis | Frank George | 8/1928 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Daniel and Emma Averis, of Kingsdown, Timaru | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Avery | Alfred William | 55671 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. E. M. Johnson (formerly Avery), of Pirie St., Wellington. Born at Southampton, England | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Avery | Arthur Gilbert | 24/675 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Eleanor Avery, of Fairhall, Marlborough, New Zealand. | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Avery | Claude Cecil | 12/1544 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Mary Ann Avery, of Spring Grove, Nelson. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Avery | Joseph Leslie | 23/1930 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Annie Avery, of Reefton, Greymouth. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Avis | James | 23/1929 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Margaret Avis, of 513, Adelaide Rd., Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Avison | Joel Edward | 22916 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. C. Gay (nee Avison), of St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Awiti | Timi | 19618 | Private | Pte | 27/11/1918 | Pioneers | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Aratema and Ngaki Awiti; husband of Mere Awiti, of Matata. Served on Western Front | NZ - Matata (Rangiaohia) Maori Cemetery | |||
Aydon | Frederick Edwin Woodward | 88280 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. P. E. Aydon, of Seymour Avenue, Nelson. Born at Wellington | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Ayling | Arthur Bernard | 23/58 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Stanley and Minnie Edna Ayling. Native of Thames, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Ayling | Frank | 64982 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Robert and Julindia Ayling, of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Ayling | Frank Ernest | 8/315 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frank and Eda Mary Ayling, of 11, Thistle St., Napier. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Ayling | Herbert | 2/128 | Bombardier | Bdr | 14/07/1915 | NZFA | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Stanley and Minnie Edna Ayling, of Nelson. Native of Hamilton | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Ayling | John | 56209 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/06/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Mary Jane Ayling, of 8, Norfolk St., Worthing, England | France - Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery | |||
Ayre | Charles | 6/1111 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Harry and Jane Ayre, of Glen Ayr, Bungonia, Sydney, Australia | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Ayson | Peter Hugh | 15124 | Private | Pte | 11/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Christina Ayson, of Kaihiku, Clutha, New Zealand. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Ayton | Joseph Beck | 61169 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Isabella Ayton, of Aparima, Southland, New Zealand | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Babb | Arthur Percy Thomas | 23/1542 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 05/06/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Elizabeth M. A. Wilson (formerly Babb), of "Hillside," Marakana, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Thomas Henry Babb | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Babbage | Frederick Richard George | 61982 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of F. C. and M. L. Babbage, of Apiti, Wellington. | France - Solesmes British Cemetery | |||
Babe | Harold Wakefield | 25175 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Christie and Fanny Eliza Babe, of Yates Rd., Otahuhu, Auckland. Born at Waikiekie | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bacchus | John Harold | 22750 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Constance Bacchus, of Lupin Rd., Otaki, and the late George Henry Bacchus; husband of Mrs. S. R. Bacchus, of Manakau, Manawatu | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bacchus | Ralph Lancelot | 22751 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Bacchus, of Otaki, and the late Capt. G. H. Bacchus, of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; husband of Enid Ellis (formerly Bacchus), of 12, Clifton Rd., Takapuna, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bachelor | Edward William | 32426 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Anne Bachelor; husband of Amy Ross Bachelor, of Silver-Service Square, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Backman | Oscar Renaldo Parson | 23/365 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/03/1917 | NZRB | Died of injuries | France | Son of Nils Parson Backman and Hannah Backman, of Sweden; husband of Florence Backman, of 13, Martin St., Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Bacon | Thomas Reginald | 10/2518 | Private | Pte | 15/08/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Ruth Bacon, of Masterton, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Baddeley | Herman Stuart | 12/688 | Lieutenant | Lt | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederick Atkins Charles and Fanny Baddeley, of 25, King St., Dannevirke, Napier | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Baddeley | Lionel Richard Logan | 11/566 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 20/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard and Jane Baddeley, of Kakatahi, Wellington, New Zealand | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Baddiley | Augustus George | 23133 | Corporal | Cpl | 23/08/1920 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Derby, England 4 August 1871. NoK Miss Lillian Baddiley, daughter | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Baddiley | Augustus George | 12/17 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 19/11/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Augustus George and Mary Ann Baddiley; husband of Charlotte Grace Baddiley, of 37A, St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland. Born at Ponsonby (2 January 1881). Served at Gallipoli and on the Western Front, 1914-17. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Badger | Archibald Lionel Smith | 24/39 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/07/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Wilfred and Edith Aldam Stapylton Badger (nee Smith). Born at Christchurch. Educated at Christchurch Boys' High School. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Baghdikian | Richard | 23/1932 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/09/1921 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington Soldiers 29J | ||||
Bagnall | Albert Eric Ralston | 49066 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/08/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Emma and the late Albert Edward Bagnall, of 33, Sarsfield St., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Bagnall | George Stevenson | 13/271 | Sergeant | Sgt | 18/11/1918 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of F. C. Bagnall, of Rotorua. Born at Turua, Waikato. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, at Gallipoli and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Bagnall | Lemuel John | 15093 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Horatio Nelson Bagnall and Jessie Bagnall, of 26. Mason's Avenue, Ponsonby, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bagrie | Albert Edward | 8/3179 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Joan Bagrie of Frank St., Gore, Southland, New Zealand | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Bai | George | 63995 | Private | Pte | 15/07/1920 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bai, of Matamau, Hawke's Bay. Born at Ormondville | NZ - Norsewood Cemetery | |||
Baigent | Cyril Victor Atmore | 3/314 | Major | Maj | 09/01/1923 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Wakapuaku Cemetery, Nelson | ||||
Baigent | Ivanhoe Edward | 22618 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 14/11/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Arthur and Ann Baigent, of Wakefield, Nelson, New Zealand. Served in the South African War. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Baigent | John Wallace | 46221 | Private | Pte | 29/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baigent, of 78, Waimea St., Nelson. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baigent | Kempster W | 47840 | Private | Pte | 03/02/1921 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Alfred and Sarah Baigent; husband of Lilley Baigent, of Orongo Turia, Hauraki Plains. Born at Wakefield, Nelson. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Thames (Totara) Memorial Park | |||
Baigent | Victor Clarence | 80326 | Private | Pte | 04/02/1919 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Robert and Lena Baigent, of Wakefield, Nelson. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Baikie | Robert Sherer | 38484 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Peter and Janet Baikie, of 9th Avenue Tauranga, Thames | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baildon | William | 53755 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 05/02/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Isabella Baildon, of Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Baildon | William | 12/3247 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Baildon, of 245, Great North Rd., Auckland, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bailes | Thomas Thomson | 11225 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Philip and Mary Bailes, of 155, Main Rd., Ravensbourne, Dunedin. Native of North East Valley, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bailey | Albert Henry | 13/970a | L/Corp | L/Corp | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Anna Bailey, of 74, St. Lawrence Rd., Dublin, Ireland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bailey | Albert James | 26763 | Private | Pte | 08/07/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Frank and Mary Jane Bailey, of Ness Valley, Clevedon, Auckland | NZ - Clevedon (St. Andrew's) Presbyterian Churchyard | |||
Bailey | Alfred Witfield | 21172 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William Henry and Mary Bailey, of Epsom, Auckland. Native of Ngaruawahia, Hamilton. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bailey | Carl | 16262 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Foster son of Mrs. M. A. Bailey, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Bailey | Edward William | 15282 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/08/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Jessie Bailey, of Jermyn St., Piccadilly, London, England. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bailey | George Leonard | 66688 | Driver | Dvr | 18/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Alfred and Mary Bailey (nee Walton); husband of Esther Bailey (nee Brown), of 279, Ferguson St., Palmerston North. Born in Staffordshire, England | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Bailey | Henry Irwin | 10073 | Private | Pte | 28/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of J. W. and M. J. Bailey, of "Twiston", Dominion Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Bailey | Herbert | 12/1532 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Mary Bailey, of Whitley Wood, Three Mile Cross, Reading, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bailey | Jack Cameron | 7/1439 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Alexander and Frances Mitchell Bailey, of Ohakea, Rangitikei New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Bailey | Joseph | 3/1752 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John Ball Bailey and Mona Bailey, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Bailey | Leonard Walter | 17744 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Emma Bailey, of Okaiawa, Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bailey | Percy Edward | 24/1334 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/06/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bailey, of 16, Cambria St., Hawera, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bailey | Raymond | 33810 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert John and Mary Bailey, of Ruawai, Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Victoria, Australia. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bailey | Reginald Henry | 9/4 | Sergeant | Sgt | 10/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Sarah Bailey, of Ruapekapeka, Towai, Whangarei, Auckland. Native of Le Bons Bay, Akaroa, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bailey | Robert Manuel | 62482 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1918 | EntBn | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Ellen Bailey, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Esquelbecq Military Cemetery | |||
Bailey | Stanley | 29206 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bailey, of 21, Dilworth St., Riccarton. Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bailey | Stephen George | 13722 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Julia C. Bailey, of Waiata, Feilding, Wellington, and the late George S. Bailey | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bailey | Walter Vernon | 12/3546 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Annie Bailey, of 17, York St., Parnell, Auckland. Native of England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bailey | William Ernest | 10/3177 | Private | Pte | 28/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Annie Marshall (formerly Bailey), of 20, Windsor Place, Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bailey | William Wallace | 6/10 | Sergeant | Sgt | 06/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Florence Edith Bailey, of New Zealand. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Bailey | Willie | 26371 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Andrew and Esther Jane Bailey, of 215, Park Rd., Palmerston North, Wellington | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Baillie | Alex Sloan | 8/3180 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alex. Sloan Baillie and Sarah Baillie, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Baillie | David Shaw | 12/500 | Private | Pte | 03/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Agnes Clarke (formerly Baillie), of Argyle St., Avondale, Auckland, and the late John Rankin Baillie | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Baillie | Frederick | 9/114 | Gunner | Gnr | 25/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Margaret Baillie, of Roxburgh, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Baillie | John Rankin | 12/1545 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Agnes Baillie, of Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Baillie | Raymond Ivan | 54270 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Fraser Baillie and Alice Baillie, of Eketahuna, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Baillie | Robert Porteous | 13/159 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Matthew and Agnes Baillie, of Cessnock, New South Wales, Australia. Native of Wallsend, New South Wales, Australia. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baillie | Thomas Douglas | 34325 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of the late Alice Baillie, of Otorohanga, Hamilton | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baily | Ronald Hugh | 10/716 | Private | Pte | 24/09/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | Son of Hugh and Rosalie Baily, of New Plymouth, New Zealand. | UK - Kensal Green (All Souls') Cemetery | |||
Bain | Alexander | 8/1396b | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of George and Margaret Bain, of 394, Cumberland St., Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bain | Andrew | 2/501a | Driver | Dvr | 30/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Isabella Bain, of Cleamond St., Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand; husband of Deborah Bain, of 36, York Place, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Bain | Arthur Charles Warner | 6/11 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Katherine Mary Bain, of 17, Rastick St., Merivale, Christchurch, and the late Adolph William Bain. Native of Nelson. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bain | George Albany | 8/170 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Alexander Bain, of Balclutha, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Bain | Henry | 23/992 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. W. D. Bain, of 20, Bridgeman St., Kensington, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bain | James | 75352 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bain, of 48, Tivoli Rd., South Yarra, Australia | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Bain | James | 10/1404 | Private | Pte | 05/08/1915 | WIR | DOSickness | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of John and Margaret Bain, of 19, Trent St., Oamaru, Waitaki. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bain | James John | 29719 | Private | Pte | 02/12/1919 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of James and Isabella Bain, of 39, Russell St., Dunedin. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Dunedin Southern Cemetery | |||
Bain | John Sinclair | 10/1730 | Lieutenant | Lt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Husband of Nora T. Bain, of 19, Cornwall St., St. Albans, Christchurch. Native of Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bain | Maxwell Stewart | 7/600 | Trooper | Tpr | 25/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Kenneth Burns Bain and Marian Bain, of Eskvale, Amberley, Christchurch, New Zealand | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Bain | Ronald Duncan | 31577 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Bain, of 35, Head St., Sumner, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bain | William Alexander | 8/2251 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 28/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James John and Isabella Elizabeth Bain, of 87, Russell St., Dunedin, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Bainbridge | Anthony | 44991 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Bainbridge, of Cheviot, New Zealand; husband of Matilda Jane Bainbridge, of 54, Blenheim Rd., Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bainbridge | William Stanley | 76527 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/03/1922 | NZRB (Res) | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Alexandra Cemetery, Pirongia, Waikato Area B Row 4 No 46 | ||||
Baine | Frank Bower | 12/2206 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Peter and Miriam Baine, of Te Aroha. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baines | Arthur | 10/198 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Eliza Baines, of 33, Westgrove St., Bradford, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baines | Walter Ernest | 28268 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/05/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles Richard and Harriet Elizabeth Hannah Baines, of Ormondville, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Baird | Adam | 42619 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Margaret Baird, of Pleasant Valley, Goodwood, Otago, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Baird | Alexander | 14050 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Jane Baird, of Falkirk, Scotland. | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Baird | David | 40862 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. J. Baird, of 72, Newton Rd., Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baird | Herbert Joseph | 7/1440 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 01/11/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Annie Baird, of 76, Percival St., Rangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand, and the late Joseph Baird. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Baird | James Alexander Steenson | 29720 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late James and Lucinda Charlotte Baird. (Played 1 match for the All Blacks) | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Baird | John | 39144 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Isabella Baird, of Benmore, Southland, Invercargill. Native of Otapiri Gorge, Southland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baird | Thomas Birch | 47265 | Private | Pte | 25/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Birch Baird, of 28, Jackson St., Invercargill, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Baird | Walter Snelling | 56530 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Ann Matilda Hooper Baird; husband of Olive Daiton Clarke (formerly Baird), of 24, Seymour St., Ponsonby, Auckland. Born in New Zealand. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baird | William | 23/671 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Baird, of Baker St., Stirling, Otago. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bak | Christian Marinus Christensen | 12/4523 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Kristian Bak, of Tapdrup Sogn, Viborg, Denmark | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Baken | Walter John Eric | 9/110 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/08/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Helen Baken, of Gore, Southland, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Baker | Albert Percival | 33673 | Private | Pte | 16/03/1919 | CIR | Died of injuries | France | (NOK - J Baker (brother), 12 Church Rd, Templeton, Christchurch) | France - Ste. Marie Cemetery, Le Havre | |||
Baker | Alexander Stanley | 11580 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Baker, of 96, Dyers Pass Rd., Cashmere, Christchurch, and the late Elizabeth Harold Baker. Native of Sydenham, Christchurch | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Baker | Aro Keith | 6/12 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late James E. and Catherine E. Baker, of Christchurch New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Baker | Arthur | 24/1587 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - E Hansen (friend), Levin) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baker | Cecil Frederick | 10/288 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Anne Baker, of Hilton St., Kaiapoi, Christchurch, and the late Edward Baker. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baker | Edwin Thomas | 20080 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. R. W. and Mrs. E. E. Baker, of 32, Seafield Rd., St. Lawrence, Ramsgate, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baker | Ernest Reuben | 91333 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Elsie M. Eves (formerly Baker), of Sutherland Rd., Wellington. Born at Mudgee, New South Wales, Australia | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Baker | Francis Charles | 44246 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Hickling Baker and Jane Francis Baker, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Baker | Frederick | 45181 | Private | Pte | 23/07/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Ann Baker, of Talbot, Victoria, Australia | France - Marfaux (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baker | Frederick George | 5/513a | Private | Pte | 21/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Baker, of 330, Liverpool St., Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baker | Geoffrey Hugh | 3/6 | WO1 | WO1 | 23/10/1915 | NZMC | Drowned - Sinking of HS Marquette | Salonika | (NOK - Mrs B E Andrews (sister), 273 Armagh Street, Christchurch) | Greece - Mikra Memorial | |||
Baker | George | 34317 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. R. Brown (formerly Baker), of 7, Fenton St., Stratford, New Plymouth. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baker | Henry Johnston | 10/3178 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. H. W. Baker, of Ashbourne St., Ferry Rd., Woolston, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Baker | Herbert | 23/672 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Baker, of Rahotu, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Baker | James | 11602 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Mary Baker, of Ashley Bank, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - London Cemetery And Extension, Longueval | |||
Baker | James Edward | 10161 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/03/1921 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John and Nora Baker. Born at Tai Tapu, Canterbury. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Baker | John | 64842 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, of Rochford, Essex, England. | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Baker | John Raphael | 24804 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Stamner Baker and Katie Baker, of 5, Park View, Victoria Rd., Cork, Ireland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baker | Joseph | 52359 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Rosie Brown, of Stratford, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Baker | Kenneth Claude | 11383 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William Parr Baker, of Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Baker | Laurie | 44337 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - William Baker (father), Princess Street, Waitara) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Baker | Leonard Francis | 6/1084 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/08/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Edward and Elizabeth Harold Baker. Born at Amuri | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Baker | Leonard Joseph | 55939 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert and Elizabeth Baker, of The Valley, Glenavy, Canterbury, New Zealand. Born at Waimate, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Baker | Montrose Arthur | 10/2846 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Lionel John Baker and of Esther Hamilton (formerly Baker), of 98, Stanley Rd., Gisborne | UK - Walton And Weybridge (Walton-On-Thames) Cemetery | |||
Baker | Percy Coombs | 1/96 | Private | Pte | 10/05/1915 | Samoan Advance | Died of disease | NZ x Samoa | Son of Frances Ann Reid Baker, and the late Edward James Baker. Born at Wellington | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Baker | Phillip Leonard | 57342 | Private | Pte | 10/05/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Philip James and Eleanor Baker | France - Wavans British Cemetery | |||
Baker | Raymond John | 12/311 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard and Maria Baker, of "Hill View," Otorohanga, Hamilton | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Baker | Theodore R | 40293 | Private | Pte | 07/03/1921 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of D. N. Baker, of 13, Mason's Avenue, Herne Bay Auckland. | NZ - Okaihau (St. Catherines) Churchyard | |||
Baker | Varley Howard | 23335 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Philip James and Eleanor Baker, of Russell, Bay of Islands, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Baker | Walter Lionel Vincent | 52361 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Eleanor Baker, of Raglan, Hamilton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Baker | Whare | 16/524 | Private | Pte | 21/08/1915 | Maoris | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Lionel and Jane Baker, of Kahukura, Gisborne; husband of the late Wiki Baker. Born at Waipiro Bay, Gisborne. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baker | William Torode | 44692 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William T. and Alice C. Baker, of Station Rd., Otahuhu, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bakewell | Thomas Picton | 6/1772 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 04/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas Hugh Freschville Bakewell and Florence Picton Bakewell, of Hackthorne Rd., Cashmere Hills, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Baldwin | Edwin | 11/564 | Saddler | Sdlr | 14/11/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of George and Elizabeth Mary Baldwin, of Victoria, Australia. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Baldwin | Edwin Henry | 12/2635 | Private | Pte | 20/08/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Eber and Caroline Alice Baldwin, of Dargaville, Northern Wairoa, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Baldwin | Roland Leonard Walter | 68657 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Thomas and Edith Mary Baldwin, of 34, Spencer St., Addington, Christchurch | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baldwin | Stanley | 10/2847 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 21/08/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Catherine Baldwin, of Gore, New Zealand. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Baldwin | Stanley Herbert | 33812 | Private | Pte | 21/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Baldwin, of Kirikopuni, Northern Wairoa, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Baldwin | Walter Robert | 43802 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/01/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter Herbert and Alice Baldwin, of Wanganui, New Zealand | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Balero | John | 25/1669 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Margaret Balero, of Towai, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bales | Samuel Edward | 61983 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - George Jones (friend), 11 Pirie St, Wellington) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Balfour | Norman Buchanan | 10/14 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Waitt Balfour and Charlotte Balfour, of Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Ball | Albert Victor | 8/2404 | Private | Pte | 07/12/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Albert Edward and Emily Blanche Ball, of 76, Middle St., Southampton. Native of Totterdown, Bristol, England. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Ball | Harry Eric | 31107 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Derrick and Edith E. Ball, of Hikurangi, Whangarei, New Zealand | France - Hebuterne Military Cemetery | |||
Ball | Henry James | 24/1588 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John James and Agnes Ball, of Matakohe, Otamatea, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Ball | Linton | 24/1589 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ball, of Matakohe, Kaipara, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ball | Thomas George | 11/187 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Alfred and Mary Ann Ball, of Hunterville, New Zealand. Of Palmerston North. | Turkey - Baby 700 Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Ballagh | Robert | 24/679 | Corporal | Cpl | 18/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry and Elizabeth Ballagh, of Hororata, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Ballagh | Samuel | 24125 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Ballagh, of "Glenview," Ligoniel, Belfast, Ireland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ballantine | Arthur Gordon | 12/1880 | Private | Pte | 13/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of John and Rachel Ballantine, of 3, Avice St., Greenlane, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Ballantine | Lockhart | 8/3475 | Private | Pte | 08/12/1917 | OIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of James and Mary Ballantine, of Kauana, Southland, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Ballantyne | Alexander Stuart | 8/2838 | Private | Pte | 13/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ballantyne, of Edendale, Southland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Ballantyne | Cyril Haynes | 6/13 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Josiah and Jessie Montgomery Ballantyne, of 306, Worcester St., Christchurch. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Ballantyne | David Inglis | 3/2882 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Agnes Ballantyne. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Ballantyne | Ringin | 7/693 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Jane G. Ballantyne, of Bay View, Wharf St., Oamaru. Born at Fairlie, Canterbury | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ballantyne | Robert James | 17875 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Walter and Alice Ballantyne, of 116, Oroua St., Eastbourne, Lower Hutt. Born at Dunedin. Served in France and Belgium | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Ballard | Frank Ernest | 23/1545 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 28/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John William Ballard, of 340A Clapham Rd., Stockwell. London | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Ballard | Walter James | 28648 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late James and Emily Ballard. Born at Nelson. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Ballinger | Thomas Edwin | 29351 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Emily Jane Ballinger, of Matangi, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Balloch | David | 28953 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John and Annie Balloch, of Dunsandel, Canterbury. Served in France | NZ - Brookside Cemetery | |||
Balneaves | William Earnslaw | 9/665 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Agnes Balneaves, of Myross Bush, Southland, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Balsillie | William John | 39934 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of John and Annie Balsillie, of 10, Massey St., Palmerston North, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Balsom | William Amos | 63811 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. R. and Mrs. M. J. Balsom, of Mokau, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Born at Geraldine, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Bamsey | Alfred Hodges | 23/1321 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Samuel Bamsey. of Mangorei Rd., New Plymouth | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Banaba | Beni | 19236 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1917 | Maoris | Died of disease | NZ x Egypt | Husband of Api. B. Banaba, of Marairenga, Rarotonga. Born at Manihiki. | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Banfield | William Hall | 9/1648 | Driver | Dvr | 07/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of the late James and Elizabeth Banfield. Native of Owaka, Otago | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Banks | Arthur George | 10/1405 | Private | Pte | 15/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Faithful Annie Banks, of 78, Walpole St., Weymouth, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Banks | Harold Kirby | 4/908b | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | NZDEC | Died since discharge | UK | Son of the late Kirby and Margaret Ellen Banks, of Beeston Hill, Leeds; husband of Edith Margaret Banks, of Trinity Grove, Bridlington, Yorks | UK - Leeds (Holbeck) Cemetery | |||
Banks | Harold Vivian Theodore | 10/2849 | Private | Pte | 01/02/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Eliza Banks. | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Banks | Henry Dunbar | 33098 | Lieutenant | Lt | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. W. A. D. Banks, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Banks | Norman Edward | 8/1930 | Private | Pte | 13/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Banks, of 46, Roberts Avenue, Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Banks | Samuel William Mosebury | 6/3965 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Esther Banks, of 64, Eton St., Ashburton East, and the late Samuel John Banks | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bannatyne | Charles Ebenezer | 42013 | Private | Pte | 20/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emily Mary Bannatyne, of Omanawa Falls, Tauranga, New Zealand, and the late John Bannatyne. Native of Warkworth, Auckland. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bannerman | Edmund Ivon | 10/167 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Margaret Bannerman, of 27, Mill Rd., Waimate, South Canterbury, and the late William Bannerman. Native of Methlick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bannerman | James William Hugh | 46912 | Lieutenant | Lt | 23/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Eldest son of William and Agnes Bannerman; husband of L. V. Bannerman, of Bluff, New Zealand. Native of Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bannister | Alexander Masters | 14557 | Private | Pte | 06/11/1919 | WIR | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bannister, of Longbush, Masterton. Born at Mauriceville. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Masterton Cemetery | |||
Bannister | Stanley Masters | 14558 | Private | Pte | 20/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Harriet Bannister, of Masterton, New Zealand. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Banwell | William | 8/2530 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Mary Banwell, of Richardson St., Dunedin; husband of Frances Mary Banwell, of 28, Helena St., South Dunedin. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barber | Edward Alexander Bertram | 41067 | Private | Pte | 22/01/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Stephen and Margaret Alice Barber, of 42, Richmond St., South Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Barber | Ernest Henry | 75426 | Private | Pte | 08/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Barber, of Waikiwi, Invercargill. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Barber | Hellard | 11/1889 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/07/1916 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Phoebe Barber, of Petone, Wellington, and the late Edward Barber | Egypt - Kantara Memorial | |||
Barber | James | 10/2404 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/06/1916 | WIR | Accident | France | Son of the late John and Elizabeth Barber, of 14, Wilson St., Wellington, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa (1914-15). | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Barber | Theophilus | 9/2045 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Stephen and Margaret Alice Barber, of 42, Richmond St., South Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barber | Thomas Edward | 12/3908 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Emma Barber, of Goostrey, Cheshire, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barber | Valentine Joseph | 7/1175 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. H. J. A. and Agnes Barber. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. Born in Argentina | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Barber | William George | 15126 | Private | Pte | 02/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Elizabeth Barber, of Charlton, Invercargill | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barber | William John | 68588 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Antony and Ann Barber, of 44, Church St., Rangiora, Christchurch | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barbour | John | 11603 | Private | Pte | 18/08/1916 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of James Barbour, of Loudown, Ayrshire, Scotland, and the late Anne Barbour | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Barclay | Allan Hunt | 29723 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1918 | AEC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Donald Hunt Barclay and Georgina Jane Barclay, of Waikato, New Zealand | Belgium - Grootebeek British Cemetery | |||
Barclay | Clifford Clapcott | 6/404 | 2/Lieut | 2/Lieut | 25/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Dr. Herbert Clifford Barclay and Ruth Annie Barclay, of 83, Highgate, Roslyn, Dunedin. Native of Waimate, South Canterbury. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Barclay | David Muir | 73913 | Trooper | Tpr | 22/11/1918 | NZMR | Died of disease | Egypt | (NOK - Mrs A Barclay (mother), Kahutia Street, Gisborne) | Egypt - Suez War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Barclay | Frederick | 22752 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alexander and Jane Barclay, of Invercargill, New Zealand; husband of Mary Barclay, of Otaki, Waikanae, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Barclay | Gordon Lewis | 57456 | Private | Pte | 02/02/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Barclay, of Dunedin; husband of Emma Francis Barclay, of Hornby, Christchurch, New Zealand. A member of Christchurch Railway Staff for many years. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Barclay | John Alexander | 43587 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine Barclay, of Hawea Flat, Otago, New Zealand, and the late J. J. Barclay. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Barclay | Walter Waddell | 39145 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Lawrence and Marion Barclay. Native of Dunrobin, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barclay | William Guy | 24/41 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 14/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Nellie Barclay, of 13, Vanbrugh Hill, Blackheath, London, England, and the late Sidney H. Barclay. | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Bard | Ami | 12/1547 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Greenup Brothers (friends), Whakatane) | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barden | Herbert William | 6/4198 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Spencer and Celia Barden, of 548, Bourke St., Moore Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bardsley | Dan | 8/1186 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1915 | OIR | Drowned | Sea to NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bardsley, of 265, Main Rd., North East Valley, Dunedin | NZ - Canterbury Provincial Memorial | |||
Bare | Robert | 3/1578 | Private | Pte | 16/07/1920 | NZReinf - Home | - | NZ | Born at Dunedin. Husband of Mrs. K. D. Bare, of Christchurch. | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Bargrove | William Thomson | 11/670 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Jessie McKenzie Bargrove, of 40, Kennedy Rd., Napier. Native of Kumeroa, Hawke's Bay. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barker | Alan Cecil | 10535 | Driver | Dvr | 07/07/1917 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK | Son of W. J. and Mary Barker, of Christchurch, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Barker | Benjamin Stanley | 8/1699 | Private | Pte | 13/07/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs E Sharkey (mother), Gisborne) | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Barker | Charles Henry | 16370 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 04/12/1917 | ICC | Died of wounds | Egypt x Palestine | (NOK - Richard Barker (father), The Grove, Picton) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Barker | Frederick Harrold | 12896 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Eliza Jane Barker (mother), 169 Grant Road, Wellington) | France - Forceville Communal Cemetery And Extension | |||
Barker | George Thomas | 28954 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Emma Barker, of 9, Rata St., St. Martin's, Christchurch. Born at Canterbury | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barker | John Leonard | 36303 | Private | Pte | 28/03/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Emma Barker, of Rata St., St. Martins, Christchurch, New Zealand. His brother, George Thomas, also fell. | France - St. Hilaire Cemetery, Frevent | |||
Barker | Robert | 21176 | Private | Pte | 03/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of M. Louisa Barker, of Maehau, Cape Colville, Cabbage Bay, Auckland. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Barker | Robert | 53471 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/07/1919 | NZRB (Res) | Drowned | Sea to NZ | Son of Mrs. Janet M. Barker, of 77, Holdsworth, Woollahra, Sydney, Australia, and the late W. Barker. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Barker | Thomas Edgar | 44960 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Simon Henry Barker (ex-Bandmaster, R.N.) and Elizabeth Barker, of 40, Blaenanty Groes Rd., Cwmbach, Aberdare, South Wales. Born at The Old Barracks, Warwick, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barker | Thomas James | 13/2710 | Gunner | Gnr | 21/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. W. Barker, of Borridale St., South Kensington, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. (Born in Australia) | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Barlow | Alfred | 12/2207 | Sergeant | Sgt | 11/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Alice Barlow, of 254, Winwick Rd., Warrington, England | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Barlow | Alfred John | 24/964 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Edwin and Sarah E. Barlow, of 155, Dee St., Invercargill, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Barlow | Edward Ernest | 8/1398b | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/07/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Barlow, of Manaia, New Plymouth, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Barlow | Frank Wheller | 68925 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edwin and Sarah Eliza Barlow, of 121, Yarrow St., Invercargill, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Barlow | Harry | 52928 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Esther Barlow, of Pihama, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Barlow | James Roy | 48614 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert Edwin and Mary Muir Barlow of 28, King St., Frankton Junction, Hamilton formerly of Invercargill | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barlow | John Bert | 10/3180 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Alice Barlow, of 20, Onepu Rd., Kilburnie, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Barlow | Percy | 26767 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Amy Barlow, of Manchester, England; husband of Clara Barlow, of 27, Tennyson St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Served in the South African Campaign | France - Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery | |||
Barlow | William Buchan | 78466 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of B. Barlow, of 148, Salisbury St., Christchurch. Born at Dunedin | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Barltrop | Frank | 6/2062 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Henry and Elizabeth Caroline Annie Barltrop, of 36a, Waimea Rd., Nelson. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barltrop | Harry Charles | 6/2063 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Henry and E. C. A. Barltrop, of 36A, Waimea Rd., Nelson, New Zealand | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Barnacle | Henry Alfred Yorke | 53626 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Kathleen Barnacle (mother), Mount Barker, Albany, West Australia) | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Barnard | Alfred | 3/1899 | Rifleman | Rfm | 22/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Barnard, of Hill St., Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Barnard | Charles Valentine | 24/647 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Helena Marian Barnard, of 201, Derwent St., Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand, and the late Henry James Barnard. Enlisted in 1915. One of six sons who served. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Barnard | Ernest Allan | 2/2962 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/09/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Lucy Barnard. Native of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Coxyde Military Cemetery | |||
Barnard | Henry | 12/20 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry James and the late Helena Marian Barnard, of 201, Derwent St.; Island Bay, Wellington. One of six sons who volunteered for service in the Great War | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barnard | John Clifford | 41466 | Private | Pte | 08/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick and Annie Barnard, of Lower Hutt, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Barnby | Henry | 10/1408 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Adopted Son of T. and M. Dixon, of Hutton, Cranswick East, Yorks, England; husband of Helen Grace Barnby, of Station Rd., Ohakune, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barnes | Ernest | 28039 | Gunner | Gnr | 29/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Alice Barnes, of Bolton, England; husband of Annie Mason (formerly Barnes), of Jesmond Estate, Drury, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Barnes | Ernest Fred | 10012 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 14/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Eldest son of Fred Barnes and Louisa Barnes, of Cheviot, New Zealand. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Barnes | Ethel H | 22/101 | Sister | Sister | 27/07/1923 | NZANS | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Wakapuaku Cemetery, Nelson | ||||
Barnes | Francis Walter | 9/6 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of the late Edward G. and Margaret H. Barnes. Native of Bannockburn, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Barnes | George | 23/2149 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | DEC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Mrs. M. Barnes, late of Scarborough Terrace Parnell, Auckland. Born in Scotland. Served on the Western Front, 1916-18 | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Barnes | Harry Frederick | 33503 | Corporal | Cpl | 17/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Harry Charles and Elizabeth Anne Barnes, of Mount Roskill, Auckland. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Barnes | John | 45811 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Jane Barnes, of Mosstown, Wanganui, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barnes | John | 13/532 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Daniel Frederick Barnes, of Lock House, Littleborough, Manchester, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barnes | Leonard Charles | 36304 | Private | Pte | 25/07/1920 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Charles and Annie Barnes; husband of M. A. N. Barnes, of Ripon St., Lyttelton, Christchurch. Born at Cheviot. Served on the Western Front, 1917. | NZ - Lyttelton Cemetery | |||
Barnes | Victor Edwin James | 10/1733 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barnes, of 8, Wilson St., Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barnes | William George | 31808 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Barnes, of Kawhata, Palmerston North, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Barnett | Arthur James | 22182 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Matthew and Jane Barnett, of "Woodbine," Tai Tapu, Christchurch | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barnett | Bert | 5/884 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/03/1917 | ASC | Died of disease | France | Son of Walter and Elizabeth Barnett. of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - St. Pol Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Barnett | Ernest Edgar | 30161 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. N. Barnett, of 98, Waimea St., Nelson. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barnett | Francis John | 38255 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Emilie May Barnett, of 82, Denbigh St., Feilding, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Barnett | George Henry | 84272 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | - | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Thomas Robertson Barnett and Margaret Barnett, of 2, Koinini St., Riccarton, Christchurch. Born at Taitapu. | NZ - Springston Cemetery | |||
Barnett | Godfrey Harry Steel | 49503 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Laura Barnett, of Miller St., Oamaru, North Otago, and the late Abraham Morris Barnett. Born at Waitahuna Gully | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barnett | Henry Thomas | 6/411 | Henry Thomas Burnett | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | y | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (AKA BARNETT) Brother of John A. Burnett, of 6, Mackenzie St., North Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |
Barnett | Herbert Ernest | 11/1405 | Private | Pte | 10/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Father of Miss Eileen Barnett. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barnett | Howard George | 8/907 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Fanny Barnett. Born at Birmingham, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barnett | Lewen Maughan | 12/699 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Maughan Barnett and Harriett Frances Barnett, of 212, Remuera Rd., Auckland. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Barnett | William David | 80327 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 02/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of David and Elizabeth Barnett; husband of Martha Lillian Barnett, of Tadmor, Nelson, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Barns | Charles Albert | 73877 | Private | Pte | 06/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea to UK | Son of Charles Alexander and Louisa M. Barns, of 63, Alma Rd., Gonville, Wanganui | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Barns | Daniel | 10/2064 | Private | Pte | 24/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. R. Barns, of Hanover Place, Southampton | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Barr | Charles Lyall | 2/1547 | Driver | Dvr | 20/12/1915 | NZFA | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William and Marjory Barr, of Kaikorai, Dunedin, New Zealand | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Barr | John Haddin | 6/3525 | Lieutenant | Lt | 15/09/1916 | y | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Georgina Barr, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | ||
Barr | John William | 47962 | L/Corp | L/Corp | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert Gordon Barr and Kate Barr, of Eltham, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Barr | William Richard Robert Louis | 38796 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Ellen Barr, of Young St., New Plymouth, New Zealand. Born at Kaponga, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Barraball | Stanley Edward | 6/3244 | Private | Pte | 07/01/1922 | Cyclists | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Mt Wesley, Dargaville, Northland | ||||
Barratt | George William Frank | 29208 | Private | Pte | 25/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of H. J. and Jane Barratt, of Kaikoura, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Barrett | Charles Roy | 25/309 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Edward and Elizabeth Barrett, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.5 | |||
Barrett | Francis | 6/3617 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Charles and Catherine Barrett, of Winchester, South Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barrett | Frederick | 62236 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs F Barrett (wife), 10 Manning St off Newton Road, Auckland) | France - Solesmes British Cemetery | |||
Barrett | George Armitage | 31768 | Sergeant | Sgt | 23/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of H. A. Barrett, of 188, Fore St. Upper Edmonton, London, England; husband of Gertrude E. Barrett, of 3, Holland Rd., Exeter, England. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barrett | George Edward | 61121 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of W. G. and A. Barrett. Born at Blenheim, New Zealand | Belgium - Perth Cemetery (China Wall) | |||
Barrett | Jabez | 4/1990a | Saddler | Sdlr | 23/01/1918 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Brother of D. P. Barrett, of Fielding, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Barrett | John | 36535 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Barrett, of Chapman St., St. Kilda, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barrett | John Henry | 12128 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Fanny Barrett, of 6, Faraday St., Napier, New Zealand. A chiropodist | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Barrett | Joseph Thomas | 66211 | Private | Pte | 27/08/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born in London | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Barrett | Ronald Eppthorp | 2/1460a | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hephzibah Barrett, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barrett | Walker | 13/1004 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/03/1918 | MGS | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Walker and Maria Barrett, of Argyle St., Claudelands, Hamilton, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Barrett | William | 8/501 | Private | Pte | 04/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Johanne E. Thow (formerly Barrett), of 702, King St., Dunedin. Native of Milton, Dunedin. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Barriball | Archie Edgar Claude | 51299 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - S H Barriball (brother), Fitzroy, New Plymouth) | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Barrington | Albert John | 12/880 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barrington, of Huanui Station, Tolaga Bay, Uawa, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Barrington | Thomas Henry | 9/2252 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/07/1916 | NZMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John Peddle Barrington and Elizabeth Barrington. Born at Tekaraka | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Barris | Robert | 23/994 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Kate Barris (mother), Victoria Street, Auckland) | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Barron | Daniel | 22918 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Robert Moffitt (friend), Swan Street, Napier. Born in Australia) | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Barron | Nathaniel | 80594 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Robert and Mary Ellen Barron, of Riverton, Invercargill; husband of Amy Clara Barron | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Barron | Peter | 25/1658 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Peter and Margaret Barron, of Toko St., Rotorua, Hamilton. Native of Keith, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barron | Robert | 12/1549 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of John Thomas Barron, of Mercer, Waikato. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barrow | Frederick James Sydney | 71708 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1923 | AIR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland Soldiers Burial B Row 2, Plot 46 | ||||
Barrow | Norman | 15327 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Catherine Barrow, of Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Rossignol Wood Cemetery, Hebuterne | |||
Barrowman | John | 56410 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Hannah Barrowman, of Cape Foulwind, Westport, New Zealand. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Barry | Ernest William | 54110 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ernest William and Mary Ann Barry, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Barry | Francis Garrett | 6/1777 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Barry (brother), Blenheim) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Barry | Frederick | 64292 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Henry and Jane Ann Barry, of 32, Hayden St., Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barry | Frederick | 6/1462 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | UK x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Mary Reid, of Moutoa, Shannon, New Zealand | UK - Cliveden War Cemetery | |||
Barry | Garrett | 60053 | Private | Pte | 20/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen and the late Garrett Barry, of Tamaki West, Auckland | France - Bertrancourt Military Cemetery | |||
Barry | Gerald | 24126 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of A. H. Barry, of Kialla East, Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barry | John Edward | 49320 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of John and Mary Barry, of 26, Cargill St., Dunedin, New Zealand; husband of the late Elizabeth Philapenia Barry. Native of Orepuki. | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Barry | John Patrick | 38482 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Barry, of 19, Halston Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, and the late Garrett John Barry | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barry | Robert William | 4/514 | Saddler | Sdlr | 03/12/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. E. Barry, of 8, Brightside Rd., Epsom, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Barson | George Edward | 26/384 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. M. C. Barson, of 73, Sperling Rd., Bruce Grove, Tottenham, London, England. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Barson | Henry John | 79178 | Private | Pte | 12/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of the late Thomas and Emma Barson | UK - Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery | |||
Barter | Howard Benjamin Walter | 31161 | Private | Pte | 28/02/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Howard Russell Barter and Mary Bella Barter. | UK - Londonthorpe (St. John The Baptist) Churchyard | |||
Barter | James Hayter | 10/2852 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 03/08/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Edwin James and Mary Maria Barter, of 20, Britannia Rd., Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex, England. Native of Forest Gate, London. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Barter | John Henry | 85786 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of A. M. E. Barter, of 13, Abberley Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch. Born at Christchurch | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Barter | Leonard Samuel | 11607 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Barter, of 13, Abberley Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Bartholomew | Kenneth Miller | 56717 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Ellen Bartholomew, of Feilding, New Zealand; husband of Annie Te Mann Bartholomew, of 23, Nelson St., Feilding, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bartleet | Frederick Howard | 8/4087 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs M Bartlett (wife), 17 Martin St, Wellington) | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Bartlett | Allan Walter | 23/1547 | Private | Pte | 10/08/1916 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of W P. Bartlett, of Lucknow, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. | France - Calais Southern Cemetery | |||
Bartlett | Carl Frederick | 74146 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick and Ada Bartlett, of Inkermann St., Onehunga, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Bartlett | Cyril Montague | 33677 | Private | Pte | 15/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. H. H. Bartlett, of Broad Bay, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Bartlett | David | - | Private | Pte | 30/06/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Bartlett, of Christchurch | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Bartlett | Frederick Henry | 8/2509 | Private | Pte | 08/12/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry John and Margaret Bartlett, of Nairn St., Roslyn, Dunedin; husband of Ellen Bartlett of, 4, Calder St., St. Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Bartlett | Percy Norman | 24/2146 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Bessie 0. Bartlett (now Torpey), of Taitimu, Grahams Beach, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Bartlett | Stanley Albert | 49138 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bartlett, of Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bartley | George | 15470 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Nephew of John Bartley, of Wakefield Avenue, Sumner, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bartley | James | 49865 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert and Mary F. Bartley, of Isis St., Oamaru, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Bartley | Robert | 58724 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert and Mary T. Bartley, of Isis St., Oamaru, New Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Bartley | Walter | 12/2638 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Andrew and Sarah Bartley, of Mongonui, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Barton | Charles | 23/1548 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Paulsen (formerly Barton), of Auckland, and the late William Morris Barton. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barton | Charles Frederick | 11/1655 | Gunner | Gnr | 28/08/1917 | NZFA | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of John and Elizabeth Barton (nee Hampton). Born at Auckland. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Barton | Feodor Elfick | 48613 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Edmund and Eliza Beelby Barton (nee Leeckie), of 9, Edensor Rd., Eastbourne, England. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Barton | Frank Arthur James | 10277 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louise Barton, of 110, Abel Smith St., Wellington, and the late Richard James Barton. Native of Hokitika, Greymouth. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barton | Harry Charles | 41723 | Private | Pte | 01/08/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Ann Barton, of Hayward St., Featherston, Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Barton | Percy George | 30732 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Frederick and Flora Barton, of Norwood Rd., Bayswater, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Barton | Richard Herbert | 9/548 | Trooper | Tpr | 16/06/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Born at Timaru, New Zealand. | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Barton | Whare | 16/435 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1916 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Teaohau Rohutu, Tokaanu, Kihikihi) | France - Fricourt New Military Cemetery | |||
Barton-Browne | Walter Raleigh | 11226 | Bombardier | Bdr | 06/10/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. A. Barton-Browne, of 213, High St., Dunedin. | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Bartosh | John Laurence | 27769 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - R Bartosh (father), Taita, Lower Hutt) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Bartosh | Richard Alexander | 15661 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Annie Victoria Bartosh, of Lower Hutt, Wellington | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Bartrop | Ludlow Maynard La Costa Fox | 13/294 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Maj. George Frederick and Julia Bartrop, of Melbourne, Australia | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bartrum | Cyril Frederick | 24/40 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of John Arthur Bartrum, of Auckland University, Auckland | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Barugh | John | 29339 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick and Anne Dorothy Barugh, of Tower Rd., Matamata, Hamilton, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Barwick | Cecil Henry | 10296 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1917 | Cyclists | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Mary Barwick, of Akaroa, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Basan | Conrad | 37759 | Private | Pte | 21/07/1920 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Sarah Basan, late of Queen St., Wellington. Born at Dunedin. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Bashford | Herbert | 72075 | Alfred Martin | Private | Pte | 08/11/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Alfred MARTIN) Son of Mr. H. B. Bashford, of 9, Rooding St., Brighton, Victoria, Australia | France - Caudry British Cemetery | ||
Baskin | James | 51145 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Adam and Mary Baskin, of Glencough, Ardara, Co. Donegal, Ireland | France - Ruyaulcourt Military Cemetery | |||
Baskiville | Henry Alphonsus | 2/1593 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Walter Joseph and Teresa Kate Baskiville, of Devonport, Auckland | France - Varennes Military Cemetery | |||
Bason | Frank | 26/83 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bason, of Smith St., Waverley, Patea, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bassett | Arthur Edmond | 23/1325 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Job and Emily Bassett, of Eketahuna, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Bassett | Edmund | 25/162 | Sergeant | Sgt | 23/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Francis and Sarah Bassett; husband of A. E. Bassett, of High St. North, Dannevirke, New Zealand. Born at Bunnythorpe, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bassett | Ernest | 40176 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of S. H. and Ruth Bassett, of St. S Andrews, Blenheim, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Bassett | Ivor George | 28416 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Sarah Jessica Bassett, of 32, Ranfurly St., Palmerston North, Wellington. Native of Petone. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bassett | Samuel Eric | 7/9 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/06/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William John and Caroline Bassett, of Rosewell, Timaru | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Batchelor | Arthur Lake | 7/163 | Corporal | Cpl | 27/11/1917 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Frederick Craven Batchelor and Elizabeth Batchelor. Also served on Gallipoli. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Batchelor | Ferdinand Campion | 3/313 | Lt/Colonel | Lt-Col | 31/08/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Norfolk Island. Served in Egypt, 1914-15. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Batchelor | Harry Thomas | 6/1450 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Henry and Mary Batchelor, of Hilton, Temuka. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Batchelor | Henry William | 21642 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Batchelor, of Sefton, North Canterbury | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Batchelor | Peter John | 43715 | Trooper | Tpr | 04/09/1921 | CMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Invercargill East Cemetery, Invercargill, Southland | ||||
Bate | Horace Stanley | 7/164 | Trooper | Tpr | 17/07/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs Mary Bate (mother), Riwaka, Nelson) | Turkey - Beach Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bate | Thomas | 56529 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | (NOK - Mrs S Lovell (friend), Rotokauri, Frankton Junction) | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Bateman | Cyril Percy | 4/373 | Sapper | Spr | 30/07/1915 | NZE | Died of disease | Mudros x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. W. Bateman, of Wingatui, Dunedin, New Zealand | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Bateman | Harry Osborne | 26/709 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Sarah Bateman, of Manakau Rd., Epsom, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bateman | Herbert Arthur | 23/65 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss K Bateman (sister), 107 Russell Ave, Toronto, Canada) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bateman | Norman Climo | 51676 | Private | Pte | 01/02/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Elizabeth Emma Bateman, of Augustus St., Parawai, Thames, New Zealand. Native of the Isle of Man. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bateman | Thomas Henry | 45182 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/01/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Henry and Annie Bateman, of Waitahuna, Otago, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bater | Richard Norman | 12/2639 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Mary Francis Bater, of 87, Richmond Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bates | Alfred Thomas | 13/2295 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1916 | AMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of James and Elizabeth Bates | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bates | Clinton Miller | 13587 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the Rev. John James and Caroline Bates, of "The Manse," Sheffield, Canterbury. Native of Lyttelton, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bates | Ernest John | 3/165 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. E. Bates, of 1, Abbey St., Newton, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bates | George Ronald | 24/345 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Holman Bates and Annie Amelia Bates, of 27, Brighton St., Island Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. Also served at Samoa. | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bates | Howard Lowick | 24/633 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Thomas and Emmaline Sophia Bates; husband of Gladys Maude Burton (formerly Bates), of Clifford Rd., Eltham, New Plymouth. Also served in Egypt | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bates | Percival William | 8/3477 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Archibald Bates (brother), 1 Hastings St, Linton, Bedfordshire, England) | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Bates | Raymond | 14369 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bates, of 41, Mount Eden Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Bates | Wilbourne Harold | 13/2296 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/08/1917 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - J Bates (father), Rintoul Street, Wellington) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bates | William | 69395 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J Bates (brother), Orari) | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Bathurst | Frederick Henwood | 12/3940 | Sapper | Spr | 16/01/1918 | LROS | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Joseph and Julia Bathurst, of Te Awamutu, Waikato, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Bathurst | James Edward | 63814 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Silas Augustus and Catherine Bathurst, of Raimata, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Batley | Norman Piriao | 10/3846 | Private | Pte | 10/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Emily Batley, of Moawhango, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Batson | William | 12724 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Adopted son of Frederick and Elizabeth Batson, of Okaihau, New Zealand | France - Awoingt British Cemetery | |||
Batstone | Bertie | 6/2535 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ruth Batstone, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Batten | Leslie Clapham | 41469 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James William and Emma Rebecca Batten, of Bow, London; husband of Alice Batten, of Beach Road, Hawera, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Batters | Frank Gilderoy | 8/900 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Batters. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Batters | George William | 6/195 | Private | Pte | 08/03/1920 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born in England. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Battes | Harold Allin | 11/496 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Charles Allin and Emma Battes | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Battison | Walter | 10/2067 | Sergeant | Sgt | 28/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Elizabeth Battison. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Batty | William | 6/2392 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Wilkinson and Theresa N. Batty, of 34, Douglas St., Ponsonby, Auckland. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bauchop | Arthur | 9/534 | Lt/Colonel | Lt-Col | 10/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Maria Bauchop, of Port Chalmers, Dunedin; husband of Mary J. E. Bauchop, of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bauckham | Frederick | 5/1551a | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 22/04/1917 | ASC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Rosetta Bauckham, of 40, Highfield Avenue, Great Grimsby, Lincs., England, and the late Robert Bauckham. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Baverstock | Henry | 49063 | Private | Pte | 27/02/1918 | AIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Charles Best Baverstock and Mary Baverstock; husband of Ruth Irene Baverstock, of Ohakune Junction, New Zealand. Born at East Tamaki, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Baxter | Benjamin Charles | 19/392 | Private | Pte | 18/02/1919 | Samoan Relief | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Lily Maude Baxter, of St. Helier's Bay, Auckland. Born in Staffordshire, England. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Baxter | Bernard Eyre | 10/275 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Stanley Eyre Baxter, of North Lees, Taikawhana, Hokianga, Auckland. Native of Hinton, Steeple Ashton, England. Also served in Egypt (Suez Canal). | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Baxter | Edgar George | 33815 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late George and Rachel Baxter; husband of Annie Baxter, of Hillsborough, Horsmonden, Kent, England. Born at Bedford, England. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baxter | Edgar Tyrrell | 10/278 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Isaac William Tyrrell Baxter, of Temuka, and the late Mary Tyrrell Baxter. Native of Ashburton | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baxter | Edward | 8/1132 | Private | Pte | 08/12/1916 | OIR | Accident | France | Son of J. Baxter. | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Baxter | Edwin | 26/78 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Nathaniel and Caroline Baxter, of Stroud, Glos., England | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Baxter | Erasmus | 23290 | Lieutenant | Lt | 12/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Annie Stewart Baxter, of 126, Tinakori Rd., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Baxter | Islay Whittington | 23/66 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Dr. and Mrs. William Whittington Baxter, of Kitchener St., Takapuna, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Baxter | Ivan Bruce | 8/3810 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John S. and Margaret Baxter, of Gala St., Invercargill, New Zealand; husband of Margaret W. Baxter, of Gala St., Invercargill. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Baxter | John | 4/1492 | Sapper | Spr | 30/11/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs John Baxter (mother), Riverton, Southland) | France - Louverval Military Cemetery, Doignies | |||
Baxter | Norman | 9/8 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert Gilbert and Miriam Baxter, of Sumner, Christchurch. Native of Dunedin, New Zealand | Turkey - New Zealand No.2 Outpost Cemetery | ||
Baxter | Olliver Jesse | 29138 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late George and Jessie Swan Baxter. Native of Ruapuna, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Baxter | Rowland Thomas | 12/703 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 30/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Arthur and Emma Baxter | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Baxter | William Duff Nathan | 12/1552 | Sapper | Spr | 22/10/1918 | APS | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - Margaret Baxter, C/o Mrs Lethbridge, Waiuku) | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Baxter | William John | 8/2842 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 29/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Matthew Baxter, of Weston, Oamaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Baylee | James Collis | 72393 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Baylee, of Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late Joseph Collis Baylee | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Bayler | Frank William | 10/1736 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Elizabeth and Bernard Bayler, No. 2 Line, Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bayliffe | Robert Edward | 13/22 | Trooper | Tpr | 29/08/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Only son of Robert Archibald and Mary Anne Bayliffe, of 31, Georges Drive, Napier | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bayliss | Thomas | 8/3478 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jonah and Katherine Bayliss, of Woodside, North Dudley, Worcs., England; husband of Mary Kate O'Meara (formerly Bayliss), of Titirangi Rd., New Lynn, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bayly | Robert Horatio Roy | 12/26 | Major | Maj | 20/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. L. J. Bayly, of Pukekohe, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bayne | George Anderson | 10/2068 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph Samuel and Eliza Bayne, of Wellington. Native of Tapanui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bayne | James | 10/44 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mrs. Heap, of Otaki Railway, Otaki. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bayne | James John | 48896 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Emma Bayne, of Kent, England; husband of Mary Elizabeth Bayne, of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bayne | Kenneth Anderson | 11/774a | Trooper | Tpr | 25/11/1916 | WMR | Drowned | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William and Ellen Bayne, Bell's Junction, Mataroa, Rangitekei | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Bazett | Gilbert Knowles | 6/1778 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alfred Campbell Bazett and Jane Elizabeth Bazett, of "Burcott," Mountside, Guildford, England. Native of Newbury, Berks., England. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Beable | Arthur Henry | 10/588 | Private | Pte | 01/02/1923 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland | ||||
Beach | Edward | 31943 | Private | Pte | 26/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joshua and Mary Beach, of Worcestershire, England. | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Beach | Frederick B | 90402 | Private | Pte | 10/01/1919 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of F. Beach, late of Grey St., Hamilton. Born at Onehunga, Auckland. | NZ - Hamilton East Public Cemetery | |||
Beach | Harold Lagor | 10/3181 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alfred Walter Beach, of Green Meqdows, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand, and the late Mary Jane Beach. | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Beachen | Frederick James | 25/259 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/03/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Susan Beachen | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Beadel | Geoffrey Pitt | 36305 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles R. and Mabel Beadel. Native of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Beaumetz Cross Roads Cemetery, Beaumetz-Les-Cambrai | |||
Beagle | Edward | 22299 | Private | Pte | 26/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. C. M. H. Beagle, of Taita, Lower Hutt. | NZ - Lower Hutt (Taita) Cemetery | |||
Beagley | Bruce Sydney | 229700 | Able Seaman | A.B. | 25/09/1915 | RNZN | - | - | Son of Alfred Beagley, of 12, Mount Pleasant West St., Farnham, Surrey | Egypt - Heliopolis (Aden) Memorial | |||
Beagley | George | 49322 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Jane Macey Beagley, of "Roseneath," Sawyer's Bay, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Beal | George | 6/2537 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mark and Eliza Beal, of East Eyreton, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beal | James Edward | 10297 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Thirza Beal, of Beach St., Waikouaiti, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beale | Geoffrey Hilton | 45030 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Ernest C. and Margaret E. H. Beale, of Auckland, New Zealand, and England | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Bealing | Ernest Charles | 3/983 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bealing, of Alexandra Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Bealing | Francis Walters | 10/1410 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of F. J. and M. J. Bealing, of Alexandra Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland. Native of Stanway, Halcombe, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beaman | John Thomas | 5/1191a | Private | Pte | 11/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Moore (formerly Beaman), of 214A, Cuba St., Wellington and the late John Thomas Beaman. Native of Greymouth | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beamish | Richard | 4/35a | Sapper | Spr | 25/03/1917 | NZE (British Sec) | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. J. H. Beamish, of 11, Northbrook Rd., Ilford, Essex, England. Born at Waitemata | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Bean | Charles William | 12968 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. C. W. Bean, of Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bean | John | 49587 | Private | Pte | 18/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Caroline Bean, of Hook, Waimate. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bean | Neville Felex | 11816 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen A. Bean, of 303, New South Head Rd., Edgecliff, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and the late John Duncan Bean (District Supt. Punjab Police). Born in the Punjab, India. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Bean | Roy Eugene | 2/2049 | Gunner | Gnr | 06/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Paul Eugene and Ida Bean, of Little River, New Zealand. | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Bean | William Edward Cottier | 25/163 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Ridley Bean and Ella Mabel Bean, of "Pukewhare," Hobson St., New Plymouth | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beanland | Stanley | 10298 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. T. Beanland, of Edendale, Auckland, New Zealand. VIII. I. 57. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Beard | Charles | 10/1411 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. J. Beard, of Swanston, Stonehenge, Tasmania, Australia.. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beare | Harvey | 63816 | Private | Pte | 08/04/1918 | AIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Edwin and Selina Beare, of Sladesbridge, Wadebridge, Cornwall, England | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Beaton | James | 40763 | Private | Pte | 24/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Beaton, of Polsen St., Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Beaton | John | 23/2154 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Catherine Beaton, of 408, Cumberland St., Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late Archibald Beaton. Native of Argyll, Scotland. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Beaton | Robert | 14217 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Margaret MacKenzie Beaton, of 2, Melton Charles, Aultbea, Ross-shire, Scotland. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Beattie | Bertram Oscar | 33057 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1918 | NZRB | Accident | France | Son of Eva Gertrude Pickering (formerly Beattie), of "Waipapa," Kohuratahi, Taranaki, New Zealand, and the late Bertram Anderson Beattie. Born at Feilding, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Beattie | Charles Leslie | 39741 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel and Sarah Ann Beattie, of Porangahau, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Born at New Plymouth, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Beattie | Cyril Cicero Peter | 75141 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/03/1919 | AIR | Died of injuries | Germany | Son of Robert and Emma Elizabeth Beattie, of Waimamaku, Hokianga, New Zealand. | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Beattie | Donald | 22919 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Walter Beattie (brother), 4 Adams St, Brooklyn, Wellington) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beattie | James | 8/4089 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Cecilia Beattie, of Tapanui, Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Beattie | John | 34794 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Isabella Beattie, of Ngapuna, Central Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beattie | John Thomas | 9/9 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. J. J. and Caroline Beattie, of Naseby, Otago; husband of Mrs. V. Beattie, of George Creek, Roxburgh | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Beattie | Leonard Frederick | 26/434 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Mary A Beattie (mother), Paeroa) | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Beattie | Norman James | 13/885 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. A. Bounwell (formerly Beattie), of Bennett's Siding, Taihape, Wanganui, and the late Mr. H. Beattie | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beattie | Percival Moore | 38797 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Luther Beattie and Mary Ann Beattie; husband of Annie Henrietta Beattie, of Herepoho, Eskdale, Napier, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Beattie | Phillip Edward | 47844 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary J. Reid (formerly Beattie,) and the late Thomas E. Beattie. Native of Napier, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Beattie | Robert Avon | 11801 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Eldest son of Robert and Emma Elizabeth Beattie, of Wairnamaku, Hokianga, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Beatty | Arthur | 10/2853 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Alexander Beatty and Jessie Beatty, of Fowcliffe, Hinds, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Beatty | Edward James | 6/2538 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Margaret Beatty, of 120, Opawa Rd., Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beatty | George | 41718 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 30/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Ellen Beatty, of Umutaoroa, Dannevirke, Napier | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beaty | John Scott | 34009 | Private | Pte | 13/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of George Henry Shaw Beaty, of "Grimstone," Wem, Salop, England | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Beauchamp | Percy Frederick William | 23788 | Private | Pte | 06/02/1919 | WIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of T. W. G. and Sarah Beauchamp. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Beauchamp | Thomas | 8/552 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Sophia Beauchamp, of 22, Chamber St., North East Valley, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Beauchamp | William | 35477 | Sapper | Spr | 17/06/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | NZ x France | Born in Scotland. Served on the Western Front, 1917. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Beaumont | Alfred Gordon Roi | 28653 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Beaumont, of 36, Strand Arcade, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beaumont | Bertie Benjamin | 36394 | Private | Pte | 26/12/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Evelyn Beaumont, of 155, Salisbury St., Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late Henry Beaumont. Born at Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Beaumont | Clive | 15862 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/12/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Martha Beaumont, of Whangarei | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beaumont | David George | 13/2549 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/01/1916 | NZMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Thomas William and Margaret Beaumont | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Beaumont | Edward Harold | 24127 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William David and Emma Jane Beaumont, of Ruapuna, Ashburton. Native of Temuka. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beaumont | Ernest | 12/687 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George E. Beaumont, of Campbelltown Rd., Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Beaumont | George | 29591 | Private | Pte | 02/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Beaumont, of Campbelltown Rd., Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia. | France - Knightsbridge Cemetery, Mesnil-Martinsart | |||
Beaumont | Oswald | 13/166 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Martha Beaumont, of Whangarei. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beaumont | Thomas Alfred George | 25/85 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Beaumont, of Hawera, New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Beaumont | William Bellamy | 4/2254 | Sapper | Spr | 22/09/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Ada Beaumont, of 73, Keith St., Wanganui, Wellington | France - Longueval Road Cemetery | |||
Beaurepaire | Louis Isidore | 74852 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Louis Isidore Beaurepaire and Elizabeth Jane Beaurepaire, of 65, Wilson St., Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand. Bom at Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Beaven | George Albert | 85787 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. A. E. Beaven, of 438, Worcester St., Christchurch. Born in England | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Beavis | Wilfred Denver | 23/1945 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs M E Beavis (mother), Hunterville) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Beazley | Charles William | 8/2534 | Private | Pte | 09/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles Edwin and Catherine Beazley, of 29, Carnaivon St., Belleknowes, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Varennes Military Cemetery | |||
Beck | Douglas Henry | 37456 | Sapper | Spr | 21/01/1919 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of H. T. and Elizabeth Beck, of 518, Castle St., Dunedin. Born at Wellington. Served on the Western Front, 1917. | NZ - Dunedin Northern Cemetery | |||
Beck | George | 20485 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Ann Beck, of Kimbolton, Fielding, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Beck | James | 8/328 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James Beck, of Ballyblack, Newtownards, Co. Down, Ireland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Beck | James Robert Ewen | 49323 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | DEC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of James and Elizabeth Dixon Beck, of Waicola Homestead, Wairio, Southland. Served in France, 1917 | NZ - Otautau New Cemetery | |||
Beck | Matthias | 10/2855 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Matthew Petersen Beck. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beckett | Cyril Donald | 24/2150 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Jane Beckett, of Frasertown, Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beckett | George | 9/242 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mary E. Beckett, of 14, Fulton St., Gladstone, Invercargill, and the late J Beckett | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beckett | Joseph Edward | 57458 | Private | Pte | 06/02/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mark and Catherine Beckett, of 159, Huxley St., Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Southbridge, Canterbury. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Beckett | Middleton | 24/971 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/05/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Beckett, of Brent Toi, Levin, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Beckett | Oswald William Murphy | 29726 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. W. A. Turnbull (formerly Beckett), of 69, Madras St., Sydenham, Christchurch; husband of Rubina Catherine Mary Beckett, of 45, Macandrew Rd., South Dunedin. Native of Georgetown, Invercargill | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Becroft | William Clifford | 10988 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Lewis Philip Becroft and Eliza Becroft, of Belmont Avenue, Mount Albert, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beddis | William James | 6/2932 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beddis, of Glenroy, Glentunnel, New Zealand | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bedelph | Thomas | 7/814 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/12/1917 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of the late Thomas and Jane Bedelph, of Dunalley, Tasmania, Australia. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Bedford | Ernest John | 34011 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Gowland (friend), 267 Aberdeen Road, Gisborne) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bedford | Wilfred Cecil | 27170 | Corporal | Cpl | 22/09/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Bernard Samuel and Fanny Eliza Bedford, of 35, Hepburn St., Auckland, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Bedggood | William Wallace Charles | 24/48 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of E. A. H. and Sophia Bedggood, of "Wallace", Roslyn Terrace, Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Melbourne, Australia. Also served in Egypt. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Bedlington | Roy Percy | 4/1146a | Sapper | Spr | 30/11/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. P. Bedlinglon, of Whangarei, New Zealand | Turkey - 7Th Field Ambulance Cemetery | |||
Bee | Arthur Walter | 34012 | Private | Pte | 28/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bee, of Port Ahuriri, Napier, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Beeby | Thomas | 14559 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Beeby, of Gateshead, England | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Beech | John Tempest | 36941 | Private | Pte | 10/08/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Sophia Beech, of Bolton, England. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Beechey | Frederick James | 22695 | Lieutenant | Lt | 25/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of J. M. and Elizabeth Beechey. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Beechey | Horatio Wilfred Arthur | 26/1056 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Ernest and Frances Mary Beechey, of Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Beechey | Lionel Frederick | 24/1337 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 10/05/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Frederick William and Hannah Beechey, of Kaitieke, Raurimu, North Island, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Beedie | James | 85179 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. W. G. Beedie, of Buller St., New Plymouth. Born at Aberdeen, Scotland | NZ - Stratford (Kopuatama) Cemetery | |||
Beehan | Anselm Jerome | 22909 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 27/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Annie Theresa Beehan, of 86, Grafton Rd., Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beehre | Henry Malcolm | 12/2947 | Sergeant | Sgt | 17/04/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel and Mary Ann Beehre, of Third Avenue, Whangerie, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Beekman | Antonie | 4/646 | Captain | Capt | 15/06/1916 | NZE | Accident | NZ | Husband of W. Beekman, of 23, Arthur St., Timaru. Served in Egypt, 1915. Report - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6714, 16 June 1916, Page 2 | NZ - Dunedin Northern Cemetery | |||
Beer | Frederick William | 54809 | Private | Pte | 20/07/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Jessie Beer, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Beer | Leslie William | 71035 | Private | Pte | 28/05/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of William and Agnes Beer, of Wild Bush, Southland | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Beer | Valentine Cowell Stepney | 13/25 | WO2 | WO2 | 08/09/1915 | AMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - P Beer, Inspector of Stock, Stratford) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Beeson | Charles Basil | 26535 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George Robert and Joanna Beeson, of Te Aroha, Auckland, New: Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Begbie | Albert James | 23953 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Begbie, of Pukekohe East, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Begbie | Cyril | 13864 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. Begbie, of Mornington, Dunedin. Born at Arrowtown, Central Otago | NZ - Napier (Park Island) Cemetery | |||
Begg | Alan | 36306 | Private | Pte | 14/08/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Sarah Begg, of Christchurch, New Zealand; husband of Alice Begg, of "Te Huia", Esmonde Rd., Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Begg | Charles Mackie | 3/306 | Colonel | Col | 02/02/1919 | NZMC | Died of disease | UK | Croix de Guerre (France). Son of Alexander and Katherine Begg, of Dunedin; husband of Lillian H. L. Begg, of 1, Claremont St., Dunoltar, Dunedin | UK - Walton And Weybridge (Walton-On-Thames) Cemetery | |||
Begg | James Alexander | 8/1401 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Jonathan and Margaret Begg, of Otokia, Otago | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Begg | Kenneth Humphreys | 12/510 | Sergeant | Sgt | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Hannah Eliza Begg, of Ellery St., Ngaruawahia, Waikato, Hamilton, and the late James Kemp Begg. Native of Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Behm | William Elwood | 31108 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Behm, of Whangarei, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Behrent | Arthur Edward | 8/2405 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of H. A. Behrent, of Makowhai, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Feilding, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Behrent | Walter Henry | 10/2069 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Albert Behrent, of Sanson, Feilding, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Belchamber | Leslie Henry | 21180 | Corporal | Cpl | 24/08/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of John E. and Emily A. Belchamber, of 14, Cauldrey St., Eden Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Belcher | George | 28655 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J Belcher (brother), Totara Ave, New Lynn, Auckland) | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Belesky | Ernest Mathew | 32613 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/02/1923 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin Block 78. Plot 48 | ||||
Belfit | George | 10/293 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1919 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of R. Belfit, of Young's, South St., Feilding. Born at Palmerston North | NZ - Palmerston North (Terrace End) Cemetery | |||
Belfit | Kenneth | 26/289 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Belfit, of South St., Fielding, New Zealand, and the late Matthew Belfit | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bell | Alexander Law | 12/1885 | Gunner | Gnr | 09/08/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Edward and Mary Bell | France - Couin New British Cemetery | |||
Bell | Arthur Offley | 12/1147 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Alfred Bernie Bell and Mary Bell. Native of Rockhampton, Australia | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bell | Cameron | 10/2070 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. F. A. Slow (formerly Bell), of Fairlie, South Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bell | Charles Adam | 8/546 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Alfred and Elizabeth Bell, of Hackney, London, England; husband of Edith Bell, of 72, Letland Rd., Box Hill, Victoria, Australia. Also served on the Indian Frontier. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Bell | Daniel Lowery | 67621 | Private | Pte | 09/10/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Hannah Bell, of Turua, Thames River, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Thilloy Road Cemetery, Beaulencourt | |||
Bell | Edward Francis | 28396 | Private | Pte | 11/10/1920 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John Fenton Bell and Elizabeth Bell (nee Jamieson), of Harbour View Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland. Born at Inglewood. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Bell | Frank Beauchamp | 3/1754 | Private | Pte | 22/05/1916 | NZMC | Died of disease | France | (NOK - P W Bell (brother), Waimauku, Auckland. Born in Australia) | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Bell | Henry George Thomas | 10/125 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mrs. Annie Key. of Wanganui | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bell | James Albert | 3/4287 | Private | Pte | 11/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James Nesbit Bell and Charlotte Bell, of 13, Calder St., St. Kilda, Dunedin | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Bell | James Alexander Terras | 3/156a | Captain | Capt | 29/12/1914 | MFA | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John Terras Bell and Emma Ann Bell; husband of K. M. Bell, of Gloucester St., Christchurch. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bell | John Edward | 2/1132 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Bell, of River Rd., Ngaruawahia, Waikato, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Bell | John Fox | 8/1937 | Private | Pte | 26/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles Langley Bell and Elizabeth Hannah Bell, of Belper, Derbyshire | France - Calais Southern Cemetery | |||
Bell | John McPeake | 51257 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Bell, of 176, Papanui Rd., Christchurch. Born at Ashburton | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bell | Joseph | 70929 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James Bell, of Southburn, South Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Bell | Joseph Sumpton | 23/2542 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Martha Bell, of Lamplugh, Cumberland. | France - Bois Guillaume Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bell | Leonard | 22753 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Mrs. W. Bell, of Normanby Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bell | Norman Matau | 7/11 | Sergeant | Sgt | 20/07/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. E. Bell, of 1, Constitution St., Dunedin. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bell | Percy | 26773 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Alice Bell, of I, Kingsway, Waterloo, Liverpool, England | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bell | Richard | 38646 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Louisa Bell, of Grand Vue Rd., Manurewa, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bell | Ronald James | 12/1148 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph and Jeannie Bell, of Waharoa, Hamilton. Native of Belfast, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bell | Roy Courtenay | 10/636 | Private | Pte | 17/06/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Australia x Gallipoli | (NOK - John C Bell, Oakura, New Plymouth) | Australia - Springvale Necropolis, Melbourne | |||
Bell | Sidney | 6/3989 | Private | Pte | 24/01/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | NZ | Born in England. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front | NZ - Killinchy Cemetery | |||
Bell | Stanley Ferguson | 27203 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of William Henry Bell, of Makikihi, South Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bell | Stephen Alexander | 12/698 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Helen T. Letharn Bell, of Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand | Turkey - Redoubt Cemetery, Helles | |||
Bell | Thomas | 6/1464 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 23/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Jessie Paterson Bell, of Lower Largo, Fife; husband of Marjory Rattray Conolly Bell, of Croft Dyke, Ceres, Cupar, Fife, Scotland. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bell | Thomas Taylor | 17/334 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Taylor Bell and Isabella Bell, of Totara Grove, Stirling, Otago | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bell | Walter Charles | 16264 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/04/1918 | ICC | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Allen and Mary Bell, of Canterbury, New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bell | William Frederick | 25/1209 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 25/11/1920 | NZEF | Died of illness | UK | (NOK - Mrs E Bell, 21 Rankeillor St, South Dunedin) | UK - City Of London Cemetery, Manor Park | |||
Bell | William John Albert | 32499 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 21/02/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late John Bell (ex-Serjt. Royal Irish Constabulary) and Margaret Arm Bell, of Ballygoney, Coagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Previously wounded three times | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bell | William Nevin | 12712 | Gunner | Gnr | 31/07/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Alan and Alice Bell, of Cambridge, Waikato, New Zealand. | Belgium - Coxyde Military Cemetery | |||
Bellamy | William Joseph | 24/1255 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/07/1916 | y | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of W. H. and Janet Bellamy, of 50, Lonsdale St., New Brighton, Christchurch | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Belliss | Reginald Herbert | 26/437 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James Belliss and the late Jean Belliss, of Taihape, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Belsham | William James | 24/1937 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Clara Belsham, of 562, Adelaide Rd., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Belton | Edward Lancelot | 22930 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Ann Belton. Native of Brookside, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Belworthy | Arthur Eton | 8/1938 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Bessie Belworthy. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Belworthy | William Arthur | 7/815 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. G. Belworthy, of 8, Smith St., Hataitai, Wellington | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bemrose | William Wilkinson | 88360 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1919 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. E. Lull (formerly Bemrose), of Waikaia, Southland. Born in England. | NZ - Waikaia Cemetery | |||
Benbow | Edwin | 26/1564 | Rifleman | Rfm | 22/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Benbow, of Ormondville, Hawke's Bay | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Benbow | Percy James | 38256 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Alice Benbow, of Bankside, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Benbow | Thomas Henry | 18948 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Benbow, of Ormondville, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Bendall | George Edward | 22754 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of W. E. Bendall, of New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Benefield | Thomas Charles | 52935 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Harriett Agnes Benefield, of Wanganui, New Zealand | Belgium - Bedford House Cemetery | |||
Benfell | Frank | 40867 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. A. E. Benfell, of 7, Frame St., North East Valley, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Benfield | Frederick Christopher | 3/562 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/03/1916 | NZMC | Died of disease | Salonika | Son of George and Mary Benfield, of Iffley, Oxford, England; husband of Cecilia R. Benfield, of 323, High St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | Greece - Salonika (Lembet Road) Military Cemetery | |||
Benfield | John William | 8/4090 | Private | Pte | 06/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. C. E. Benfield, of 20A, Cromwell Crescent, Earl's Court, London, England | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Benge | Robert Daniel | 74285 | Private | Pte | 10/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of A. A. Benge, of Te Marua, Upper Hutt. Born at Upper Hutt | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Benington | Herbert Sampson | 14562 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert and Eleanor A. Benington, of "Bidston," Paines Lane, Pinner, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Benjamin | Henry Thomas | 18950 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Hannah Elizabeth Benjamin, of Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Bennell | Robert Thomas | 10/123 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Sarah E. Bennell, of St. Bartholomew's, Sandwich, Kent, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Benner | Albert George | 13/386 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/08/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of John and Charlotte Benner, of Pongakawa, New Zealand | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bennet | Charles Edward Ernest | 14372 | Private | Pte | 26/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Ernest Bennet and Mary Annie Bennet, of Howick, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bennet | James Robert | 29910 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bennet, of Lillburn, Clifden, Southland, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Bennett | Alexander | 8/1403 | Private | Pte | 04/07/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - G Bennett (father), Helensville, Kaipara, Auckland) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bennett | Alfred William | 27834 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Hilda Bennett, of 3, Fitzherbert St., Petone, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bennett | Charles | 57013 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/03/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Commandant A. Bennett, of The Salvation Army, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Bennett | Charles Ernest | 23954 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett, of 39, Adelaide St., South Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Bennett | Charles Frederick | 4/149 | Private | Pte | 15/11/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Bennett, of Orepuki, Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bennett | Clifford Harry | 18750 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. R. Bennett, of 12, Vermont St., Ponsonby, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bennett | Cyril Harold | 24970 | Gunner | Gnr | 07/11/1921 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Martinborough Cemetery, Wairarapa | ||||
Bennett | Edwin | 45976 | Private | Pte | 16/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of E. W. C. N. Bennett, of Taradale, Napier, New Zealand | France - Meteren Military Cemetery | |||
Bennett | Edwin Bolton | 24326 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Edwin and Rebecca Bennett, of Palmerston North. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bennett | Ernest Arthur | 65278 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Winifred Mary Bennett (wife), 65 Harbour View Rd, Northland, Wellington) | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Bennett | Fred | 30899 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Fred and Caroline Bennett, of Littlehampton, Sussex, England. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Bennett | Harold Ernest Edward | 24/972 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Edward and Rebecca Bennett, of Inglewood, Taranaki | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bennett | Henry | 19/13 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of William and Isabella Bennett. Born at New Plymouth. | NZ - New Plymouth (Te Henui) Cemetery | |||
Bennett | Jack Rufford | 12/2949 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs G P Peirson (mother), The Poppies, Lower Ham Rd, Kingston upon Thames, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bennett | James | 61028 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs S Bennett (mother), Orari) | France - St. Aubert British Cemetery | |||
Bennett | James Alfred | 52129 | Private | Pte | 28/01/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Eva Maud Bennett, of 29, Mason's Avenue, Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bennett | James William | 3/208 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1915 | NZMC | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Jane Bennett, of Miller's Flat, New Zealand | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bennett | John Dale | 30469 | Driver | Dvr | 04/10/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Philip and Skipsey Bennett, of Inglis St., Seatoun, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Hermies Hill British Cemetery | |||
Bennett | John Trewhilla | 11/1772 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Martha Jane Bennett, of Waverley, New Zealand | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Bennett | Joseph Llewellyn | 21142 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Frances and Katherine Bennett, of Waerenga Rd., Otaki, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bennett | Lawrence Eric | 24/1595 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frank and Sarah Bennett, of Petane, Hawke's Bay | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bennett | Leslie Frances | 36151 | Driver | Dvr | 20/04/1923 | ASC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Hamilton West Cemetery, Hamilton, Waikato | ||||
Bennett | Oswell Hughes | 23338 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett, of Sonia, Plimmerton, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bennett | Percy Douglas | 3/2018 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1916 | NZMC | Died of disease | France | Brother of Charles Herbert Bennett, of 63, Milton St., Nelson, Lancs, England | France - ANZAC Cemetery, Sailly-Sur-La-Lys | |||
Bennett | Robert Montgomery | 12/3553 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Marion Bennett, of 28, Pentland Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland. Native of Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland. Also served in Samoa. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bennett | Samuel | 2/2575 | Gunner | Gnr | 06/10/1916 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Thomas and Polly Bennett, of Tirohanga, Opotiki, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Bennett | William Bradford | 49664 | Private | Pte | 20/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Phoebe Emily Bennett, of 350, Woolcombe St., Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Bennett | William Harold | 50983 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of William and Martha Bennett. | UK - Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery | |||
Bennetts | Norman | 12/2643 | Corporal | Cpl | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Frederick John Bennetts, of Washdyke, Timaru. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bennington | Alexander John | 6/413 | Sergeant | Sgt | 02/06/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of James and Elizabeth Bennington, of 184, Talbot St., Geraldine, New Zealand. Also served at Ismailia, Egypt | Turkey - Beach Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bennington | Ernest George | 6/3990 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. L. S. Bennington, of Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Benny | Thomas Stephen | 8/3184 | Sergeant | Sgt | 24/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Jane Jeans Benny, of 177, Harewood Rd., Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Broadfield, Canterbury | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Benson | Aubert | 21649 | Private | Pte | 05/11/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. J. Benson, of Ham, Hungerford, Berks, England. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Benson | Frank | 26980 | Private | Pte | 06/04/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Benson (mother), 3 James Watt St, Glasgow, Scotland) | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Benson | Henry | 7/1545 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 31/03/1918 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | (NOK - Henry Benson (father), Edgehill, Liverpool, England) | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Benson | Isaac Robert | 10/2071 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Jane Benson, of Hospital Hill, Napier | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Benson | Joseph Henry | 6/3622 | Private | Pte | 22/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Helen Hawkins (formerly Benson), of Collingwood, Nelson | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Benson | William Henry | 16062 | Private | Pte | 08/07/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Margaret Benson, of Morven, South Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Bentley | Edgar Norman | 10/1740 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs I Heppleston (sister), Hurstfield, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Bentley | John Robert | 56234 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bentley, of Hay Lane Farm, Foston, Derby, England | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bentley | Oswald Thomas | 13509 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | NZ x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bentley, of Greytown, Wairarapa. Born at Ngahauranga. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18 | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Benton | Alfred | 3/7 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Nellie Beatrice Mann (formerly Benton), of Ludlam St., Seatoon, Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Benton | Joseph Leonard | 10/3482 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs H Benton (mother), Greytown) | France - Ribecourt Railway Cemetery | |||
Benzie | Robert | 8/2845 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Jane Benzie, of Macraes Flat, Palmerston South, New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Benzie | Sydney James | 3/2152 | Private | Pte | 02/12/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Husband of Violet Benzie (now Mrs. Bristow), of 48, Mein St., Newtown, Wellington | NZ - Dannevirke (Mangatera) Cemetery | |||
Berendt | George Philip | 25/91 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 31/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Conrad and Louisa Berendt. Born at Hokitika, Greymouth | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beresford | Leonard Lawrence | 31933 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter Edwin and Edith Beresford, of Taringamotu, Hamilton. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Beresford | Walter Rex | 10/649 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Walter E. and Edith Beresford, of Taringamotu. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Beresford-Wilkinson | Ernest Charles | 23/678 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/12/1915 | NZRB | Killed in action | Egypt | (NOK - Mrs M Beresford-Wilkinson (mother), Broadway, Reefton) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Berg | Frank Lewis | 33679 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Berg, of Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bergh | Haakon Ludvig | 6/1140 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mrs. Bergh, of Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand | Turkey - Redoubt Cemetery, Helles | |||
Berkahn | Christopher Kolle | 11/1408 | Trooper | Tpr | 24/07/1916 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Mary Berkahn, of Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay, and the late William F. H. Berkahn | Egypt - Kantara Memorial | |||
Berland | Victor | 91126 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Jules and Julia Berland (nee Cranefield); husband of Jessie May Berland, of Arrowtown. Born at Timaru | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Bern | James Ross | 29352 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bern, of Tamahere; Waikato, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bernard | Arnold Stronghill | 8/2536 | Private | Pte | 28/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Alexis and Ellen M. Bernard, of London; husband of Elsie Agnes Mary Bernard, of 82, Bravington Rd., Paddington, London | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bernard | Arthur Casement | 10/783 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. Charles E. Bernard, of Awakino Rd., Dargaville, Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bernard | Henry Stanhope | 8/3483 | Private | Pte | 18/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of C. E. Bernard, of Parore St., Dargaville, New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Bernard | Victor Raymond | 21/42 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Manuel Joseph and Ann Eliza Newcomin Bernard, of Jennings St., Te Kuiti, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Berrett | Benjamin | 36392 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Pearl Berrett (wife), 22 Durham St, Sydenham, Christchurch) | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Berrett | Thomas Alfred | 59091 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/01/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berrett, of 9, Sydenham St., Christchurch, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Berry | Albert James Frederick | 23/362 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Helena Augusta Berry, of Walkham Row, Bridgend, Lostwithiel, England. Born at Stoke, Devonport. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Berry | Arthur Edwin | 32295 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Sarah Ann Berry, of Norton Resene, Waimate, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Berry | Arthur Frederick | 6/3991 | Private | Pte | 06/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Walter and Sarah Ann Berry, of Christchurch, New Zealand; husband of Louisa Alice Berry, of 38, Palmerston Rd., High St., Walthamstow, London. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Berry | Arthur Lionel | 64195 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | POW x France | Son of Benjamin Augustus and Kate Eleanor Berry, of 148, King St., Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born in New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Berry | Cecil Featherstonhaugh | 7/697 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Anna Jane Hougton Berry, of Renwicktown. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Berry | Charles Roland | 47393 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Emma Berry, of 18, Wellesley Rd., Napier, New Zealand. Native of Pahiatua, New Zealand. | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Berry | Inkerman | 6/2541 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. Barkwith, of 9, Shelly St., Sydenham, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Berry | James Augustus | 18951 | Private | Pte | 21/07/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William Augustus and Alice Ann Berry. Born at Greymouth. B., C. of | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Berry | John Albert | 27767 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Agnes Berry, of Russell Flat, Canterbury | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Berry | John Arthur | 30164 | Private | Pte | 14/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Ellen Berry, of Sheffield, England; husband of Alice Evelyn Robinson (formerly Berry), of Mangahume, Te Keri, Eltham Rd., Taranaki. Native of Sheffield | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Berry | Joseph | 47110 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Alice Berry, of Airton, Bell Busk, Leeds, England | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Berry | Thomas | 24/43 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Berry, of Short St., Burnside, Dunedin. Native of Otaki, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Berry | William James Vernon | 21143 | Sergeant | Sgt | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E H Berry (mother), 76 Harleyford Rd, London) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Berryman | Stanley | 7/166 | Lieutenant | Lt | 30/03/1918 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Henry Giles Berryman and Mary Redman Berryman, of Stanley Downs, Kohatu, Nelson. Born at Waimate, Canterbury, New Zealand. Volunteered in August, 1914. Twice wounded at Gallipoli. | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Bertaud | Harold Isaac | 10/3188 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Annie Bertaud. Native of Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bertelsen | Claudius | 12/3251 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bertelson, of Rotorangi, Cambridge, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Berwick | Robert Francis | 9/1151 | Driver | Dvr | 10/02/1919 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of M. J. Berwick, of 56, Harbour Terrace, Dunedin. Served at Gallipoli, in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Berwick | William James | 93004 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. A. Berwick, of Hastings St., Napier. Born in London, England | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Best | Arthur Joseph | 10/2073 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1920 | WIR | Suicide attributable to war injuries | New Zealand | Son of J Best, Longburn, Palmerston North | NZ - Terrace End Cemetery, Palmerston North | |||
Best | Charles Isaac | 25160 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | 14th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Frederick and Ellen Best; husband of Aileen Lisle Best, of 157, Betsoe Avenue, Spreydon, Christchurch. Born at Kaiapoi | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Best | Frank Te Kauru | 13/13 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Harriet Colwill, of Lucerne Rd., Remuera, Auckland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Best | Frederick James | 20288 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Elizabeth and the late George J. Best, of Rototuna, Hamilton, New Zealand. | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Best | Henry Parker | 26487 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and J. S. Best, of Te Horo, Manawatu, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Best | James Gardiner | 14374 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William John Best, of Moa St., Otahuhu, Auckland. Native of Belfast, Ireland | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Best | Leslie Robert | 37143 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/01/1919 | NZRB | Accident | NZ | Husband of Mrs. L. R. Best, of High Holborn St., Surrey Hills, Sydney, Australia. Born at Woollongong, New South Wales, Australia. Served on the Western Front, 1917. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Best | Sydney | 11610 | Private | Pte | 02/01/1917 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Brother of Mr. C. Best, of Upper Moutere, Nelson, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Bestall | Robert | 2/1389 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/07/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. E. N. J. Bestall, of Johannesberg, South Africa | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Beswick | Albert Edward | 3/834 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/10/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | Malta x Egypt | Son of William and Annie Beswick, of 37, Linton St., Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand | Malta - Addolorata Cemetery | |||
Beswick | Frank | 61992 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Beswick, of 13, Nova Place, Christchurch | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bethell | Robert | 45461 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Mary Bethell, of Bay of Islands, New Zealand. | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bethune | John | 11814 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/04/1918 | MGS | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of the late John and Susan Bethune, of Victoria, Australia | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Bethune | Roderick | 10/1417 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Roderick and Isabella Bethune, of Broom Hill, Delny, Scotland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bett | Robert Carville | 17/253 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Mary Bett, of 16, Queen St., Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Betteley | Frederick | 15671 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Elizabeth Betteley, of Wallasey, Cheshire, England; husband of the late Lily Betteley | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bettelheim | George Reeve | 13/302 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/04/1918 | AMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of the late Joseph J. Bettelheim, of Tauranga. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli | NZ - Tauranga Public Anglican Cemetery | |||
Bettley | Charles | 2/208 | A/Bombardier | A/Bdr | 05/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Charlotte Bettley, of 24 Bridge St., Hamilton. Born at Hamilton, Waikato | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Bettridge | Walter | 68104 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bettridge, of Hawera, New Plymouth. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bevan | William Henry George | 24/690 | William Henry George Beaven | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 18/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (AKA William Henry George BEAVEN) Son of William H. and Ellen Bevan, of Waihi Rd., Hawera, Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | ||
Beverley | David | 25794 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/05/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Mary Beverley, of Broomwell Cottage, Monikie, Forfarshire, Scotland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bewley | Joseph | 47966 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Sarah Bewley, of 112, Main St., Westington, England; husband of Jessie Edith Milham (formerly Bewley), of Kakaramea, Wellington. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bews | William | 49866 | Trooper | Tpr | 18/12/1918 | CMR | Died of disease | Gallipoli | Son of John and Annie Bews, of Ngapara, Otago. Also served in Palestine | Turkey - Chanak Consular Cemetery | |||
Bey | William Farquharson | 38799 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Dr. William and Eveline D'Ainslie Bey, of Greytown, Wellington | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bickens | Henry Francis | 10/1742 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bickens, of 39, Glasshouse St., Regent St., London, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bicker | Francis George | 4/599 | Sapper | Spr | 13/09/1915 | NZE | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs G Bicker (mother), 2 Emmett St, Ponsonby, Auckland) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bickerstaff | William John | 26375 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 17/12/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Bickerstaff, of 60, Brighton Rd., Horsham, Sussex. | Belgium - Ramparts Cemetery, Lille Gate | |||
Bicknell | Clarence Ralph | 24/356 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Ralph and M. C. Bicknell, of Onewa Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of London, England | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Bicknell | Cyril Alfred | 10/132 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 23/06/1916 | WIR | Died of injuries | France | Son of William Walker Bicknell, of Greytown, New Zealand, and the late Grace Bicknell. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Biddick | George James | 13/3003 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Rebecca Biddick, of 61, Ross Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Biddle | Edward John | 10539 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/04/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Edward and Frances Biddle, of Carterton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Westoutre British Cemetery | |||
Biddle | Walter Ernest | 59304 | Private | Pte | 20/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Biddle, of Swamp Rd., Carterton, New Zealand, and the late Edward Biddle. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bidgood | Andrew | 44691 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bidgood, of 3, Osborne St., Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bidmead | John Verne | 41713 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss M Robertson (stepsister), C/o Mr Bell, Solicitor, Hamilton) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bidwell | Ernest | 59589 | Ernest Bidewell | Private | Pte | 31/05/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Ernest BIDEWELL) Son of Henry William Bidewell, of 76, Ordnance Rd., Canning Town, London, England. Native of Stepney, London | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | ||
Biggam | Alexander Hogg | 8/3486 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret Biggam, of Hayton, How Mill, Cumberland, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Biggan | Michael Joseph | 4/375 | Sergeant | Sgt | 23/03/1921 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born in Ireland. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, and on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Biggar | John Charles | 16813 | Private | Pte | 23/01/1918 | NZEF Reinf | - | NZ | Son of John and Catherine Biggar (nee McKay); husband of the late Mildred Mary Biggar, of 10, Beaumont Rd., Belleknowes, Dunedin. Born at Dunedin. | NZ - Dunedin Northern Cemetery | |||
Biggar | Matthew James | 39744 | Private | Pte | 04/02/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. F. Biggar, of Makirikiri, Wanganui. Born at Invercargill. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Biggar | Peter | 8/1889 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. George Biggar, of Croydon Bush, Gore. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Biggs | Aston James | 5/873 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 03/11/1918 | ASC | Died of disease | France | Son of Samuel and Catherine Biggs, of Victoria, Australia | France - Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, Manancourt | |||
Biggs | Bertie | 11619 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of David Biggs, of Drayton, Ontario, Canada. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Biggs | Francis Allan | 38257 | Private | Pte | 29/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of George and Clara Biggs, of Nelson, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Biggs | Frederick Albert Edwin | 11611 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alfred and Annie Biggs, of Tapawera, Nelson, New Zealand | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Biggs | Norman | 11223 | Private | Pte | 28/01/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Earle (aunt), Fox Street, Gisborne) | Belgium - Aeroplane Cemetery | |||
Biggs | William Henry | 10/755 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Walter George and Mary Susan Biggs, of Nolantown, Hawera, Taranaki. Native of Tinwald, Canterbury | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bigwood | Percy | 12/30 | Private | Pte | 22/04/1915 | AIR | Died of disease | Lemnos x Egypt | Husband of Mrs. C. Bigwood, of 189, Macquire St., Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Bilkey | Ovey | 13/2719 | Gunner | Gnr | 12/11/1918 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bilkey, of Pukekohe, Auckland | NZ - PUKekohe Public Cemetery | |||
Billesdon | John William | 72614 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Ada Gertrude Brewin (sister), Evington, Leicester, England) | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Billett | Charles | 48316 | Private | Pte | 28/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Alice Billett, of Worthing, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Billett | Frank Wilton | 12009 | Sapper | Spr | 03/11/1923 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Son of Sydney Richard and Adelaide Ethel Billett (nee Young) Buried St Ninian Presbyterian, Church, Avondale, Auckland | ||||
Billing | Bernard | 12/2952 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard Billing, of Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Billing | Charles Vince | 12/2212 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Sarah Billing, of Whenuapai, Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Billing | Christopher Barney | 12/501 | Private | Pte | 16/06/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Christopher and Jane Billing. Born at Dargaville, New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Billing | Ernest Alfred | 10/3832 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/04/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas John and Emma Jane Billing, of Hine Street, New Plymouth, New Zealand, Native cf Rahotu, New Zealand | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Billing | Frederick Rolland | 22927 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas John Billing, of New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Billing | Percy Harry | 27205 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late George Billing. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Billing | Roy Gwen | 31060 | Roy Given Billing | Private | Pte | 20/04/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Roy Given BILLING) (NOK - Mrs A Billing (mother), Kamo) | France - Englebelmer Communal Cemetery Extension | ||
Bills | Henry Thomas | 21958 | Private | Pte | 13/01/1917 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Henry and Susan Bills, of 52, Albany St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Bilton | Johnson | 25178 | Private | Pte | 28/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Isabella Bilton. Born at Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Bindon | John | 7/816 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Elinor Bindon, of Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Bay of Islands, New Zealand | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Bingham | Clifton Willoughby | 34565 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Sydney Clifton Bingham and Jessie Ellen Bingham; husband of Mabel Laurie Bingham, of 31, Gracefield St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Biondi | Ludovico | 23/1332 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Reffeallo Biondi (brother), 27 Wordsworth St, Wellington) | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Birbeck | John Richard Samuel | 59305 | Private | Pte | 28/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Rebecca Birbeck; husband of Annie Odlum (formerly Birbeck), of 34, Church St., Seatoun, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Christchurch, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Birch | James Frederick | 54724 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George Frederick and Eliza Birch, of Victoria St., Dargaville, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Birch | Leslie Rodolph | 11/2417 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Birch, of Maxwelltown, Wanganui | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Birch | Llewellyn | 12/3253 | Private | Pte | 20/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Emily Birch, of 124, Church St., Great Bedwyn, Hungerford. Native of Hornsey, London, England. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Birchall | Alfred Urmson | 53121 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Birchall, of 648, North Rd., North-East Valley, Dunedin. Born in New Zealand | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bird | Arthur Joseph | 23/364 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bird, of Paynstown, Waimate, South Canterbury. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bird | Edmund | 6/1442 | Private | Pte | 02/06/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Annie Maria Bird, of 39, Fanshawe Avenue, Barking, Essex, England | Turkey - Beach Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bird | Frank | 8/2406 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frank and Bertha Bird, of Ohaupo Rd., Hamilton, New Zealand. Native of Manchester, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bird | Fred | 44083 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bird, of Stout St., Westport, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Bird | Henry Richard | 45982 | Private | Pte | 29/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs E Turnage (sister), C/o R Turnage, 298 Balfour Rd, Illford, Essex, England) | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Bird | James Samuel | 3/564 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1915 | NZMC | Drowned - Sinking of HS Marquette | Salonika | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bird, of Painstown, Waimate, Timaru | Greece - Mikra Memorial | |||
Bird | Joseph Hohepa | 13/664 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Henry Bird and Kie Kie Hopaia (his wife); husband of the late Annie Davis. Native of Murupara | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bird | Samuel | 47567 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel and Jane Bird, of 96, Swins Gate, Kimberley, Notts | France - Louvencourt Military Cemetery | |||
Bird | Thomas Henry | 8/2537 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Bird, of Pleasant Point, New Zealand, and the late Alice Bird. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bird | William Patrick | 11/857 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 14/11/1917 | MGS | Killed in action | Palestine | (NOK - N Bird (father) New Club, Glasgow, Scotland) | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Birdling | Arthur John Ware | 7/1195 | Lieutenant | Lt | 20/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur John and Emily A. Birdling, of Landsdown, Halswell, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Birdling | Reginald Frank | 7/308 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frank G. Birdling of Birdling's Flat, Canterbury, New Zealand. Native of Banks Peninsula, Canterbury. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | ||
Birdsall | William John | 13/232 | Trooper | Tpr | 22/06/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of John Bowden Birdsall and Isabel Birdsall, of Whangateau, Rodney, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Birkett | Herbert | 33820 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | AklReg | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - Mrs T M Birkett (mother), Kingsley, Newcastle-under-Tyne, Brampton, England | UK - Stoke-On-Trent (Hanley) Cemetery | |||
Birkett | Hugh Leslie | 9/1777 | Sapper | Spr | 11/05/1917 | NZE | Died of disease | France | Son of Henry James and Emma Birkett, of Opunake, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Birkett | William Arthur | 4/600 | Sergeant | Sgt | 28/03/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Cross of Karageorge 1st Cl. with Swords (Serbia). Son of R. E. F. and Annie Birkett, of "Rosewell," Collins St., Gisborne, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Birmingham | William | 32291 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Birmingham, of 831, Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Birnie | Arthur | 16065 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/11/1917 | AMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | (NOK - J Birnie (father), O'Rorke Ave, Remuera, Auckland) | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Birnie | Charles | 2/1138 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Birnie, of 11, Maurice Avenue, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Birnie | Robert | 2/423 | WO2 | WO2 | 21/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Birnie, of 1, O'Rorke Avenue, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Birrell | Robert | 11207 | Private | Pte | 12/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Andrew Birrell (father), Longforgan, Dundee, Scotland) | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Birse | Charles | 9/671 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William S. and Helen M. Birse, of Frankton, Invercargill. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Birss | Alexander Cecil | 26/52 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. W. Birss, of Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bischoff | George Thomas | 40291 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bischoff, of Crown St. Onehunga, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bischoff | Victor Ferdinand | 31583 | Private | Pte | 08/03/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Thomas and Charlotte Susannah Bischoff, of Crown St., Onehunga, Auckland. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Bishop | Alfred Eric | 50721 | Trooper | Tpr | 16/08/1918 | MGS | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs H M Bishop (mother), Bell Block, New Plymouth) | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Bishop | Claude William | 11/683 | Sergeant | Sgt | 20/02/1918 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of the Rev. and Mrs. Bishop, of The Manse, Howick, Auckland. New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Bishop | George Henry | 6/753 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 30/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of George and Eliza C. Bishop, of Wellington St., Nelson, New Zealand | Turkey - Beach Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bishop | Herbert Oliver | 2/20a | Corporal | Cpl | 03/07/1917 | NZFA | Died of injuries | France | Son of William and Charlotte Bishop, of Norwich, England | Belgium - Westhof Farm Cemetery | |||
Bishop | John | 25/1222 | Captain | Capt | 15/01/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Husband of Rose Bishop, of Onehunga, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Bishop | John Joseph | 23294 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Joseph and Emily Bishop, of "Dunvegan," Titirangi, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bishop | William John | 10/1743 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/08/1917 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bishop, of Koru, New Plymouth. Born at Hawera. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - New Plymouth (Te Henui) Cemetery | |||
Bishop | William Norman Clarke | 54813 | Private | Pte | 23/05/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Joseph and Emily Bishop, of "Dunvegan," Titirangi, Auckland | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bisman | Charles | 28960 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Jane Bisman, of 55, Hawdon St., Sydenham, Christchurch, and the late Charles Bisman. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bisphan | William Charles | 68590 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - S G Bisphan (brother), Glentunnel) | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Biss | Harold Holm | 2/2780 | Driver | Dvr | 19/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Cyril Holm Biss and K. B. Biss, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, Manancourt | |||
Bisset | George Ewell | 25/49 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Caroline Bisset, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Bisset | Gordon | 39150 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jessie Bisset, of Wangaloa, Kaitangata, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bissett | George Francis McG | 10/304 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Adam and Alice Bissett, of 88, Duncan St., Wanganui East | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bissett | Norman | 49226 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Mary Bissett, of Avenal Rd., Invercargill; husband of Alice. B. Brookland (formerly Bissett), of Makarewa, Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bissland | Leslie James | 8/3809 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bissland, of 28, Howe St., Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Bjermquist | Charles Henry | 28612 | T/L/Sergeant | T/L/Sgt | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Bjermquist; husband of Selina Louie Bjermquist, of 74, Russell Terrace, Wellington. Served in the South African Campaign. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Black | Alexander | 8/326 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Margaret E. Black, of 45, St. Andrew St., Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Black | Alfred Reginald | 10208 | Corporal | Cpl | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Black, of Taranaki, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - Mailly Wood Cemetery, Mailly-Maillet | |||
Black | Aubrey Horotiu | 12/962 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred and Tuhi Black, of Dargaville | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Black | Colin | 35730 | Trooper | Tpr | 18/11/1917 | AMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs Beatrice Black (wife), 80 Albany Rd, Ponsonby, Auckland) | Israel - Deir El Belah War Cemetery | |||
Black | Colin Buxton | 3/2744 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Sydney and Constance Buxton Black, of Weston, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Black | Cyril Lloyd Phipps | 45031 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 30/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - W H P Black (father), Imperial Buildings, Cashel St, Christchurch) | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Black | Duncan Archie | 28851 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. E. Black, of Methven, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Black | Frederick Robert | 19109 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1917 | WIR | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of John Alexander and Anne Black; husband of Alice Ann Black, of Black Rock, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Born at Liverpool, England. | UK - Walton And Weybridge (Walton-On-Thames) Cemetery | |||
Black | Frederick William | 8/1703 | Private | Pte | 06/02/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Black, of 106, St. Andrews St., Dunedin | NZ - Dunedin Northern Cemetery | |||
Black | George | 6/2545 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Black, of Tabletop, Hakataramea South, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Black | George Christopher | 3/1300 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1923 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin | ||||
Black | George Harry | 11/2392 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. D. M. Ashford (formerly Black), of 33, Upper Featherston Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Black | Harry Osborne | 10150 | Sergeant | Sgt | 29/03/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Henry and Mary Black, of Dundooan, Coleraine, Ireland | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Black | Hugh Clarke | 62913 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh Black, of Gortfad, Ganagh, Co. Derry, Ireland, and the late Mary Jane Black | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Black | Hugh Robert | 31214 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh and Margaret Black, of Bright St., Westport, Greymouth, New Zealand. Native of Ross, South Westland. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Black | James | 7/15 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Black, of Otipua, Timaru | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Black | James Stuart | 12/2215 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Black, of Auckland | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Black | John | 10/3488 | Private | Pte | 11/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Alexander Black, of Spring Creek, Marton, New Zealand | UK - Netley Military Cemetery | |||
Black | John Wilkinson | 1/528 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Catherine Black, of Irvine St., Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Black | Leonard Arthur Davis | 45977 | Private | Pte | 22/07/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of David and Alice M. Black, of Kaponga, New Zealand | France - Couin New British Cemetery | |||
Black | Lincoln | 13/886 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Mary Black, of Otara, Opotiki, Thames. Born in Otago | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Black | Robert Stanley | 9/2048 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Harry and Emily Black, of 6, Grant St., Dunedin. Native of Arrowtown, Invercargill. Former New Zealand International Rugby Football player. (Played 6 matches for the All Blacks) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Black | Sydney Morrison | 15673 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Elizabeth E. Black, of Awakino, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Born at Taranaki | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Black | William | 14747 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J Couper (mother), Cameron Road, Napier) | France - Rue-David Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Black | William | 8/10 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Mary Black, of Waikaka, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Black | William | 10/280 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Black, of Spring Creek, Marton, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Black | William | 12/314 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Allen Henry and Charlotte Black | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Blackall | Richard Sinclair | 24/2156 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Richard and Louisa Gertrude Blackall, of Barraba, New South Wales, Australia. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blackburn | Andrew | 6/2546 | Private | Pte | 18/06/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Margaret Blackburn, of Clarkville, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Blackburn | James Joseph | 29728 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/11/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. E. Blackburn, of Dromore, Ashburton, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Blackburn | Reginald Evans | 24972 | Gunner | Gnr | 18/04/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Barnabas and Hannah Blackburn, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Englebelmer Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Blackburn | Robert | 8/3870 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. J. A. Blackburn, of 14, George St., North Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Blackburn | Samuel Arthur | 10/2075 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Harriet Blackburn, of 52, Remer St., Coppenhall, Crewe, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blackburn | Stanley | 13/887 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry John and Mary Jane Blackburn (nee Bunker) of "Malvern," St. Sampson'S, Guernsey, Channel Islands | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Blackburn | Walter | 6/1466 | Private | Pte | 03/04/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Joshua Blackburn (father), 1 Parks Rd, Arleedon, Cumberland, England) | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Blackett | Pierre Ludwig | 32430 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew Benton Blackett and Frederikke Marie Blackett, of Rolleston, Canterbury. Native of Rangiora, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Blackham | John | 25/948 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Richard and Elizabeth Blackham, of 26, Preston St., Timaru, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Blackie | Bernard | 6/3252 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Louisa Rose Blackie, of Clarence St., Hamilton, Waikato. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Blackie | Donald Ronaldson McDonnell | 8/4092 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. A. Blackie. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Blackie | Herbert William | 58967 | Private | Pte | 30/04/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Mabel Blackie, of Katea, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Blackie | James | 8/3160 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. A. Blackie | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Blackie | Owen Campbell | 6/2937 | Sergeant | Sgt | 20/11/1918 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. L. R. Blackie, of Clarence St., Hamilton. Born at Calcutta, India. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Te Awamutu Public Cemetery | |||
Blackler | Francis Charles | 14052 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Frances Blackler, of Totara Valley, Pleasant Point, Timaru, New Zealand | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Blacklock | George | 23/681 | Rifleman | Rfm | 22/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Blacklock, of Waverley place, Galashiels, Scotland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blacklock | Walter James | 9/1778 | Private | Pte | 17/02/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | NZ x France | Son of Thomas and Agnes Blacklock (nee Wright). Born at Waiwera South, South Otago. Served in Egypt, and on the Western Front | NZ - Oamaru Cemetery | |||
Blackman | Arthur Ross | 23/968 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Annie Blackman, of 40A, O'Neill's St., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Blackmore | Arthur | 10/291 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackmore, of 22, Ursula St., Battersea, London. England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blackmore | Henry John | 3/1824 | Private | Pte | 03/08/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of the late Joseph and Nancy Blackmore. Born at Timaru | NZ - Timaru Cemetery | |||
Blackmore | William Edmund | 32934 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Jane Blackmore of Riverton, Invercargill. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Blackstock | Irving | 10/680 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David and Jane Blackstock, of Robson Rd., Ngaere, Taranaki | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Blackwell | Arthur Albert | 6/3626 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss L E Blackwell (daughter), 53 Antigua St, Christchurch. Born in Australia) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blackwood | Henry Edmonds | 34980 | Trooper | Tpr | 25/11/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | NZ x Palestine | Son of William and Julia Ann Elizabeth Blackwood (nee Edmonds), of 374, Main Rd., Caversham, Dunedin. Served in Egypt, 1917-18 | NZ - Dunedin Northern Cemetery | |||
Blaikie | Alfred James | 21189 | Private | Pte | 22/09/1917 | AklReg (Res) | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Blaikie, of 42, Vincent St., Auckland. | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Blaikie | Duncan | 8/996 | Private | Pte | 13/04/1917 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John Hislop and Catherine McCorkindale Blaikie, of Waikaka, Invercargill. Born at Milton. Served at Gallipoli. | NZ - Waikaka Cemetery | |||
Blaikie | Robert Greenlees | 23/682 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/01/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | Egypt | Son of William and Jessie Blaikie. Born at Waitahuna, New Zealand. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Blaikie | Searle John | 26/79 | Sergeant | Sgt | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Rose Blaikie, of 42, Vincent St., Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Blain | Alexander | 7/563 | Driver | Dvr | 07/07/1918 | ASC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of David and S. Blain, of 453, Harewood Rd., Papanui, Christchurch. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Blain | Edward | 28420 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of John Blain, of Ballykeel, Artifinney, Hillsborough, Co. Down, Ireland. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Blair | Arthur Campbell | 6/2069 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Mary Blair, of Pitt Town, Wallsend, New South Wales, Australia | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Blair | Gordon | 74903 | Trooper | Tpr | 17/12/1918 | NZMR | Died of disease | Australia | (NOK - Mrs G Blair, Ngaere, Taranaki) | Australia - Perth War Cemetery And Annex | |||
Blair | Harry | 12/3942 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Agnes Blair, of Stratford, Taranaki | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blair | Hugh Matthew | 12/3557 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of John and Agnes McKay Blair, of Tryphena, Great Barrier, New Zealand | UK - Birmingham (Lodge Hill) Cemetery | |||
Blair | Ronald Hugh | 10543 | Bombardier | Bdr | 23/08/1919 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Grace Blair, of Wellington. Served on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Blair | Roy Ewen | 12346 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Charles and Annie Isabel Blair, of 55, Hopper St., Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Blair | William Whitehouse | 15865 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Ann Blair; husband of Agnes Boyes Blair, of 11, Harper St., Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Blake | Adam | 23/1561 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs T Blake (mother), Clinto Stow, Scotland) | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Blake | Arthur Sidney | 10/1746 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Blake (father), Church Cottage, Shelbridge near Morchord Bishop, Devon, England) | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Blake | George | 23/2152 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Blake, of Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Blake | George William | 57020 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Jane Blake, of Carrington, Carterton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Blake | Harold David | 26377 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Blake, of St. Andrew's Rd., Epsom, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Blake | Herbert Raymond | 11/736 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 28/11/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Annie Blake, of The Shelter, Esher Avenue, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England, and the late Joseph Aston Blake. | Egypt - Suez War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Blake | Phillip Manu | 10/808 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Thomas and Eliza Hastings Blake, of Karamu Rd., Hastings, Hawke's Bay. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blake | Sydney Conrad | 6/588 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Charles Robert and Maria Blake, of Picton | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blake | Thomas Middleton | 10/1420 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Blake, of Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia. Native of Nathalia, Victoria. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blake | Valentine | 6/2832 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 09/12/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Vincent I. Blake, Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Kathleen Blake, of Gisborne, New Zealand. Native of Windsor, New South Wales, Australia. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Blakemore | Herbert Boden | 24/976 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Blakemore, of 36, Murdock Rd., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - New Irish Farm Cemetery | |||
Blakeney | Cyril | 7/1568 | Lieutenant | Lt | 09/08/1916 | CMR | Killed in action | Egypt | (NOK - Mrs W F Hamilton (mother), Ashwick Station, Fairlie, South Canterbury) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Blaker | Clement | 12/1556 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Charles Blaker (father), 5 Preston Park Ave, Brighton, England) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Blakie | Henry Walter | 40871 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Blakie, of Ryal Bush, Southland, Invercargill | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Blamey | George | 79630 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James and Ellen Blamey; husband of Millicent Mary Blamey, of 5, Halesowen Avenue, Edendale, Mount Albert, Auckland. Born at Fowey, England. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Blanch | Walter Henry | 8/3489 | Private | Pte | 21/12/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | NZ x France | Son of Mrs. T. Blanch, of Invercargill. Born at Drummond, Southland | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Blanch | William | 34790 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Frances Blanch, of Invercargill, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Blanchard | Alfred | 63283 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Anthony and Mary A nn Blanchard. Native of Kyeburn Diggings, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Blanchard | Clarence | 23/2544 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs L Adams (aunt), Baltimore Hotel, Brooklyn, Massachussetts, USA) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bland | Henry Gordon | 26/48 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Hester Bland, of 14, Cornwall St., Island Bay, Wellington. Went to Samoa with the Advance Guard. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bland | Herbert | 11/662 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Catherine Bland, of North Rd., N.E. Valley, Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bland | Robert William | 62487 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Eldest son of Annie Maria Bland, of Auckland, New Zealand, and the late John Richard Bland | France - Varennes Military Cemetery | |||
Blaramberg | Claude Douglas | 10304 | Private | Pte | 10/12/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. H. and Mrs. E. H. Von Blaramberg, of 18, Amesbury St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. Born at Wanganui. | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Blatch | Ernest Arthur | 61186 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Blatch, of Linwood, Te Anau, Otago, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Blatch | John Robert | 25/1191 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - A F Blatch (father), Otautau, South Otago) | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Blatherwick | George | 6/1468 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Harry and Mary Ellen Blatherwick, of Cropwell Rd., Radcliffe-on-Trent, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blaxall | Edward Leslie | 49326 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blaxall, of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Blaymires | William John | 46274 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | France | Son of William Wilkinson Blaymires and Rose Blaymires, of Paengaroa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Born at Kaponga, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Blaza | Ernest William | 13/889 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/08/1916 | AMR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | Son of George and Mary Jane Blaza, of Wharf Farm, Shackerstone, Nuneaton, England | UK - Shackerstone (St. Peter) Churchyard | |||
Bleach | Patrick Francis | 58840 | Trooper | Tpr | 07/05/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Patrick and Catherine Bleach, of Ranfurly, Central Otago, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Blennerhassett | Arthur Reginald | 23070 | A/Captain | A/Capt | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Blennerhassett, of 23, River Bank, Wanganui, New Zealand, and the late Thomas William Blennerhassett. Born at Nelson | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Blick | Thomas George | 14932 | Private | Pte | 19/08/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Benjamin and Jane Blick, of Blenheim, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Blinkhorn | Albert Ernest | 2/846 | Gunner | Gnr | 09/07/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Elizabeth Blinkhorn, of 177, London Rd., Preston, Lancs. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Blinko | Roland George | 22757 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/01/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK x France | Husband of Annie Christina Blinko, of 512W, Lyndon Rd., Hastings. | UK - Walton And Weybridge (Walton-On-Thames) Cemetery | |||
Bliss | Alfred George Lovell | 11/1410 | Bombardier | Bdr | 05/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Marie Bliss (wife), 14 Ossian St, Port Ahuriri, Napier) | Belgium - Mendinghem Military Cemetery | |||
Blong | Cecil | 13/2418 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/10/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Thomas and Margaret Blong, of Naumai, North Wairoa, Auckland, New Zealand. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Bloomfield | Arthur | 7/1594 | Gunner | Gnr | 22/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bloomfield, of Morrinsville, Hamilton, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Bloor | A E | - | S/Major | S/Maj | 28/05/1920 | NZEF - Fiji Defence Force | - | Fiji | Formerly R/15224 Sergeant | Fiji - Suva Old Cemetery | |||
Bloxham | Clarence George | 47970 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bloxham, of Tuna, Midhurst, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Bloxham | Samuel Eli | 12/2219 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Bloxham, of Kaitangiweka, Hamilton. Native of Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bloxham | William | 8/1939 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Mary Ann Bloxham; husband of Katherine Maria Bloxham, of Fowlds Avenue, Edendale, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bloxom | Thomas Gascoyne | 18607 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mary S. Webb (formerly Bloxom), of Richmond, Victoria, Australia, and the late James Bloxom. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Blucher | Charles Theodore | 12/2955 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Christian Frederick Edmond Blucher and Margaret Ann Blucher, of Pukenui, North Auckland. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Bluck | Alfred Charles | 13/281 | Captain | Capt | 22/05/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Alfred and Matilda Bluck; husband of Ethel M. Bluck, of Te Awamutu, Hamilton, New Zealand. | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bluett | Charles | 31942 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Meraera Bluett, of Whakatane, Thames | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Blundell | Francis William | 24/67 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William Alfred Blundell. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Blundell | Percy | 12/508 | Private | Pte | 07/12/1922 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland | ||||
Blunden | Leonard Walter | 28576 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Reginald and Alice Blunden, of Bennett's, North Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Blunden | Reginald Paul | 59591 | Private | Pte | 27/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George W. and Sarah Blunden, of Feilding, New Zealand. | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Blunt | Alfred Armstrong | 6/3993 | Private | Pte | 06/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel S. and Jane Blunt, of Christchurch New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Blyth | Andrew Jackson | 12/303 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1918 | AIR | Died of disease | Mesopotamia | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Blyth, of 369, Wilsons Rd., Opawa, Christchurch, New Zealand | Iran - Tehran Memorial | |||
Blythe | Henry Robert | 29343 | Private | Pte | 04/06/1920 | ASC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of the late William Henry and Eliza Blythe; husband of Elizabeth Blythe, of Riverhead, North Auckland. Born at Christchurch. Served in France, 1916-18. | NZ - Rotorua Public Cemetery | |||
Blything | Alfred | 50978 | Alfred Arrowsmith | Private | Pte | 14/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Alfred ARROWSMITH), Brother of Elijah Blything, of Parker's Cottage, Tilstock, Whitechurch, Salop. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | ||
Blyton | Steven | 22932 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Blyton, of 7, Vicar St., Coogee, Sydney, Australia, and the late Charles Blyton. Born in New South Wales, Australia | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boag | John Withell | 16373 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/05/1918 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of John and Mary Boag, of Brookside, Canterbury, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Board | Arthur | 25/487 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/11/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert Say Board and Jane Board, of Hangatiki, Waitomo, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Board | Comer | 21192 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert Say Board and Jane Board, of Waitomo Caves, Hamilton, New Zealand. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Boaz | Arthur Samuel | 7/2364 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/12/1923 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Sydenham Cemetery, Christchurch | ||||
Bock | Ernest Theodore | 29609 | Private | Pte | 12/09/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Husband of Isabella Jane Bock, of 19 Russell St., Linwood, Christchurch. Born in South Australia | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boddington | Ernest Nelson | 52939 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/11/1917 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. J. Best, of Longburn, Wellington, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Boddy | Thomas | 25802 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Boddy, of Umutoi, Apiti, Feilding, New Zealand | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Boden | Alfred John | 44689 | Private | Pte | 01/01/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Oceana Boden; husband of Mrs. B. B. Boden, of Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Victoria, Australia | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Boden | Richard Arthur | 7/171 | Sergeant | Sgt | 22/05/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs Boden, 22 Sydney St, Wellington) | Turkey - Canterbury Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bodley | Daniel | 22760 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bodley, of Te Pohue, Napier. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Body | Frank | 48160 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Bessie Body, of Winslow, Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand. Native of Canterbury | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Boggs | James | 54817 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Mary Boggs. Born in Napier | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boggs | Joseph William | 48432 | Private | Pte | 27/02/1920 | WIR | Accident | NZ | Son of the late William and Mary Boggs. Born at Otahuhu, Auckland. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Bogle | Gilbert Vere | 3/534 | Captain | Capt | 17/09/1916 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of James Kennedy Bogle and Annie Stafforl Bogle; husband of Margaret Richmond Bogle, of "Mahina," Eastbourne, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Bogun | Charles Percival | 13723 | Private | Pte | 18/04/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Gottbred and Matilda Bogun, of Taihape, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Bohringer | Henry Edward | 62693 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Peter and Esther Maria Bohringer, of Toongabbie, New South Wales, Australia | France - Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Le Treport | |||
Boland | Edward James | 26982 | Private | Pte | 04/02/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Francis and Annie Boland, of Darfield; husband of Nellie Boland, of Darfield, Christchurch. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Boland | Frank | 6/885 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Ellen Boland, of Camperdown, Victoria, Australia | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Boler | Albert Leonard | 70079 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Mary Boler, of Tauhoa, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Boles | Keith | 58369 | Trooper | Tpr | 16/10/1918 | AMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Catherine Boles and the late James Boles, of Auckland, New Zealand | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Bolger | James (MM) | 37485 | 2/Corporal | 2/Cpl | 13/11/1923 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Husband of Kathleen Josephine Bolger (nee Smith). Born Co Kilkenny, Ireland Buried Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland | ||||
Bolger | John Joseph | 38653 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Michael and Amelia Bolger, of Manaia, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Dozinghem Military Cemetery | |||
Bollard | Ernest Alfred | 12/1155 | Corporal | Cpl | 23/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Alice Bollard, of Hove, Brighton, England | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bollard | John Henry Allen | 6/2452 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen Bollard, of "The Octagon," Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bollinger | George Wallace | 10/1024 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Max and Margaret Isabel Bollinger, of Omata, Taranaki, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Bollinger | Herman | 47497 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/03/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. Bollinger, of Khandallah, Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bolstad | John Arnold | 45630 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. M. Bolstad, of Pahiatua, Wellington | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bolstad | Samuel Herman | 17877 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Annie Bolstad, of Tepapakuku, Dannevirke, New Zealand. | Belgium - Bedford House Cemetery | |||
Bolton | Albert | 38115 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Amos and Emma Bolton, of No. 3, Line, Wanganui East, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bolton | Harold Wilson | 27842 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Bolton, of "Ru Belle," Springfield Avenue, Punchbowl Sydney, Australia, and the late C. Bolton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bolton | John | 17/352 | Saddler | Sdlr | 19/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of John and Margaret Bolton, of Dunedin. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Bolton | Patrick Thomas | 66805 | Sapper | Spr | 05/10/1919 | NZMFHomeService (ex AIF) | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Bolton, of 16, Pollen St., Grey Lynn, Auckland. | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Bolton | Philip Leslie Alfred | 31010 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Granville Edward William and Georgina Bolton, of 9, Seddon Rd., Hamilton West, Waikato, New Zealand. Native of Addlestone, Surrey, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bolton | William Henry | 12/3558 | Private | Pte | 17/04/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard Bolton, of Silverdale Auckland, and Emma Bolton, of England, husband of Catherine Bolton, of 1, Servia St. Newton, Auckland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bonar | Archibald James Merle | 10/1116 | SM | SM | 28/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the Hon. James Alexander and Ella Margaret Bonar. Native of Hokitika, Greymouth. Served in the South African Campaign as Lt. in the 3rd New Zealand Contingent. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bonar | Hugh Gordon | 6/589 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Youngest son of the Hon. J. A. Bonar and Elliot Margaret Bonar, of Hokitika, Greymouth. Served in the African Campaign with the 7th New Zealand M.R. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bond | Augustine | 12/959 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late James Shiner Bond and Sarah Ann Bond, of Hamilton, New Zealand | Turkey - Baby 700 Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bond | Erni | 44680 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ernie and Alice Bond. of 51, Remuera Rd., Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bond | George | 80893 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/01/1922 | NZRB (Res) | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Bond | Phillip Richard | 6/190 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Richard and Mary Bond, of Petone, New Zealand | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Bond | Reuben | 21774 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Hector Bond (father), Methven, Canterbury) | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Bond | Rupert James | 2/573 | Corporal | Cpl | 13/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Stephen and Jane M. Bond, of Auckland. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Bone | Charles Frederick | 8/2407 | Private | Pte | 21/06/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Sarah Bone, of 18, Glasgow St., Wanganui, New Zealand. Wounded at Gallipoli, and present at the evacuation in Dec., 1915. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Bonella | Frederick | 6/3994 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1919 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bonella, of 83, Grafton Rd., Auckland. Served on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Bonham | Jesse Samuel | 11/1411 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1916 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bonham, late of "Gowanbrae," Christie St., South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Egypt - Kantara Memorial | |||
Boniface | John Charles | 11208 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Boniface, of Palmerston St., Riverton, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Bonner | Raymond Percy | 24/56 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert John and Harriet Bonner, of Wetmore, Ross, Tasmania, Australia. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Bonnin | Arthur Edward | 3/102a | Private | Pte | 26/08/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John L. and Adelaide Mary Bonnin, of Brighton, Otago. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bonsor | Eugene Alfred | 4/207a | Sapper | Spr | 11/04/1915 | NZE | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Capt. S. and Marion Bonsor, of "Brierley," Richmond Rd., Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Boock | Bertram | 3/2344 | S/Sergeant | S/Sgt | 10/11/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Israel and Lily Boock (nee Levi), of 83, Aro St., Wellington. Served on H.M.T. "Aparima," 1916-18. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Booker | Alfred Benjamin | 23/77 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Benjamin and Caroline Booker, of Westown, New Plymouth, New Zealand. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Booker | Edward John | 8/964 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Caroline Booker, of 41, Argyle St., Mornington, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Booker | George Ernest | 7/17 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Margaret D. Booker, of 120, Winters Rd., Papanui, Christchurch. Born at Winchester, Timaru. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Booker | John William | 29347 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Husband of Muriel Gladys Teresa Booker, of Newstead, Hamilton, Waikato. Born in England | NZ - Napier (Park Island) Cemetery | |||
Booker | Sydney Archibald | 45587 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/01/1918 | NZRB | Accident | France | Son of the late William Abel and Rosie Anna Booker. Native of Marlborough, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Booker | Thomas Eric | 6/1782 | Private | Pte | 08/03/1917 | CIR | Accident | France | Son of George and Margaret Booker, of 120, Winters Rd., Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Boon | Henry Leslie | 24528 | Private | Pte | 15/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John P. M. and Mary Boon, of Sawyers Arm's Rd., Papanui, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Boon | Roderick Dhu | 26/291 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/07/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Emily Smith, of South Gundigah, New South Wales, Australia | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Boon | William James | 85789 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Mary Boon; husband of Mary Boon, of Addington, Christchurch. Born at Christchurch | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Booth | Attwood Wigzell | 24/1342 | Corporal | Cpl | 20/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Louisa Hodges Booth, of Maple Bay, Duncan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Native of Liverpool, England. | France - Millencourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Booth | Benjamin Bland | 12/2963 | Private | Pte | 11/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Eldest son of George and Jessie R. Booth, of Cambridge, Waikato, Auckland | UK - Oxford (Botley) Cemetery | |||
Booth | Cecil Frank | 21485 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/09/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Charles and Mary Hinson Booth, of 8, Cricket Avenue, Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand. Born Port Albert, Kaipara, New Zealand. | Belgium - Voormezeele Enclosures No.1 And No.2 | |||
Booth | Edgar Normanby | 12/497 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Hannah Booth, of New Zealand | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Booth | George Herbert | 20960 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/02/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Booth, of Tuakau, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Croix-Du-Bac British Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Booth | Harry | 73325 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/12/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | NZ | Son of John and Mary Booth, of Ngaruawahia. Served on the Western Front, 1918. | NZ - Ngaruawahia Public Cemetery | |||
Booth | Harry | 5/1379a | 10/1379 | Driver | Dvr | 19/12/1915 | ASC | Died of disease | Egypt | (NOK - W B Booth (father), Westview, Morley, Yorkshire, England) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | ||
Booth | James Charles | 46430 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | NZ | Husband of I. G. E. Booth, of Devonport, Auckland | NZ - Port Albert Public Cemetery | |||
Booth | John Horner | 8/11 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Albert and Clara Booth. Born in England | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Booth | Ronald Arthur | 11/173 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Hector James and Emma V. Booth, of Feilding. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Booth | Thomas | 4/1893 | Sapper | Spr | 07/06/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Booth, of 24 Cuba St., Bromley, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Booth | William | 10/3839 | Private | Pte | 15/06/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Hay Booth and Mary Booth. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Booth | Willie | 41733 | Private | Pte | 22/07/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Emily Booth, of 51, Plover St., Preston, Lancs., England. Born at Holmfirth, Yorks | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.1 | |||
Boreham | Alfred Clifford | 12/509 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred Arthur and Beatrice Eva Boreham, of Kohu Kohu, Hokianga, Auckland. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Boreham | Joseph Wendell | 8/547 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Boreham, of 68, Melville St., Dunedin | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Borrows | Andrew Leopold Sibbit | 24/60 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Emma Sarah Borrows, of 472, Gloucester St., Linwood, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Borthwick | Alexander | 12/1561 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Miss Jessie Borthwick, of 24, Craigleith Rd., Edinburgh, Scotland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Borthwick | James Robert | 11/976 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Borthwick, of Lee Stream, Outram, Dunedin | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Borthwick | John Rutherford | 10/3195 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Isabella Borthwick, of Waikino, Auckland | Belgium - Lindenhoek Chalet Military Cemetery | |||
Borthwick | William | 14053 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Foster Son of Mr. A. Borthwick, of Forsyth, Otago | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Boscawen | Hugh Townshend | 13/11 | Captain | Capt | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Hugh and Katherine Conway-Hughes Boscawen; husband of Kathleen Boscawen, of Northboro' Rd., Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. Served in the South African Campaign. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bosse | Albert | 31940 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry Bosse, of Silver Creek, Beechworth, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Boswell | Duncan White | 75078 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Annie E. Boswell, of 40, Garnet Rd., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Coromandel | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Boswell | Leo Dawson | 3/3050 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of H. and N. Boswell, of New Plymouth, New Zealand | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Bosworth | Percy | 17/26 | Trooper | Tpr | 04/04/1916 | NZVC | Died of injuries | Egypt | (NOK - Mrs Sarah Bosworth (mother), Eden St, Mount Eden, Auckland) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bosworth | William | 10/2866 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John Thomas and Elizabeth Bosworth | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Botherway | Henry Edward | 8/3492 | Private | Pte | 06/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Botherway, of 23, Church St., Timaru, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Bottcher | Louis Herbert | 54460 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Hermann and Mary Bottcher, of Stratford, New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Bottle | Henry | 6/1470 | Private | Pte | 20/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William Henry and Caroline Bottle, of Rosewood Villa, Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bottle | William Charles | 8/12 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Rosetta Bottle, of Arum St., Camaru, Otago | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Bottoms | Len | 2/1831 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/11/1918 | NZFA | Died since discharge | UK | (NOK - Mrs Sarah Bottoms (mother), Hadfield, near Manchester, England) | UK - Glossop Cemetery | |||
Boucher | Arthur Francis | 31036 | Sapper | Spr | 06/02/1919 | NZE | Died of disease | UK | Husband of Dora Annie Boucher (nee Walton). | UK - Lincoln (St. Swithin's) Cemetery | |||
Boucher | Edgar Woodward | 4/1736 | Sapper | Spr | 12/10/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Ernest Woodward Boucher and Anna A. Boucher, of Tarewa, Rotorua. Also served at Samoa and in Egypt | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boucher | Frank | 7/819 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boucher, of Methven, Canterbury | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boucher | Harry | 40766 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. W. and Jane Boucher, of Hanmer Springs, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Boud | Walter Percy | 12/1156 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Lydia Boud, of 17, Lutwych Rd., Catford, London, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bougen | John | 61507 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Harriett Bougen, of Te Aroha, Auckland, New Zealand; husband of A. E. Bougen, of Tangiwai, Waiouru, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Boughton | Clement Robert | 36545 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Boughton, of 109, Arthur St., Dunedin, and the late Clement Boughton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boughton | Thomas Gordon John | 47307 | Private | Pte | 22/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of John and the late Charlotte Boughton, of 222, Peterborough St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Bould | Charles William Hensman | 10/4439 | WO1 | WO1 | 27/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of E. M. Russell (formerly Bould), late of 27, Plunket St., Kelburn, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boulden | George Edward | 23/1327 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Rosa Maria Boulden, of 105, Rosemead St., Hull, England. Native of Portsmouth, England | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Boult | Charles | 10/4056 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Jemima Boult, of Tikokino, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Boulton | Kenneth Henry | 8/809 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edward and Matilda Boulton, of Paremata, Wellington. Native of Pahautanui, Wellington | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Boulton | Lawrence William | 39940 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Joel and Elizabeth Boulton, of Weraroa, Levin, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boulton | Philip Rupert | 6/2071 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William John Philip Boulton and Blanche Plumley Boulton, of Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Boundy | Stanley Thomas Waters | 25/159 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of T. W. and E. Boundy, of 12, Hautana Square, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Wanganui, New Zealand. | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Bourgeois | Arthur Jules Hayden | 10/493 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Jane Ann Bourgeois, of Bower St., Napier, and the late M. Edmond Bourgeois (a Veteran of the Franco-Prussian and Crimea Wars). | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bourk | Albert Donald | 6/1223 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs L. Bourk, of 18, Hutcheson St., Sydenham, Christchurch. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bourk | Edward Magnus | 6/777 | Private | Pte | 16/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Lizzie Bourk, of 18, Hutchinson St., Sydenham, Christchurch | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bourke | George Henry | 18954 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Bourke, of Cobbora, New South Wales, Australia, and the late Jane Bourke. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bourke | John Joseph | 22759 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of Redmond and Mary Bourke, of Bally MacPierce, Gortatlea, Co. Kerry, Ireland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bourke | Percy William | 12/1891 | Private | Pte | 19/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Bourke, of Kohu Kohu, Hokianga, North Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bourke | Walter Edward | 51681 | Private | Pte | 25/10/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Eliza Bourke, of 35, Esplanade, Mount Eden, Auckland, and the late Patrick Bourke. Born at Dargaville | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Bourne | Herbert | 8/2366 | Private | Pte | 27/06/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Husband of Maud Bourne, of 10 Sutherland Rd., Blackpool | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Boustead | Samuel | 52034 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Royland William Boustead (brother), Drury, Auckland) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bouttell | John Arthur | 10/3196 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jabal and Eliza Bouttell, of 5, Macdonald Rd., Forest Gate, London, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bovett | Albert | 50009 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1917 | WIR | Died of disease | France | Son of George and Susannah Bovett, of Te Aroha, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Bovett | Frank | 23339 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. L. E. E. Bovett, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bovey | William Steed | 45974 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of George Bovey, of 151, Waimia St., Nelson. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bowden | Alfred Henry Francis | 52565 | Private | Pte | 09/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. E. Bowden, of 312, St. Asaph St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Bowden | Arthur John | 3/1675 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of John Wesley Bowden and Clara Ellen Bowden, of 34, Glandovey Rd., Fendalton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bowden | Edward James | 33509 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of A. J. Bowden, of Moonta, South Australia. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bowden | Edward Roy | 22928 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Laura Bowden, of Bothwell, Tasmania, Australia.. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Bowden | Edwin Leonard | 18752 | Sapper | Spr | 17/01/1918 | LROS | Died of injuries | France | Son of John Henry and Elizabeth Bowden, of Cheltenham, Glos., England | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bowden | Eric | 8/3495 | Eric Blaubaum | Private | Pte | 03/06/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Eric BLAUBAUM) (NOK - Mrs Meta Phillips, 60 Royal Tce, Dunedin) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | ||
Bowden | John Desborough | 23924 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/10/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles Stuart Bowden and Jessie Bowden, of 157, Papanui Rd., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Bowden | John Shannon | 56216 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - Miss E Bowden (sister), Pukekohe, Auckland) | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Bowden | Keble Reginald | 10/645 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Walter E. and Clara Bowden, of 12, Milton St., Nelson, Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bowden | William Richard | 2/117 | Sergeant | Sgt | 17/05/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Ada Bowden, of 180, Broughton St., Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Cardiff, Wales | Turkey - Plugge's Plateau Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bowden | William Richard Higgs | 22683 | Private | Pte | 17/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs C Bowden (wife), 14 Broadway Tce, Wellington) | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Bowdery | Alfred Thomas | 10709 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs G Bowdery (mother), 6 High Park Cres, Thurlow St, Walworth, London) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Bowe | Cornelius Frederick | 2/1756 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/04/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Ellen Bowe, of Foxton, Manawatu, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Bowe | Daniel | 23/2155 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. T. Dolan, of 6, Hayward Terrace, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bowell | Frederick Thomas Arthur | 3/1239a | Private | Pte | 13/02/1917 | NZMC | Died of disease | Sea to NZ | Son of Arthur H. and Jean A. Bowell, of 60, Brighton Rd., Parnell, Auckland. Served in Egypt and France. | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Bowen | Arthur Clifford | 6/1018 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | y | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Ewan Bowen, Box 155, Matano Post Office, Saskatoon, Canada) | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Bowen | Christopher Courtenay | 13/2414 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/01/1917 | AMR | POW | Turkey x Egypt | Son of Lucy J. Bowen, of 23, Cameron Rd., Napier, New Zealand, and late E. R. C. Bowen. | Iraq - Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery | |||
Bowen | Frederick William Brook | 11/1881 | Driver | Dvr | 03/07/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert George and Kate Bowen, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bowen | Robert Christopher Brook | 65333 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert G. and Kate Bowen, of 65, Lerand St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Ruyaulcourt Military Cemetery | |||
Bower | Hugh McDonald Moleneux | 8/2540 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh Bromley Bower, of 164, Edgeware Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, and the late Elsie F. C. Bower | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bower | Joseph William | 52940 | Gunner | Gnr | 02/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Donald Calder Bower and Flora Bower, of West St., Greytown, Wairarapa, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Bowers | Charles William | 37963 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of G. W. and M. J. Bowers. of Myrtle St., Lower Hutt, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bowers | Leonard Angus | 9/2050 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Edwards (formerly Bowers), of Paddock St., Riverton, Invercargill | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bowgen | Victor George | 71714 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Alice E. Bowgen, of Grey St., Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Bowie | Alexander Henry | 13/493 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/09/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Mudros x Gallipoli | Son of Agnes Emily Bowie, of Simmondley House, Simmondley, Glossop, Derbyshire, England, and the late William Bowie. | Greece - Portianos Military Cemetery | |||
Bowie | Henry James | 61509 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Esther Bowie, of Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand | France - Villers Hill British Cemetery, Villers-Guislain | |||
Bowie | Robert Ross | 7/920 | Major | Maj | 10/07/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Robert Hislop Bowie and Julia Bowie; husband of Elizabeth Bowie, of 83, Wai-iti Rd., Timaru, New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bowker | George Allan | 10/1421 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Elizabeth Bowker, of Cambridge St., Levin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bowker | Stanley John | 7/18 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Harriet A. Bowker, of 10, Sarah St., Timaru, New Zealand. | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Bowkett | Henry Edwin | 29144 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry and of Matilda Bowkett, of 61, Wyndham Crescent, Canton, Cardiff, Wales. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bowler | Daniel Cornelius | 14025 | T/Captain | T/Capt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs A. Bowler, of Davis St., Hastings, Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bowler | Terence | 56545 | Private | Pte | 10/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Ellen Bowler, of Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry, Ireland. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Bowles | Edmond | 10/2077 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Ellen Bowles, of 28, St. Leonard's Terrace, Newton Abbot, Devon, England | France - Belle Vue British Cemetery, Briastre | |||
Bowles | Jesse | 72870 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of George and Mary Ann Bowles, of Carterton, Wairarapa, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Bowles | Percival McLaren | 12/4521 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Mary Ann Bowles, of Carterton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Bowles | William Bernard | 24/978 | Sergeant | Sgt | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bowles, of Waimate, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bowman | Henry Frederick | 56407 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Bowman, of Opunake, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Bowman | Thomas Russell | 16375 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son Or Thomas and Annie Bowman, of Beaumont, Cottage | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Bowman | Thomas William | 24/1600 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Bowman, of Blackhall Farm, Ebchester, Co. Durham, England | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Bowmar | John Morris | 21481 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowmar, of Waipu, North Auckland. Born at Kaiwaka, North Auckland | NZ - Hakaru (St. Michael's) Churchyard | |||
Bowring | Victor Keith | 56231 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alfred and Edith Mary Bowring, of 34, Esplanade Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Bowring | William Alfred | 24/9 | Captain | Capt | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Percy Bowring, of Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bowron | Henry Allan | 7/1196 | Lieutenant | Lt | 23/12/1916 | CMR | Killed in action | Egypt | (NOK - G Bowron (father), Opawa, Christchurch) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bowyer | Archibald Herbert Oliphant | 38335 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/04/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Only son of Clara Agnes Oliphant Bowyer and the late Edward Bowyer, of 26, Pompallier Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland. Native of New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Box | Ernest | 6/1471 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Sarah Box, of "Clovelly," Silverhill Park, St. Leonards-on-Sea | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Boyce | Alfred Arthur Johnthen | 24/695 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. J. Boyce, of 55, Wordsworth St., Sydenham, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Boyce | Christie Harold | 12/1563 | Private | Pte | 03/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Sarah Jane Boyce | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Boyce | David Strachan | 24/694 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Margaret Boyce, of "Argyle," Featherston, New Zealand. Native of Scotland | France - Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Boyce | Edgar | 15475 | Private | Pte | 26/02/1917 | CIR | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Alexander Boyce (father), Sefton, Canterbury) | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Boyce | James Strachan | 6/187 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Margaret Boyce. Born in Scotland. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Boyce | John Stanley | 43911 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Hannah Elizabeth Boyce, of corner of Manchester and Canon Sts., St. Albans, Christchurch | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyd | Alexander | 54225 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd, of Kaikoura, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Boyd | Alexander Colin | 13/980 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Bessie Isabella Boyd, of Martin St., Upper Hutt, Wellington. Born at Martinborough, Wairarapa | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyd | Archibald | 24/1942 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Jean Boyd, of 25, Meadow Place, Rothesay, Bute, and the late Archibald Boyd | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Boyd | Arthur Alexander | 24/355 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Lucy Jane Boyd, of Rosedale, Kaikoura, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boyd | Douglas Percival | 6/169 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boyd, of Good St., Rangiora, Christchurch | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyd | Edward Haggart | 13/2723 | Bombardier | Bdr | 11/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Daniel and Helen Milne Boyd, of Stirling, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Boyd | Henry Richard | 12/4139 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boyd, of Rosedale, Kaikoura, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyd | James | 25/1662 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. J. M. and Lucy Boyd, of Bay of Islands | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyd | John George | 64262 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Ada Boyd, of Hobsonville, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Boyd | Leslie Hanibal | 23/1001 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William John and Louisa Lyne Boyd, of 22, Main St., Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boyd | Richard | 42781 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. David Boyd, of Kaikoura, Marlborough; husband of Mrs. C. Palmer (formerly Boyd), of Te Matai Rd., Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boyd | Robert | 21144 | Private | Pte | 02/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd, of Isle of Man. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Boyd | Walter Lawrence | 42027 | Private | Pte | 13/12/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Mrs Alice Boyd (mother), Dominion Road, Auckland) | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Boyd | William | 12/315 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1917 | AklReg | - | NZ | Son of Mr. W. Boyd, of Northcote St., Naremburn St., Sydney, Australia. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Boyd | William Edgar | 12/2651 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyd, of Richmond Avenue, Northcote, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyer | Alfred Sam | 23/367 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Samuel and Elizabeth Caroline Boyer. Native of Marholm, Peterborough, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyes | Andrew Colquhoun | 8/1092 | Lieutenant | Lt | 16/05/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of John and Annie Boyes, of 2, Ranfurly St., Caversham, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Boyes | Ernest Glanville | 11/1520 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/04/1917 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of the late John and Dorothea Boyes, of 42, Connaught Avenue, Mutley, Plymouth, England. | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Boyes | William Edward | 4/1404 | Sapper | Spr | 17/12/1918 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Edwin Boyes, of Holly Cottage, Allesley, Coventry, England. Born at Warwick, England. Served on Western Front, 1916-18 | NZ - Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery | |||
Boyland | James Roger | 7/454 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jessie Boyland, of Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyle | Claude | 13/3113 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Delia Boyle, of Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Boyle | James McKenzie | 24331 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Stuart Boyle; husband of Frances Arbon (formerly Boyle), of 164, Jackson St., Petone; Wellington, New Zealand. Native of New South Wales, Australia. Served in the South African Campaign. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Boyle | John Frederick | 19227 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - M Hogan (friend), Secretary Patriotic Committee, Wanganui) | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Boyle | Norman Alexander | 6/188 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Flora Boyle, of Opawa St., Blenheim, Marlborough. Also served at Gallipoli, where he was wounded. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Boyle | William | 11/740 | Trooper | Tpr | 04/08/1915 | WMR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Brother of Eugene Boyle, of 3, Edward Lane, Darlington, Sydney, Australia | Malta - Addolorata Cemetery | |||
Boyne | Harold Waddington | 12/3259 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Ellen Boyne, of 7, Chamberlain St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa. Born at Leeds, England. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Boyson | Harry Billingham | 11/858 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Edward and Harriett Anne Boyson, of New Cottages, Rothersthorpe, Northants, England | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brace | Joseph Dicer | 42271 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1918 | AIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brace, of Melbourne, Australia. | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Bracewell | Walter Arthur | 26780 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. E. Bracewell, of 11, Yarborough St., Ponsonby, Auckland | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bracken | William James | 33289 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - W Cox (friend), Bank Manager, Dannevirke) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bradbury | Ernest Edward | 12/1565 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mrs. G. E. Russell, of 121, Albert Rd., Aston, Birmingham, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bradbury | Frederick Donovan | M/196 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZMFHomeService | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Arthur and Elizabeth Bradbury, of Sheffield, England; husband of Myrtle Winifred Bradbury, of Pakuranga, Auckland. Born at Sheffield, England | NZ - Motuihe Island Cemetery | |||
Bradbury | William Edward | 46547 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Spencer Bradbury and Adah Bradbury, of Corner Park Rd., and Osborne Terrace, North Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Braddick | Arthur Lock | 57016 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. M. Braddick, of Eketahuna, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Braddock | Jack Langley | 44439 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Frederick and Edith M. Braddock, of 10, Buckingham St., Lyall Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bradey | George Francis | 9/794 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/07/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John W. and Jane Bradey. | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Bradford | Henry Andrew | 8/3188 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Amelia Bradford, of 66, Eton St., Hampstead, Ashburton, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bradford | Hugh Michael | 23/79 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/01/1917 | NZRB | Accident - Gas poisoning | UK | Son of Robert Michael and Charlotte Elizabeth Bradford, of Germiston, Transvaal, South Africa. Born at Pictencote, Rutland, England. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Bradley | James | 28968 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Martha Bradley, of Doncaster, England. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bradley | James Flynn | 12/304 | Corporal | Cpl | 17/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of J. E. Bradley and Mary Bradley, of 28, Norfolk St., Ponsonby, Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bradley | John | 24134 | L/C | L/C | 22/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Annie Honoria and the late Orton Guthrie Bradley, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Bradley | Richard | 34016 | Private | Pte | 28/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of W. H. and Edith Bradley, of Ruanui Station, Mataroa, Rangitikei, New Zealand. Native of England | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bradley | Richard Henry | 64615 | Private | Pte | 30/10/1918 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Madeline Bradley (mother), Te Kopuru) | France - Awoingt British Cemetery | |||
Bradley | Sydney | 10545 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of Mrs. C. Bradley, of 157, Waimea St., Nelson, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Bradley | Thomas | 13/296 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/05/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Benjamin and Margaret Bradley, of 122, Jeffery's Rd., Christchurch, New Zealand | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bradley | Thomas Gilbert | 12/2957 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Thomas Bradley, of 1, Queensberry St., Sunderland, England, and the late Annie Bradley | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bradley | Victor Seaton | 29345 | Private | Pte | 18/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Bradley, of East Winton, Invercargill. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bradley | William | 12/2652 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1915 | AIR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William Bradley, of Motu, Gisborne. Native of Waikouiti, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bradley | William George | 23/1566 | Private | Pte | 12/07/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Selina Bradley, of 23, Silvermere Rd., Catford, London; husband of Emily Lavinia Bradley, of 17, Brockley Rise, Forest Hill, London, England | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Bradshaw | Robert George | 9/995a | Trooper | Tpr | 16/07/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Sophia Bradshaw, of Warragul, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Brady | John | 61511 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Mary Ann Brady. Born at Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Braid | Andrew | 12/1566 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1915 | DHQ | Died of disease | Gallipoli | (NOK - A Braid (father), Laurieston, Falkirk, Scotland) | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Braid | George | 47700 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1920 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John Thomas and Mary Braid, of 58, Rockside Rd., Woodhaugh, Dunedin. Born at Owaka, Otago. Served in France. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Braidford | John | 45266 | Private | Pte | 02/02/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Christina Braidford, of Moeraki, Hillgrove, Otago. Born at Moeraki. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Braidwood | John | 40498 | Private | Pte | 22/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. Margaret Braidwood Markham, of Turua, Hauraki Plains, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Braidwood | William Brown | 57933 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Jessie Braidwood, of 2, Wanganui Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Braik | Lancelot Garrow | 25096 | Private | Pte | 18/11/1918 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of George D. and Belle Braik (nee Bond), of 16, Symonds St., Auckland. Born at Invercargill. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Wanganui (Heads Road) Old Cemetery | |||
Brain | Walter John Bennett | 8/2851 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - S B Brain (father), Islington St, Bristol, England) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Braithwaite | Harold Walter | 26027 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/02/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Walter and Theresa Braithwaite, of Chamberlain Rd., Johnsonville, New Zealand | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Braithwaite | Horace | 8/813 | Private | Pte | 15/01/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | NZ x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Braithwaite. Born at Dunedin. Served in Egypt, 1914-15 | NZ - Dunedin Northern Cemetery | |||
Braithwaite | Jack | 24/1521 | Private | Pte | 29/10/1916 | OtgReg | Shot for joining in mutiny | France | Son of Mrs. M. Braithwaite, of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Braithwaite | Percival McKernan | 25663 | Private | Pte | 17/08/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Theresa Braithwaite, of Chamberlain Rd., Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Braithwaite | William Henry | 11394 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Braithwaite, of Matakana, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Brake | Ernest Victor | 31062 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/10/1918 | AMR | Died of injuries | Palestine | Son of John and Lina Brake, of Milford Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Brakhage | Charles | 24/1944 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of injuries | UK | Only son of Joseph and W. L. Brakhage, of New York, U.S.A. Born at Paris, France | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Brambley | Percy Richard | 18214 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 28/02/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late William and Sarah Jane Brambley, of Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Brame | Albert Victor | 52370 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Wagstaff Brame and Mary Brame, of 69, Crummer Rd., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Thames, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Brameld | Henry | 25772 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of W. G. and A. E. Brameld, of 26, Westcote St., Hull, England. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Bramley | Hudson Armond | 54634 | Private | Pte | 28/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Ada Bramley, of 27, Claremont St., Newmarket; husband of Annie Bramley, of 27, Claremont St., Newmarket, Auckland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bramwell | Percy Watson | 4/455 | Sapper | Spr | 16/08/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Joseph W. Bramwell, of Monmouth St., Feilding, New Zealand, and the late Rachel L. Bramwell. Born at Greymouth | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Brand | Charles | 42622 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Agnes Brand, of Wyndham, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Brand | Mark Harry | 49335 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs S Brand (mother), Southend-on-Sea, England) | France - L'Homme Mort British Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein | |||
Brandon | Leonard Vernon | 45815 | Charles John Benson | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Charles John BENSON) (NOK - Mrs M Benson (mother), 16 Lidfield Road, London N, England) | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | ||
Braniff | Thomas James | 71178 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Braniff, of Auckland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Branigan | Alexander | 11210 | Private | Pte | 16/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Robert and Barbara Branigan, of Wyndham, Invercargill | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Branningan | Edward | 50993 | Private | Pte | 14/05/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Margaret Brannigan, of Masterton, Wellington, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Brasell | Alfred | 21770 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. Brasell, of Pareora West, Timaru | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brass | David Taylor | 8/3871 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brass, of Winton, Southland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brass | John | 27437 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/07/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Martha Brass, of Winton, Southland, New Zealand | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Brass | Rata | 16/313 | Private | Pte | 02/02/1919 | 1st Maoris | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Ahipara. Served in Egypt and at Gallipoli, 1915 | NZ - Ahipara Maori Cemetery | |||
Brass | William | 6/807 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James Gillies Brass and Isabella Bews Brass, of Kelton St. Ola, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Brassett | Bertram William | 61513 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie and the late Andrew Brassett, of 48, Beresford St., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Bray | Harold Roy | 12/3560 | Sapper | Spr | 09/04/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas George and Phoebe Bray, of Campbell Rd., Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Bray | John | 20487 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Only son of Joseph Thomas and Emily Bray, of Colyton, Feilding, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Bray | Raymond | 90739 | Private | Pte | 11/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Lilian Bray, of Bellevue Rd., Northcote, Auckland. Born at Adderbury, England | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Brazier | William | 2/1710 | Driver | Dvr | 06/06/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Sarah Brazier, of Nightcaps, Southland, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Brazil | Patrick Jeremiah | 64616 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1918 | EntBn | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Julia Brazil, of Cronadon, New Zealand. Born in Ireland | Belgium - Perth Cemetery (China Wall) | |||
Breach | Edward | 10/1749 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of William and Bessie Breach, of Rakaia, Ashburton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Breach | Sydney Frederick | 25/945 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of W. H. and B. A. Breach, of Rakaia; husband of Edith Breach, of Rakaia, New Zealand | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Brearton | Thomas Henry | 31803 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/06/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. E. Walle and step-son of Mr. J. J. Walle, of 337, Park St., North Carlton, Victoria; husband of Amelia Brearton, of 24, Evendale Rd., Malvern, Victoria, Australia. | France - Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery | |||
Bree | James | 8/13 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Kathleen Bree, of Oamaru, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Breed | Hector Albert | 25449 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Julia and the late Charles James Breed. Born at Wanganui, New Zealand. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Breen | James Joseph | 10/2078 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. add Mrs. T. Breen, of Marybank, Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Breen | John | 8/3498 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Breen, of 2, Farnham St., Parnell, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Breen | Timothy Joseph | 21778 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Breen, of Levels, Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Breeze | George Patrick | 6/591 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John I. and Margaret Breeze, of Hokitika. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Breeze | Joseph Jerome | 13/2534 | Trooper | Tpr | 25/01/1920 | AMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Hokitika, West Coast. Served in Egypt, 1915-16 | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Breeze | William Henry | 39595 | Private | Pte | 17/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Breeze, of Lyndhurst, Canterbury | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bremner | Andrew Douglas | 10270 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Bremner; husband of Edith G. Bremner, of Drury, Auckland. Native of Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bremner | Charles | 26/656 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Minnie Bremner, of Grove Rd., Blenheim, New Zealand | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Bremner | James Arthur | 47049 | Private | Pte | 29/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of R. Bremner, of Ashburton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bremner | James Halloran | 11/215 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/09/1915 | WMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of William Gordon Bremner and Mary Alice Bremner, of Porangahau. Native of Gisborne | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bremner | John Roberton | 11/213 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 22/06/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of William Gordon Bremner, and Mary Alice Bremner of Gisborne New Zealand. Previously wounded at Gallipoli. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bremner | Leslie Reid | 25/1117 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late R. J. Bremner, of Auckland. Native of Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bremner | William Gilbert Booth | 24852 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/07/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of William G. and Mary A. Bremner, of Mangaorapa, Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay. Native of Gisborne, New Zealand. His brothers James and John also fell | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Bremner | William Leonard | 29145 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Katherine Bremner, of Mosgiel, Otago, and the late William Bremner. Native of Waikoikoi. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brenan | Errol Lyndon | 12/2920 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Amy Frederica Brenan, of Paeroa, Thames. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brennan | Adolphus Michael | 8/1941 | Private | Pte | 23/03/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. J. Brennan, of 59, Melbourne St., Dunedin | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Brennan | John | 32808 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. Margaret Trewern, of Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brennan | John | 81965 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - T Mills (friend), Commercial Hotel, Wanganui) | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Brennan | John | 11/859 | Gunner | Gnr | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Jane Brennan, of Upper Junction, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Brennan | Leo James | 12/2958 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Brennan, of Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brennan | Richard Mortimer | 58832 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jane Brennan, of 49, Macandrew Rd., South Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late Francis Brennan. | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Brennan | Stephen | 14378 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Matthew and Ellen Brennan, of Victoria St., Onehunga, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brennan | William | 8/1707 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Jane Brennan, of Upper Junction, Dunedin. New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brent | Theodore Daniel | 7/312 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Septimus Edward and Susannah Brent, of 152, London St., Dunedin. Born at Oamaru | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brett | James Edward | 30746 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Annie E. Brett, of 226, Hobson St., Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Brett | Merson Templer Gore | 12/2653 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander Gore Brett and Kate Brett, of 36, Grange Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brett | William | 54821 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. R. Brett, late of Newton Rd., Auckland. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Brettargh | Ronald Oldham | 10/277 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Emily Brettargh, of 45, Wickstead St., Wanganui | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Breuer | Joseph Charles | 25800 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Adolph and Anna Breuer, of Waverley St., Waipawa, Hawke's Bay; husband of the late Mary Lucy Breuer. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brew | Denis | 43677 | Private | Pte | 12/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Denis Brew, of Derby St., Eltham, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Brew | Percival Septimus | 23/1570 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Brew, of Orrysdale, Isle of Man, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brewer | Alfred Samuel | 78609 | Private | Pte | 28/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. B. Brewer, of Stenalees St., Stansell, Cornwall, England. Born in England | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Brewer | Charles Tudor | 10/2079 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mrs. C. Garwith, of Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brewer | Edwin Arnold | 25/530 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. M. Brewer, of Auckland St., Picton, Blenheim, Marlborough | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brewer | George Thomas | 30470 | Driver | Dvr | 05/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Richard Brewer (father), Bleaside near Garstang, Lancashire, England) | France - Forceville Communal Cemetery And Extension | |||
Brewer | Henry Charles | 9/2152 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/11/1918 | CMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | (NOK - G F Brewer (brother), Collingwood, Nelson) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Brewer | Herbert Arthur | 14379 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry James and Elizabeth Brewer. Native of Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brewer | Herbert Edward | 26/40 | A/L/Sergeant | A/L/Sgt | 01/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. M A. Brewer, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Brewer | Herbert Tudor | 80732 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Husband of L. M. Brewer, of 85, Todman St., Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Brewer | James Wood | 10/950 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. E. Brewer, of 14, Derby Rd., Southport, England, and the late Capt. Brewer | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brewer | Owen Tudor | 7/939 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry Tudor Brewer and Sarah Brewer, of 13, Seddon St., Dannevirke, Napier | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brewer | Reuben Joseph | 9/1263 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Ann Brewer, of Templeton, Christchurch, and the late Harry Brewer | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brewer | Thomas | 11153 | Lieutenant | Lt | 03/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas Edmond and Elizabeth Brewer, of Liverpool, England, husband of F. M. Blechynden (formerly Brewer), of George St., Claudelands, Hamilton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Brewer | William | 68508 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - National Mortgage and Agency Company (Business Trustee), Ashburton) | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Briant | Daniel | 46515 | Private | Pte | 08/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Mary Ann Briant. Born at St. George in the East, London | France - Mailly Wood Cemetery, Mailly-Maillet | |||
Brickdale | John Bansel | 12/1899 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charlotte P. E. Brickdale, of Harding St., Greytown, Natal, South Africa, and the late Comdr. E. F. Brickdale. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Briddock | Thomas James | 33827 | Private | Pte | 30/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Hannah Briddock. Born at Papakura Valley, New Zealand | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Bridge | George Ivan | 13688 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph William Bridge, of 50, Willis St., Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bridge | Hugh Decimus | 24332 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert Bowen Bridge and Adele Leonore Bridge, of Wellington; husband of Joyce Miriam Bridge, of Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Bridge | Lance | 8/2255 | Private | Pte | 13/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Herbert B. and Leonore A. Bridge, of 186, Dewsbury Terrace, Oriental Bay, Wellington | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bridge | William Henry | 31110 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Alice Gertrude Bridge, of 31, Disraeli St, Mount Eden, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bridgeman | Arthur Charles | 25/82 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bridgeman, of Fitzroy, New Plymouth, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Bridgeman | Guy Clive | 9/15 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 14/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Frederick Orlando and Florence Letitia Bridgeman, of Dunedin. Served as (Tpr.) at Gallipoli and in Egypt; gained his Commission on the Western Front. Twice wounded. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Bridger | Charles Roy | 8/3189 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Bridger, of Opotiki, Thames, and the late Thomas Bridger | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bridger | William | 57022 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. Herbert Bridger, of 185, Marine Parade, Seatoun, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Bridges | Henry Grey de Ruthyn | 12/1901 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. H. Bridges, of 12, Stone Hill Rd., Gunnersbury, London, England, and the late Mr. H. Bridges. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bridges | Joseph John | 56135 | Private | Pte | 11/01/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Stepson of Mrs. J. O. Eastwood, of Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bridgewater | Albert | 39748 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/12/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Rubin and Matilda Bridgewater, of Bethune St., Featherstone, Wellington, New Zealand. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Bridle | Alfred William | 89295 | Private | Pte | 26/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Edmund Charles and Christina Durrant Bridle (nee Watkins),; husband of Eva M. Bridle, of Cresswell, Awatoto, Napier. Born in London, England. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Bridle | Fred William | 6/2395 | Private | Pte | 09/09/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Sidney William and the late Emily Bridle, of Croydon, England | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Bridson | Phillip Sydney | 12/998 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Ruth Bridson, of 90, Great North Rd., Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brien | William Stewart | 6/1785 | Sergeant | Sgt | 13/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jessie Brien, of Waimate, Timaru, New Zealand, and the late Robert Brien. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Brier | Herbert Henry | 44679 | Private | Pte | 21/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E Brier (wife), 56 Seafield View Road, Auckland) | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Brierley | Frederick | 10/1423 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Mary Brierley, of 43, Littlemoor Lane, Oldham, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Briggs | George Edwin | 64935 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E Briggs (mother), 187 Shirley Rd, Shirley, Christchurch) | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Briggs | Joel | 15485 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Elizabeth Briggs, of Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Briggs | John | 23/1941 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Richard and Naomi Briggs | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Briggs | Joseph | 38931 | Private | Pte | 28/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | Sea x France | Son of John and Mary Jane Briggs, of Waihao Downs, South Canterbury, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Briggs | Reginald Arthur Edward | 3/1687 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Ernest E. and Emma E. Briggs, of 18, Walmer Rd., Newport, Mon., England | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Brigham | Charles Hagyard | 12/2655 | Private | Pte | 03/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Robert and Catherine Brigham, of Yorkshire, England. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Bright | Arthur Allan | 86535 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of M. Bright, of 11B, St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell, Auckland. Born at Otaki | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Bright | Cecil | 12/3563 | Private | Pte | 23/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Ellen Bright, of New North Rd., Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Wood Green, London, England. | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Bright | Herbert Stanley | 24/1344 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert and Alberta Bright, of Otaki, New Zealand. | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Bright | James Douglas | 13/3118 | Trooper | Tpr | 26/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Henry James and Annie Bright. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Bright | William Frankland | 16819 | WO2 | WO2 | 02/03/1917 | NZMFHomeService | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Jemima Bright (nee Shead); husband of Isabella Florence Bright, of 116, Beresford St., New Brighton, Christchurch. Born at Timaru. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Brighting | Lewis Charles | 6/2945 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/11/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Sarah A. and the late C. F. Brighting, of Kalapoi, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Brightling | Arthur Raymond | 23/1002 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/07/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brightling, of 1296, Cashel St.,' Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Brighton | George | 7/748 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/11/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Gavin and Elizabeth Brighton (nee Nicoll), of Mountain View, Nightcaps, Otago | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Brill | Frederick Andrew | 10/1753 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Thorwald Emelius Brill, of Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brimer | Cyril Thornton | 10/1073 | Sergeant | Sgt | 23/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brimer, of Karamu Rd., Hastings, Napier | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brindle | Frederick James | 40502 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Brindle, of 12, Torbay Rd., Kilburn, London, England. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Bringans | James Oliver | 78548 | Private | Pte | 06/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Alexander and Mary Bringans, of "Waituna," Waimate | NZ - Canterbury Provincial Memorial | |||
Brinkman | Norman Hugh | 50995 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Brinkman, of Hawthome Avenue, Cashmere Hills, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Brisco | Wastel | 13/304 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/05/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Arthur Hylton Brisco and Jessie Mary Brisco, of 133, Church St., Palmerston North, New Zealand | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Briscoe | Thomas | 39944 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1917 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. J. Briscoe, of Chudleigh, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Brislane | Michael Edward | 7/533 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/08/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. E. Wilson, of Mount Buckley, Greymouth, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Bristed | Edward Griffith | 6/1786 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Henry and Kate Bristed, of Christchurch, New Zealand. Gazetted in 1917. Previously wounded at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bristow | Dick Carrington | 6/3634 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Emily Bristow, of Amberley, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Bristow | George Henry | 61515 | Private | Pte | 18/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Bristow, of Kimbolton, Feilding, New Zealand | France - Fontaine-Au-Pire Communal Cemetery | |||
Bristowe | Sam | 19671 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1919 | Pioneers | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Kiri Bristowe (father), Karetu, Bay of Islands) | France - Les Baraques Military Cemetery, Sangatte | |||
Brittain | Frank Marmaduke | 53467 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Emily Brittain, of Wellington; husband of E. H. Brittam, of 33, Hamilton Rd., Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Brittain | Noel | 3/885 | Private | Pte | 04/05/1919 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | Australia | (NOK - F H Brittain (father), Stock Inspector, Blenheim) | Australia - Rookwood Necropolis, Sydney | |||
Brittan | Edward Guise | 7/495 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Francis Henry and Florence Laura Brittan, of 59, River Rd., Avonside, Christchurch. Born at Canterbury | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brittan | Harold Rolleston | 41213 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Brittan, of Avonside, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Brittan | Henry Bertram | 7/942 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Francis Henry and Florence Laura Brittan, of 59, River Rd., Avonside, Christchurch. Born at Canterbury | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Britten | Vivian Russell | 10/969 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Britten Britten and Gerda Benidicta Britten, of Omahu Rd., Hastings, Hawke's Bay | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Britton | James Frederick | 23/1571 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick James Britton, of Balham, London, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Britton | William Charles | 9/1782 | Gunner | Gnr | 14/09/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Lucy Britton, of 51, Lombard St., Palmerston, New Zealand. Born at South Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Lebucquiere Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Broadbridge | Thomas Cyril | 24/693 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/11/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of George Howard and Lilian Mary Broadbridge, of Wairau Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Broadfoot | John | 19/349 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/11/1918 | Samoan Relief | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of James and Elizabeth Broadfoot (nee McLean); husband of Mary Broadfoot, of 34, Jackson St., St. Kilda, Dunedin. Born at Dunedin. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Broadgate | Frederick King | 26360 | Lieutenant | Lt | 30/09/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen Emma Kelso Broadgate, of 3, Mars Avenue, Edendale, Auckland, and the late Hewson Meanwell Broadgate. Born at Coromandel. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Broadhead | Ben | 69758 | Private | Pte | 13/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Martha Broahead, of Gisborne, New Zealand, formerly of Bolton, England | France - Rossignol Wood Cemetery, Hebuterne | |||
Broadmore | Leonard French | 30340 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick and Sarah Broadmore, of Inglewood, Taranaki; husband of Emmalene Broadmore, of 27, Williamson's Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Broadmore | Urban | 47849 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Broadmore, of Ngatoro, Inglewood, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Brock | William Scorgie | 61198 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alexander and Grace Brock, of "Glencairn," Merino Downs, Gore, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Brockelsby | Leslie | 14380 | Private | Pte | 24/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - G Wilson (friend), Cardwell St, Onehunga) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brockett | Archibald Geoffrey | 10/3151 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 15/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Brockett, of 26, Hawkestone St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Broderick | Henry Apanui | 12/517 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Broderick, of Runciman, Auckland; husband of Ethel F. Broderick, of 9, Bevenden St., New North Rd., London, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brodie | Charles Chester | 12/2656 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Florence Brodie, of 25, Kensington Avenue, St. Albans, Christchurch, and the late James M. Brodie. Native of Amberley, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brodie | Gordon | 10/2488 | Sergeant | Sgt | 24/11/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. A. Brodie, of 67, Foreland Rd., Whitchurch, Cardiff, Wales | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Brodie | James | 28664 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E Brodie (wife), 59 Richmond Rd, Ponsonby, Auckland) | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Brodie | Robert | 25/1067 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. O'Connor (formerly Brodie), of Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brodribb | Frederick James | 10/3201 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - William Brodrick (father), Hobbs Hall, Farnborough near Bath, England) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brogan | Francis | 24/1602 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of E. P. Brogan, of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Brogan | Hugh | 22764 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Thomas Brogan, of Whakatane, Thames | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brogan | Wilfrid Augustine | 4/1025 | Private | Pte | 30/07/1919 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of E. P. and A. Brogan, of 1, Seddon St., Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Born at Khandallah, Wellington. Served in Samoa in 1914, and on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Brokenshire | Ernest | 2/2587 | Driver | Dvr | 27/11/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Elijah Brokenshire, of Te Aroha, Thames, New Zealand | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bromley | Alexander | 11/637 | Trooper | Tpr | 17/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James Edgar Bromley and Mary Eliza Bromley, of 4, Josephine St., South Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Tapanui, Otago, New Zealand. | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bromley | William | 8/3192 | Private | Pte | 19/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of William John and Annie Bromley, of Limehills, Southland, New Zealand | UK - Batley Cemetery | |||
Broncher | Fred | 8/1410 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Uncle of Mr. Fred Newboult, of 2, Bridge St., Ferncliffe, Bingley, Yorks, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brook | Charles Arthur | 36231 | Driver | Dvr | 16/10/1923 | ASC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin | ||||
Brook | Joseph | 6/1788 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of D. and S. A. Brook, of Yorkshire, England. Native of Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Brook | Julian Cornelius | 12/600 | Lieutenant | Lt | 02/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Julian and Mary Brook, of Birkdale, Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Remuera, Auckland. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Brook | Lawrence Dart | 11212 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of G. and F. J. W. Brook, of 129, Kimbolton Rd., Feilding, Wellington. Native of Lawrence, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brookbanks | Herbert Henry | 40503 | Private | Pte | 17/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frank Warren Brookbanks, and Annie Brookbanks, of Mount Eden; husband of Ida Brookbanks, of 22, Chamberlain Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Brooke | Basil | 9/659 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. Ivan Brooke, of Ashburton | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Brooke | Burton | 9/1014 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1916 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of E. W. and E. F. Brooke, of Hundalee, Parnassus, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brooke | Frederic John Medows Zachary | 43296 | Trooper | Tpr | 18/12/1917 | MGS | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Frederic and Emma Brooke (nee Theobald). Born at Notting Hill, London, England. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Brooke | John Fletcher | 71054 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of E. W. and E. F. Brooke, of Hundalee, Parnassus, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Brooker | Alfred Edwin | 10/295 | Corporal | Cpl | 20/04/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late T. E. Brooker. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Brooker | Percival Alfred | 63549 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Bessie Brooker; husband of Annie Brooker. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Brookes | Alexander | 7/1947 | A/Bombardier | A/Bdr | 02/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Husband of Susan Hunter Brookes, of 52, York St., Timaru | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brookes | Arthur | 27441 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Mary Ann Brookes, of Niagara, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Brookes | Edward Gunning | 9/409 | Driver | Dvr | 07/07/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Brother of George A.B rookes, of Green Island, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Brookes | Eric Milton | 8/3194 | Private | Pte | 08/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Wallace Abercrombie Brookes and Janet Brookes, of Bluff, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brookes | Ewen McLean | 2/403 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. E. Brookes, of I, Richmond St., Mt. Eden, Auckland | France - Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Brooke-Taylor | Horace Roydon | 10/948 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Margaret Brooke-Taylor, of 114, Lumsden Rd., Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. See Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6792, 6 November 1916, Page 2 | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brookfield | Arthur Guyon Purchas | 12/3231 | Sergeant | Sgt | 23/06/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Brookfield, of 109, Queen St., Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brookfield | George Leonard Purchas | 13/657a | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederic William and Sarah Edith Brookfield (nee Purchas), of Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brooking | Arnold Whiddon | 15677 | Private | Pte | 05/11/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. H. Cubbon, of South Rd., New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Brooks | Herbert William | 34316 | Private | Pte | 30/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert William Brooks, of White Swan Rd., Mount Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Brooks | James Charles | 47114 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks, of Lilydale, Tasmania, Australia.. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brooks | James Vincent | 6/203 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks, of 88, Valley Rd., Wakefield, Nelson. Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brooks | Joseph Kennedy | 8/729 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brooks, of Harrington Place, Lawrence, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Brooks | Norgrove Alfred | 6/3637 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Mary Ada Brooks, of Great North Rd., Henderson, Auckland. Native of Dannevirke, Napier | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brooks | William Henry | 10/2872 | Corporal | Cpl | 14/02/1920 | WlgReg | - | NZ | Son of James and Alice Brooks (nee Coyle). Born in Auckland. Served in Egypt and France, 1915-18. | NZ - Otahuhu Public Cemetery | |||
Brooks | William Henry Leonard | 3/3875 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/07/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Richard William Vare Brooks and Mary Ann Brooks; husband of Kathleen Eileen Brooks, of 18, Hogg Crescent, Masterton. Born at Mauriceville | NZ - Masterton Cemetery | |||
Broom | Arthur Cecil | 6/418 | Private | Pte | 11/09/1923 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Sydenham Cemetery, Christchurch | ||||
Broome | Frank Ford | 36308 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Henry and Lucy Broome, of 523, Worcester St., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Broome | Harry Elliott Morton | 10/273 | Private | Pte | 10/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Harry William and Catherine Broome, of 40, Alexander St., Wanganui | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Broomfield | Robert Charles | 31460 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Elizabeth Broomfield, of 92, Grantham Rd., Stockwell, London, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Broomfield | Walter William | 21480 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of T. R. Broomfield, of Whangarei, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Brophy | John Michael | 11808 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Brophy, of 6, Vantire St., Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brosnahan | Timothy John | 6/3639 | Private | Pte | 16/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. H. and Mrs. Julia Brosnahan, of Oxford, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brosnahan | Timothy Joseph | 7/2237 | Gunner | Gnr | 02/09/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh and Mary Brosnahan, of Kerrytown, South Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Brosnan | Arthur William | 45060 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Elizabeth Brosnan. of Exeter St., Mataura, Southland, Invercargill; husband of Sophie L. Brosnan, of 196, Gloucester St., Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brouard | Daniel Walter | 47065 | Private | Pte | 22/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry John and Patty Mary Brouard. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Brough | Joseph Patrick | 37965 | Private | Pte | 30/01/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Thomas and Eliza Brough, of Hawera, New Plymouth; husband of Jane Brough, of Waitara, Taranaki | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Brough | Julian Peter | 30339 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Harriet Brough, of Kakahi. Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brough | William | 10/3841 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brough, of Waitara, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - London Cemetery And Extension, Longueval | |||
Broughan | Arthur William | 35494 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Julia Broughan, of Tua Marina, Marlborough. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Broughton | Charles Henry | 56498 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/06/1919 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Husband of Elizabeth Broughton, of 22, Bethel Place, Vine St., Tooley St., London, England | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Alan | 10/806 | Private | Pte | 07/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Helen Sheddan Brown, of 3, Coote Rd., Napier, Hamilton. Born at Hastings, New Zealand. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Albert | 64004 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Sarah Brown, of Feilding, New Zealand. | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Brown | Albert Victor | 2/1269 | Gunner | Gnr | 19/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of William J. Crockford Brown and Priscilla Brown, of Plymouth, England | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Brown | Andrew | 6/2077 | Private | Pte | 24/07/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Walter and Euphemia Brown, of Auchenbegg, Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire. Also served at Gallipoli | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Brown | Anthony | 2/2364 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 24/08/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Brown, of 27, Manor Place, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Brown | Arthur Noel | 26784 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Brown, of School House, Dawson St., Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | Bruce | 8/2257 | Sergeant | Sgt | 29/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Gladys Brown, 1 Knox Lane, Bilton, England) | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Brown | Charles Forbes | 22744 | Sergeant | Sgt | 31/01/1920 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Richard and Ann Brown; husband of I. M. I. V. Brown, of 3, Lincoln Rd., Spreydon, Christchurch. Born at Oamaru. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Brown | Charles Hawkesworth | 11/207 | Sergeant | Sgt | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Clara Jane Brown, of Egremont St., Takapuna, Auckland, and the late Charles Brown | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Charles Henry Jeffries | 15/14 | Lt/Colonel | Lt-Col | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. Millie J. Brown, of 182, Murphy St., Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Brown | Charles Raymond | 46222 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Edith Brown, of Parnell, Auckland; husband of Jessie Audrey Brown, of Khandallah, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Brown | Clarence Charles | 42028 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Isabella Brown, of Richmond, New Zealand. | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Brown | Claud Hubert | 8/3503 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/07/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Louisa Brown, of Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Brown | Cyril Ivan | 36251 | Lieutenant | Lt | 13/12/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of William and Annie Brown, of Wellington; husband of Eunice Brown, of 78, Oriental Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Daniel | 8/2543 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alexander and Laura Brown, of Milton, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Brown | Daniel Charles | 55722 | Private | Pte | 01/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Jean Brown, of Kirkwall St., Palmerston South, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Brown | David Burton | 10/2083 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Jessie Brown, of Burton, Vogeltown, New Plymouth. Native of Mangorei, Taranaki. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | David Harold Binns | 23962 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick William and Ellen Brown, of Shaddock St., Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | David Thompson | 38114 | Private | Pte | 12/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Adam and Mary Brown, of 16, Carlton Terrace, Wanganui, New Zealand. Native of Napier, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Donald | 12/3565 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Alice Brown, of 4, Lower Vincent St., Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Brown | Donald Forrester (VC) | 8/3504 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Jessie Brown, of Wharf St., Oamaru, New Zealand. Native of Dunedin | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Brown | Edgar | 11/1891 | Driver | Dvr | 12/08/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Maria Brown, of Wallace Rd., Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Coxyde Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Edmund Armstrong | 59503 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/05/1920 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of M. C. Brown, of Dunedin. Born in Scotland. | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Brown | Edward | 51149 | Private | Pte | 23/09/1917 | NZInf | Died of injuries | UK | (NOK - Mrs H Brown (mother), Burwood, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia) | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Edward | 23/2548 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Adam and Ann Brown, of Hare Law, Chirnside, Berwickshire, Scotland | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Brown | Edward | 6/1789 | Private | Pte | 20/08/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs Bridget Brown (mother), Alexander Street, Greymouth) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Brown | Edward Cecil | 48698 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown, of West Tamaki, St. Heliers Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | Edward Owen | 13/3098 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1918 | OtgReg | - | NZ | Son of Mrs. Sarah Brown, of 19, Ranfurly St., Palmerston North | NZ - Hunterville (Rangitira) Cemetery | |||
Brown | Eric Lewis Shuttleworth | 23/1526 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Henry William Berrick Brown (brother), Bella Vista, Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland) | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Ernest Victor | 7/2241 | Trooper | Tpr | 25/07/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Mr. J. W. and Mrs. S. A. Brown, of Rongotea, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Tunbridge Wells, England. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Brown | Everard Onslow | 54726 | Private | Pte | 13/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of the late Robert and Mary Brown, of Tara, Mangawai; husband of Ellen M. Brown, of Matakana, Auckland | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Felix Ballard | 6/1104 | Major | Maj | 07/03/1917 | CIR | Accident | France | (NOK - E C Brown, 16 Park Terrace, Christchurch) | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Brown | Felix George | 7/1974 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Hadfield Brown and Sarah Fiducia Brown, late of Rangiora, South Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Frank Robert | 10/662 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph and Jane Brown, of 202, Hine St., New Plymouth, New Zealand | Turkey - Courtney's And Steel's Post Cemetery | |||
Brown | Frank Rochester | 10/4065 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, of "Range Farm," Mangorei, New Plymouth | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Fred Hallett | 13406 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of John and Annie Brown, of West Belt, Lower Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Christchurch | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Brown | Frederick Alexander | 61035 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Edith E. C. Brown, of Whakahua, Oxford, Christchurch | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Frederick Vincent | 35376 | Captain | Capt | 01/09/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs C H Brown (mother), 18A Murphy Street, Wellington) | France - Bienvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Frederick William | 33687 | Private | Pte | 05/07/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Edwin and Emma Brown. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Brown | Geoffrey McPherson | 12/43 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Francis H. and Emily Brown, of School House, Takapuna, Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | George Arthur | 27209 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Frances Brown, of Waihao Downs, Waimate, South Canterbury, New Zealand; husband of Elizabeth Brown, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | George Ranfurly | 92935 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Elizabeth Brown, of Burnside, Mayfield, Canterbury. Born at Kimberley | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Brown | George William | 12/3274 | Private | Pte | 19/05/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E Brown (mother), Victoria Street, Rangiora) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brown | Gilbert Archibald Charles | 6/3263 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown, of Marua, Whangarei, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Gordon Ernest | 36548 | Corporal | Cpl | 24/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Margaret Brown, of 17, Neidpath Rd., Mornington, Dunedin. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Henry | 16/1469 | Private | Pte | 19/06/1917 | Pioneers | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Maud Hooker, of Kaikohe, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Henry Archibald | 27846 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Emma Brown, of Waikanae, Manawatu, Wellington; husband of Hilda Agnes Brown. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brown | Henry William Berwich | 12/953 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry William and Daisy Brown. Native of Ealing, London, England | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Brown | Herbert William | 10/1192 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James Joseph and Amelia Brown. | Turkey - Skew Bridge Cemetery | |||
Brown | Hewett Barnard | 13/671 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/05/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Frederick Barnard Brown and Ellen Masie Brown, of 6, Roslyn Avenue, Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Brown | Hugh Charters | 7/1025 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/11/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Elizabeth Brown, of Auckland, New Zealand, and the late William Edwin Brown. Native of Lincoln, England. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Brown | Huia Stanley | 68507 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Brown, of Hornby, New Zealand | France - Honnechy British Cemetery | |||
Brown | Huia Vivian | 24484 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Sarah Jane Brown, of 115, Nelson St., Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | James | 21559 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Daisy Brown, of 99, Knowles St., St. Albans, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brown | James | 21769 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - George Brown (brother), Clandeboye, South Canterbury) | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Brown | James | 23508 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1916 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of James and Helen Shanks Brown, of Blantyre, Scotland | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Brown | James | 62912 | Private | Pte | 16/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Christine Brown and Mary Ann Brown. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brown | James | 65594 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Brown, of Cairncastle, Co. Antrim, Ireland. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Brown | James | 72229 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Lucy Brown, of 109, Don St., Invercargill, New Zealand. Born at Green Island, Otago. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Brown | James | 72316 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Mary Brown, of Akatore, New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Brown | James | 16/5642 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1920 | Pioneers | - | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, of Opoutama, Hawke's Bay | NZ - Napier (Park Island) Cemetery | |||
Brown | James | 25/415 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/11/1918 | NZRB | - | NZ | Son of James and Ethel Brown, of Makaraka, Gisborne; husband of Mrs. M. Gunn (formerly Brown), of 564, Gladstone Rd., Gisborne. Born at Gisborne. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Gisborne (Taruheru) Cemetery | |||
Brown | James Charles | 92541 | Private | Pte | 13/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. C. Brown, of Waihi. Born in Lancashire, England | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Brown | James Clephane Paton | 29202 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Anne Brown, of "Denbrae," Waiau, Amuri, North Canterbury | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | James Dewar | 42624 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/07/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Dewar Brown and Christina Brown, of Wangaloa, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Brown | James Douglas | 12/948 | Sergeant | Sgt | 11/04/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Isabella Brown, of Reed St., Oamaru. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | James Patrick | 10/2084 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late John and Catherine Brown. Native of Nelson | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | James Scott | 3/1688 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Alexander and Agnes Money Brown, of Dalswinton Gardens, Kirkmahoc, Dumfriesshire, Scotland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | John | 18091 | Private | Pte | 13/07/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Sarah Cinniman (foster-mother), Alexandra St, Auckland) | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Brown | John | 23509 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. J. H. Fitzgibbon, of Palmerston North, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | John | 63287 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Mary Brown, of Rarekau, Milton, New Zealand. Born at Akatore, New Zealand. | France - Villers Hill British Cemetery, Villers-Guislain | |||
Brown | John Forbes | 41306 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and the late Ann F. Brown, of Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Brown | John Joseph | 12/2966 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1915 | NZInf | Drowned | Colombo x NZ | (NOK - Mrs Brown (mother), Wiggonby, Wigton, Cumberland, England) | Sri Lanka - Colombo (Kanatte) General Cemetery | |||
Brown | John Love | 10/283 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Hugh and Annabella Brown, of 12, Ethel St., Morningside, Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | John Martin | 2/1424a | Private | Pte | 28/08/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of the late Jessie Brown, of Scandia St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | John McNeil | 12/1568 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late George Brown and of Mary Gunning, of Dunedin, New Zealand. Proceeded overseas 1914 | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Brown | John Samuel | 25/720 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/10/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, late of Victoria St., Auckland. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Brown | Josiah | 8/3508 | Private | Pte | 05/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Jane Brown, of Owaka, Otago. Native of Mosgiel, Dunedin. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brown | Kenneth Goodwin | 86668 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Brown, of Bay View Rd., Takapuna, Auckland. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Brown | Kenneth Robson | 33809 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 16/10/1917 | AIR | Accident | France | Son of Henry and Catherine Brown, of 2, Green Lane, Remuera, Auckland. Native of Pakiri, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | Leonard Ferris | 51259 | Private | Pte | 02/07/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. A. Brown, of 112, Shands Track, Hornby, New Zealand | France - Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Leslie Bertram | 54234 | Private | Pte | 21/04/1919 | NZInf | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Alexander and Eliza Brown, of 10, Coronation St., Waimate. Born at Pahiatua, Wairarapa | NZ - WaipUKurau Cemetery | |||
Brown | Lindsay | 10564 | Gunner | Gnr | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - John Brown (father), Locomotive Foreman, New Zealand Railways, Wanganui) | Belgium - Duhallow A.D.S. Cemetery | |||
Brown | Marion Sinclair | 22/104 | Staff Nurse | S/Nurse | 23/10/1915 | ANS | Drowned - Sinking of HS Marquette | Salonika | Daughter of Mrs. J. S. Brown, of Waiuatuku, Southland | Greece - Mikra Memorial | |||
Brown | Michael | 39749 | Private | Pte | 17/08/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Brown, of Matapu, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Brown | Michael Leonard | 25/937 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Michael and Isabella Brown, of Ohapuku, Kaiapoi, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Morris Connington | 8/648 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Jessie Brown, of Burton, Vogeltown, New Plymouth. Native of Taranaki | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Brown | Noel Hyde | 20090 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of W. G. D. and N. E. Brown, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Norman | 12/1569 | Private | Pte | 11/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. W. Brown, of 24, North Rd., Papanui, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Brown | Norman Ellis | 6/2366 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Clara Brown, of Dunedin. Also served in Samoa and Gallipoli. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brown | Norman Percival | 12122 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late John and Elizabeth Brown, of Victoria, Australia. Native of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - White House Cemetery | |||
Brown | Oscar John | 50478 | Driver | Dvr | 26/02/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of Ellen Cairns Brown and the late Charles Brown, of Oturehua, New Zealand | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Brown | Patrick James | 14056 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel Brown, of Cluntagh, Crossgar, Co. Down, Ireland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Brown | Reginald Edward | 38112 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Brown, of Seddon St., Raetihi, New Zealand, and the late Ernest Brown. | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Brown | Robert | 53312 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Youngest son of James D. and Christina Brown, of Wangaloa, Kaitangata, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Brown | Robert | 9/1785 | A/Bombardier | A/Bdr | 07/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Agnes Brown, of Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Lesmahagow, Scotland. Served in the South African Campaign. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Brown | Roderick | 47309 | Private | Pte | 24/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mary and the late Alexander Brown, of Rakaia, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Sampson George | 6/595 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Jane Brown, of Davie St. Hokitika, Greymouth | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brown | Samuel | 6/2954 | Corporal | Cpl | 21/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Martha Jane Brown, of Mulderg, Claudy, Co. Derry, Ireland. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Brown | Sydney Vincent Andrew | 2/2075 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Sarah G. Brown, of 43, Cameron Rd., Napier, New Zealand. Native of Wellington | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Brown | Thomas | 10951 | Lieutenant | Lt | 23/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Lucy Brown, of 109, Don St., Invercargill, New Zealand. Born at Green Island, New Zealand | France - Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Brown | Thomas | 79967 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. E. Brown, of St. Albans, Christchurch. Born at Glentunnell. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Brown | William | 11220 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Brown, of Hedgehope, Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Brown | William | 31935 | Private | Pte | 22/08/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James and Sarah Brown; husband of Evelyn G. Brown, of Williamson St., Thames. Born at Auckland | NZ - Te Aroha Public Cemetery | |||
Brown | William | 53752 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and the late Ann Forbes Brown. | France - Mailly Wood Cemetery, Mailly-Maillet | |||
Brown | William | 24/1606 | Private | Pte | 27/06/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - M Catton (friend), Henderson, Auckland) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brown | William Alexander | 22184 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine Meek Hastie Brown, of 363, Cargill Rd., South Dunedin, and the late John Brown. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | William George Napier | 22226 | Sergeant | Sgt | 20/10/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. J. N. Brown, of Otautau, Southland. | UK - Oxford (Botley) Cemetery | |||
Brown | William James Laurie | 23511 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Rebekah Brown. Native of Oraki, Southland, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brown | William John | 18960 | Jeffrey Ashwell | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Jeffrey ASHWELL) Son of Jeffery Ashwell, of 4, Half Acres, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. Native of Bishop's Stortford, England | France - Barastre Communal Cemetery | ||
Brown | William Lloyd | 33736 | Private | Pte | 15/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander Johnston Brown and Ada Jessie Brown, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Queens Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Brown | William Ralston | 10/4067 | Private | Pte | 17/07/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | France | Brother of John Brown, of 7, Rawlings St., Eden Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Browne | Archibald Harcourt Marton | 48440 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of S. W. and Gertrude Browne | France - Barastre Communal Cemetery | |||
Browne | Arthur George | 81637 | Private | Pte | 13/03/1919 | NZInf | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mrs. G. Browne, late of 22, Onslow Rd., Kingsland, Auckland. Born at Coromandel | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Browne | Charles Henry Unsworth | 6/1476 | Private | Pte | 18/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Hector Vincent and Katherine Elizabeth Browne, of Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Blenheim, New Zealand. Also served in Gallipoli | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Browne | Colin Birnie | 26/1572 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Walter J. and Maria Haylett Browne. Born at Kokonada, Madras, India. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Browne | Edward | 48761 | Private | Pte | 21/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Agnes Browne, of Whenuapia, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late James Browne. Native of Perth, Western Australia. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Browne | Evelyn James William | 24485 | Private | Pte | 17/04/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. D. Browne, of 42, Knolly's St., Suva, Fiji. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Browne | George | 25/1675 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Margaret Jane Browne, of 109, Beechfield St., Mountpottinger Rd., Belfast, Ireland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Browne | Hilton Arthur | 11/210 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/07/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Arthur Browne, of 34, Edward St., North Sydney, Australia. Native of Manly, New South Wales, Australia. Also served in Egypt | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Browne | James | 13/2163 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/04/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Gertrude Browne, of 18, Burnley Terrace, Dominion Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. Also served at Samoa. | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Browne | Percy Wilford | 42274 | Percy Wilfred Browne | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Percy Wilford BROWNE) Son of the late Edward and Eliza Browne; husband of Agnes Neil Browne, of Argyle St., Avondale, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | ||
Browne | Robert Henry | 9/2051 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Susan Browne, of Corglass, Tullyvin, Cootehill, Co. Cavan, Ireland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Browne | William Edward | 8/553 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Collins Browne and Jane Kay Browne, of Lawrence, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Browne | William Harold | 6/2489 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Gertrude Browne, of Station Rd., Avondale, New Zealand. Native of Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Brownhill | George William | 32122 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Maria Brownhill, of 38, Sutherland Avenue, Pollokshields, Glasgow, Scotland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Browning | Frederick Henry | 34797 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of John and the late Mrs. Browning. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Browning | George Henry | 8/1416 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Browning, of 35, Norton Rd., Hove, England; husband of Margaret Browning, of 554, George St., Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brownlee | Robert | 6/2079 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Ivy Brownlee, of Havelock, Marlborough, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Brownlie | Anthony Eugene | 11/1122 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/11/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | (NOK - James Brownlie (father), Petane, Hawkes Bay) | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Brownlie | Stuart Graeme | 12/4143 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/06/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James A. and Helene Brownlie, of Rotorua, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.2 | |||
Brown-Ross | William | 57836 | Trooper | Tpr | 24/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Frank and Maria Brown-Ross, of Blackwood Park, Ferntree Gully, Melbourne, Australia. Native of Auckland, New Zealand | Israel - Deir El Belah War Cemetery | |||
Bruce | Charles Daniel | 57546 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of William and Isabelle Bruce, of Waerenga, New Zealand | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Bruce | Daniel Leslie | 54826 | Private | Pte | 18/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Daniel and Sarah Anderson Bruce, of Taniwha, Te Kauwhata, Waikato, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bruce | David Tevack | 10/1426 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Peter and Catherine Tevack Bruce, of Teanhaun, Conon Bridge, Ross-shire, Scotland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bruce | Harry John | 12/301 | Sergeant | Sgt | 27/04/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Arthur and Helen Bruce, of Kakahu, Geraldine, Canterbury | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bruce | Hugh Smith | 8/15 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Marion Bruce, of Humber St., Oamaru | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bruce | James | 23128 | Corporal | Cpl | 14/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Harriett Nicholson Bruce, of Dundee, Scotland. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bruce | John McQueen | 16067 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/03/1918 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of James Bruce, of Gallowhill, Kennoway, Fifeshire, Scotland | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Bruce | Malcolm William | 11/861 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John D. and Rebecca Bruce, of Akaroa, Canterbury | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bruce | Robert Alexander | 13/2536 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/11/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Robert and Andrina Bruce, of Lochend, Northmavine, Lerwick, Shetland Islands. Native of North Rowe, Lerwick | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Bruce | Robert David | 49143 | Private | Pte | 05/07/1919 | DEC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mrs. Mary Bruce, of Cheviot, Canterbury. Served on the Western Front, 1917-19. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Bruce | William | 28082 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Andrina Bruce, of Stove, Haroldswick, Lerwick, Scotland | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Bruce | William Burrell | 28424 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Agnes Bruce, of Cheltenham, Feilding, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Bruce | William Charles | 37909 | Sapper | Spr | 08/07/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | Mesopotamia | Son of Richard and Mary Ann Bruce, of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; husband of Isabella Harriett Bruce of 187, Queen's Drive, Lyall Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. | Iraq - Basra War Cemetery | |||
Bruce | William James Stuart | 68591 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of William James Robert and Isabelle Bruce, of Rotongaro, Huntly, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Bruce | William Smith | 6/2080 | Private | Pte | 14/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Bruce, of Woodland Cottage, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Born at Glasgow, Scotland. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Bruen | Austin Henry | 10/2536 | Private | Pte | 10/11/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Dr. P. J. and Mrs. A. E. Bruen, of Westport, New Zealand | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Brumby | Harold Robert | 12/2618 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Martha Ann Brumby, of Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Brunning | John William | 54226 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Richard and Betsy Brunning, of Seddon, Blenheim, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Brunt | Arthur | 29341 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Hannah R. Brunt, of Upper Symonds St., Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Melbourne, Australia. Special Memorial. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Brunt | Henry John | 43948 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Margaret Brunt, of 240, Stanmore Rd., Richmond, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Linwood. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Brunt | John | 30027 | Private | Pte | 04/04/1920 | 18th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John and Sarah Ann Brunt; husband of Ethel Maud Brunt, of 77, Brighton Rd., Parnell, Auckland. Born in Staffordshire, England. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Brunton | Archie Reuben | 48442 | Private | Pte | 01/02/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Maria Frances Brunton, of Wade, Auckland; husband of Matilda Brunton, of 42, Charlotte St., Eden Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Brunton | Ralph John | 83461 | Private | Pte | 13/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brunton, of Kaipara Flats, Northland. Born at Waiwero | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Bryan | John | 9/1789 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas George and Sarah Christina Bryan, of Murray Bridge, South Australia. Born at Kingston, South Australia | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Bryan | William Herbert | 28425 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/09/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Bryan, of Awahuri, Feilding, New Zealand. | Belgium - Ypres Reservoir Cemetery | |||
Bryan | Clifford | 13/23 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/05/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - J F Bryan, Westport) | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bryan-Brown | Guy Spencer | 41286 | Chaplain | Cpln | 04/10/1917 | Chaplain | Killed in action | France | Son of Grace Margaret Bryan-Brown, of Lydgate, Boar's Hill, Oxford, England, and the late Rev. Willoughby Bryan-Brown | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bryant | Alfred Henry | 11/18 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert M. and Elizabeth Bryant | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Bryant | Arthur David | 52946 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/10/1917 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Arthur David and Elizabeth Bryant; husband of the late Emma K. Bryant. | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Bryant | Frederick Clarence | 27158 | Private | Pte | 26/11/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Albert Edward and Alice Elizabeth Bryant, of School Hill, Sedlescombe | UK - Sedlescombe (St. John The Baptist) Churchyard | |||
Bryant | George Frederick | 6/3999 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of William Mead Bryant and Harriet Bryant, of Ilminster, Somerset, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bryant | Hedley | 10/298 | Private | Pte | 10/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Bryant, of Fantham St., Hawera. Born in Kent, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bryant | John Ernest | 55906 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/02/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Stephen Bryant, of Ohariu Valley, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Bryant | John Joseph | 11/862 | Trooper | Tpr | 03/12/1915 | WMR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Joseph and Eliza Alves Bryant, of Kenmure Rd., Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand. Formerly Lt. in Hiberian Defence Cadets | Malta - Addolorata Cemetery | |||
Bryant | John William Herbert | 6/2556 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1916 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. G. H. Bryant, of Talbot St., Geraldine, Timaru. | UK - Reading Cemetery | |||
Bryant | Lawrence Noel | 28265 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Georgina Elizabeth Bryant, of Main St., Foxton, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Bryant | Wilfred Hector | 55415 | Private | Pte | 09/02/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bryant, of 477, Manchester St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Weston-super-Mare, England. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Bryant | William Leo | 31802 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryant, of Manakau, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bryce | Colin | 22664 | Captain | Capt | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret Bryce; husband of Jane E. Bryce, of Meremere St., Timaru, New Zealand. Born at Tokomairo, Otago. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Bryce | Hamish Thomas | 9/2155 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Joseph and Evelyn Jessie Bryce, of Pemberton, Wellington. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bryden | Albert John | 24/57 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Ruth Bryden, of 294, Selwyn St., Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Bryden | Thomas James | 45341 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of David Bryden, of 3, Richmond Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bryden | Walter Charles | 34345 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Ruth Bryden, of 382, Selwyn St., Addington, Christchurch. Native of Springfield, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Bryden | William Percival | 49594 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Minnie Bryden, of Carmel Post Office, Upper Darling Range, Western Australia. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Brydon | Robert Oliver | 23/18 | Captain | Capt | 16/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Sarah Brydon, of Dargaville, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Bryson | Charles | 12/3950 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. M. E. Bryson, of 38, Albany Rd., Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bryson | William James | 45063 | Private | Pte | 13/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary and the late James Bryson, of Otatara, New Zealand. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Buchan | Arthur | 8/548 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Jessie Buchan. Born at Peterhead, Scotland. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Mendinghem Military Cemetery | |||
Buchan | James | 10/2875 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Buchan, of Myres Croft, Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire, Scotland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Buchan | William | 21971 | Private | Pte | 24/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Buchan, of 261, Hanover St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Buchanan | Andrew Alexander | 8/643 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Allan Buchanan, of 354, John Williamson St., South Shields, England, and the late Alexandrie Ormiston Buchanan. Born at Humbie, Edinburgh, Scotland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Buchanan | Geoffrey | 9/904 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - George Buchanan, brother, South Invercargill) | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Buchanan | George | 26/1570 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of John Buchanan, of 30, High St., Paisley, Scotland | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Buchanan | Peter Keith | 10074 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Agnes Buchanan, of Scotland; husband of Laura J. Buchanan, of Kelvin Grove, Palmerston North, Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Buchanan | Robert | 8/319 | Private | Pte | 04/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William and Christina Buchanan, of South Riverton, Southland, Invercargill. Native of Waimatuku, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Buchanan | Roy | 5/752 | Private | Pte | 22/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of E. D. H. Buchanan, of Park Rd., Auckland, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Buchanan | Sydney Lewis | 13/2732 | Arthur Leonard Buchanan | Gunner | Gnr | 28/11/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Arthur Leonard BUCHANAN) Son of Sarah Buchanan, of Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Arthur Buchanan. (CWGC as Sydney Lewis BUCHANAN) | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | ||
Buchele | Robert | 8/1417 | Private | Pte | 18/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Mary Ann Buchele. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Buchler | Frederick Lancelot | 23/1575 | Lieutenant | Lt | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Buchler, formerly of Taranaki, New Plymouth, and of Sarah Buchler, of Dromore, Ashburton, Canterbury. Also served in Egypt. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Buchler | John Walter | 6/4589 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Arthur and Margaret Josephine Buchler. Native of Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Buck | Harry Edward | 69567 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs A Holmes (Half-sister), 144 Hall Rd, Norwich, England | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Buck | Walter Henry | 42030 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Ann Buck, of 10, Paddy's Lane, Cannock, Staffs, England | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Buck | William | 23/1944 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Buck, of 8, Alfred St., Preston. Lancashire, England | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Buckeridge | Douglas William | 25/41 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Walker Buckeridge and Jane Douglas Buckeridge, of 13, Gray St., Feilding, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Buckingham | Charles | 37609 | Sapper | Spr | 30/09/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Mrs Sarah Woods (friend), Queens Hotel, Masterton. Born in Australia) | France - Varennes Military Cemetery | |||
Buckland | Joseph Edward F. | 80595 | Gunner | Gnr | 07/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Ellen Buckland; husband of Ellen Buckland, of 5, Young St., Dunedin. Born in Auckland | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Buckley | Benjamin Alfred | 47310 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Benjamin Alfred and Elizabeth Josephine Buckley, of Hook, Waimate, South Canterbury. Native of Timaru, South Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Buckley | John | 27747 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/02/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Mary Kaye (mother), 2 Elm St, Fleetwood, Lancashire, England) | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Buckner | Percy | 62917 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Emily Henrietta Bucker, of 50, Norwich St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Buckner | William Thomas | 40183 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Thomas and Emily Henrietta Buckner, of 34, Berry St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand | UK - Uxbridge (Hillingdon) Cemetery | |||
Budd | Arthur Everard | 12/3269 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the Rev. E. C. Budd, of 24, Seccombes Rd., Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Budd | Frederick Walter | 26/386 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Budd, of Akura Rd., Masterton, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Budd | Herbert George | 6/1794 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred and Elizabeth C. Budd, of 238, Karangahape, Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Budd | Michael | 33826 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1920 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Carterton, Wairarapa. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Budge | John | 16267 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 13/11/1917 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of John and Margaret Budge, of Auckland, New Zealand | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Budge | John Alexander | 25/308 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Ralph and Mary Budge, of England. | France - L'Homme Mort British Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein | |||
Bufton | Sydney Lewis | 43950 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 18/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Jane Bufton, of 267, Barbadoes St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Greymouth, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Buglass | George Young | 69801 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Buglass, of Edinburgh, Scotland | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Buick | David | 22303 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Wilhelmina Buick, of Deborah, Oamarw, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Bulfin | George Frederick | 41964 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bulfin, of Lawrence, Otago. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Bulford | Cecil Dudley | 48162 | Private | Pte | 24/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - H J Bulford (father), 83 Hataitai Road, Wellington) | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Bull | Arthur Joseph | 7/542 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bull, of Lowestoft, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Bull | Clarence Frederick | 13/564 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederick and Ursula Bull; husband of Alice Bull, of 549, Childers Rd., Gisborne. Native of Waddington, North Canterbury. Served in the South African Campaign. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bull | George Robert | 24/982 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. J. Kevern, of 125, Leet St., Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Bull | Harold Edgar | 59187 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Walter Bull, of 2, Berry St., Gisborne, New Zealand | France - Hebuterne Military Cemetery | |||
Bull | Melville James | 11/14 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Esther Bull, of Hunterville. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bullard | Percy | 11/209 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/10/1914 | WMR | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Wellington. Put ashore from Main Body departure. Died of typhoid fever Wellington Hospital. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Bullen | Thomas James | 14383 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Samuel Bullen, of Newton, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bullick | Thomas | 13588 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Croix de Guerre (Belgium). Son of Thomas and Jessie Bullick. Born at Pleasant Point, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Bulliman | Walter | 71177 | Private | Pte | 08/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Husband of Mabel Doris Jones (formerly Bulliman), of Wainuiomata, Wellington | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Bulling | Fitz Maxwell | 23138 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Max and Frances Bulling, of Kennington, Southland, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Bullingham | Sidney Victor James | 38491 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Elizabeth Bullingham, of Edge Hill Cottage, Stroud, Glos., England. Native of Cheltenham, Glos | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Bullock | Herbert John | 11/214 | Gunner | Gnr | 22/08/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert Bullock, of Buckland, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Annie Bullock; husband of Edith Bullock, of Rose Villa, Drax, Selby, Yorks, England | France - Bienvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Bullock | Walter Whiston | 10/2876 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Bullock, of 33, Norfolk St., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late James Bullock. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Bullock | William Arthur Trevelyan | 12/1907 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James Arthur Edward and Rachel Anne Bullock (nee Stevens), of Faulkbourn, Essex, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bulman | John | 10312 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. G. A. Brown (formerly Bulman), of 313, North Rd., Gladstone, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Buncehall | Frederick Charles | 19/29 | Corporal | Cpl | 01/03/1919 | Samoan Relief | DOConcussion | Samoa | Born in England | Samoa - Magiagi Cemetery | |||
Bunn | Ernest | 25453 | Private | Pte | 07/07/1918 | AIR | Died of disease | Switzerland x France | Son of Elijah and Amy Bunn, of Murchison, New Zealand. | Switzerland - Vevey (St. Martin's) Cemetery | |||
Bunn | Horace | 12/1572 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1915 | AIR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Rachel Bunn, of London, England | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Bunny | Edmund Athelstan | 43805 | Driver | Dvr | 11/05/1919 | NZFA | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of Edmund Percy and Brunetta Lucia Bunny (nee Cimino), of Woburn Rd., Lower Hutt. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Petone Catholic Cemetery | |||
Bunny | Herbert William | 6/2561 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert and Elizabeth Bunny, of Greham Valley, Akaroa, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bunt | George Aylmer | 38863 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Angelina Bunt, of 24, Aberdeen St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Bunting | Benjamin Harold | 13416 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. W. Bunting, of Woodend, North Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Bunting | Wilfrid Jack | 8/16 | Private | Pte | 05/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Caroline Bunting, of Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Bunyan | John | 10/3844 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. T. Bunyan, of Inglewood, Taranaki. | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bunyard | William John | 6/2958 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 03/07/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of William and Sarah Ann Bunyard, of Cliff Cottage, Kingsdown, Deal, Kent, England. His brother, H. also died whilst serving. | UK - Kingsdown (St. John) Churchyard, Ringwould | |||
Burborough | Herbert Robert | 68506 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret Burborough, of 343, Talbot St., Geraldine South, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Burborough | John Thomas | 10/3157 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1917 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Mrs. L. Burborough, of Epuni St., Wellington. Born at Wellington. Served in Egypt, 1915-16. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Burbush | David Gordon | 12/694 | Sergeant | Sgt | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbush, of Victoria St., Hamilton | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burbush | George Edgar | 43395 | Driver | Dvr | 27/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frank and Catherine Burbush, of Hamilton, New Zealand | France - Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries | |||
Burdett | Charles Grant | 66607 | Sir Charles Grant Burdett | Lieutenant | Lt | 21/11/1918 | NZDC | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | 8th Bart. Husband of Lady Burdett, of Eltham, Taranaki. Born at Pirongia, Hamilton | NZ - Eltham Cemetery | ||
Burdett | William | 24459 | Private | Pte | 03/04/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. E. Burdett, of Shoal Bay Rd., Devonport, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burdon | Maurice | 35157 | Private | Pte | 18/12/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Janet Hare (formerly Burdon), of Bridge St., Nelson, and the late George Burdon. Born at Denniston, Westland. Served on the Western Front 1917 | NZ - Waimangaroa Cemetery | |||
Burge | John Elmcourt | 7/625 | Corporal | Cpl | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Noakes, Sealkote, Wallington, Surrey, England) | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Burgess | Arthur Alexander | 65944 | Private | Pte | 25/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Annie Burgess, of Palmuranga, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Burgess | Arthur Clements | 6/1795 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Mudros x Gallipoli | Son of John Thomas and Sarah Burgess, of Fairlie, Timaru, New Zealand. | Greece - Portianos Military Cemetery | |||
Burgess | Charles David | 67516 | Private | Pte | 11/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Ellen Ada Burgess, of "Sunnyside," Wakefield Nelson, New Zealand. Born at Reigate, Surrey, England | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Burgess | Charles William | 10/16 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/04/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James E. and Helen Martha Burgess, of Eton St., Hampstead, Ashburton, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burgess | Claude Ernest | 12/3570 | Private | Pte | 11/07/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of F. J. S. M. and Georgina Burgess, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Burgess | Frederick Lloyd | 63511 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John Lloyd Burgess and Mary Esther Burgess (nee Hayden), of 21, Arabi Rd., Edendale, Auckland | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Burgess | George Bruckshaw | 32294 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard Henry and Bessie Ferguson Burgess, of Staveley, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burgess | James | 8/3876 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs D Burgess (mother), Orkney, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burgess | James Edward | 8/649 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry Stibbings Burgess and Wilhelmina Burgess, of 10, Begg St., Musselburg, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Burgess | John | 65339 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Burgess, of Taita, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Burgess | John | 25/939 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Burgess (father), Dunsandel) | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Burgess | Joseph | 33828 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Eliza Burgess, of New Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Burgess | Ralph Thomas | 8/3198 | Private | Pte | 27/05/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. R. Burgess, of Dipton, Southland, New Zealand, and the late James Burgess | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Burgess | Sidney Arthur | 45984 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Annie Burgess, of Rongates, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Burgess | Thomas Hayes | 12/705 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Turkey x Gallipoli | (NOK - William Burgess, Pukekohe) | Turkey - Haidar Pasha Cemetery | |||
Burgess | Thomas James | 28072 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Burgess, of Opotiki, New Zealand; husband of Alice Mildred Burgess, of 5, Crown Terrace, Monument Green, Weybridge, England. | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Burgess | Walter Henry | 8/1711 | Private | Pte | 11/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Sarah Burgess, of Invercargill. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burgess | William John | 25361 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Ann Burgess, of 3, Mackay St., Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Benjamin Burgess. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Burgess | William John | 39158 | Private | Pte | 10/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Burgess, of Broughton St., Gore, New Zealand | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Burgess | William John | 61037 | Private | Pte | 22/01/1919 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of R. H. and the late Bessie Burgess, of Staveley; husband of Mrs. M. I. G. Lorgelly (formerly Burgess), of Staveley, New Zealand. | UK - Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery | |||
Burgin | John Robert | 18/29 | Captain | Capt | 02/12/1920 | NZCD | - | NZ | Son of John and Arm Burgin; husband of Henrietta Jane Burgin, of 17, Arcadia Rd., Epsom, Auckland. Born in England. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Burke | Denis Patrick | 4/143 | Sapper | Spr | 10/12/1915 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Thomas and Nora Burke (nee McCarthy), of 37, Parade, Island Bay, Wellington | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Burke | Ernest Patrick | 69830 | Private | Pte | 03/09/1918 | NZEF Reinf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Mr. P. Burke, of Wellington. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Burke | Harold Herbert | 4/2367 | Sapper | Spr | 16/07/1916 | NZE | Died of disease | Mesopotamia | Son of Thomas A. and Margaret L. Burke, of 9, Joseph St., Sutton, St. Helen'S, Lancs, England | Iraq - Basra War Cemetery | |||
Burke | Hubert John | 6/3265 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 31/05/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. J. and Mrs. E. M. Burke, of Upper Moutere, Nelson, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Burke | Isaac Edward | 46168 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Antonia Palatchie. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burke | Jack | 4/692 | Sapper | Spr | 22/09/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Helena Burke, of 5, Coleridge St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli | France - Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Burke | Patrick | 21200 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Martin and Catherine Burke, of Geraldine, New Zealand. | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Burke | Tom Luke | 89423 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Henry and Jane Burke (nee Oliver); husband of Lucy Burke, of Te Kopuru, Northern Wairoa. Born at Akaroa, Christchurch | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Burke-Stanley | Charles Frederick | 11/852 | Charles Frederick Andrew Burke and Charles Frank Bourke | Corporal | Cpl | 14/11/1918 | WMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | (AKA Charles Frederick Andrew BURKE and Charles Frank BOURKE) Son of William and Rachel Burke-Stanley, of 5, Porteous St., Mornington, Dunedin. Born at Oamaru. Served at Gallipoli. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | ||
Burkhardt | Arthur Peter | 26/1571 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burkhardt, of Kaimata, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Burkitt | Frank Ernest | 10/3833 | Private | Pte | 12/06/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Hannah Burkitt, of Finnerty Rd., Lowgarth, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Burkitt | George Percival | 70233 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1919 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Elizabeth and the late Alfred Whaler Burkitt; husband of Maud Marion Burkitt, of 9, Kenneth Avenue, Morningside, Auckland. Born in England. Served on the Western Front, 1918-19. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Burlinson | George Vandergraaff | 11/8 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/01/1915 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of George Melville Burlinson and Alicia Griffith Burlinson. Born in England | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Burn | Edgar James | 27061 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Edgar Huie Burn and Fanny Louisa Burn, of School House, Romahapa, Otago, New Zealand. Born at Hilton, South Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Burn | Frank Fraser | 8/3877 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 05/12/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Annie Burn, of 469, Manchester St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Burn | Gordon Stanley | 11810 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Philip Edward and Emma Sarah Burn. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Burn | Robert Bruce | 7/315 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Isabel Burn, of Hereford St., Christchurch, New Zealand | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | ||
Burnand | Cecil Stuart | 5/36a | WO2 | WO2 | 01/07/1917 | ASC | Died of disease | UK x France | (NOK - J H Burnand (father), 117 Bradgate Road, Catford, S E (London)) | UK - Lewisham (Ladywell) Cemetery | |||
Burnand | Harry Hamilton Hursthouse | 25/84 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Lily Burnand, of Manunui, Hamilton, and the late John Henry Davis Burnand. Also served in Egypt. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Burnard | Alfred Thomas Evan | 27214 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 02/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Emma Burnard (mother), 129 Peterborough St, Christchurch) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Burnard | Eric Mountjoy | 6/1085 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas James and Sarah Louisa Burnard, of Dunedin, New Zealand | Turkey - Lancashire Landing Cemetery | |||
Burnard | Harold Gordon | 44826 | Private | Pte | 28/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs E Burnard (wife), Mount Eden, Auckland) | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Burnard | John Henry Mitchell | 80737 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1918 | 46th Specialists NZEF | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Ruby Burnard, of Wellington. Born at Nelson. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Burnell | Richard Henry | 24/702 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Burnell, of 57, Hills Rd., Heathcote, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burnes | James Allen | 9/584 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Annie Burnes, of 76, Surrey St., South Dunedin, New Zealand. Left Dunedin as Trumpeter to 5th Otago Mounted Rifles, 1914. Born at Wellington. | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.1 | |||
Burnet | Harold John White | 55412 | Gunner | Gnr | 21/08/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of William Brotherston Burnet and Annie Jane Burnett, of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Couin New British Cemetery | |||
Burnett | Arthur | 10/3500 | Sapper | Spr | 21/02/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Kenneth and Sarah Jane Burnett, of Matamata, Hamilton, New Zealand. Also served with New Zealand Railway Engineers at Samoa | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burnett | David | 8/1420 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. A. J. Burnett, of 1, Winchester St., Christchurch | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burnett | George Francis | 23/86 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. J. Burnett, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Burnett | Harold John | 13418 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emma Louisa Burnett, of Murumuru Raetihi, and the late J. H. Burnett. Also served with New Zealand Cyclist Corps | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burnett | James Richard | 6/2562 | Private | Pte | 28/12/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Roch Burnett and Ellen Burnett. Born at Nelson, New Zealand | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Burnett | John Frazer | 78658 | Private | Pte | 07/04/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of E. Burnett, of Karangahake. Born in Auckland. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Burnett | Noel Fletcher | 6/18 | Private | Pte | 13/12/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of James and Ellen Burnett, of 31, Moana Rd., Kelburn, Wellington. Native of Christchurch. A Civil Engineer | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burnett | Percy James | 42034 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Johnson Burnett and Frances Burnett, of Ngaruawahia, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burnett | Thomas | 36553 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Margaret Burnett, of Middlemarch, Otago | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burns | Allan Cummock | 10/540 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns, of 1, Richmond St., South Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burns | Archibald Gower | 6/423 | Private | Pte | 02/11/1916 | CIR | Died of injuries | NZ | Son of Benjamin Henry and Alice May Gower Burns. Born at Calcutta. Served in Egypt and at Gallipoli, 1914-16. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Burns | Eric | 27059 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns, of Kaitangata, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Burns | George Ferguson | 75502 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Joseph and Agnes Burns, of 1, Richmond St., South Dunedin, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Burns | Henry John | 12/702 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Catherine Gentles (formerly Burns), and the late John Burns. Native of Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burns | James | 64887 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Johana Burns, of Mohonagh, Skibbereen, Co. Cork, and the late Denis Burns | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Burns | James Anderson | 35001 | Private | Pte | 11/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Janet Burns, of Pukepito, Balclutha, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Burns | John | 27066 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Jeannie Burns, of Kaitantata, New Zealand. | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Burns | John Cullen | 56092 | SgtMajor | SgtMaj | 23/08/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born in London, England. | NZ - Epsom (St. Andrew) Churchyard | |||
Burns | Thomas Leslie | 6/19 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | y | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alex. and Hatty Burns, of Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Burnside | Geoffrey Herbert | 42279 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David Parker Burnside and Lydia Elizabeth Octavia Burnside, of Ardmore, Papakura | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burr | Charles Willox | 51553 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Jane Burr, of Headrooms, Lonmay, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burr | Charley Henry | 74012 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of E. and A. Burr, of Te Kuiti, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Burr | Eric Bell | 11/208 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Patrick and Elizabeth Burr, of Frederick St., Hastings, Napier | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burr | Gordon Harvey | 10/805 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Patrick and Elizabeth Burr, of Hastings, Hawkes Bay | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burr | James | 23/88 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burr, of Tarata, Inglewood, New Plymouth | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burr | John Gordon | 11/1127 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 17/12/1917 | ICC | Died of wounds | Egypt x Palestine | Son of John Victor Burr and Ellen Burr. Born at Foxton, New Zealand. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Burrage | Harry David | 13/18 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/07/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Harry and Emily Burrage, of England. | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Burrell | Arthur Frederick | 10/2087 | Corporal | Cpl | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of A. W. O. and M. E. Burrell, of Stratford, New Zealand | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Burrell | Frederick William | 23/694 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John William and Effie Burrell, of 535, City Rd., Sheffield, England | France - Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery | |||
Burrell | John | 13/2305 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Henry and Mary Burrell, of Fielding, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Burrell | John Gladstone | 2/712 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of John Thomas and Ellen Rose Burrell, of 28, Bourke St., Palmerston North. Also served on Gallipoli. Born at Tapanui, Dunedin | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Burridge | Herbert William | 18/8 | Chaplain | Cpln | 26/12/1922 | Chaplain | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Son of William and Margaret Alice Burridge (nee Nall). Husb/o Ruth Dixon Buried Box Hill Cemetery, Whitehorse City, Victoria, Australia | ||||
Burridge | Hubert Walter | 75282 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Father of John H. Burridge, of 155, Rolleston St., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Burridge | Richard Stanley | 10/1571 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Burridge, of Main Rd., Glenorchy, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burrill | Robert John | 12/3273 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. S. A. Payne (formerly Burrill), of Durham St., Ngaruawahia, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Burrough | Amos Thomas Wilson | 42786 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Ellen Burrough. Born at Picton, New Zealand | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Burrough | Joseph | 39452 | Private | Pte | 24/06/1917 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Joseph and Mary Ann Burrough. Native of Okarito, New Zealand. | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Burrow | Edward Benjamin | 50628 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/11/1918 | CMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of John and Elizabeth F. A. Burrow, of Orinoco, Nelson, New Zealand | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Burrow | Jack | 18324 | Trooper | Tpr | 07/11/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | (NOK - Mrs J Burrow (mother), Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Burrow | Reginald Hadderton | 31065 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/10/1917 | AMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Richard E. and Emily L. Burrow, of Piopio, Te Kuiti, Hamilton, New Zealand. Native of Staffs., England. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Burrow | Robert | 44440 | Private | Pte | 17/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Ann Burrow, of Wainui-o-mata, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Burrow | Wallis John | 56221 | Private | Pte | 31/01/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Mary Burrow, of King St., Pukekohe, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Burrow | William | 11217 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Ann Burrow, of 15, Emmet St., South Wellington. Two brothers also fell | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burrowes | Edwin Fitzherbert | 13/779 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edwin Fitzherbert Burrowes and Annie Maria Burrowes, of Sanson, Manawatu | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burrowes | William | 27160 | Private | Pte | 17/04/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Helena Marie Burrowes, of 221, Wainoni Rd., New Brighton, Christchurch. Native of Westland | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Burrows | Edward | 25/16 | Lieutenant | Lt | 22/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Kathleen E. Ascott (formerly Burrows), of Miro St., Miramar, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burrows | Harold Edward | 14384 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Burrows, of Te Atatu, Henderson, Auckland, and the late John Burrows. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Burrows | Isaac Henry | 12/3953 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Ann Burrows, of 21, Mt. Eden Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Manchester, England. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Burrows | John Henry | 10/862 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred Henry and Mary Burrows, of Portia St., Stratford, New Plymouth. Native of Ridgley, Tasmania, Australia.. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burrows | Joseph Frank | 46516 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alfred and Ruth Burrows, of Oxford, New Zealand | France - Honnechy British Cemetery | |||
Burrows | William Henry | 9/500 | Driver | Dvr | 23/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Mary Burrows, of Cromwell, Dunedin. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Solesmes British Cemetery | |||
Burson | Albert Edward | 19/31 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Albert and Emma Burson, of 405, Colombo St., Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Burt | Alexander Cameron | 9/16 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Christina Burt. Native of Port Cbalmers | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Burt | Cyril Mountford | 6/2483 | Private | Pte | 18/02/1922 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Son of Alfred John Hilbury and Annie Burt (nee Pannell). Husb/o Agnes Smith Buried Upper Riccarton Cemetery, Canterbury, NZ | ||||
Burt | Henry George | 4/2038 | Sergeant | Sgt | 13/10/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Burt, of 40, Coromandel St., Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - White House Cemetery | |||
Burt | Leonard Cooper | 46550 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emma Burt, of 160, Redruth Avenue, Spreydon, Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late John Burt. Born at Rangiora. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Burt | Thomas | 5/751 | Driver | Dvr | 09/10/1918 | ASC | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Burt, of Lower Hutt, New Zealand. | France - Forenville Military Cemetery | |||
Burt | William Ramsay | 12132 | Private | Pte | 22/07/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Jean Burt, of 160, Earn St., Invercargill, New Zealand. Native of Airdrie, Scotland. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Burton | Albert Leonard | 8/1204 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George William and Margaret Burton, of 15, Carlton St., Weston-super-Mare, England. Native of East Ham, London, England. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Burton | Alfred | 6/4004 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William H. and Mary Jane Burton | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Burton | Alfred Bertram | 25/724 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Burton, J.P., of Maxwell House, Gedlow Lane, Wigan, England, and the late Catherine Burton. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Burton | Athelstan Roy | 12/2228 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Burton, of Stanley Rd., Te Aroha, Timaru | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burton | Edward | 82012 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of M. Burton, of Fleet St., Newton, Auckland. Born at Cardiff, New Plymouth | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Burton | Frank | 4/49a | Sapper | Spr | 09/05/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Maria Burton (nee Simonds); husband of Agnes Cecilia Fanny Burton, of Carn Friars, St. Mary's Island, Scilly Isles. Born at Eastbourne, England. Previously served 9 years in Grenadier Guards. Six years a settler in New Zealand and eight years in Norfolk Island. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Burton | Leslie Andres | 224/704 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Johanne Marie Burton, of 12, Spencer Rd., Napier, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Burton | Percy | 40433 | Private | Pte | 03/05/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | UK x France | Husband of Selina D. Burton, of 7, Brunswick St., Auckland | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Burton | Richard Cobden | 74156 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Annie Burton, of Harbour View Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Northampton, England | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Busbridge | William Joseph | 4/168a 8/168 | Sapper | Spr | 23/06/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - J W Busbridge (adopted father), Freshford Post Office, Riversdale, Southland) | Turkey - Beach Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Busby | Tawhai | 16/316 | Private | Pte | 11/02/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Timoti and Martha Busby. Born at Mangonui. | NZ - PUKepoto Maori Cemetery | |||
Busby | William Henry | 40504 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Sarah Jane Busby. | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Bush | Harry William | 12/4147 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Harry and Sarah Bush, of Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Bush | Launcelot Alfred | 25186 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of A. F. and E. Bush. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Bushell | Alfred James | 8/3514 | Private | Pte | 07/07/1918 | NZIB HQ | Died of disease | France | Son of Mrs. Annie Healy, of 242, Railway St., Frankton Junction, Hamilton, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Bushell | Dante Frederick William | 9/435 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/03/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Violet Bushell, of "Pax," Berry Avenue, Chelsea, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Bussell | Hugh Balfour | 30531 | Private | Pte | 25/03/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of William and Hester Bussell, of Clones, Ireland. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Bussell | James | 10/1764 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1916 | WIR | Died of disease | Turkey x Gallipoli | Son of James Bussell, of Colyton, Feilding, New Zealand | Iraq - Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery | |||
Bussell | William Samuel | 32415 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Hester Bussell, of 122, Edgeware Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Butcher | Albert | 10/2089 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jacob and Emily Butcher, of Catton, Thirsk, Yorks, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Butcher | Arthur Thomas | 23/2550 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - W Butcher (father), Brimpton, Berkshire, England) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Butcher | James Francis | 24/1608 | Private | Pte | 24/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Cecilia Butcher, of 164, Elizabeth St., Launceston, Australia; husband of Caroline B. Murdock (formerly Butcher), of 76, Teviot St., Invercargill, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Butcher | Joseph | 10/297 | Private | Pte | 15/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Jacob and Emily Butcher, of Catton, Thirsk, England. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Butler | Alexander Edward | 3/388 | Lex | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph Alexander and Alicia Butler, of Ohakune, New Zealand. | Belgium - White House Cemetery | ||
Butler | Alfred Edgar | 6/2563 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Butler, of Orepuki, Southland, New Zealand | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Butler | Daniel D'Arcy Dickinson | 10/4069 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Butler, of Gladstone, of Wairarapa, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Butler | Daniel John | 62008 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Butler, of Alexandra, Otago; husband of Eunice May Butler, of Waihau, Patoka, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Butler | Edward Arthur Ormond | 14385 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Percy Selwyn and Ellen Margaret Butler, of Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Butler | Francis Joseph | 34789 | Private | Pte | 18/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. A. Butler, of Round Hill, Colac Bay, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Butler | Herbert Edward | 4/1898 | Sapper | Spr | 28/03/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert Edward Ormond Butler and Mary Anne Butler, of 136, North Avon Rd., Richmond, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Butler | John | 25/935 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Frances Butler (sister), 144 Ensors Road, Opawa, Christchurch) | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Butler | Joseph Connor Taylor | 38655 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph C. T. and Violetta Butler, of Blackhill, Victoria, Australia; husband of Ellen Ivy Butler, of Mangatawhiri Valley, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Butler | Joseph Taylor | 47620 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jeremiah and Isabella Ann Butler, of Chestnut House, Pilling, Garstang, Lancs, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Butler | Joseph William | 8/518 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Elizabeth M. Butler, of Orepuki, Southland, Invercargill, and the late Joseph William Butler. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Butler | Lawrence | 26/86 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs R Butler (mother), Manaia) | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Butler | Lawrence Harvey | 2/2968 | Laurence | Gunner | Gnr | 10/07/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Laurence BUTLER) Son of Robert and Eleanor Butler, of 130, Wallace St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | ||
Butler | Lewis Albert Gibb Johnston | 54420 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edwin and Alice E. Butler, of 34, Somme Parade, Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Butler | Martin Raymond | 12/3571 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 21/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Martin and Annie E. Butler, of Pukeroro, Cambridge, Hamilton | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Butler | Maurice Francis | 11812 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine Butler, of Coolbane, Co. Kerry, Ireland, and the late Francis Butler. Native of Co. Kerry. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Butler | Patrick | 25457 | Private | Pte | 10/07/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born in Ireland. | NZ - Stratford (Kopuatama) Cemetery | |||
Butler | Patrick | 65201 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/08/1918 | OMR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - J Butler (father), Medbury) | France - Franvillers Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Butler | Patrick Joseph | 18193 | Trooper | Tpr | 11/05/1919 | MGS | Died of injuries | Egypt | (NOK - W F Butler (brother), Makirikiri, Wanganui. Born in Australia) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Butler | Richard | 3/2698 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1917 | NZMC | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. J. Butler, of Medbury, North Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Butler | Richard Patrick | 10/1429 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie Butler, of Papakura, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Butler | Roy | 28426 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Abner Butler and Christina Butler, of 45, Waldegrave St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Butler | Thomas | 44251 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie Butler, of Settlement Rd., Papakura, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Butler | Walter James | 10/3209 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1923 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Butler | William Henry | 3/3136 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1918 | NZMC | DOSickness | Sea to NZ | Husband of Ellen Butler, of Flat 2, 9, Peel St., Kirribille, Sydney, Australia | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Butler | William James | 18958 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Mary Butler, of Edendale, Invercargill. Native of Waimea, Nelson. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Butler | William Joseph Ignatius | 10/276 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Mary Ellen Butler, of Stout St., Shannon, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Butler | William Manus | 24/62 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Patrick and Sarah U. Butler, of 35, Bradshaw St., Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Otago. Also served with the advance party to Samoa, from Aug. to Dec., 1914 | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Butt | Ernest Walter | 40185 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and E. M. Butt, of 87, Watford St., Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Butt | Henry Mousel | 39651 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of A. and K. Butt, of 4, Mansfield Terrace, Whangarei, New Zealand. | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Butterworth | Arthur | 24/1609 | Private | Pte | 17/05/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of James and Alice Butterworth, of Oldham, England | UK - Oldham (Chadderton) Cemetery | |||
Butterworth | Henry | 30739 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of C. H. Butterworth, of Thames, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Butterworth | James Seddon | 14386 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mary Kennington (formerly Butterworth), of Hinemoa House, Te Aroha, New Zealand, and the late James Butterworth. Born at New Plymouth, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Butterworth | John Thomas | 45068 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Butterworth, of Mid Cottage, Scotby, Carlisle, England | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Butterworth | Robert | 12/2969 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Robert and Sarah Jane Butterworth, of Rochdale, England | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Buttle | Harris Newman | 6/2564 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Newman Buttle and Elizabeth Buttle, of Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Bycroft | Gilbert Roy | 44824 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louth and Elizabeth Bycroft, of Coronation Rd., Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Byers | John Steel | 12/1574 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur H. and Mary Byers, of Huntly, Hamilton. Native of Scotland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Byrch | Frederic Victor | 7/821 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Albert William and Constance Byrch, of 12, Knowles St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Evesham, England. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Byres | George William | 59315 | Sapper | Spr | 18/09/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Marie Byres, of Wellington Rd., Marton, New Zealand | France - Lebucquiere Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Byrne | Charles Alfred | 4/536 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/10/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas Vincent and Francis A. M. Byrne, of Princes Avenue, Mt. Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Kumara, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Byrne | George Johnston | 30729 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and the late Mary Byrne; husband of the late Janie Byrne. Born at Portland, Birr, Ireland | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Byrne | James Francis | 10/3210 | 2/Corporal | 2/Cpl | 18/06/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. T. V. and Mrs. F. A. Byrne, of Kumara, New Zealand; husband of Olive Lilian Byrne, of 25, Caroline St., Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Byrne | John Michael | 23/2551 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Ellen Byrne, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Byrne | Vincent John | 4/535 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/10/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Thomas Vincent and Frances A. M. Byrne, of Kumara, Westland | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Byrne | William | 13870 | Private | Pte | 26/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born in Wicklow, Ireland. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Byrnes | Roger J | - | Private | Pte | 29/03/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Roger and Catherine Byrnes (nee Flanagan). Born in Victoria, Australia | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Byrnes | Robert James | 26/1085 | Robert James Byrne | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (AKA BYRNE) Son of John and Janet Byrne, of Charleston, West Coast. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Byron | Charles | 6/2565 | Private | Pte | 16/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Byron, of Gore, Southland, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Byron | Clarence Hedley | 3/3805 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1918 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ada Byron, of 199, Hereford St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Byron | George Henry Ralph | 58230 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Byron, of Woolston, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Surname | Forenames | Service Number | Alt Service Number | Alias/AKA | Rank | Rank, abbreviated | Date of Death | Date of Death Approximate | Unit | Cause of Death | Place of Death | Notes | Recorded Cemetery - CWGC |
NZ Deaths in WW1 CD
Surname | Forenames | Service Number | Alt Service Number | Alias/AKA | Rank | Rank, abbreviated | Date of Death | Date of Death Approximate | Unit | Cause of Death | Place of Death | Notes | Recorded Cemetery - CWGC |
Cable | Ernest | 8/19 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Millicent Cable, of Queenstown Lake, Wakatipu, Southland, Invercargill, and the late William Cable | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Cable | William Henry | 8/20 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. M. Cable, of Queenstown, New Zealand | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Caddie | Rupert Septimus | 47855 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/07/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Alice Caddie, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Caddigan | Ernest William | 6/1479 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. J. Cooper (formerly Caddigan), of Huia Rd., Otahuhu. Native of Howick, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cadman | Andrew | 11/2052 | Bombardier | Bdr | 18/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of George and Esther Cadman, of Auroa, Hawera, New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Caffery | Joseph | 11404 | Private | Pte | 29/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Ann Caffery, of 166, Neill St., Ponsonby, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Caffery | William | 12/4148 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Rongomate, of Mangaia, Cook Islands | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cahill | Hugh Angelo Cassidy | 72093 | Gunner | Gnr | 02/09/1918 | NZFA (Res) | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Thomas and Catherine A. Cahill, of 159, Barbadoes St., Christchurch. Born at Hokitika | NZ - Canterbury Provincial Memorial | |||
Cain | Andrew | 2/2790 | Gunner | Gnr | 14/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel Cain, of Seadown, Temuka, New Zealand. | France - Bertrancourt Military Cemetery | |||
Cain | John Joseph | 68513 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Margaret Bridson (formerly Cain), of 18, Richmond Grove, Douglas, Isle of Man, and the late James Cain | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Cain | William Thomas | 65343 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Edward and Sarah Ann Cain, of Port Macquarie, New South Wales, Australia | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Caird | James Scott | 65053 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ann Caird. Born at Monifieth, Dundee, Scotland. | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Cairncross | John | 15871 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/02/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Agnes Beck Cairncross, of 6, Wilton Hill, Hawick, Scotland | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Cairney | Joseph Andrew | 21206 | Private | Pte | 26/01/1918 | DEC | Died of injuries | France | Son of John and Margaret Cairney, of Howick, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Cairnie | Gilbert James Bryan | 12/50 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mrs. J. L. Volkwyn, of 17A, Western Rd., Port Elizabeth, South Africa | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cairns | Jack | 14071 | Private | Pte | 06/07/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs C Cairns (mother), 125 Sherborne Street, St Albans, Christchurch) | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Cairns | John | 22769 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - John R Jack (friend), 58 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North) | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Cairns | Ronald James | 10773 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Isabella Cairns, of 132, Tinakori Rd., Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cairns | Timothy | 25/1702 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/12/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Janet Cairns, of Heddon Bush, Southland, and the late Timothy Cairns. Born at Ashburton. Served on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Wreys Bush Cemetery | |||
Calcinai | Alfred Bert | 28100 | Private | Pte | 26/07/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Calcinai, of 134, Owen St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Calder | Charles Crombie | 45080 | Private | Pte | 10/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Mary Ann Calder, of Aberdeen. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Calder | John | 24/989 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Calder, of Lennoxtown, Scotland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Calder | John George | 41390 | Private | Pte | 12/09/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of George S. Calder and the late Helen Calder; husband of Clarice W. Calder, of 4, William St., Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. Born at Caithness. Scotland | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Calder | Kenneth Moir | 24/393 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/07/1915 | NZRB | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of David McBeth Calder and Jessie Alexander Calder (nee Moir), of 45, Easther Crescent, Kew, Dunedin. Born at Naseby, Otago | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Calder | William John | 8/21 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Calder, of Maheno, Oamaru | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Calder | Willie Bunting | 31220 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry Somner Calder and Annie Maria Calder. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Caldwell | Allan | 3/4028 | Private | Pte | 27/11/1918 | NZMFHomeService | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of David and Margaret Caldwell (nee Smith). Born in Ayrshire | NZ - Masterton Cemetery | |||
Caldwell | Charles | 49599 | Private | Pte | 13/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Ellen Caldwell, of Otipua, Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Caldwell | Douglas Roy | 11/1419 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/12/1917 | WMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - T Caldwell (father), Tolaga Bay, East Coast) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Caldwell | Gordon | 32811 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret Caldwell, of Hampden, New Zealand. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Caldwell | James | 8/2863 | Private | Pte | 27/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Caldwell, of I, Clonavon Rd., Ballymena, Co. Antrim | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Caldwell | John | 14389 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Mary Anne Caldwell. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Caldwell | John | 29672 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Agnes Caldwell; husband of Elizabeth Reed (formerly Caldwell), of 339, Wilsons Rd., Opawa, Christchurch. Native of Walkerburn Scotland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Caldwell | Kenneth | 11/610 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/04/1918 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Lindsay Alexander and Ellen Elizabeth Caldwell, of Te Punga, Awakino North, Ashhurst, New Zealand. Native of Feilding, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Caldwell | Percival Leonard | 10/1199 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Caldwell, of 27, Somme Parade, Wanganui. | France - Villers Hill British Cemetery, Villers-Guislain | |||
Caldwell | William Augustus | 13727 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Augustus and Elizabeth Caldwell; husband of Mary Caldwell, of Heretaunga St., Petone, Wellington. Native of Clive, Hawkes Bay. Served in the South African Campaign. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Caley | Jack | 48164 | Private | Pte | 05/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of W. H. and E. C. Caley, of Brandon Hall, Bulls, New Zealand | France - Ruyaulcourt Military Cemetery | |||
Caliari | Julie John | 37635 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1918 | Samoan Relief | Died of disease | Samoa | Son of Joseph and Maria Caliari, of Kanieri, Greymouth | Samoa - Magiagi Cemetery | |||
Callaghan | Charles Henry Leonard | 69465 | Private | Pte | 11/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Callaghan, of Opunake, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Callaghan | Claude | 23141 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Alice Callaghan, of 613, Heretaunga St., Hastings, Napier | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Callaghan | Edward | 37972 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Elizabeth Callaghan. Native of Cardrona, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Callaghan | Henry William | 22768 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Robert Callaghan (father), Church Place, Wanganui) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Callaghan | John Patrick | 8/3516 | Private | Pte | 15/04/1923 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Born Sydney, NSW 1883. No obvious Buried Karori Soldiers Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Callaghan | Leslie Harold | 23/1005 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/08/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Mabel Poole, of Lady Barkley, Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Erquinghem-Lys Churchyard Extension | |||
Callaghan | Michael | 23/91 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Ellen Callaghan, of Hamilton, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Callaghan | Patrick | 8/740 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Callaghan, of Cildes Mines de Laa Faleur, Haut Senegal et Niger, Satadongon, French West Africa. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Callaghan | Stewart | 36411 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1919 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Alexander Knox Callaghan and Sarah Jane Callaghan (nee Dickie), of 120, Wills St., Ashburton. Born at Doyleston, Canterbury. Served on the Western Front 1917-18. | NZ - Methven Cemetery | |||
Callan | Alexander Thomas | 8/2259 | Private | Pte | 22/06/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Sarah Ann Callan, of Pidgeon Valley, Wakefield, Nelson. Native of Wellington. Also served in Samoa | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Callanan | John | 9/2054 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Callanan, of Manuka Creek, Otago | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Calman | Robert Charles | 8/4437 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Mary Calman, of Wanganui. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Calverley | Frederick William | 8/1207 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Chapman and Annie Calverley, of 23, Littlebourne Rd., Roslyn, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Calvert | Robert Stanley Lawson | 7/24 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calvert, of Otipua Rd., Timaru | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Calvert | Rupert | 7/1828 | Trooper | Tpr | 03/11/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. A. Hood, of 22, Leitch St., Spreydon, Christchurch; husband of Doris M. Calvert, of Sunny Lea, Brighton, Manchester, England. Born at Melbourne, Australia. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Cambridge | Robert | 33162 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/02/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. A. Cambridge, of Christchurch. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Allan | 8/2550 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Cameron, of Church Side Cottage, Kilchoan, Argyll, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cameron | Allan | 4/662 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 09/08/1915 | NZE | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. A. H. Cameron, of 42, Alexander St., Alexandria, Dumbartonshire | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Angus | 8/3517 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Frances Cameron, of Woodend, Awarua Plains, Southland, Invercargill, and the late Angus Cameron. Native of Edendale, Southland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cameron | Angus Frank | 9/1019 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Elizabeth Cameron, of Mataura, Southland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | Colin Victor | 14225 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alex. and Martha Cameron, of Cambridge, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cameron | Daniel | 6/4006 | Private | Pte | 06/04/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Agnes Cameron, of Freeland Terrace, Thorn, Johnstone, Renfrewshire. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Cameron | David Duthie | 40103 | Private | Pte | 13/02/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Clara Cameron, of Manakau, Manawatu, New Zealand. Native of Edinburgh, Scotland | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Cameron | Ewen John | 52947 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/08/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | (NOK - Mrs M Cameron (mother), Poukiore, Hunterville) | South Africa - Cape Town (Maitland) Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Frederick Thomas | 4/1166a | 2/Corporal | 2/Cpl | 05/10/1916 | NZE | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron, of Hora Hora Valley, Whangarei, New Zealand | UK - Laithkirk (Lune Chapel) Churchyard | |||
Cameron | George | 8/1423 | 8/3458 | Private | Pte | 06/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs J Cameron (mother), Waitahuna, South Canterbury) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Cameron | Harry | 8/2549 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Alfred and Annie Cakebread | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | Harry | 12/526 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron, of Auckland. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | Harry James | 1/9 | Private | Pte | 18/07/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Cameron, of, Hora Hora Valley, Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served with Advance Party at Samoa | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.1 | |||
Cameron | Henry John | 8/3201 | Private | Pte | 11/02/1916 | OIR | Died of disease | Egypt | (NOK - Mrs H Cameron (mother), 3 Falcon St, Roslyn, Dunedin) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Hugh Lindley | 26/1033 | Sergeant | Sgt | 19/12/1923 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waipukurau Cemetery, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay | ||||
Cameron | Hughie | 24/1950 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 13/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Donald Cameron, of Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Cameron | James | 33514 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mrs Agnes Robinson, of Mornington, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cameron | James Finlayson | 9/780 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Martha Cameron, of Craigielaw, Longniddry, Scotland | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | James Muir | 3/761 | Private | Pte | 08/12/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | Sea (HS Maheno) | Son of James Muir Cameron and Grace Elizabeth Cameron, of 150, Grafton Rd., Auckland. Born at Port Chalmers, Dunedin | NZ - Otago Provincial Memorial | |||
Cameron | John | 46518 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. D. Cameron. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | John | 7/1705 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/12/1916 | CMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John and Ann Cameron. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cameron | John | 8/805 | 81805 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Angus and Mary Cameron, of Edendale, Southland, New Zealand. His brother Angus also fell. | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | ||
Cameron | John Colin | 6/2019 | Private | Pte | 26/07/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Leo. George Cameron, of Hamner Springs, Canterbury | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cameron | John Donald | 9/908 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 07/08/1917 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Husband of V. A. Cameron, of 93, York Place, Southend-on-Sea, England. | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Cameron | John Sharp | 35512 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, of Cambridge, New Zealand | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Cameron | John Stewart | 13/567 | Trooper | Tpr | 17/08/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Malta x Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs J Cameron, 136 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, Scotland) | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Louis | 7/822 | Driver | Dvr | 05/02/1919 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mary Cameron of St. Arnaud, Victoria, Australia, and the late Ewen Cameron | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Cameron | McRae Cumberland | 13689 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/09/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Duncan and Elizabeth Cameron, of Wanganui; husband of Maisie E. Cameron, of Castlecliff, Wanganui, New Zealand | Belgium - Birr Cross Roads Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Norman Donald | 11/216 | Lieutenant | Lt | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Donald John and Anna Robina Cameron, of Masterton, Wairarapa, Wellington | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cameron | Percy | 4/382 | Sapper | Spr | 17/08/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Connell Cameron and Kate Coxhead Cameron, of Dunedin. Also served in Egypt | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | Robert Hugh | 48701 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Sarah Anne Cameron, of Ballycloughan, Co. Antrim, Ireland. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Robert James | 9/801 | Trooper | Tpr | 13/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Mudros x Gallipoli | Son of Elizabeth Cameron and the late John Cameron, of Wendonside, Southland, Invercargill, New Zealand | Greece - Portianos Military Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Robert Walter | 69572 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Angus and Mary Cameron, of "Aldersyde," Turakina, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Cameron | Ronald Alexander | 25/260 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, of Rata, Marton, New Zealand. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Cameron | Samuel | 26/1578 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Archibald and Elizabeth McArthur Cameron, of Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Cameron | Thomas | 25/1698 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Isabella Hollingsworth (formerly Cameron), of IO, Dalziel St., Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland, and the late Thomas Cameron. | France - Les Baraques Military Cemetery, Sangatte | |||
Cameron | Thomas Alexander | 10/2540 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cameron, of Ngaere, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cameron | Tui Crawford | 23342 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cameron, of "The Willows," Whangarei | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cameron | Victor James | 8/3202 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Duncan and Elizabeth Cameron, of Mountain House, Tahurangi, Inglewood, New Zealand. Native of Stanway, New Zealand. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Cammell | Albert Melbourne | 26787 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of W. H. and Sarah Cammell. Native of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Cammick | Charles Alexander | 28671 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Samuel E. Cammick, of 16, Sheehan St., Ponsonby, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cammock | Frank Harold | 28099 | Private | Pte | 14/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frank and Elizabeth Cammock, of Bakers Town, Woodville, New Zealand. | Belgium - New Irish Farm Cemetery | |||
Cammock | William Rowland | 10/1060 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Chades Cammock, of Kiretaki, Dannevirke, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Alexander | 43951 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of A. and B. Campbell, of 481, Manchester St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Alexander Neil | 58197 | Private | Pte | 21/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Kamo, Whangarei, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt British Cemetery No.2, Hebuterne | |||
Campbell | Allan | 23/1947 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine and the late Patrick Campbell. Native of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Campbell | Angus John | 25058 | Sapper | Spr | 18/07/1916 | NZE (Res) | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Angus and Sarah E. Campbell, of 17, Collingwood St., Ponsonby, Auckland; husband of Mabel Campbell (now Mrs. King), of Esmonde Rd., Takapuna, Waitemata, Auckland | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Campbell | Archibald | 10/802 | Private | Pte | 10/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Campbell. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Campbell | Archibald Alexander | 2/454 | Driver | Dvr | 26/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of Okaiawa, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Guards' Cemetery, Lesboeufs | |||
Campbell | Archibald Donald | 25671 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Eliza Campbell, of 17, Collingwood St., Ponsonby, Auckland, and the late Angus Campbell. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Campbell | Archibald Edward | 8/342 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Ann Campbell, of Limehills, Southland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Charles | 34552 | Trooper | Tpr | 16/06/1919 | MGS | Died of injuries | NZ | Born at Invercargill. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Charles William Lachlan | 11227 | Private | Pte | 02/01/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Neill and Ann Campbell, of 16, John St., Caversham, Dunedin. Born at Oamaru. | UK - Birmingham (Lodge Hill) Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Clarence Endsleigh | 22770 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh and Hannah Campbell, of Breadalbane, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Colin | 55208 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Francis and the late Colin Campbell, of Auckland, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Colin Andrew | 16070 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/09/1918 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Alexander F. and Annie F. Campbell, of Melville Downs, Fairlie, New Zealand. Born at Timaru | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Colin Mitchell | 12/28 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 03/08/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of I. J. Campbell, of Auckland. Born in Scotland. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Colin Wilmott | 16273 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/03/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of William Patrick and Annie Edith Campbell, of Westmere, Wanganui, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Campbell | Cornelius | 65099 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Campbell | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Dallas Bertrand | 12/2970 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 13/06/1916 | AIR | Accident | France | Son of Robert and Emily Campbell, of Coromandel, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Campbell | David | 47268 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Margaret Campbell, of Gillistown, Toomebridge, Co. Antrim, Ireland | France - Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries | |||
Campbell | David Peters | 25/727 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell, of Waimane Avenue, Northcote, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Donald | 4/697 | Sapper | Spr | 04/06/1916 | NZE | Died of disease | At sea | Son of Colin Campbell, of King St., Temuka, and the late Elizabeth Campbell. Served in Egypt and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Otago Provincial Memorial | |||
Campbell | Edwin Joseph Collins | 6/888 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late William and Jane Theresa Campbell, of Island Bay, Wellington | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Ernest George | 36771 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Clara Campbell, of Taupiri, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Campbell | Ernest Wellesley | 10/1203 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Daisy Campbell, of Casilla 403, Santiago de Chile; and the late Robert A. Campbell | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Ewen Donald | 4/2060 | Sapper | Spr | 02/10/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Duncan Campbell, of Fortrose, Southland, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Campbell | Finlay Angus | 12/2971 | Finlay Augustus Campbell | Private | Pte | 04/03/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | France | (AKA Finlay Angus CAMPBELL) (NOK - Mrs M E Campbell (mother), Matangi, Waikato) | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | ||
Campbell | Fraser | 17382 | Trooper | Tpr | 15/07/1919 | MGS | Died of injuries | At sea | Son of John and Marion Campbell. Born at Waipu, Northland | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Campbell | George | 32625 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Janet S. Campbell, of 66, Grange St., Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, Scotland. | Belgium - Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | George Colin | 33294 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 21/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Agnes Campbell, of Manaia, New Zealand. | France - Nieppe Communal Cemetery | |||
Campbell | George Hendry | 14061 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of David and Margaret Campbell, of 4, County Rd., Kaikorai, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Campbell | George Scott | 6/946 | Private | Pte | 03/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late John and Jessie S. Campbell. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Campbell | Henry Wilson | 24339 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/02/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Marie Campbell, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Herbert Malcolm | 6/425 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, of Geraldine, South Canterbury. Native of Roxburgh, Dunedin. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Campbell | James | 14063 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. Campbell, of Waimate, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | James | 7/2369 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. H. Lyders (formerly Campbell), late of Waitiri, Central Otago | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | James | 10/310 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Mary Campbell, of 11, Oxford St., Marton, Wanganui. Born in Berwickshire, Scotland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | James | 9/129 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Sarah Campbell, of 51, Harbor Terrace, Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Kelso, Otago | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Campbell | James Bannatyne | 13/1013 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 21/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs F H Campbell (mother), Ness Valley, Auckland) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Campbell | John | 45073 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh and Jessie Campbell, of Wendon, Riversdale, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Campbell | John | 10/1201 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Jane Campbell, of Mangawhero Rd., Riverlea, Taranaki, and the late Peter Campbell. Native of Scotland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | John Archibald | 10/1028 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1914 | WIR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Donald and Mary Campbell. Born at Napier. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Campbell | John Barclay | 21562 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Ann Campbell, of 13, Collingwood St., New Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Campbell | John Carnegie | 9/802 | Trooper | Tpr | 29/07/1918 | OMR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Ann Campbell, of Limehills, New Zealand. Also served on Gallipoli | France - Sezanne Communal Cemetery | |||
Campbell | John Colin | 48908 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George Forbes Campbell, of Burwood, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Campbell | John Falconer | 79637 | Private | Pte | 26/05/1919 | 41st Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Mrs. E. Campbell, of Auckland. Born in Dunedin | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Campbell | John Robert | 7/27 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/06/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Helena Campbell, of Waituna, Waimate, Canterbury South | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Campbell | Lewis Edgar | 2/2594 | Bombardier | Bdr | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - William Campbell (brother), Christchurch Meat Company, Christchurch) | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Malcolm Hugh | 9/682 | Trooper | Tpr | 10/01/1915 | NZMR | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of the late Duncan and Alexa Campbell. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Malcolm James | 8/2552 | Private | Pte | 05/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew Armstrong Campbell and Janet Millar Campbell, of 38, Musselburgh Rise, Dunedin. Native of Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli and in Egypt. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Campbell | Morral Desmond | 35584 | Sapper | Spr | 10/06/1919 | NZE | Died of disease | At sea | Son of the late John Gates Campbell and Mary Elizabeth Campbell, of Morris St., Marton, Rangitekei. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Campbell | Murdoch | 9/911 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Colin and Evilina Campbell, of Cordeaux Dam, Cordeaux, Sydney, Australia. Born at Dunedin | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Murdock | 32140 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Campbell, of 61, Carlyle St., Napier, and the late Mr. Campbell. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Murdock McLeod | 32129 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Campbell, of Stoney Creek, Martinborough, Wellington | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Norman Claude | 62012 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh and Hannah Campbell. | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Peter | 20/8 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Hall Campbell; husband of Fanny Campbell, of Washdyke, South Canterbury. Native of Southbridge, New Zealand. Served in Samoa and in the South African Campaign. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Campbell | Peter | 23/377 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell, of Mangawhero Rd., Auroa, Taranaki | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Peter Duncan | 44574 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Duncan and Margaret Campbell, of Lakeside, Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.6 | |||
Campbell | Richard James | 62502 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs D A Campbell (wife), 32 Sussex Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Campbell | Richard James | 5/220 | Private | Pte | 27/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. A. B. Campbell, of Taupiri, Waikato, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Campbell | Robert | 25805 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald King Campbell, of 141, Esplanade, Petone, Wellington | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Robert Woodward | 62014 | Private | Pte | 28/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Kohi, Waverley, New Zealand. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Campbell | Roderick Hector | 32136 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Annie Campbell, of 61, Carlyle St., Napier, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Campbell | Roy Archibald | 6/3647 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Neil and Mary Campbell, of Rokeby, Rakaia, Canterbury, New Zealand. Native of Roxburgh, Springburn, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Campbell | Sidney Randolph | 12/1581 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Clara Campbell, of Amy St., Elleslie, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Campbell | Thomas | 23795 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Alexander Campbell, of Waikari, North Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | Thomas | 46288 | Private | Pte | 13/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Thomas Duncan Campbell and Anne Campbell, of Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Campbell | Thomas Welsh | 90670 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Mina Campbell (nee Welsh); husband of Isabella Campbell, of 8, Vigor Brown St., Napier. Born in Peebles-shire, Scotland. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Campbell | William | 6/2384 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late William and Elizabeth Campbell. Native of Houston, Scotland. Served in the South African Campaign. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | William | 8/3204 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of P. and A. Campbell, of Matata, Bay of Plenty | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Campbell | William | 10/1202 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of William and Annie Campbell, of Lawrence, Tuapeka, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Campbell | William Alexander | 13/3011 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/04/1918 | AMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Mrs. C. Campbell, of Smithton, Culloden, Inverness, Scotland, and the late Kenneth Campbell. | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Campbell | William Anderson | 10/3850 | Private | Pte | 23/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Jamieson Campbell and Jessie Campbell, of 16, Clonbern Rd., Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | William Angus | 24/1611 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George B. and Mary Campbell, of 671A, George St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - La Brique Military Cemetery No.2 | |||
Campbell | William Buchanan | 8/2868 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 31/07/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Donald and Annie C. Buchanan Campbell, of 30, Queen Mary Avenue, Crosshill, Glasgow, Scotland. | Belgium - Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery | |||
Campbell | William James | 23/376 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Campbell, of Pihama, Taranaki | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Campbell | William John | 76407 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/08/1923 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Buried Purewa Cemetery, Auckland | ||||
Campbell | William John | 13/2308 | Gunner | Gnr | 04/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Campbell, of Alexandra, Otago; husband of Florence L. Campbell, of Beach Road, Thames, New Zealand | France - Bertrancourt Military Cemetery | |||
Campion | Donald Aubrey | 13/2542 | WO2 | WO2 | 29/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Campion, of 28, The Rigi, Karori, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Campion | Neil | 11/32 | Trooper | Tpr | 26/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Margaret Campion, of Longburn, Palmerston North, Kairanga, New Zealand | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Canavan | Andrew Burnett | 34625 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. J. J. Canavan, of 205, Worcester St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Canham | Harold Arthur | 26790 | Private | Pte | 19/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Harry Studd Canham and Annie Emma Canham | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Cannell | Hugh Nelson | 31165 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the Rev. W. and Mrs. Cannell, of Young St., New Plymouth, New Zealand; husband of Mrs. B. M. P. Cannell, of 69, Freyberg St., Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Canning | David Edward | 8/779 | Private | Pte | 07/12/1915 | OIR | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mrs. Sara Maria Canning, of Yarrow St., Invercargill. Born at Queenstown. Served in Egypt, 1914-15. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Cannington | Harold William | 6/205 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter William and Ada Bessie Cannington, of Nelson, New Zealand. Born at Geelong, Victoria, Australia | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cantell | Arnold Charles | 2/1586 | A/Sergeant | A/Sgt | 04/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Mary Cantell, of 26, Relmers Avenue, Kingsland, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Gallipoli. | France - Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Cantell | Edwin Victor | 40509 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Mary Cantell, of Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.7 | |||
Cantlay | Cecil Francis | 23969 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Lilian Cantlay, of Bluff Hill, Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Born in Ceylon. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Canton | Charles John | 2/299 | Gunner | Gnr | 19/05/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late George and Mary Canton, of Palmerston North, New Zealand | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Canton | William Ivan | 26/92 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George Young Canton, of Canada St., Morrinsville, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Cantrick | William | 8/343 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. John Cantrick, of Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Capel | Albert | 23/378 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Husband of N. W. Capel, of 80, Hayfield Rd., Oxford. | UK - Oxford (Wolvercote) Cemetery | |||
Capon | Herbert | 53140 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of F. George and K. I. Capon, of Dumbarton, Otago, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Capon | Martin | 14398 | Corporal | Cpl | 20/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - John Capon (father), 5 Laxey Street, Liverpool, England) | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Capper | Joseph John | 20963 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/02/1919 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Alexandrina Capper, late of Dominion Rd., Auckland. Born at Waipu. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Hamilton East Public Cemetery | |||
Capper | Ralph | 26/339 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Turner Capper and Henrietta Capper, of Victoria St., Waihi, Thames | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Capstick | Arthur Alfred | 29358 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick Foster Capstick and Fanny Capstick, of Ngaruawahia, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Capstick | Robert James | 12/719 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederick Foster Capstick and Fanny Capstick, of Huntly. Native of Kendal, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Capstick | William George | 41273 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | y | AIR | Killed in action | France | Father of John William George Capstick, of Te Aroha, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | ||
Carbines | Arthur Vivian | 10/706 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard James and Alice Ogilvie Carbines, of Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carden | Frederick Craven | 2/2373 | Gunner | Gnr | 03/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. Carden, of 16, Ranfurly Rd., Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Cardno | Alexander Croom | 12/327 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. R. Cardno, of Cheltenham Terrace, Devonport, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cardno | George Alexander | 21974 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 22/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Jane Cardno, of Carlton Hill, Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Cardno | George Alexander | 23/702 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - G G Cardno (father), 48 Fitzroy St, Caversham, Dunedin) | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Cardno | Robert Webster | 12/126 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mrs. E. Cardno, of Auckland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cardno | William Robertson | 6/1256 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Gordon Cardno and Ada Cardno, of 30, Lockhampton Court, Caversham, Dunedin. Also served at the Suez Canal. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cardozo | Sydney Charles | 11/2053 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/10/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Charles and Leila Cardozo, of 8, Summerhiil Rd., West Green, South Tottenham, London, England | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Carene | Robert Holford | 8/2412 | Private | Pte | 24/10/1915 | OIR | Died of disease | Lemnos | (NOK - H M Carene (brother), Newlyn, Penzance, Cornwall, England) | Greece - Portianos Military Cemetery | |||
Carew | Dudley Wilmott | 12/2661 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edgar Elliot Carew and H. J. Carew, of 24, Compton Rd., Invercargill, New Zealand. Native of Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Carey | Cyril Fuller | 6/3959 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 07/11/1916 | WIR | Accident - caused by bomb (saved life of 21687 A H HOUNSELL) | UK | Son of Andrew F. and Lila Carey, of England; husband of Elsie F. Carey, of 50, Richmond Terrace, Christchurch. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Carey | Elijah John | 23755 | Private | Pte | 14/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of E. J. and Catherine Carey, of Gympie, Queensland, Australia.; husband of Nellie Carey, of 1, Brougham Drive, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Carey | Hirzel Octavious | 10215 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard Octavious Egerton Carey and Elizabeth Carey, of Tarangaomoana, Mata Mata, New Zealand. Native of Palmerston North, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Carey | Samuel | 12/1582 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Father of George Carey, of Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Cargill | Clive Napier | 4/603 | Sapper | Spr | 16/06/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Alfred Francis and Ernestine Wilhelmina Cargill (now Murison), of Hunter, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Born at Port Pirie, South Australia. | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Cargill | Robert | 26035 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Martin and Jemima Cargill, of 24, Buick St., Petone. Wellington | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Cargill | William | 15699 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Martin and Jemima Cargill, of 24, Buick St., Petone, Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cargo | James Roy | 10/740 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 03/06/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Belle Cargo, of New Zealand | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Carleton | Albert Henry | 26791 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Elizabeth Carleton, of Helensville, Auckland | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Carley | Henry John | 11/451 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Carley, of Cardiff, Stratford, New Plymouth | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carley | Sydney Edward | 30349 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Silver Carley and Mary Carley of Cardiff, Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carlin | John | 15134 | Private | Pte | 23/01/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Daniel and Mathina Carlin, of Nelson, New Zealand; late of Scotland | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Carlson | Roland | 57028 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Only son of Mary Carlson, of Kaituna, Masterton, New Zealand, and the late Mr. C. Carlson | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Carlton | Ernest | 12/2232 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Lilian May (mother), Mackaytown, Karangahake) | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Carlton | William | 12/520 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlton, of Selwyn St., Onehunga, Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carlyle | John Fletcher | 7/826 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs May Eliza Carlyle (mother), 3 Brougham Tce, Exmouth, Devon, England) | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Carlyle | Walter Ernest | 25110 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Brother of John T. Carlyle, of 33, Valley Rd., Cashmere, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Carlyon | John | 23/93 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 10/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. W. S. Carlyon, of Duntroon, South Oamaru, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Carlyon | Samuel | 4/911a | Sapper | Spr | 01/06/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Percy Frederick and Margaret Carlyon, of Henley St., Westport, New Zealand | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Carlyon | Samuel James | 6/2400 | Private | Pte | 11/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel and Mary Carlyon, of Coromandel, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | France - Calais Southern Cemetery | |||
Carlyon | William Edwin | 83565 | Private | Pte | 23/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of A. M. Carlyon, of 30, College Hill, Ponsonby, Auckland. Born at Coromandel | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Carman | Bertram Thomas | 56734 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Carman, of Okaiawa, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Carman | Harold Edward | 23/1340 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carman, of Okaiawa, Taranaki | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carmichael | Archibald | 8/819 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/11/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Sarah Carmichael, of Esk Valley, St. Andrew's, South Canterbury, New Zealand. Born at Kaitangata, Bruce, Dunedin. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Carmichael | David Alexander | 63824 | Private | Pte | 04/02/1921 | 32nd Reinf | Death due to war service | NZ | Son of David and Margaret Jane Carmichael (nee McLatchey); husband of Mary Jane Carmichael, of Normanby, Taranaki. Born at Hawera | NZ - Hawera Cemetery | |||
Carmichael | James Edward | 2/402 | Sergeant | Sgt | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Wilson (formerly Carmichael), of Esh Valley, St. Andrew's, Timaru, New Zealand, and the late James Carmichael. Native of Mount Cargill, Dunedin. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Carmichael | Jeoffrey | 42283 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Diana Carmichael. Native of Edinburgh, later of Fairfield, Liverpool, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carmine | Francis | 6/1257 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Joseph Carmine, of Spreydon, Christchurch | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carmody | Harold Joseph | 36555 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - J P Carmody (father), Whorouly via Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia. Born in Australia) | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Carmody | James | 33110 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody, of 14, North St., Palmerston North, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carmody | William | 35158 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carmody, of 14, North St., Palmerston North. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carn | William John | 46289 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Isaac and Janet Carn, of Puhipuhi, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Carnachan | Angus William | 16833 | Sergeant | Sgt | 17/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Fox Maule Carnachan and Sarah Carnachan (nee Piercy); husband of Ruby Constance Carnachan, of Wharf St., Tauranga. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Carncross | Cyril Cutten | 39724 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the Hon. W. C. F. Carncross of Eltham, New Plymouth. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carne | William | 16529 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Richard and Lucy Carne, of 11, Cook St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Carnegie | Maxwell Rae | 8/1717 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David and Eunice Carnegie, of 82, Main Rd., Caversham, Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carnes | James Frederick | 76732 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Mrs. F. Carnes, of 10, Brisbane St., Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Carney | James | 24/396 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Daniel and Susan Ann Carney, of 31, Leeds St., Linwood, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carney | William Ernest | 68670 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/12/1920 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of I. and S. A. Carney, of 31, Leeds St., Linwood, Christchurch. Born in Christchurch. Served on the Western Front, 1918 | NZ - Christchurch (Bromley) Cemetery | |||
Carpenter | David Reid | 12/8 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 06/05/1915 | y | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Albert and Louisa Carpenter, of Onehunga, Auckland. Born at Hounslow. Middx., England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Carpenter | George Stanley | 10/2387 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. E. C. Carpenter, of Whata Whata, Frankton Junction. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carpenter | Henry Edwin David | 65947 | Private | Pte | 26/02/1921 | OtgReg | - | NZ | Born in England. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Carpenter | Robin Amos George | 18761 | Private | Pte | 19/03/1923 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waikaraka Cemetery, Onehunga, Auckland | ||||
Carpenter | Walter James | 52148 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter William and Ada Carpenter, of Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Carr | Alexander | 21207 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Eliza Carr, of Park Hill Rd., Rattray, Blairgowrie, Scotland. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Carr | Charles Thomas | 24/1613 | Private | Pte | 23/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of E. C. and J. H. Carr. of Auckland. New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Carr | Cuthbert Owen | 25/165 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 25/05/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of C. W. and J. M. Carr; husband of Mrs. R. M. Carr, of Hataitai, Makara, New Zealand. Born at Durham, England. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Carr | Edward James | 10/1156 | Private | Pte | 30/04/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of the late Patrick and Mary Carr | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Carr | Edward Martin | 36406 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs M Carr (wife), 162 Wordsworth St, Sydenham, Christchurch) | France - Auchonvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Carr | James | 8/818 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Ellen Carr, of Kilgarvan, Lisselton Cross, Co. Kerry, Ireland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carr | John | 65598 | Private | Pte | 13/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of E. Carr, of Waiho Forks, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Hebuterne Military Cemetery | |||
Carr | John | 2/297 | Gunner | Gnr | 15/11/1919 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Husband of M. C. Carr, formerly of Normanby, Taranaki. Born at Manaia, Taranaki. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Weri Weri Maori Cemetery | |||
Carr | John Joseph | 7/28 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/03/1918 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr, Or Waihao Forks, Waimate, New Zealand | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Carr | Owen | 17384 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr, of Waihao Forks, Waimate, New Zealand | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Carr | Percy Richard | 15685 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Eliza Carr, of Onga Onga, Hawkes Bay, and the late Samuel Carr. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Carr | Wilfred Gladstone | 3/1676 | Corporal | Cpl | 29/12/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Horace George and Maud Eliza Carr, of 11, Holly Valley, Highgate, London, England. Formerly a farmer of Hastings, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Carr | William Allan | 2/1478 | Gunner | Gnr | 07/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. R. Carr, of Dorset St., Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand. | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Carr | William John | 14755 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Carr, of Dannevirke, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Carr | George Joseph | 4/701 | Sapper | Spr | 02/09/1915 | NZE | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - W H Carr (father), Stowport, Tasmania, Australia.) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Carradus | James | 33297 | Private | Pte | 01/11/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Ellen Hickey (formerly Carradus), and the late William Carradus. husband of Mary Hurliman (formerly Carradus), of Normanby, Taranaki. Born at Patea. | NZ - Patea Cemetery | |||
Carran | John McKay | 49337 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Mackay Carran and Helen Carran, of Dacre, Southland, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Carrington | Cecil Bernard | 15686 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Carrington, of Awakino, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Carrington | Christopher | 2/773 | Captain | Capt | 08/10/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of the Rev. C. W. and Margaret Constance Carrington, of The Deanery, Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Guards' Cemetery, Lesboeufs | |||
Carrington | Stanley Murray | 32141 | Private | Pte | 24/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederic David and Emma Carrington, of Nottingby Rd., Hastings, Hawkes Bay, Napier | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carroll | Charles Francis | 8/3523 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/07/1916 | y | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Carroll, of Barcoola, Otane, Anaroa, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | ||
Carroll | Francis | 14227 | Corporal | Cpl | 30/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - John Carroll (brother), Onewhero) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carroll | Terence | 76342 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1918 | NZInf | Drowned | Sea to England | Son of John and Johanna Carroll, of 18, Telford Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland. Born at Kuaotunu, Coromandel Peninsula | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Carroll | Tuahae | 16/572 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/12/1915 | Maoris | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mo Pohatu, of Gisborne, New Zealand; husband of the late Peti Ngakaho | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Carr-Rollett | Raymond Reynolds | 13/438 | Raymond Reynolds Carr Rollett | Sergeant | Sgt | 29/08/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | (AKA Ray Reynolds Carr ROLLETT) Son of William and Helena Anne Carr Rollett, of River Rd., Hamilton, Waikato. Native of Sumner, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Carruthers | Walter | 3/85 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 29/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William George and Amelia Carruthers, of Hunterville, New Zealand. Born at Fitzroy, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt and at Gallipoli. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Carruthers | William Thomas | 8/738 | WO2 | WO2 | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Carruthers, of 23, Brunswick St., Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carson | Albert | 32826 | Private | Pte | 15/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert George and Mary Ann Carson, of Wyndham, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Carson | Charles | 8/3206 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. W. and Mrs. A. C. Karlstrom, of Mount Rd., Eltham, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Carson | James Henry | 53956 | Gunner | Gnr | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James Henry and Williamina Pope Smith Carson (nee Mackay), of 13, Queen St., Palmerston North. Born at Wellington | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Carson | John | 12743 | Gunner | Gnr | 29/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Annie Carson. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Carson | John | 24/991 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Miss Lily Carson (sister), Frederick St, Belfast, Ireland) | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Carson | John Henry Mackay | 2/505 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/05/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of James H. and Williamina P. S. Carson, of 13 Queen St., Palmerston North, New Zealand | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Carson | Thomas Robert | 8/178 | Private | Pte | 20/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of Andrew Morrison Carson and Mary Jane Carson, of Kaitangata, New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Carson | Walter John | 27070 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/12/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of Andrew and Christina Carson | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Carson | William | 34471 | Private | Pte | 02/07/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Margaret Carson, of Otahuhu, New Zealand. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Carson | William | 17/268 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - W Carson, Crossford, Dumfrieshire, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carson | William Frederick | 30748 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Jane Foley, of 21, Marmion St., Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Carswell | George Alexander | 61537 | Private | Pte | 16/05/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John W. and Catherine Carswell, of Bridge Creek, Masterton, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Carswell | Henry | 12/2237 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Carswell, of Gordonton, Waikato | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carswell | James Hugh | 25514 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Frances Carswell, of Avenal Rd., Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Carswell | Norman Edgar | 10/142 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carswell, of Bridge Creek, Masterton, Wellington | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carter | Albert Brook | 33298 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Alfred Carter (father), Stanley House, Ansford, Castle Casey, Somersetshire, England) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Carter | Albert John | 13/2022 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of W. B. and Kate Carter, of Waerenga, New Zealand | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Carter | Alfred Chilton | 13/315 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 14/11/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Frank R. and Alice E. Carter, of Pahiatua, New Zealand. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Carter | Charles Henry | 12/1169 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - H Carter (father), 73 Bush St, Middlesborough, Yorkshire, England) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Carter | Charles Raymond | 12/1911 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 18/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Elizabeth Carter, of Bulls, Rangitikei, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Carter | David Roger | 7/827 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David Taylor Carter and Elizabeth Maud Carter, of Rockpool, Pleasant Point, Timaru. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carter | Ernest Joseph | 27668 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Dr. H. B. Carter and Kate E. Carter of 287 Lewisham High Rd., Lewisham, London. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Carter | Felix Claude | 10/2098 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Rhoda Mary Carter, of 12, Crown Terrace, Cricklewood, London, England. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carter | George Albert | 47977 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/01/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Samuel and Jane Carter; husband of Anna Susan Carter, of Anderson St., Eketahuna. Born at Eketahuna, Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Carter | Henry Sydney | 10997 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry and Elizabeth Louise Carter; husband of Jeanne Catherine Carter, of 116, Lowther Rd., Bournemouth. | Belgium - Oosttaverne Wood Cemetery | |||
Carter | Herbert | 15687 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Isabella Bruce McKinnon (formerly Carter), of Hukanui, Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Carter | Herbert Norman | 74080 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur M. and Edith A. Carter, of 1, Norana Avenue, Remuera, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carter | Horace | 35947 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/11/1918 | NZMFHomeService | - | NZ | Born in Somerset, England. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Carter | John | 10/1435 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Thomas and Elizabeth Carter; husband of Flora Minnie Mary Carter, of 14, Margery Park Rd., Forest Gate, London, England. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carter | Maurice Dalby | 6/825 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Dalby Carter and Amelia Amy Carter, of 21, Cornhill St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli and in Egypt | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Carter | Richard | 13561 | Sapper | Spr | 06/04/1918 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Julia Eliza Carter, of Hikurangi, Whangarei, New Zealand | France - Hedauville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Carter | Robert Cecil | 7/1981 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of David Taylor Carter and Elizabeth Maud Carter, of Pleasant Point, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Shrine Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Carter | Shirer Charles | 11777 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1918 | DEC | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of W. A. and Selina Carter, of 336, The Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand | UK - Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery | |||
Carter | Thomas Charles | 59605 | Private | Pte | 13/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. Emma Cossey, of Norfolk Rd., Inglewood, New Plymouth | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Carter | Walter | 32432 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Margaret Carter, of Leeston, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Carter | William McEvoy | 12/1585 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Mary Jane Carter, of Auckland. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Carthy | Thomas Patrick | 52010 | Private | Pte | 21/07/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. P. H. and Mrs. M. J. Carthy, of Puke Rd., Paeroa, New Zealand. Native of Hamilton, New Zealand | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Carthy | Victor Claude | 26556 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Patrick and Margaret Carthy, of Puke Rd., Paeroa, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cartmer | James | 87488 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James and Mary Cartmer (nee Smith); husband of Louisa Cartmer, of 119, North St., Timaru. Born at Wellington | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cartwright | Albert Edward | 29736 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of M. A. and the late Edward Cartwright, of Kakanui, New Zealand | France - L'Homme Mort British Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein | |||
Cartwright | Archie Leonard | 65653 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Emily Cartwright, of Lepperton, Taranaki | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Cartwright | Frederick Manfred Allan | 23528 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Margaret Cartwright, of 97, Dominion Rd., Mount Eden. Auckland. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cartwright | Jason | 9/912 | Private | Pte | 01/01/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. William Cartwright, of Allandale, Fairlie, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Cartwright | Joseph | 57403 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Nelson and Betty Bartholomew Cartwright (nee Morris). Born at Thames. | NZ - Papakura Public Cemetery | |||
Cartwright | Walter James | 39163 | Private | Pte | 03/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. M. McCaw. | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Carver | Leonard Thomas | 6/2825 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. J. Paterson, of Peel St., Geraldine, Timaru, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Casar | John Rudolph | 23/1582 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Rose Casar, of Logan St., Mangawhare, Dargaville, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Casey | Ernest Michael | 21/43 | Corporal | Cpl | 17/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. T. M. Casey, of Wellington. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Casey | Francis Joseph | 24/74 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Moles (formerly Casey), of Junction Rd., Inglewood, Taranaki, and the late Michael Casey. Native of Awakino, New Plymouth. Also served in Egypt | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Casey | John | 8/182 | Private | Pte | 14/05/1916 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of John and Hanoria Casey, of Otara, Southland, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Casey | Patrick | 36316 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Ellen Casey, of Balfour, Southland, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Casey | Patrick | 8/2869 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Honoria Casey, of Otara, Southland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Casey | Patrick | 25/493 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Casey (father), Lansbury Post Office, Co Longford, Ireland) | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Casey | Thomas | 14031 | Private | Pte | 03/11/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Casey, of Ngaio, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Rue-Du-Bois Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Casey | William | 8/2870 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Honoria Casey, of Otara, Southland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Casey | William Richard | 35803 | Trooper | Tpr | 22/10/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs J Casey (mother), 6 Moir Street, Wellington) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cash | Edward Augustus | 12/3278 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Annie Cash, of Windmill Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland; husband of Catherine Mary Cash, of 30, Lombard St., Palmerston North, New Zealand | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Cashen | Charles | 8/3524 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. T. Cashen, of Kaihere, Ohenwai, Waikato, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Cashman | John | 12910 | Gunner | Gnr | 18/11/1918 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cashman, of Kilbirnie, Wellington. Served on the Western Front, 1917 | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Caskey | Thomas James | 7/318 | Trooper | Tpr | 24/12/1916 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Elizabeth and the late Thomas Caskey, of Fairlie, New Zealand | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cassells | James Charles | 8/816 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Cassells (father), 52 St Encoh Square, Glasgow, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Casserley | James | 64298 | Private | Pte | 17/01/1921 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Michael and Bridget Casserly. Born at Milton, Bruce, Dunedin. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Petone Catholic Cemetery | |||
Cassidy | Arthur | 8/3207 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Cassidy, of Money Staghan, Port Glenone, Co. Derry, Ireland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cassidy | Francis Clarance | 53476 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Maggie Cassidy, of 51, Thorndon Quay, Wellington, and the late Francis Cassidy. Born at Clarence River, Blenheim. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cassidy | Frederick William | 69681 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick and Margaret Girven Cassidy, of Otago, New Zealand; husband of the late Mary Cassidy | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Cassidy | Patrick | 31814 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - P Cassidy (father), Dargoon, Leitrim, Ireland) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cassidy | Samuel Robert | 51556 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Alexander and Mary Cassidy. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cassin | Gray George | 6/3649 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Bolt (formerly Cassin), of 6, Thames St., St. Albans, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cassin | Hugh | 65620 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Cassin, of Dipton, Southland, New Zealand | France - Favreuil British Cemetery | |||
Cassin | Joseph Michael | 11622 | Private | Pte | 11/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. Joan Cassin, of 62, Ward St., Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Castle | Albert Elias | 9/504 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Castle of Winton, Southland, New Zealand | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Castle | Arthur Penfold | 24/22 | Lieutenant | Lt | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Castle, of 26, Sydney St., Petone, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Castlehow | Leonard Fitzroy | 3/78a | Private | Pte | 24/11/1918 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Thomas and May Castlehow, of Auckland; husband of Ada Louise Castlehow, of 77, Burnside Rd., Fendalton, Christchurch. Born at Lyttelton. Served in Egypt and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Christchurch (Waimairi) Cemetery | |||
Caswell | George Arthur | 6/4008 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mark and Ellen Caswell, of 24, Regent St., Timaru, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Caswell | William | 17/382 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mark and Ellen Caswell, of 24, Regent St., Timaru. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Catchpole | Alfred Cornwall | 11/783a | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred B. and C. M. Catchpole, of Ohaupo, Hamilton. Born at Taranaki. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Catchpole | Edward Westell | 12976 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Westport. Served on the Western Front. 1916-17. | NZ - Westport (Orowaiti) Cemetery | |||
Catchpole | Thomas Eric | 13/549 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred B. add C. N. Catchpole, of Ohaupo, Hamilton. Native of Taranaki | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cate | Arthur Albury | 59606 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Annie Maria Cate, of Toko, Taranaki, New Zealand, and the late Ernest Cate | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Cate | Henry Anderson | 14940 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late James and Isabell Cate, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cate | Wallace Grenfell | 24/382 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. M. Cate, of Hawera, New Plymouth. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cathro | Durham | 15135 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and M. C. Cathro, of Kokonga, Otago | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Catley | Francis Albert | 9/913 | Private | Pte | 27/06/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Charlotte Catley, of Te Horo, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Catley | Harry | 6/2572 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Dixon and Jean Scott Catley, of Renwicktown, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Catlow | Thomas Segar | 7/1829 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Clara Nicholls (formerly Catlow), of 66, Cole St., Masterton, Wellington, and the late Blackburn Catlow. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cattanach | William | 24/2159 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Phoebe Cattanach, of Taradale, New Zealand. | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Cattell | Sam | 10/3216 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 20/07/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. M. E. Cattell, of Plimmerton, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cattermole | James | 10/3503 | Private | Pte | 13/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Sarah Ann Cattermole, of Akaroa, New Zealand | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery | |||
Catto | John | 8/2554 | Private | Pte | 20/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Catto, of Heddon Bush; husband of the late Muriel Catto, of Heddon Bush, New Zealand | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Catton | Charles William | 12/4152 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Brother of Thomas Robert Catton, of Taumarunui, Hamilton | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Catton | Horace Edgar | 25/419 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Chas. Catton, of Mangapapa, Gisborne, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Catton | John | 12/4153 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mabel E. Catton, of Waihaikihi. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Caughey | William Henry | 35533 | Sapper | Spr | 16/02/1919 | NZE | Died of disease | Germany | Son of Andrew Clarke Caughey and Lucy Hannah Caughey, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Caughley | James | 44895 | Private | Pte | 20/01/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of James and the late Rachel Caughley. Native of Napier, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Caughlin | James | 3/1763 | Private | Pte | 13/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and B. Caughlin, of 9, Steyne Rd., Acton, London, England. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Caulfield | Thomas | 11/864 | Trooper | Tpr | 16/11/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | (NOK - Miss A Caulfield (sister), 136 Hobson Street, Auckland) | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Causer | Walter | 21492 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Causer, of Maungaturoto Kaipara, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of England. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Cavalier | Victor George | 49694 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alfred William and Susan Cavalier, of 35, Penge Rd., Upton Park, London, England. Native of Stepney | France - Englebelmer Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cavanagh | John | 51333 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Michael and Mary Cavanagh, of Papatotara, Southland, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Cavanagh | Thomas Norman | 23/1259 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Ethel Lindsay (sister), Elles Road, Invercargill) | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Cavanagh | William | 6/1258 | WO2 | WO2 | 15/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Harriet Cavanagh, of Brougham St., Westport. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cave | Leonard Phillip | 2/2091 | Driver | Dvr | 18/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. W. B. Cave, of College St., Wanganui, New Zealand. | Belgium - White House Cemetery | |||
Cave | Robert | 11/748 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Andrew and Annie Cave, of Rongotea, New Zealand. | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Cave | Henry Bernard | 83885 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Henry and Catherine E. Cave, of 32, Bond St., Claudelands, Hamilton. Born at Rangiora, Canterbury | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Caven | David Sinclair | 22207 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Caven, of Garlieston, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Caven | John | 12987 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Margaret Caven, of 9, Lyle St., Greenock. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Caverhill | Cyril John | 91489 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Amy L. Caverhill (nee Knight), of York St. East, Levin, and the late Thomas William Caverhill | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Cawkwell | Thomas Morley | 56250 | Private | Pte | 13/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Agnes Younge Cawkwell, of Panmure, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, Manancourt | |||
Cawthorn | Thomas | 8/351 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Samuel Cawthorn (father), 79 Canongate, Edinburgh, Scotland) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Caygill | Llewellyn Allott | 6/4217 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Obed and Sarah Jane Caygill, of 31, Stratford St, Fendalton, Christchurch; husband of the late Marjorie Mabel Caygill, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cazalet | Clement Marshall | 15/16 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/08/1915 | InfBdeHqrs | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | (NOK - W L Cazalet, C/o Robbeck Brothers, Jervis Place, Bournemouth, England) | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cederman | Oscar Edward | 8/3525 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs D N Cederman (wife), C/o A Asken, Riwaka, Nelson) | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Chadwick | Cyril Wareham | 16275 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Frederick William and Margaret Chadwick, of Morrinsville, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Pahi, Kaipara, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Chadwick | Ernest Taylor | 4/939 | 2/Corporal | 2/Cpl | 29/08/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of H. T. and C. Chadwick, of 10, Josephine St., Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand; husband of Mrs. E. T. Chadwick, of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Born in England. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Chadwick | John Wesley | 25/1685 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/12/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. G. H. and Mrs. S. A. Chadwick, of Toll Cottage, Harewood Rd., Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent, England | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Chadwick | Norman | 42285 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick, of Hyde Bank Rd., New Mills, Stockport, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Chadwick | Roland | 3/84 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/05/1918 | NZMC | Died of injuries | UK x France | Son of George William and Mary Chadwick, of Gordon Rd., Hastings, Hawkes Bay. Born at Ashton-under-Lyne, England. Served at Gallipoli and in France. | UK - Torquay Cemetery And Extension | |||
Chadwick | William Vanstone | 54678 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Rose Ann Chadwick, of The Terrace, High St., Batheaston, Bath, England | France - Neuville-Bourjonval British Cemetery | |||
Chainey | Lionel | 8/3208 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - William F Chainey (father), Blockley, Worcestershire, England) | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Chalk | Claude Sinclair | 82941 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | NZMC | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John William and Julia Matilda Chalk (nee Bradford); husband of Ivy Leonora Chalk, of 41, Shakespeare St., Greymouth. Born at Greymouth. | NZ - Palmerston North (Terrace End) Cemetery | |||
Challies | Charles Henry | 31467 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Challies, of Appleby, Nelson | NZ - Appleby (St. Albans) Anglican Churchyard | |||
Challis | Cecil Houston | 29548 | Private | Pte | 05/08/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mary Challis, of Lumsden, Southland, and the late Alfred Challis. Born at Parawa, Southland. | NZ - Athol Cemetery | |||
Challis | Vernon Edward | 12/3290 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 23/06/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Challis, of Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Chalmers | Alexander | 23973 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William Chalmers, of Old Aberdeen, Scotland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Chalmers | Donald Roy | 13422 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert William Chalmers, of Taradale, Napier. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chalmers | Frederick William | 21489 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chalmers, of 20, Brentwood Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Chalmers | George Gordon | 23/1344 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Margaret Chalmers, of Eltham, New Zealand | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Chalmers | Robert | 39604 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Annie Robertson Chalmers, late of Midtown, Cruden, Aberdeen, Scotland. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Chalmers | William John | 54834 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Chalmers, of Whakatane, New Zealand. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Chamberlain | Douglas Harvey | 43581 | Sapper | Spr | 05/11/1918 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of Waldo Hill Chamberlain and Bertha Chamberlain, of 105, Prince's St., Hastings, Napier, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Chamberlain | Henry Kingston | 24/1614 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/09/1919 | OIR | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Wanganui. Served in Egypt 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Matarawa Cemetery | |||
Chamberlain | Leonard Oswald | 24/383 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Chamberlain, of Paeroa, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bapaume Communal Cemetery | |||
Chamberlain | Leonard William | 2/1505 | Gunner | Gnr | 04/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. C. Chamberlain, of 31, Somme Parade, Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Chamberlain | Maurice Leslie | 24340 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Catherine Chamberlain, of Wanganui, New Zealand. | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Chamberlain | Robert Guy | 11/23 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert Kingston Chamberlain and Ellen Mary Chamberlain, of Wanganui, New Zealand | Turkey - New Zealand No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Chamberlain | William Bryce | 28580 | Corporal | Cpl | 14/08/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Arthur and Jane Bryce Chamberlain, of 541, Manchester St., Christchurch. Born at Brookside, Canterbury | NZ - Brookside Cemetery | |||
Chamberlin | Charles Samuel | 13/319 | Trooper | Tpr | 21/04/1915 | AMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Charles and Ida Talbert Chamberlin, of Auckland. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Chambers | Charles Sydney | 24/384 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Christiana Chambers, of Seamer, Scarborough, England | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Chambers | Frederick William | 42287 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late John and Mary Chambers. Native of Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Chambers | Harry | 26557 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/02/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | Germany | Son of George and Mary Ann Chambers, of 320, Arnold Avenue, Winnipeg, Canada | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Chambers | Harry | 24/1615 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. K. Hall (formerly Chambers), of 526, Gladstone Rd., Gisborne | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Chambers | James Francis | 11828 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Chambers, of Clonfineen, Coonaclare, Co. Clare, Ireland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chambers | Joseph | 48620 | Private | Pte | 04/04/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chambers, of Leamington. | NZ - Cambridge (Leamington) Public Cemetery | |||
Chambers | Reginald Courtenay | 6/1804 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Percival Samuel Henry Chambers, of Southampton St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Chambers | Selwyn | 11/672 | Major | Maj | 07/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Mason Chambers and Margaret Chambers, of Havelock North; husband of Violet Chambers, of Havelock North | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chambers | Thomas James | 6/1805 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick and Jane Chambers, of 45, Church St., Rangiora, New Zealand. Born at Woodend, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Chamings | Sydney Robert | 6/2972 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Emily Chamings (mother), 15 Dudley Wimbledon, Surrey, England) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chammen | Albert Victor | 23/1011 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - A E Chammen (son), C/o Mrs Beltridge, Palmers Road, New Brighton, Christchurch) | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Champion | Ivor Edward | 8/1426 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs M Champion (mother), Warren Cottage, Brean, Burham, Somerset, England) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chance | James | 37767 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/09/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Nellie Chance (mother), 52 Riddiford St, Newtown, Wellington) | Belgium - Belgian Battery Corner Cemetery | |||
Chandler | Frederick James | 23147 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/01/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick James and Margaret Chandler, of Brighton, England; husband of Elizabeth Chandler, of Glenfield, Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Sydney, New South Wales. | France - Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Chandler | Samuel Edward | 24762 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel William and Louisa Chandler, of 18, Wilson St., Wanganui. Native of Masterton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Chaney | George | 34631 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Randolf Theodore and Sarah Ann Chaney, of 38, Watts Rd., Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Chant | Percy Theodore | 51003 | Private | Pte | 23/03/1922 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried O'Neills Point Cemetery, Takapuna, Auckland | ||||
Chaplin | John Charles Alexander | 49692 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Chaplin, of Stanley Bay, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Devonport, Auckland. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Chapman | Albert | 24/76 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/07/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. C. Chapman, of Newton, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Chapman | Andrew | 6/2090 | Private | Pte | 10/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Margaret Mary and the late John Richard Chapman, of Ashburton, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Chapman | Arthur | 50592 | Gunner | Gnr | 13/09/1918 | NZFA (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Husband of Lavina O. Chapman, of Tariki, New Zealand | UK - Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Frank | 13/634 | Major | Maj | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. E. E. Chapman, of Opitiki | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chapman | Frank Tranter | 10/1439 | Private | Pte | 07/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Arthur Edward and Mary Chapman, of Kingston House, King's Stanley, Glos., England. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chapman | Frederick | 10/3505 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 02/04/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick John and Emily Chapman, of "Sunny Cote", Seymour Avenue, Nelson, New Zealand. | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Frederick Oliver | 10/709 | Private | Pte | 11/07/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - A Chapman (father), Waitara) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Chapman | George | 38346 | Private | Pte | 25/02/1919 | DEC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Eliza Lockhart (formerly Chapman), of High St., Otahuhu, Auckland, and the late David Chapman. Served in France. | NZ - Otahuhu Public Cemetery | |||
Chapman | George | 24/77 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Charlotte Chapman, of 33, Edinburgh St., Newton, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Chapman | Gilbert John | 15490 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/08/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Amelia M. Chapman, of Hororata, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Chapman | Hal | 5/200a | Corporal | Cpl | 19/09/1918 | ASC | Died of disease | Australia | (NOK - Mrs F E Chapman (wife), C/o E Davey, 14 Highfield Rd, Canterbury, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. NOK - R W Chapman (father), C/o Bank of Commerce Ltd, Arundall, New South Wales, Australia) | Australia - Kelso (Holy Trinity) Anglican Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Henry | 24/2160 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/12/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John James and Jane Agnes Chapman. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Chapman | James Walter | 69464 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert Wood Chapman and Mary Jane Chapman; husband of Gertrude Mary Chapman, of Gaine St., New Plymouth | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chapman | Keith Elvin | 63101 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Harriet Chapman, of Motueka, New Zealand | France - Bertrancourt Military Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Lewis Tom | 6/23 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | y | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman, of Opawa. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Chapman | Louis Hillyard | 12977 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Timothy Hillyard Chapman and Agnes Chapman, of 3, White St., Wanganui East, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Neal Francis | 6/4009 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Sidney and Fanny Chapman, of 7, Caledonian Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Chapman | Robert | 24/721 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/11/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - W Chapman (father), Springston South) | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Robert Sampson | 8/1133 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Dorothy Chapman, of Rosebank, Balclutha, Otago. Native of Queenstown, Invercargill. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Chapman | Rowley Hay | 2/2092 | Gunner | Gnr | 21/02/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Helen Hay Chapman, of Devonport, Auckland, and the late Frank Hay Chapman. | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chapman | Sidney Gibson | 28579 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George C. and Elizabeth Chapman; husband of Ella Chapman, of 3, Wairere Rd., Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Chapman | Sydney | 55219 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | (NOK - Miss N Chapman (sister), Fosters Hotel, Wanganui) | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Chapman | Sydney Parnell | 10/2411 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Jessie Chapman, of Nairnville, Ngaio. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chapman | Sydney Wilfred | 90824 | Private | Pte | 23/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman, of Kaikoura, Marlborough. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Chapman | William Andrew | 2/2792 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of W. L. H. and J. Chapman, of 77, Kairanga Rd., Palmerston North, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Chapman | William James | 14941 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of James and Margaret Chapman, of 280, River Rd., Avonside, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Milton, Otago. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Chapman | William John | 23/1584 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Annie Chapman, of Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Chappell | Edward Allan | 49800 | Private | Pte | 26/05/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born in Australia. | NZ - Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery | |||
Chappell | Richard William | 32134 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William J. and Lilly Chappell, of Orchard Rd., Hastings, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Chard | Albert Henry | 28094 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chard, of Edmont Village, Inglewood, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Charles | Edward Herbert | 10/1440 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Edward and Emily Charles, of Waverley St., Gisborne. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Charles | Eric Clement | 28321 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clement Charles, of Station Rd., Hastings, Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Charles | Isaac Michael | 43955 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. F. W. Burrell, of Victoria St., Christchurch. 2 | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Charles | Matthew Thomas | 4/700 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Julia Charles, of Avondale, Auckland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Charleston | Alan Douglas | 6/3651 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Eliza Charleston, of Gore Street West, Bluff, Southland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Charleston | Alexander Angus | 10/845 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Eliza Charleston, of Gore St. West, Bluff, Southland | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Charleston | John | 33301 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/03/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of John Charles and Clare Charleston, of Cardiff, Wales; husband of F. Charleston, of 109, Aro St., Wellington. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Charlesworth | Arthur John Valentine | 12/1172 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs E E Charlesworth (M), Kallwich, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England) | Turkey - Baby 700 Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Charlesworth | George | 39758 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Lucy Hayes (formerly Charlesworth), of 395, Gateford Rd., Worksop, Notts., England, and the late Charles Charlesworth | UK - Stratford-Sub-Castle (St. Lawrence) Churchyard | |||
Charlton | Arthur Harry | 45312 | Lieutenant | Lt | 03/02/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Annie Charlton, of Clinton, Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Charman | William Harold | 10/2547 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Richard and Sarah Annie Charman, of "The Manse," Morven, South Canterbury. Native of East Dulwich, London, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Charteris | Malcolm Maxwell McInnes | 12/874 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David and Esther Charteris, of Glenalmond, New Plymouth. Native of Temuka South, Canterbury. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Charteris | William | 14584 | Private | Pte | 15/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Charteris, of Mangatoro. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Charters | John | 8/3210 | Private | Pte | 15/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Charters, of Bellaghy, Co. Londonderry, Ireland, and the late M. Charters, of Hastings, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Charters | Robert | 35495 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Barbara Charters, of Stephenson St., Blenheim, New Zealand. | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Charters | Samuel | 63717 | Private | Pte | 23/12/1920 | 32nd Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Charters, of Bellaghy, Co. Derry, Ireland. | NZ - Hastings Cemetery | |||
Chase | George Edward | 69573 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Chase, of Marton, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Chase | Herbert | 8/1427 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Chase, of 13, London St., Paddington, London, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Chase | Tuti | 84749 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1919 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. E. Chase, of Teteko, Whakatane | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Chatfield | Joseph | 10/1773 | Sergeant | Sgt | 20/07/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William George and Mary Chatfield. Native of Barry's Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Foncquevillers Military Cemetery | |||
Chatwin | Arthur Roy | 10779 | Private | Pte | 23/07/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Elsie Chatwin, of 25, Wynyard Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Marfaux (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cheesman | Lewis | 6/1483 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cheeseman, of Blenheim, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Chermside | David John McBride | 25/925 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Chermside, of 88, Wellington St., Auckland, and the late Edward Chermside. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cherrie | Robert William Clennard | 10029 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Cleland Cherrie and Amelia Margareta Cherrie, of Ngahinapouri, Waikato. Born at Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Chetham | Howard Franklin | 39652 | Private | Pte | 01/11/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chetham, of 32, Bay St., Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. Born in Canada | NZ - Whangarei (Otaika) Public Cemetery | |||
Chevalier | George Louis | 24280 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louis and Maria Chevalier, of Stewart Island. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cheyne | George Barnett | 53903 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Sarah Cheyne, of 254, Dyers Rd., Bromley, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cheyne | Gordon | 26/1573 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Cheyne, of Prince Albert Rd., St. Kilda, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cheyne | James Mearns | 25807 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/07/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cheyne of Utuwai, Palmerston North, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cheyne | Lennox Nichol | 6/427 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Jane Cheyne, of 72, Prince Albert Rd., St. Kilda, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Chidgey | George Vincent | 2/1913 | Driver | Dvr | 12/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Olivia Chidgey, of 80, Studholme St., Spreydon, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Chilcott | James Stanley | 72204 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John William and Isabella Chilcott, of Oamaru, New Zealand. | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Childs | Arthur James | 24/2 | Major | Maj | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. K. H. Childs, of 12, Kawatiri St., Gonville, Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Childs | Charles | 21791 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - E Childs (father), Pleasant Point, South Canterbury) | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Childs | Ellis | 55423 | Private | Pte | 13/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - A Childs (father), Pleasant Point, South Canterbury) | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Childs | Harold Phillip James | 8/1429 | Private | Pte | 27/07/1915 | OIR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Childs, of Plimmerton, Wellington | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Chilman | Alfred Edward Clare | 91580 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Edward and Louisa Chilman; husband of Amy May Chilman, of Pahiatua, Wairarapa. Born at Lyttleton, Christchurch | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Chilman | Richard | 8/341 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Louisa Chilman, of 45, Teviot St., Invercargill, and the late Edward Chilman. Native of Wellington. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Chilton | Henry George | 2/3168 | Gunner | Gnr | 15/04/1916 | NZFA | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Albert and Francis May Chilton, of 3, Cromwell St., Mount Eden, Auckland | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Ching | Arthur Benjamin | 21655 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of John and Emily Ching, of Spring Grove, Nelson, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Ching | Leslie George | 4/1034 | Sapper | Spr | 22/01/1919 | NZE | Died of disease | UK | Son of Sarah Ching, of Stoke, Nelson, New Zealand, and the late Charles Ching. | UK - Edinburgh (Comely Bank) Cemetery | |||
Chinnery | Daniel Charles | 10/237 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Francis James and Mary Catherine Chinnery of Woodend, North Canterbury, Christchurch. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chinnery-Brown | Douglas Alexander | 29611 | Private | Pte | 20/02/1919 | MGC | Died of disease | Germany | Son of Douglas Alexander and Alice May Chinnery-Brown; husband of Ethel May Chinnery-Brown, of Wolsey Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Chiplin | Thomas Walter | 12/3956 | Private | Pte | 18/11/1919 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Joseph and Margaret Chiplin. Born at Mangarata, Waikato. Served in Egypt, France and Belgium. | NZ - Tuakau Public Cemetery | |||
Chirnside | James William | 52951 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Chirnside, of 79, Alma Rd., Gonville, Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Chirnside | Robert John | 40883 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Chirnside (wife), Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island) | France - Favreuil British Cemetery | |||
Chirnside | William | 24965 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Margaret Chirnside, of Wellington, New Zealand; husband of Hannah Lewis Chirnside, of 61, Matai Rd., Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand. Served in the South African War. | Belgium - Duhallow A.D.S. Cemetery | |||
Chisholm | James | 53145 | Private | Pte | 12/07/1918 | EntBn | Died of disease | Germany x France | Son of Alexander and Elizabeth Chisholm. Born at Outram, Dunedin | Belgium - Leuze Communal Cemetery | |||
Chisholm | Reginald Thomas | 11/219 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chisholm, of Wellington. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Chisholm | William Kinnaird | 85652 | Private | Pte | 11/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | (NOK - Mrs A Nixon (friend), Sage's Lane, Tory Street, Wellington) | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Chisnall | Charles | 6/3652 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Chisnall, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chisnall | John | 33693 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chisnall, of 21, Melrose St., Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Chisnall | Richard Walter | 10/3508 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Chisnall, of 263, Happy Valley Rd., Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Chittock | Richard Edwin Cuthbert | 47704 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1917 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of James and Elizabeth Anna Chittock, of Tapanui, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Chitty | Albert Ernest | 12/2569 | Private | Pte | 13/01/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Ellen Chitty, of England. Born in England. Served in Egypt, 1915, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Cambridge (Hautapu) Public Cemetery | |||
Chitty | Frank Edward | 12/3524 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Leonard and Mrs. A. Chitty, of 68, O'Neill St., Ponsonby, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Chitty | Henry Leonard | 12/3583 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Leonard and Annie Chitty, of Christchurch, New Zealand.; husband of J. M. Chitty, of 162, Remuera Rd., Remuera, Auckland. Born at Dunedin | France - Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Le Treport | |||
Chitty | Joseph | 10998 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Lilla Jane Chitty, of Government Farm Rd., Hamilton, Waikato. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Chivers | Arthur Roy | 6/2092 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Edward and Agnes Roy Chivers, of 248, Barbadoes St., Christchurch. Native of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Choat | Bertrand James | 12/3584 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/02/1919 | AEC | Died of disease | UK | Son of Alfred John Choat, of Somerset St., Frankton, Waikato, New Zealand. Native of Auckland | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Choat | Sidney William | 23/1587 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Susannah Choat, of Puketona, Bay of Islands. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Choate | Sameul Stanley | 4/660 | WO1 | WO1 | 27/05/1919 | NZE | Died of injuries | Sea to NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Choate, of 350, Cashel St., Christchurch. Born at Ashburton. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, Gallipoli, and on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Chowen | Victor | 11/1135 | Corporal | Cpl | 30/03/1918 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of William and Emma Jane Chowen, of Aokautere, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Christensen | Arthur Orlando | 10/1206 | Private | Pte | 20/07/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of A. T. and L. Christensen, of Patea, Wellington. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Christensen | Arthur Ring | 23763 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 09/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - T Christensen (brother), PS Camp, North Bend, Oregon, USA) | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Christensen | Axel Bang | 39759 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/05/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Jorgen and Jorgine Christensen, of 66, King Street, Sydenham, Christchurch, New Zealand. Clerk, Public Trust Office, Wellington | France - Louvencourt Military Cemetery | |||
Christensen | Edwin | 26044 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Laurits Christian and Nielsine Christensen, of Putara, Eketahuna, Wellington, formerly of Denmark. Native of Bunnythorpe. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Christian | James Sherman | 11429 | Private | Pte | 10/11/1919 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Christian. Born at Norfolk Island | NZ - Napier (Park Island) Cemetery | |||
Christiansen | Charles Edward | 12/1914 | Private | Pte | 10/07/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Ole Severin and Esther Christiansen, of Pahiatua, Wellington, New Zealand. Also Served in the Balkans | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Christiansen | Edwin | 24/385 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Lydia Salter Christiansen, of Tipapakuku, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Christiansen | George William Frantz | 10/2548 | Private | Pte | 23/05/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. P. Christiansen, of Woodville, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Christiansen | Henry | 24/80 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Christian Henrik Christiansen and Martha Catherine Christiansen, of Patea, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Christie | Alexander | 61218 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs C C R Christie (wife), 3 Erin St, Roslyn, Dunedin) | France - Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, Manancourt | |||
Christie | Allan Leslie | 3/2915 | Captain | Capt | 10/11/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Henry Flockhart Christie and Alice Henrietta Christie, of Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. Born at Patea, Taranaki | NZ - Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery | |||
Christie | Anderson | 15691 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Christie, of Towai, Bay of Islands, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Christie | Augustus | 10/765 | Private | Pte | 01/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Margaret Christie, of 5, Pollen St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Christie | Hapi | 16/567 | Private | Pte | 17/02/1916 | Maoris | Died of disease | UK x Gallipoli | Son of William Christie, of Te Karaka, New Zealand. | UK - Melcombe Regis Cemetery | |||
Christie | Herbert Alfred | 2/615 | Lieutenant | Lt | 02/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter Laurie Christie and Elizabeth Christie, of 8, Childers Terrace, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Christie | John | 23/2510 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Dunedin. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front. | NZ - Makaraka Cemetery | |||
Christie | Lindsay Lyall | 9/21 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Lindsay Christie and Isabella Emily Christie, of Mataura Island, Southland. Born at Mosgiel, Dunedin. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Christie | Matthew | 49185 | Private | Pte | 22/08/1921 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Balclutha. | NZ - Balclutha Cemetery | |||
Christie | Maxwell | 53653 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Maxwell Christie, of Scotland, and the late Alice Christie | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Christie | Rupert James | 35093 | Sapper | Spr | 28/03/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert D. and Grace Christie, of 144, Britomart St., Berhampore, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Christie | William Albert | 64939 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Christie, of Darlington, England; husband of Clara Christie, of Spreydon, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Christie | William James | 24/713 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mrs. M. Christie, of Tiroiti, Hyde, Otago Central. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Christieson | William Joseph | 44455 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Morton and Lilly Christieson, of Murray Street, Aramoho, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Christmas | Percy John | 23/382 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Christmas, of 66, Harper St., Timaru. Also served in Egypt | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Christopher | Norman | - | Private | Pte | 23/02/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. K. Christopher, of Wellington. Born in Auckland. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Christophers | Herbert Henry | 24/7 | Captain | Capt | 02/06/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Christophers, of Invercargill, New Zealand; husband of Mary L. Christophers, of Ohakune, Waimarino, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Christophers | Julian Anthony | 45998 | Private | Pte | 05/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Anthony and Juliet Mary Christophers; husband of Earle F. Christophers, of 7, Rossmore Crescent, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Christophers | Reginald Gillon | 60286 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 13/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Anthony and Juliet Christophers, of 258, Tweed St., Invercargill; husband of Alice Mildred Christophers, of 10, Centre St., Invercargill, New Zealand. Born at Dunedin. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Christophers | Victor James | 9/549 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/05/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Anthony and Juliet Mary Christophers. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Chuck | Gordon Henry | 32506 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Chuck, of 32, Jolimond St., East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Chuck | Walter Joseph | 16534 | Private | Pte | 28/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter Charles and Anne E. Chuck, of Bomford St., Blenheim, New Zealand. | Belgium - London Rifle Brigade Cemetery | |||
Church | John Stanley | 27781 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Florence Church, of Ashburton, New Zealand | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.8 | |||
Churches | Edwin George | 42041 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Churches, of Dublin St., Pukekohe, New Zealand | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Churchill | Henry George Stratford | 21210 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Thurza Lizzit Churchill (mother), High Street, Deddington, Oxford, England) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Churchill | John Leslie | 6/3653 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Anne Churchill, of 12, Compton Avenue, Brighton, England. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Cimino | Francis Athol | 8/2261 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Salvatore and Elizabeth J. Cimino, of Eastbourne, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Claasen | Hubert | 25/1694 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. C. F. Claasen, of Rawene, North Auckland, New Zealand | France - Heath Cemetery, Harbonnieres | |||
Clack | William Henry | 8/3213 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. W. H. Clack (solicitor), of Heriot, Otago. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Claffey | Joseph | 10/719 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of John and Sarah Claffey. Born at New Plymouth, New Zealand. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Claffey | Patrick Joseph | 28323 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Anne Claffey, of Connaught St., Birr, King's Co., Ireland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clague | William Andrew | 10/3217 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jessie Clague, of Manaia, Taranaki. Native of Manaia. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clanachan | William | 52152 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Clanachan, of Auckland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clancy | Henry | 74732 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/07/1919 | NZRB | - | NZ | (NOK - A Cruse (friend), 11 Dixon Street, Wellington) | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Clapham | Harold Arthur Godfrey | 24/81 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur James and Frances Clapham, of 11, Snelson St., Palmerston North. Also served in Egypt | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clapham | Harry Cautley | 28429 | Private | Pte | 16/03/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Lambert and Maria Clapham, of 28, Morris St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. Native of Colyton, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Clare | Charles Henry Jennings | 13855 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 30/03/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joshua and Emily Clare, of Invercargill, New Zealand; husband of Martha G. Clare, of St. Joffre St., West Esplanade, Maul, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Claridge | Arthur William | 12/3229 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Charles and Mary Rebecca Claridge, of 81, Cox St., Ashburton. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Claridge | Benjamin Samuel | 15500 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Claridge, of Chapel St., Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Claridge | Isaac Edward | 24138 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Claridge, of Chapel Rd., Papanui, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Claridge | Morrison Leigh | 11409 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Claridge, of Helensville, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Claridge | Sydney Thomas | 23/2553 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Claridge, of Claridge Rd., Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Claridge | Thomas George | 25/962 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Claridge, of Chapel St., Papanui, Christchurch. | NZ - Christchurch (Papanui) Anglican Church Cemetery | |||
Clark | Abraham | 20968 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, of 1, Parkville Terrace, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Albert | - | Private | Pte | 08/07/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of George and Mary Clark. Born at Herbert, Oamaru. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Clark | Alexander James | 65098 | Private | Pte | 23/12/1923 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | - | ||||
Clark | Alexander James | 10/2367 | Lieutenant | Lt | 13/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Daniel and Elizabeth Clark, of 186, Harrow Rd., London, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Alfred Henry | 10/3509 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/08/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Ruth Clark (wife), Manutuke, Gisborne) | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Clark | Alphonsus Robert | 15138 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/08/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William James and Honora Clark. Native of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Clark | Arthur | 52954 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Brown (mother), Bruce Street, Masterton) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Clark | Charles Robert Cyril | 24/84 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. B. Clark, of 7, Windsor Rd., Leyton, London, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Charles William | 8/3214 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Clark, of Roslyn Bush, Southland, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clark | Clark | 19423 | Private | Pte | 19/11/1917 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of Hakaraia and Ani Clark, of Pamapuria, North Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Clark | Daniel Stanley | 32818 | Private | Pte | 18/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs R Clark (mother), Dublin Street, North Invercargill) | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Clark | Edwin Mitchelson | 12/3920 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Harriet Clark, of 20, Herbert Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, and the late George Clark. Native of Whakahara, Northern Wairoa | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clark | Eric Hamilton | 8/1212 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Elizabeth Stewart Clark, of Kereone Rd., Morrinsville, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Clark | Ernest William | 10/1775 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Fred Clark (father), 29 Richmond Street, Petone) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Clark | Francis Foley | 11229 | Corporal | Cpl | 24/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Ingram Clark and Charlotte Clark, of Callardo Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, Scotland. Native of Aberdeen. Scotland | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Clark | Frank | 12/2183 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Johnson and Jemima Clark, of Auckland, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Clark | Frank | 13/892 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark, of Te Pahu, Hamilton. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Frederick A | 12/1588 | Private | Pte | 02/04/1922 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Rotorua Cemetery, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty | ||||
Clark | Frederick Arthur | 50294 | Driver | Dvr | 10/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles G. Clark, of Christchurch. | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Frederick Arthur | 6/1485 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Samuel Clark, of St. Albans, Christchurch, and the late Emily Frances Clark. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Frederick Hans | 45989 | Private | Pte | 28/05/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. Neary, of 10, Severn St., Khyber Pass, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Clark | Frederick Herbert | 12/2665 | Private | Pte | 02/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Clark of 50, Virginia Avenue Eden Terrace, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Clark | George | 51688 | Private | Pte | 26/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William George and Margaret Clark, of 5, The Avenue, off Wynyard Rd., Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Clark | George Charles Latimer | 42290 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary C. Clark, of Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Clark | George Knaggs | 4/1904 | Sapper | Spr | 14/09/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of the late James and Christina Clark, of Scotland. Native of Australia | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | George Watson | 9/550 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/01/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of William Frederick and Margaret Clark, of 84, Elles Rd., Invercargill, New Zealand. Native of Burwood Stn., Southland, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Clark | Henry George | 4/1905 | Corporal | Cpl | 23/08/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Harriet Clark, of 20, Herbert Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Clark | Henry James | 39166 | Private | Pte | 10/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Ada Clark, of Palmerston, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Clark | Herbert | 46116 | Private | Pte | 10/09/1917 | NZMC | Died of disease | UK | Son of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Clark, of Te Pahu, Frankton Junction, Hamilton. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Clark | Ian Compton | 10/3857 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. L. E. Clark, of 1, Athol Crescent. Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Isabel | 22/108 | Staff Nurse | S/Nurse | 23/10/1915 | ANS | Drowned - Sinking of HS Marquette | Salonika | Sister of Alexander David Clark, of Ardgowan, Oamaru | Greece - Mikra Memorial | |||
Clark | Jack | 11/1779 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/01/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of John and S. E. Clark, of Opou, Gisborne, New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Clark | Jack Bruce | 12/3282 | T/L-Corporal | T/L-Cpl | 31/01/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Clark, of Kereone Rd., Morrinsville, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Clark | James | 29746 | Private | Pte | 16/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of David Fraser Clark and Sophia Clark, of Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Meteren Military Cemetery | |||
Clark | James | 10/2103 | Private | Pte | 16/05/1917 | WIR | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of W. and Eliza Clark. Born at Driffield, England. | UK - Driffield Cemetery | |||
Clark | James Aitken | 27452 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Marks (formerly Clark), of 209, Spey St., Invercargill, New Zealand, and the late George Clark. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Clark | James Donald | 10/2890 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Perie Clark and Kate Clark, of Strathallen, Featherston, Wellington; husband of Amy Clark, of 53, North St., Feilding, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Jocelyn | 25/738 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Charles and Catherine Clark, of Maramarua, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | John | 29747 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Clark, of Menzies Ferry, Invercargill. Native of Makarewa. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clark | John Cameron | 11/866 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Jane Clark, of Victoria Rd., Dargaville, Auckland. Born in Glasgow, Scotland. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | John Gregor | 6/3655 | Private | Pte | 26/12/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Clark, of Lyne, Cawdor, Scotland | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Clark | John Richard | 38120 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Smeaton Clark and Johana Welsh Clark, of New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Clark | John Stanley | 9/366 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/03/1918 | Cyclists | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Agnes Clark, of Waitati, Otago. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Clark | Joseph Reynolds | 8/3215 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. Clark, of Karaka, Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Clark | Leslie Goldie | 12/707 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of Runciman, Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Leslie Harvey | 12/1590 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Clark, of Edgecombe Rd., Tauranga | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Neil McCallum | 14393 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Helen Clark, of Grangemouth, Scotland | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Clark | Paul Graham | 46224 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Isabel Clark, of 12, Domett Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Leicester. England. | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Clark | Percy John | 23/36 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 11/10/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Halcomb Clark and Caroline Louisa Clark, of 8, Phillip St., Linwood, Christchurch. Native of Whitfield, Dover, England. Also served in Egypt. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clark | Percy Newton | 49292 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of The Rev. J. R. and Mrs. S. Clark, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Clark | Peter | 23/1016 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Duncan and Mary Clark, of Broxwood Lodge, Sandbank, Argyll, Scotland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Raymond Hector | 14229 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Clark, of 19, Fairview Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clark | Reginald Crago | 25/17 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Louise Clark, of Valley Rd., Mount Eden; husband of Adelaide Clark, of 15, Disraeli St., Mount Eden, Auckland. Native of Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Robert | 2/2794 | Gunner | Gnr | 19/01/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Clark, of Menzies Ferry, Southland, New Zealand | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Clark | Robert McGavin | 26/746 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Robert and Letitia Clark, of Auckland. Also served in Egypt. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Clark | Samuel Goodall | 10/1132 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Clark, of 50 Virginia Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Simon | 6/1263 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Simon and Janet Clark, of Musselburgh, Scotland | Turkey - New Zealand No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Clark | Stanley Maris | 13/29 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard Maris Clark and Cora Juliett Clark, of Onslow Rd., Epsom, Auckland. Native of Cora. Served in the South African Campaign. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Stuart McDonald | 36418 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Clark, of Syne of Urchany, Cawdor, Nairn, Scotland | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Clark | Sydney Edward | 37768 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Sydney and Jessie Clark, of 10, Macauley St., Addington, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Clark | Taha | 16/970 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. Rehurehu Amaru, of Horotui, Ngaruawahia, Hamilton | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Thomas | 56137 | Private | Pte | 26/08/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Stepson of Mrs. A. Clark, of Argyle St., Avondale, Auckland. | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Clark | Thomas Archibald | 8/24 | Lieutenant | Lt | 25/11/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of William and Annie Clark (nee Grace); husband of Malvina Annie Florence Clark (nee Beach), of 12, Morris St., Avonside, Christchurch. Born at Winslow, Christchurch. Served at Gallipoli and in Egypt, 1914-15 | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Clark | Thomas Arthur | 32127 | Private | Pte | 15/08/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Elizabeth Sarah Clark, of 16, Smith St., Mangatera, Dannevirke. Born at Kiritaki Hawke's Bay. | NZ - Dannevirke (Mangatera) Cemetery | |||
Clark | Thomas Henry | 74975 | Private | Pte | 02/04/1922 | 40th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Tiro Tiro Road Cemetery, Levin, Horowhenua | ||||
Clark | Thomas Lander | 13/33 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Watson Clark and Mary Hannah Clark, of 64, Lake Rd., Devonport, Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | Walter Farrington | 11/33 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Clark, of 73, Tiber St., Island Bay, Wellington | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clark | William | 22776 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Jane Clark, of Victoria Rd., Dargaville, Auckland. Native of Glasgow, Scotland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clark | William | 44702 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. L. Clark, of Shaw St., Morningside, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clark | William Garfield | 3/1005 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/11/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Samuel and Edith Clark (nee Watkins); husband of E. M. Clark, of Eden St., Oamaru. Born at Melbourne, Australia. Served in Egypt and in France. | NZ - Oamaru Cemetery | |||
Clark | William James | 8/3886 | Private | Pte | 24/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, of Tramway Rd., South Invercargill, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Clark | William McLean | 53318 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth L. Clark, of The Triangle, Kelso, New Zealand. Native of Crichton, Lovell's Flat, Dunedin | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Clark | Willie Henry | 51300 | Private | Pte | 21/04/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Edward Saunders and Suzan Clark, of New Zealand. | France - Louvencourt Military Cemetery | |||
Clark | Albert George | 49215 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/07/1920 | NZRB | - | NZ | Son of Henry and Ada Clark, of Palmerston, Otago. Served in France, 1917-19. | NZ - Palmerston Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Aaron Anderson | 11/20 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/06/1915 | WMR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of William and Isabella Clarke. Born in Ireland | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Albert Cecil | 51337 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Matoaka Clarke and Christina Allison Clarke; husband of Elizabeth Harriett Clarke, of 106, Wilson's Rd., St. Martin'S, Christchurch. Native of Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Clarke | Albert Henry | 8/743 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Clarke, of 91, Waimairi Rd., Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand, and of the late Charles Clarke | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Clarke | Albert Philip | 6/2093 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Philip R. and Elizabeth Cassels Clarke, of 82, Byron St., Sydenham, Christchurch. Native of Waikaia, Southland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clarke | Alexander Richard | 19118 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Mary Clarke, of Herbert, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Clarke | Arthur | 8/352 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/04/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alice and the late William Clarke, of 19, Alfred St., Musselburgh, Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Lyttelton, New Zealand. | Turkey - Plugge's Plateau Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Clarke | Arthur George | 13876 | Private | Pte | 09/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Philip R. and Amy M. Clarke, of 311, Gloucester St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Denis | 6/3657 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. Clarke, of Hastings, New Zealand. | France - Dernancourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Clarke | Ernest | 28616 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Clarke, of Paekakariki, New Zealand, and the late Thomas Clarke; husband of Annie Elizabeth Clarke, of Havergal House, 93, New Town Row, Birmingham, England | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Clarke | Ernest Philip | 35059 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK | Son of Harry and Elizabeth Barbara Clarke, of Edinburgh St., Green Island, New Zealand | UK - Hartwell (St. Mary) Churchyard | |||
Clarke | George Arthur | 54007 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/05/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of G. Clarke, of "Millbrook" North Rd., Styx, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Sailly-Au-Bois Military Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Hamilton | 3/1129 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Hamilton Clarke and Edith Ellen Clarke, of "Gladysville," Brooklyn St., Tempe, Sydney, Australia. Native of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Henry Wilfred | 7/945 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/12/1918 | AMR | Drowned | Sea to NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Clarke, of Otorohanga | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Clarke | Herman | 19124 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | Germany x France | (NOK - W J Clarke (father), Hospital, Auckland) | France - Douai Communal Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Hugh MacIntosh | 11231 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel Clarke, of Wyndham, New Zealand, and the late Agnes Clarke | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Clarke | James | 18339 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/11/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | Son of James and Mary Clarke. Born in Ireland. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Clarke | James | - | Trooper | Tpr | 29/12/1914 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of the late William and Marie Clarke (nee Kough). Born at Oxford, Christchurch. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Clarke | James Clifford | 53475 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/03/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and the late Laura Clarke, of Ngahauranga, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Clarke | James Reid | 26560 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Clarke, of Otorohanga, Waitomo, Hamilton. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clarke | James Spencer | 58978 | Private | Pte | 09/04/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Annie Clarke, of Southall, Middlesex, England | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Clarke | John Cowley | 23/1592 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Cowley Edward Clarke, of 28, Longfellow St., Sydenham, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clarke | Leonard Hipkins | 46117 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/08/1918 | y | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick Arthur and Clara Louisa Clarke, of 128, Richmond Rd., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | ||
Clarke | Leslie Hurstfield | 55837 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | MGC | Died of disease | France | Son of William Robert and Christina Clarke, of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Clarke | Peter | 13734 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/03/1919 | NZEF Reinf | - | UK | Son of Tom and Mary Clarke; husband of Elizabeth Clarke, of 156, Liverpool Road, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent. Born at Burslem. | UK - Stoke-On-Trent (Burslem) Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Ralph John | 12/320 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Gale Clarke and Mary Grace Clarke, of 73, The Drive, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Clarke | Thomas Charles | 23/2161 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Sarah Jane Clarke, of Christchurch; husband of Atmie Clarke, of 157, Montreal St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Walter Edwin | 4/516 | Sapper | Spr | 07/08/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Youngest son of John and Mary Anne Clarke, of 257, Balmoral Rd., Edendale, Auckland, New Zealand. | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Clarke | Walter John | 12/3590 | Private | Pte | 05/07/1917 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of A. Hooks (formerly Clarke), of Cowes Bay, Waiheke. Born at Ponsonby, Auckland. Served in Egypt, 1918. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Clarke | William | 22501 | Private | Pte | 18/01/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Isabella Mary Henderson Clarke, of Edinburgh, Scotland. | France - Rue-David Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Clarke | William Andrew | 12/4157 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Hannah Clarke, of Thames Rd., Paeroa, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clarke | William John | 26561 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of W. H. and Agnes Clarke, of Otorohanga, New Zealand | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Clarke | William John | 8/1432 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1916 | OIR | Accident | France | Son of James and Mary Clarke, of Masterton, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Clarke | William Robinson Henry | 4/2170 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/07/1916 | NZE | Died of disease | Mesopotamia | Son of William Clarke, of Walker St., Waihi, New Zealand; husband of Ethel E. N. Clarke, of "Mayfair,'' Municipal Buildings, Hastings, New Zealand | Iraq - Basra War Cemetery | |||
Clarke | William Thomas | 35006 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George William 2nd Annie Elizabeth Clarke, of 42, Villa St., Masterton, Wairarapa. Born at Geraldine, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Clarke | William Walter | 45668 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke, of Hora Hora Rd., Whangarei, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clarken | Patrick | 8/3216 | Private | Pte | 01/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Ann Clarken. Native of Thames. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clarkson | Benjamin | 14944 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Agnes Clarkson; husband of Sarah M. Carter (formerly Clarkson), of Point Chevalier, Auckland. Native of Woolston, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clarkson | Gerald Richard | 4/525 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/05/1915 | NZE | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard Potts Clarkson and Rosina Jane Clarkson | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Clarkson | William Coates | 57478 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Peter and Jane Clarkson, of 10, Scarisbrick St., Wigan, England; husband of Ethel May Clarkson, of 203A, Papanui Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Clarkson | William Francis | 6/2107 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emerson Clarkson, of 34, Papanui Rd., Christchurch and the late Annie Clarkson | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clarry | Charles Walter | 6/1811 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Annie Clarry, of Napier, New Zealand. Native of Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia. | Belgium - Ypres Reservoir Cemetery | |||
Clausen | Wilfred Edward | 44930 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Kari Clausen, of Holly Bank, Marton, Wanganui. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Claxton | Albert Percival Jubilee | 52576 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Claxton, of 23, Bath St. Christchurch, and the late Charles William Claxton | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clay | Blakeman John | 11/2308 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Ann Clay, of Weston-super-Mare, England; husband of Agnes G. Clay, of 814, Alexandra St., Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Native of Radstock, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clay | Eustace Arthur | 10441 | Driver | Dvr | 12/10/1918 | ASC Mtd Bde | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Arthur and Mary Clay, of 13, James St., Kimberley, Notts., England | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Clayson | James William | 25/1119 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Ann Pening, of Eketahuna, New Zealand. | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Clayton | Francis Henry | 25662 | Francis Henry Clarke | WO1 | WO1 | 09/06/1920 | APC | Died of injuries | UK | (AKA Francis Henry CLARKE) Brother of Margaret Clarke, of 20, Kimbolton Avenue, Lenton Sands, Nottingham, England | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | ||
Clayton | Harold Edgar | 5/327 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/10/1918 | ASC | Died of disease | France | Son of Frederick William Clayton, of 598, George St., Dunedin, New Zealand; husband of Helen Lawson Clayton | France - Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cemetery, Manancourt | |||
Clayton | James | 24715 | Private | Pte | 17/07/1916 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Jane Clayton, of 82, Fox St., South Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Clayton | Montagu | 7/1209 | Trooper | Tpr | 05/11/1917 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs E Clayton (mother), Pratt St, Redcliffs, Sumner, Christchurch) | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Clayton | Wilfred | 8/2560 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Isaac and Ann Clayton, of Carlton, Yorks, England. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Clear | William Tipping | 60904 | Trooper | Tpr | 15/10/1918 | CMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of E. Clear, of Waimate, South Canterbury, New Zealand. | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Cleary | George Marmaduke | 11/469 | Trooper | Tpr | 29/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Martin and Eliza Cleary, of Auckland, New Zealand | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Cleary | Patrick Joseph | 10999 | Private | Pte | 05/05/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick Joseph and Mary Anne Cleary, of Main St., Birr, King's Co., Ireland. Educated Presentation School, Birr and Rockwell College, Cashel, Ireland. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Cleary | Sidney | 14757 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Lucy Cleary, of 205, Harris St., Gisborne, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Cleary | Thomas | 49339 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Hugh and Annie Cleary, of Cullion, Letterkenny, Ireland. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Cleave | John Peter | 30755 | Private | Pte | 30/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Martha and the late Richard Cleave, of Thames, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Cleaver | John Vincent Hutchison | 11/2062 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Sarah Ann Cleaver, of Te Roti, Eltham, New Zealand | France - Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries | |||
Cleaver | Robert Frederick | 29737 | Private | Pte | 12/05/1922 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Andersons Bay Cemetery, Dunedin | ||||
Cleaver | Thomas James | 72434 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/04/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Mary Ann Miller (formerly Cleaver), of Caversham, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late Fred Cleaver. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Clee | Percival Harry | 10/866 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/06/1923 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Eltham Cemetery, Eltham, Taranaki | ||||
Cleere | Richard | 49526 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Piree and Kate Cleere, of Brounstown Kilkenny, Ireland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cleeve | Charles Tremlett | 44966 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 20/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | NZ x France | Son of Thomas and Frances Jane Cleeve, of Silverton Farm, View Hill, West Oxford, Canterbury. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - West Oxford Cemetery | |||
Clegg | James Elias | 31222 | Private | Pte | 27/07/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Clegg, of Duthie St., Karori, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Clegg | Louis | 26/1577 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Husband of L. Clegg, of 507, Gladstone Rd., Gisborne, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Clegg | William Herbert | 12/1919 | Private | Pte | 19/06/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Abraham and Harriett Ann Clegg, of 1685, Victoria St. West, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cleghorn | David Dickie | 56905 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Jeanie Cleghorn, of Tapanui, Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cleland | Charles Thomson | 8/2415 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Matthew Cleland and Margaret Cleland, of 1, Holyrood Quadrant, Glasgow. Born at Glasgow, Scotland | France - Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Clemens | Herbert James | 9/1413 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Mary Clemens, of New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Clemens | Roy | 3/1385 | Private | Pte | 03/11/1918 | NZMC | - | NZ | Son of Charles Henry Clemens, of Wellington, and the late Janie Clemens. Born at Auckland. Served on Hospital Ship "Marama" in Egypt, also served on the Western Front. | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Clemens | William Henry | 65353 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Esther Clemens, of 51, Thackeray St., Christchurch | France - Ribecourt British Cemetery | |||
Clement | Mark | 51005 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Gus and Albertina Clement, of 48, Hutt Rd., Petone, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Clement | Sydney George | 10/977 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Elizabeth Agnes Clement, of Ings Avenue, St. Clair, Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clements | Alfred Ernest | 6/1143 | WO2 | WO2 | 18/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Emma Clements, of 15, Hastings St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Clements | Eric | 15495 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Lewis Clements and Elizabeth Clements, of 152, Malmesbury Rd., Southampton, England. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Clements | Horace Lyell | 25/854 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E Clements (mother), Matapouri, Whangarei) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Clements | Percy | 6/1487 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1916 | CIR | Died of disease | NZ | Stepson of Mr. P. Hansen, of Hari Hari, Westland. Born at Woodstock, Westland. Served in Egypt, 1915-16. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Clements | William Charles | 8/2561 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. Maggie Anderson, of Roslyn, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clements | William John | 12/2242 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clements, of Paengaroa, Bay of Plenty | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clementson | Claud Easton | 26048 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Claud and Emily Clementson, of 33, Austin St., Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Westport | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Clemett | Charles Emery | 15097 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of J. Clemett, of 23, Walton Avenue, Masterton, New Zealand. Born at Kaikoura, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Clemow | Philip Crago | 11/537 | Driver | Dvr | 21/10/1920 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John Bate Clemow and Minnie Clemow (nee Crago); husband of Dorothy Clemow, of Toko, Taranaki. Born at Stratford, Taranaki. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Stratford (Kopuatama) Cemetery | |||
Clemow | Sidney | 64452 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles E. and Annie Clemow, of Taunton, England; husband of Daisy M. Clemow, of Deep Creek, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Clemson | Thomas | 23345 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Elizabeth Clemson. Native of Cannock, Staffs., England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clerk | Eric John Sinclair | 12/2546 | Corporal | Cpl | 21/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of Duncan E. and Madge Clerk, of Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Samoa and at Gallipoli. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cleworth | Joseph Herbert | 6/3275 | Private | Pte | 12/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Ellen Cleworth, of 83, Aldwins St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cliff | James Ernest | 17697 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/07/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | Sea x France | Son of Richard and Elizabeth Cliff, of Papatoetoe, Manukau, New Zealand. Native of Paparoa, Otamatea | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Cliffe | Frederick | 2/1144 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/08/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. J. Cliffe, of 29, Hartington Terrace, Lidget Green, Bradford, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clifford | Leslie Thomas James | 33520 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John James and Harriet Elizabeth A. Clifford, of Glenorchy, Tasmania, Australia.. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Climo | Benjamin George Edmund | 13591 | Corporal | Cpl | 26/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Hilda Mary Climo, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Clinker | George Francis | 68239 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry James and Johannah Clinker, of Mackay St., Thames, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Clinton | Thomas | 44967 | Private | Pte | 28/10/1917 | CIR | Died of injuries | France | Son of James and Rose Clinton, of Barr Hill, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Clinton | Thomas James | 10783 | Private | Pte | 18/04/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Clinton, of Darfield, Canterbury, and the late William Francis Clinton | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Clive | Bryce Gerven | 25/600 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Peter and Elsie Clive, of Spar Bush, Southland, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Clive | Percy David | 31470 | Private | Pte | 14/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Mary Ann Clive | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Cloke | John | 26/729 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 26/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Elizabeth Cloke, of 12, York St., Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Close | Frank | 69466 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of T. B. and Margrett C. Close, of Warwick Rd., Stratford, New Zealand. Born at Nelson | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Close | James Thomas | 18343 | Trooper | Tpr | 15/08/1917 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | Son of Thomas Blanchett Close and Margaret Caroline Close, of Blenheim. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Close | Percy Melville | 33237 | Private | Pte | 13/01/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mary Geraldine Close, of 24, Bath St., Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Closs | William Osborne | 22670 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 22/07/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of J. G. Closs, of Waitahuna, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Clothier | Charles Augustus | 30346 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Matilda Clothier, of Waniku, Auckland. Born in New Zealand | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Clough | Albert Robinson | 22708 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs M K Clough (mother), Little River, Canterbury) | France - Solesmes British Cemetery | |||
Clough | Enoch Edgar | 6/3659 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Enoch Richard and Mary Clough, of Murchison, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Clough | Frank Oscar | 46954 | Private | Pte | 11/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William R. and Mary A. Clough, of Maryborough, New Zealand. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Clough | George Leonard | 47989 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Clough, of Waiongona, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cloughley | James Lionel | 8/3531 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Margery Morton Cloughley, of The Rocks, Riverton, New Zealand. | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Clover | William Leslie | 10613 | Leslie King | Gunner | Gnr | 03/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (AKA Leslie KING) Son of the Rev. J. and Mrs. S. Clover, of England. | Belgium - Westhof Farm Cemetery | ||
Clulee | Cyril | 2/857 | Gunner | Gnr | 16/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss I Trotter, Chandlersford, Hampshire, England) | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Clulow | Reuben | 32124 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mrs. Fanny Clulow, of 77, Shirburn Rd., Leek, Staffs., England. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Clune | James | 16/570a | Private | Pte | 05/12/1918 | Pioneers | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Foster son of Mrs. J. H. Anderson, of Kaiaua, New Brighton, Christchurch. Born at Hikuai, Coromandel Peninsula. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Hamilton East Public Cemetery | |||
Clutterbuck | Albert Edward | 13314 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Isabella Clutterbuck, of Riversdale, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.9 | |||
Clutterbuck | William Henry | 8/3532 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Fanny Elizabeth Haugh (formerly Clutterbuck), of Edlevale, Tapanui. Born at Auckland. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Riversdale Cemetery | |||
Clydesdale | Albert Daniel Duncan | 9/1801 | Private | Pte | 25/05/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. A. and Mrs. M. H. Clydesdale, of 5, Lower Duncan St., Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Coad | Harry Percival | 18417 | Trooper | Tpr | 05/09/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Charles and Mary Ann Coad. Born at Mangaweka, Rangitekei | NZ - Hawera Cemetery | |||
Coad | William Ernest | 46852 | Private | Pte | 27/11/1918 | AklReg (Res) | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John Hollow Coad and Mary Coad (nee Tregoweth), of Carter's Rd., Oratia, Auckland | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Coate | Henry Lionel | 45479 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Agnes Coate, of Ngaruawahia, New Zealand | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Coates | Eric Albert | 11/643 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 14/11/1918 | MGS | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Oswald and Valerie A. Coates (nee Lassaie), of 14, Hastings Rd., Remuera, Auckland. Served at Gallipoli, Sinai and in Palestine | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Coates | Frederick John | 11/720 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Janet Coates, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Coates | Randolph Edward Oswald | 12/59 | Lieutenant | Lt | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Oswald Coates and Valerie Albine Coates, of Adelaide, South Australia. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Coates | William Henry | 13/991 | Lieutenant | Lt | 22/07/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Eleanor K. Coates, of "Ruatuna", Makakohe, Kaipara, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt. | France - Arras Flying Services Memorial | |||
Coates | William James | 35004 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Mary Ann Coates, of 155, Evans St., Timaru, New Zealand | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Coatman | Arthur Sindel Mehrtens | 8/25 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Anna Coatman, of 67, Chelmer St., Oamaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Coats | William Robert | 11232 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. L. Coats, of Dunedin. New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cobb | Arthur Robert | 82890 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. A. R. Cobb, of Upper Hutt. Born in Somersetshire, England | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cobb | George Lynch | 3/2544 | Private | Pte | 27/05/1917 | NZMC | Drowned | Sea x NZ | Son of Alfred John and Laura E. Cobb, of 23, Myrtle Crescent, Wellington. Born at Palmerston North. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Cobb | Horace Falconer | 2/222a | Driver | Dvr | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Ann Ellen Cobb, of Otaki, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Cobb | John Wesley | 10/35 | Lieutenant | Lt | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Harriet Sophia Cobb, of 200, Ferguson St., Palmerston North, Wellington, and the late Mr. Cobb. Native of Napier | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cobbe | Ernest | 25/262 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John G. and Frances A. Cobbe, of The Hill, Feilding, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cobeldick | Eric William | 31958 | Private | Pte | 26/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary A. M. Cobeldick, of Rotorua, Hamilton, New Zealand | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Cobeldick | Francis Tolloff | 79883 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William and Mary Ann M. Cobeldick (nee Barber), of Wylie St., Rotorua. Born at Cooper's Creek, Geraldine. Instructor in Physical Training | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cobourne | Clarence Taylor | 13/39 | Captain | Capt | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cobourne, of Port Waikato, Auckland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cochran | Allan Carswell | 3/2614 | Private | Pte | 19/06/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of William C. and Isabella C. J. K. Cochran, of Tuatapere, Southland, New Zealand. Born at Queenstown, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cochrane | Albert Dixon | 10/313 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Martha Jane Cochrane, of Kilgour Rd., Greymouth. Native of Reefton | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cochrane | Edwin Grandison | 6/25 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David and Emma Cochrane, 133, Earn St., Invercargill, Southland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cochrane | Francis Alfred | 8/2875 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1919 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. E. L. Cochrane, of Springbank, Otahuti, Southland. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Isla Bank (Calcium) Cemetery | |||
Cochrane | Henry James | 44254 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Jane Cochrane, of Waipawa, New Zealand | France - Favreuil British Cemetery | |||
Cochrane | John | 53737 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J Cochrane (father), Whittaker Road, Derby, England) | France - Auchonvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Cochrane | John Alexander | 7/31 | Trooper | Tpr | 13/08/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Alen Alexander and Jessie Cochrane, of Waimate. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cochrane | John Alexander | 29738 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Janet Cochrane, of Ladbrooks, Christchurch. Native of Darvel, Ayrshire, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cochrane | John George | 43136 | Private | Pte | 13/11/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of George Henry and Emily Cochrane, of 356, Adelaide Rd., Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Cochrane | Robert | 18621 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cochrane, of Kohatutaka Station, Punakitere, Auckland, New Zealand. Born Peeblesshire, Scotland | France - Foncquevillers Military Cemetery | |||
Cochrane | Robert | 54010 | Private | Pte | 28/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Helen Cochrane, of Ashburton, New Zealand. | France - Mailly Wood Cemetery, Mailly-Maillet | |||
Cock | Frank Walter | 70444 | Frank Walter Cocks | Private | Pte | 01/08/1918 | AklReg | Died of disease | UK | Son of George and Carrie Cock, of Arawa, Catherine St., Motherwell, Scotland | UK - Dalziel (Airbles) Cemetery | ||
Cockburn | Andrew | 25813 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss McIntyre (friend), c/o Clark, Eskdale, Napier) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cockburn | Edward | 25/602 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Margaret Cockburn, of Waikaia, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Cockerell | Edward James | 47518 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/10/1918 | OIR | Accident | France | Son of Benjamin and Alice Cockerell, of Thames St., Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Cockerell | James | 8/2876 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cockerell, of Sutton, Central Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Cockfield | Harry | 12/3284 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Nelson Cockfield and Elizabeth Huntly Cockfield | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cockle | Edward John | 82214 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William Henry and Rachel Cockle. Born at Ashburton. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cockroft | Oswald | 11171 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Cockroft, of Arm St., Bluff, Invercargill | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cocks | Arthur James | 42471 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cocks, of Nabalawa, Waidina, Rewa River, Via Viria, Fiji. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cocks | Frederick Ernest | 22231 | Private | Pte | 26/05/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cocks, of Barnego, Baldutha, Ougo, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Codd | Albert Charles | 25817 | Private | Pte | 18/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Jane Lydia Codd, of 38, Latham Street, Napier South, New Zealand | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Codd | Herbert Henry | 28093 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Benjamin and Emma Codd, of Beresford St., Bayswater, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Codd | William Edward | 15696 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter William and Alice Melvena Codd, of Brook St., Inglewood, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Codlin | Allan Dale | 60070 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of T. and M. Codlin, of Waiuku, New Zealand. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Codlin | Percy | 13/2548 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/11/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Harry and Alice Codlin, of Waipu, North Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Codling | Thomas | 6/1074a | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Walter and Mary Codling, of 58, Westminster St., St. Albans Christchurch. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Codyre | Allan Erskine | 6/1076a | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Codyre, of Granity, Westport. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coe | Ralph Reader | 7/1210 | Gunner | Gnr | 20/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of John and Elizabeth Coe, of 21, Ripton St., Merivale, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Irwell, Canterbury, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Coe | William Henry | 57035 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/08/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Coe, of Taurikura, Whangarei Heads, North Auckland. Born at Carterton. Served on the Western Front, 1918. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Coffey | Charles Edward | 33695 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coffey, of 128, Blights Rd., Papanui, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Coffey | Michael James | 46767 | Private | Pte | 28/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Father of Master W. Coffey, of Riponui, North Auckland. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Coffey | Thomas | 18970 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Serjt. M. and Mrs. Coffey, of Hawera; husband of Elsie Coffey, of Taumarunui, New Zealand | France - Pont-D'Achelles Military Cemetery, Nieppe | |||
Coffy | Richard Bernard | 25/951 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/10/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Christopher and Theodora Ruth Coffy; husband of Mina A. Coffy, of 4, Hunia St., Marton, Wanganui. Native of Ireland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cogan | Ernest Desmond | 6/433 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edward A and Caroline Groombridge Cogan, of 783, George St., Dunedin | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cogan | Tom | 30179 | Private | Pte | 07/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Cogan, of High St., Carlton, Yorks, England. | France - Fins New British Cemetery, Sorel-Le-Grand | |||
Cogar | Charles Leonard | 10/842 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard and Janetta Cogar, of Fenton St., Stratford, Taranaki. Native of London, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cogar | Richard | 10/843 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard and Janetta Cogar, of Fenton St., Stratford, New Plymouth. Native of London, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cogdale | Charles William | 6/4221 | Corporal | Cpl | 13/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Luke William and Ada Cogdale, 2, Harbush Cottage, Purleigh, Chelmsford, England. Born at Willingale Ongar, England. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cogle | James Francis | 25/495 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Lawrence and Gertrude Cogle, of 32, Walpole St., Sydenham, Christchurch | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cogle | Robert John | 6/1000 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Lawrence and Harriett Gertrude Cogle, of 32, Walpole St., Sydenham, Christchurch. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cohen | Ernest Henry Melmott | 12/1048 | Ernest Drummond | Sergeant | Sgt | 10/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | (AKA Ernest DRUMMOND). Son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cohen, of Darley Chambers, 156, King St., Sydney, Australia | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | ||
Coker | Alfred | 64303 | Private | Pte | 27/05/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coker, of Horotiu, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Coker | Arthur | 30180 | Private | Pte | 13/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Mary Coker, of 28, Nelson Crescent, Napier, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Coker | Frederick William | 8/353 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Rosa Ellen McGuire (formerly Coker), of 62, Edward St., Timaru | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Colbourne | Edward James | 12/1594 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert James and Emily Florence Colbourne, of 7, Clarendon Crescent, Leamington Spa, England. Born at Leamington Spa. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coldicutt | George Lawrence | 2/2979 | Driver | Dvr | 28/04/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Henry and Margaret Coldicutt, of 15, Murdoch Rd., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Cole | Arthur | 41741 | Private | Pte | 12/06/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Edwin and Harriet Cole. Born at Foxton, Manawatu, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Cole | Charles Henry | 10/931 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/07/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late George and Ellen Cole, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Cole | David Coates | 21216 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David Graeme Cole and Minnie Cole, of "Clontivern," Trafalgar St., Onehunga, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cole | Frederick Arthur | 52831 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of A. Cole, of High Bullin, St. Giles, Torrington, England. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Cole | Frederick Thomas | 6/1489 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Anna Cole, of Pitt Farm, East Harptree, Bristol, England. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cole | Kenneth McIntosh | 12714 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen Cole, of 18, Garrett St., Wellington, and the late George Cole. Also served in Samoa | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cole | Rex | 11832 | Private | Pte | 08/02/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Martin T. D. and Ada Cole, of 5, Roslyn Terrace, Timaru, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt. | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Cole | Robert Holmes | 63560 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Cole, of Holmes Street, Ngaio, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Cole | Wilford Ambrose | 30545 | Private | Pte | 01/08/1919 | 20th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. H. H. Cole, of Parkville Rd., Karori, Wellington | NZ - Karori (St. Mary's) Churchyard | |||
Cole | William Edward | 12/1593 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Marian Cole, of 428, Oxford St., Bondi Junction, Waverley, Sydney, Australia. Native of Co. Durham, England. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cole-Baker | Douglas Patrick Gordon | 25197 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | y | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Rachel Cole-Baker, of "Haunui," Onewhero, Tuakau, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Mortimer O'Sullivan Cole-Baker. Native of Tipperary, Ireland. A landowner in New Zealand for 10 years. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | ||
Coleman | Albany de Swinton | 26564 | Private | Pte | 21/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. Eileen Gladys Ida Whyte, of Ohaupo Rd., Hamilton. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Coleman | Albert John | 38260 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Fred Coleman, of Blenheim, New Zealand. | France - Couin New British Cemetery | |||
Coleman | Cecil | 31953 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Coleman, of Howard River, Glenhope, Nelson New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Coleman | Charles | 10/1778 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. T. E. Coleman, of Batu Gajah, Singapore | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coleman | Claude Cecil | 25/857 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/07/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wm. Coleman, of Clevedon, North Papakura, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Coleman | Ewart Ashton | 24140 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Coleman, of Kohatu, Nelson, New Zealand. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Coleman | Herbert Napier | 36739 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 13/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of J. H. and Hannah Coleman, of Waititirau, Napier, New Zealand; husband of B. Mary Coleman | France - Englebelmer Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Coleman | Joseph | 20500 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of John George Coleman, of Higher St., Cullompton, Devon, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Colenso | Nelson Reginald | 6/4222 | Private | Pte | 09/03/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. J. Colenso, of Christchurch. Born at St. Albans, Christchurch. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Coles | Charles Henry | 6/2108 | Sergeant | Sgt | 20/12/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert and Nettie Coles, of 18, Hopkins St., Burnt Tree, Tipton, England. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Coles | James | 26/1574 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Coles, of Hastings, Napier. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Colgan | Henry | 32941 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Peter McComsky (uncle), 20 Drummond St, Wellington) | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Colhoun | Albert | 10/1446 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. C. Colhoun, of Symonds St., Auckland. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coll | Daniel | 29148 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Catherine Coll, of Wilmhurst St., Temuka, Timaru | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collard | George Fitzgerald | 40303 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Collard, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Collard | Theophile | 36950 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/05/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | NZ | Born in Belgium. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18 | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Collett | Charles William | 47622 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas George and Mary Ann Collett, of Mangaroa, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Collett | George Herbert | 52156 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Priscilla Collett, of 3, Bond St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Collett | John Spowart | 8/3533 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Marion Collett, of Irwell St. Gore, Invercargill. Also served in Egypt | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collett | Stanley Beaconsfield | 25/1689 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Rosa Collett, of Chippenham, Wilts | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Colley | Frederick | 3/11 | Private | Pte | 23/11/1918 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of W. J. Colley, of 77, Wright St., Wellington. Served in Samoa, 1914; Egypt, 1915-16; Salonika, 1915, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Palmerston North (Terrace End) Cemetery | |||
Colley | Stanley | 12/2668 | Private | Pte | 11/06/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. Colley, of Auckland. Born at Dunedin. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Colley | William Lathen | 6/2377 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Margaret Colley, of 4, New St., Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Nelson, New Zealand. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Collie | Arthur Earl | 8/862 | WO2 | WO2 | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Lucy Collie, of 116, Highgate, Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Invercargill. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Collie | James Gordon | 2/1965 | Gunner | Gnr | 14/01/1916 | NZFA | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of James Laurie Collie and Margaret Collie. Born in Scotland. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Collier | William | 59326 | Private | Pte | 11/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs W Collier (wife), Belmont, Lower Hutt) | France - Rossignol Wood Cemetery, Hebuterne | |||
Collin | Rupert James | 6/2492 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Perrott Collin, J.P., of Everglades, Takapau, Hawke's Bay, and the late Caroline Francis Collin. Native of Huntingdonshire, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Colling | George | 15140 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Colling, of Cambrian, Otago Central, New Zealand, and the late Isabel Colling. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Collinge | Francis Patrick | 57034 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Annie Elizabeth Collinge (wife), Taradale, Hawkes Bay) | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Collings | Bertram Charles | 39170 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Fredrick Arthur and Sarah Ann Collings, of 122, North St., Timaru. Native of Cromwell, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Collings | Frank Edwin | 21656 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Herbert Giles Collings, of Hornby, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Collings | John Langdon | 25/1701 | Sergeant | Sgt | 22/01/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Richard P Collings (father), Port Quin, Cornwall, Engand) | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Collings | Richard Bailey | 8/1953 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Richard S Collings (father), Port Quinn, Port Isaac, Cornwall, England) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collings | William James | 38502 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collings, of Greymouth. Born at Brunner, West Coast | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Collington | Oscar | 31398 | Rifleman | Rfm | 22/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Mary Collington, of Marlow, Towai, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Collins | Albert Palmerston | 25/265 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Palmerston North. | NZ - Palmerston North (Terrace End) Cemetery | |||
Collins | Andrew Paul | 67520 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - A Collins (father), 61 North Street, Timaru) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Collins | Bernard | 6/1264 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Collins, of 61, North St., Timaru. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Collins | Christopher Feek | 25/266 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Palmerston North | NZ - Palmerston North (Terrace End) Cemetery | |||
Collins | Edward John Facer | 6/3276 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward George and Ellen Collins, of 112, Hills Rd., Heathcote Valley, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collins | Ernest Lance | 15338 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Fredrick A. and Ann Bridget Collins, of 161, Mount Eden Rd., Auckland, New Zealand | UK - Netley Military Cemetery | |||
Collins | Fred Albert | 27468 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Alice Agusta Collins, of 227, Forbury Rd., St. Clair, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Collins | George Bassett | 2/152 | Bombardier | Bdr | 04/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Collins, of 46, Prince Maurice Rd., Lipson, Plymouth, Devon. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Collins | George Blackwell | 27458 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Elizabeth R. Collins, of 359, Main South Rd., Sockburn. Canterbury. New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Collins | Herbert | 7/799 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James Francis and Anna M Collins, of 118, Upland Rd Kelburn, Wellington. Served in the South African Campaign. Born at Invercargill. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collins | Horace | 86155 | Private | Pte | 15/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Robert and Emily Collins (nee Codlin); husband of Helen Collins, of Waipahi. Born at Waipahi, Dunedin. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Collins | Horatio Cecil | 24/93 | Corporal | Cpl | 14/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Sarah Jane Collins, of "Menorlue," Ashburton, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Collins | Hugh | 2/2388 | Gunner | Gnr | 16/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Catherine Lilias Collins, of "Kenmont," 39, Melbourne Rd., Island Bay, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collins | Joseph Daniel | 9/1806 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/11/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | (NOK - P Collins (brother), North-east Valley, Dunedin) | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Collins | Lawrence Earle | 31599 | Private | Pte | 01/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. Collins, of Wallace Rd., Papatoetoe, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Collins | Matthew | 34032 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mary Collins, of Moa St., Taihape, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Collins | Michael | 12/3960 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Collins, of Lisheenavalla, Claregalway, Galway, Ireland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collins | Michael | 47313 | Private | Pte | 30/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Margaret Collins, of 16, High St., Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Collins | Richard Herbert | 12/3961 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alberton H. and Helen M. A. Collins, of Glenfield Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collins | Robert Walter | 6/1267 | Sapper | Spr | 28/11/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Charles Collins, of Pear Tree House, Horham, Diss, England | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Collins | Sidney Gough | 88275 | Private | Pte | 23/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James and Mary Collins; husband of Ethel M. Collins, of 23 Cains Avenue, Gonville, Wanganui. Born in Australia. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Collins | Thomas | 14758 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/12/1917 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Alternative Commemoration - buried in Dolla Old Graveyard, Co. Tipperary. (NOK - J Collins (father), Carigataher, Nanagh, Co Tipperary, Ireland) | Ireland - Grangegorman Memorial | |||
Collins | Walter | 40894 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Amelia Collins, late of Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand; husband of Mary Jane Collins, of 13, Princes St., Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Collins | William | 6/3279 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Bridgett Collins (sister), Oamaru, Otago) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Collins | William Edward | 23109 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 09/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Maria Selby (formerly Collins), of Porangahau, Hawkes Bay, and the late Frederick Collins. Native of Porangahau, Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Collins-Morgan | Charles Edward | 10/1295 | Charles Edward Collins Morgan | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 05/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Charles Edward Collins MORGAN) Son of the late Charles Edward and Rose Harrison Morgan, of Napier, New Zealand.; husband of Lilian E. Collins-Morgan, of 70, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey, England. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | ||
Collinson | Albert George Victor | 7/1211 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/11/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Born at Makerawa, New Zealand. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Collinson | Clifford | 51646 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Isabella Rose Collinson, of Lochiel, Southland. Native of Makarewa, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Collinson | Frank | 11239 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert Julian and Ellen Collinson, of Lavender Cottage, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, England. | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Collinson | Robert William | 10/2893 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William John and Kezia Ann Collinson, of Carlton Lane, Aldbrough, Hull, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Collinson | William Henry | 3/2835 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of John Benjamin and Alice Maud Mary Collinson. Native of Brighton, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Collis | Douglas Leopold Wright | 23/2131 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collis, of New Plymouth. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Collison | Percy Stewart | 7/1990 | T/Bombardier | T/Bdr | 27/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK | Son of Georgina and the late Edward Collison, of Barr Hill, Rakaia, New Zealand | UK - Glasgow Western Necropolis | |||
Collogan | Matthew | 42047 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/02/1919 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Brother of J. Collogan, of Greymouth, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Colman | William | 6/3281 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. G. Colman, of 8, Queen St., Westport, West Coast. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Colquhoun | Archibald Donald | 43810 | Gunner | Gnr | 12/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Archibald and Mary Jane Colquhoun, of 16, Buick St., Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Coltman | Cyril Warren | 24/649 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Jane Coltman, of Auckland, New Zealand | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Colton | John Patrick | 59800 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. T. Colton, of South Beach, Greymouth | NZ - Greymouth (Karoro) Cemetery | |||
Columb | David Sutherland | 24302 | Major | Maj | 05/02/1921 | WlgReg | - | NZ | Husband of Mrs. E. R. Columb, of "Craighton," Michie St., Belleknowes, Dunedin | NZ - Dunedin Southern Cemetery | |||
Colville | Alick John | 8/863 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Jane Pennell (formerly Colville), of Ashgrove, Roxburgh, Otago | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Colville | Cecil Frederick | 24/1620 | Cecil Frederic Colville | Private | Pte | 28/11/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA Cecil Frederic COLVILLE) Son of Fredric and Sarah Jane Colville, of Ashburton, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | ||
Colville | William Wadsworth Davidson | 87422 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Charles William and Louisa Colville (nee Brook), of 54, Warrington St., St. Albans, Christchurch. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Colyer | Brian Randolph | 21982 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Rowland Colyer and Emma Catherine Colyer, of Nosworthy St., Blenheim, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Comer | George Inman | 7/830 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mary A. Comer, of Morrin Rd., Ellerslie, Auckland, and the late Benjamin Comer | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Comeskey | James | 10/3221 | Corporal | Cpl | 29/07/1918 | WIR | Accident | France | Son of James and Sarah Comeskey, of Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Comeskey | Peter Leo Cuthbert | 10/2894 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Sarah Comeskey, of 105, Grange Rd., Dominion Rd., Auckland. Native of Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Commons | Kenneth Wrigley | 12/63 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Commons, of 18, Mountain Rd., Epsom. Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Comport | Henry | 56416 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Ellen Comport, of Rimu, Westland, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Comport | William Charles | 6/3282 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Albert and Ellen Comport, of Rimu, Hokitika, Greymouth. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Compton | Arthur George | 6/871 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Green Compton and Katherine E. Compton, of Newton Burgoland, Leicester, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Comrie | James Morrison | 26/294 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William James and Mary Kate Comrie, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Thistle Dump Cemetery, High Wood, Longueval | |||
Comrie | Percy Harold | 40435 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Louis Comrie, of Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand; husband of Mrs. R. E. Comrie, of Domain Gardens, Auckland, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Comyns | Claude Lellan | 10/317 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 25/09/1915 | WIR | Accident | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. E. Comyns, of Wanganui. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli | NZ - Wanganui (Heads Road) Old Cemetery | |||
Condon | David | 89427 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of G. Condon, of Mangawhare, Dargaville. Born at sea | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Condon | Vincent Henry | 45478 | Private | Pte | 19/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Henry and Clara Condon, of Awakino, New Zealand. | France - Courcelles-Au-Bois Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Condon | William Francis | 18967 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Mary Condon, of Kororo, Greymouth, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cone | William Charles | 12/1178 | Private | Pte | 28/03/1919 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mrs. E. Cone, of 90, Elizabeth, Ashfield, Sydney, Australia. | UK - Netley Military Cemetery | |||
Congdon | Arthur Edward | 24/94 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Congdon, of Havelock, Marlborough | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Conley | Jacob Addey | 40887 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Eliza Conley, of Dipton, Southland, New Zealand | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.1 | |||
Connell | Alfred Henry | 29360 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Connell, of Mata Mata, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Connell | Christopher William | 10/303 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. M. Connell, of Wanganui. Born at Palmerston North. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli | NZ - Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery | |||
Connell | Frederick Thompson | 35829 | Trooper | Tpr | 24/01/1922 | CMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Connell | Henry James | 10/3223 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | WIR | Accident | France | Brother of T. H. Connell, of 28, Waripori St., Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Connell | Herbert | 6/2984 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Basil and Amelia Connell, of Tapu, Thames. Served in the South African Campaign. Born at Nelson. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Connell | John | 40299 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/05/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - T Connell (brother), Mangatera, Hawkes Bay) | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Connell | John | 79733 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mrs. Margaret J. Connell, of 11, Montague St., Auckland | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Connell | John William | 21790 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | MGC | Died of disease | UK | Son of Norah Connell, of Arowhenua, Temuka, South Canterbury, New Zealand, and the late John Connell. | UK - Glasgow (St. Kentigern's) Roman Catholic Cemetery | |||
Connell | Laurence Raymond | 10/3516 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/11/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of James Michael and Caroline Rosa Connell (nee Steele); husband of Minnie M. Tait (formerly Connell), of Skeet Rd., Auroa, New Plymouth. Born at Auckland. | NZ - Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery | |||
Connelly | John Thompson | 49874 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Brother of William Connelly, of Elizabeth St., Timaru, New Zealand. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Connery | John | 4/1212a | T/2Corporal | T/2Cpl | 21/11/1916 | NZE | Accident | France | Son of Patrick and Catherine Connery, of Wanganui, New Zealand. Served in the South African Campaign. | France - ANZAC Cemetery, Sailly-Sur-La-Lys | |||
Connett | Frank Charles Washington | 14395 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1918 | Samoan Relief | Died of disease | Samoa | Son of Wilmington Joseph and Mary Ann Connett, of 130, Harrison St., Wanganui | Samoa - Magiagi Cemetery | |||
Connolly | Edward | 77763 | Gunner | Gnr | 13/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Connolly, of 64, Hopwood St., Liverpool, England | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Connolly | John | 10/3517 | Private | Pte | 03/09/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. K. Connolly, of Boundary Rd., Mahora North, New Zealand, and the late J. Connolly | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Connolly | Patrick | 47405 | Private | Pte | 29/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Hannah Connolly, of Pike Drinagh, Dunmanway, Co. Cork, Ireland | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Connolly | Robert Henry | 10/1948 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Connolly, of Leston, Canterbury. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Connor | John | 51106 | Private | Pte | 02/04/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh and Mary Connor, of 2, Lytton Rd., Gisborne, New Zealand. Native of Port Ahuriri, Napier | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Connor | Leonard Smith | 8/174 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Charles and Agnes Connor. Native of Mornington, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Conolly | Edwin Tennyson | 13/983a | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Born Picton. Son of Edwin Tennyson Conolly and Emily Conolly, of Auckland; husband of Mary E. Conolly, of Hill St., Paeroa | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Conrad | Paki | 20787 | Private | Pte | 06/12/1918 | Pioneers | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Rapine Conrad, of Awanui North, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Considine | Peter | 29149 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Patrick and Maria Considine (nee Cain), of Co. Clare, Ireland | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Constance | John Edward | 6/1223a | Private | Pte | 02/09/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of George and Margaret Constance. Born at Southbridge, New Zealand. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Constance | William Gill | 11/604 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Elizabeth Constance, of 1, Norfolk Rd., Lytham, England. Of Todmorden, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Conway | David | 28979 | David Drummond | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (AKA David DRUMMOND) (NOK - Mrs Jane Moyes (sister), Edward St, East Brunswick, Victoria, Australia. Born in Australia) | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | ||
Conway | Franklin James | 7/319 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/08/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William Frederick and Selina Conway, of 36, Mills Rd., Spreydon, Christchurch. Native of Canterbury | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Conway | Harry | 63563 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1918 | EntBn | Died of disease | France | Son of William and Sophie Conway, of Levenshulme, Manchester, England. | France - Lille Southern Cemetery | |||
Conway | Leo | 13707 | Private | Pte | 20/07/1921 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Dublin, Ireland. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Conwell | Robert | 10/4077 | Private | Pte | 01/03/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Jane Conwell, of Connolly's Line, Carterton, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Conyngham | John | 53730 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Conyngham, of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cook | Archie | 6/4223 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, of 236, St. Asaph St., Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cook | Arthur | 9/261 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Jane Veint (formerly Cook), of 305, Broadway, Epsom, Auckland, and the late John Cook | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Cook | Arthur Clarence | 16073 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/01/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Richard John and Henrietta Sophia Cook, of Poverty Bay, New Zealand; husband of Florence Cook, of Ormond Valley, Gisborne, New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cook | Austin Dwyer | 13/175 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry George and Mary Cook, of Mill Rd., Whangarei, New Zealand. Native of Maungakaramea. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cook | Charles Frederick Denman | 10/543 | Lt-Colonel | Lt-Col | 02/05/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | UK x France | (NOK - Mrs E D Cook (mother), Marton) | UK - Reading Cemetery | |||
Cook | Charles Henry | 28087 | Charles Cain | Private | Pte | 14/03/1918 | CantReg | Died of disease | UK | (AKA Charles CAIN) (NOK - C Hodge (friend), Eltham. Born in Australia) | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | ||
Cook | David McCrorie | 8/1435 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Janet Cook, of 52, Lawrence St., Mornington, Dunedin, and the late Robert Cook. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cook | Ernest Claud | 3/2615 | Private | Pte | 18/01/1918 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Henry George Cook (father), Whangarei) | Belgium - The Huts Cemetery | |||
Cook | Ernest John Marshall | 12/64 | Private | Pte | 28/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. R. G. and Mary Cook, of 6, Belmont Terrace, Remuera, Auckland. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cook | Frank | 10/1057 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Cook, of 51, Mill Hill Grove, Acton, London. England | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Cook | George Gray | 16/1299 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1918 | Pioneers | Died of disease | France | Husband of Mrs. M. L. Cook, of 12, Virginia Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cook | George Scott | 39171 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of David and Elizabeth Cook, of Hilderthorpe, Oamaru, New Zealand. Native of Balclutha, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cook | George William | 6/3662 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Edward James Cook, of 22, Little Pipitea St., Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cook | Graham Walker | 13/3014 | Private | Pte | 11/07/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Catherine Cook, of 19, Norman St., Rocky Nook, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cook | Henry George | 10/1106 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - H G Cook, 78 Wellington Rd, Hounslow, England) | Belgium - Lindenhoek Chalet Military Cemetery | |||
Cook | Herbert | 71555 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/11/1918 | NZMR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John William and Mary Cook, of Waipukurau, New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cook | Herbert | 12/2249 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Samuel and Mary Anne Cook, of Waipukurau, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Cook | James Joseph | 47407 | Private | Pte | 04/12/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Wallace and Sarah Cook, of Rangiotu, North Island, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cook | John | 32303 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Fitzgibbon (formerly Cook), of Hampden, North Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cook | John | 4/1144 | Sapper | Spr | 11/10/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, of Mount Eden, Auckland. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cook | John Scott | 26/535 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Elizabeth Cook, of Hilderthorpe Oamaru. Native of Owaka, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cook | John Young | 29914 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Hugh Craig Cook (brother), Wyndham, Southland) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Cook | Joseph | 8/1383 | Gunner | Gnr | 29/08/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Anthony and Mary V. Cook, of Ruswil, Lucerne, Switzerland. Born in Switzerland | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Cook | Leonard | 6/2581 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs L I Cook (mother), Cobs Hill Farm, Flamstead near Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England) | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cook | Leslie Claude | 18765 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1916 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of John and Christina Cook, of Alfred St., Onehunga, Auckland | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Cook | Richard | 34816 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Reuben and Mary Jane Cook, of Colac Bay, Southland, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cook | Robert John | 10/2896 | Private | Pte | 22/05/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert Percival and Susan Cook, of Main Rd., Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Cook | Sydney George Milne | 48703 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, of Point St., Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Cook | Thomas Albert | 11/2641 | Farrier | Far | 10/11/1916 | MGS | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John William and Mary Cook, of Waipukurau, New Zealand | Egypt - Port Said War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cook | William Affleck | 8/965 | Private | Pte | 14/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Alexander J. Cook (Engineer), of Nightcaps, Southland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooke | Arthur | 12/2543 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Evelyn and Elizabeth Cooke. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooke | Charles Hubert | 7/1709 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Cooke, of Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cooke | Cyril Bigthan | 12107 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arthur Cooke, of 23, Nelson St., New Brighton, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooke | David Alexander | 70247 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs D G Cooke (sister-in-law), Claremont St, Khyber Pass, Auckland) | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cooke | Frederick Eli Hitchon | 2/835 | Captain | Capt | 14/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Meadows Cooke and Charlotte Ann Cooke; husband of Louisa Henrietta Cooke, of Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Cooke | Frederick William | 74378 | Private | Pte | 27/02/1919 | CIR | Died of injuries | Germany | Son of Mrs. E. Cooke, of 9, Guthrie St., Timaru, New Zealand | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Cooke | Norman Douglas | 12/713 | Bugler | Bglr | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederick Walter and Evelyn Mary Sherwood Cooke, of 26, William St., Dominion Rd., Auckland. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooke | Robert Gray | 7/1602 | Private | Pte | 04/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Mercy Cooke, of 35, Hagley St., Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cooke | Rudolph Grattan | 7/703 | Sergeant | Sgt | 23/12/1916 | CMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Mrs. Jane Cooke, of Richmond, New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cooke | Thomas Purdy | 4/37a | Sapper | Spr | 26/05/1915 | NZE | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Alice Mary Cooke, of 59, Christchurch Rd., Norwich, England, and the late William Kendle Cooke | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cooke | Thomas Robert | 2/2098 | A/Bombardier | A/Bdr | 08/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Cooke, Leicester, England, and Hokitika, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Cooke | William James | 34337 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Murdoch Cooke and Helen Jane Cooke, of 31, Arthur Street, Auckland, New Zealand. Born Leith Street, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Cookes | Cyril Chester | 6/1628 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas S. Cookes | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooksey | William | 37626 | Private | Pte | 11/07/1923 | Samoan Garrison | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Wakapuaka Cemetery, Nelson | ||||
Cooksley | Joseph Elijah | 5/118 | Sergeant | Sgt | 18/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Henry Driver Cooksley and Elizabeth Cooksley. Born at Kaiapoi, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Cookson | Arthur Harold | 15/30 | Private | Pte | 30/12/1916 | DHQ | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cookson, of 137, Wallace St., Wellington. Born at Christchurch. Served in Egypt, 1914-15. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cookson | Clement Frank | 6/1494 | Private | Pte | 18/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cookson, of Lincoln, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cookson | Walter Evan | 6/28 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Agnes Cookson, of Methven, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Coombe | Albert | 8/909 | Private | Pte | 18/11/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | NZ | Husband of Mrs. H. Le Comte (formerly Coombe), of Springston, Canterbury. Born in London, England. Served in Egypt, 1914-15, and at Gallipoli | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Coombe | George | 53320 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late John and Elizabeth Coombe. Native of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Coombe | George Hugh | 58021 | Private | Pte | 18/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Only son of Hugh George and Celia Coombe, of Union St. North, Milton, Otago | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Coombe | Reginald Thomas | 13738 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louise E. P. Coombe, of 22, Lorne St., Wellington, New Zealand, and the late Henry Coombe | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Coomber | John | 24/1961 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coomber, of 11, Railway Terrace, Lewisham, London, England. Born in Kent, England. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Coombes | George Lyall | 11233 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Walker Coombes and Jeannie Coombes, of North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Coombes | James Lyall | 45191 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Walter and Annie Jane Coombes, of 5, Montague St., North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Coombs | James Francis Henry | 6/2987 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Arthur and Annie Coombs. Native of Nelson | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coombs | John Walter Lyall | 15143 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Coombs, of 629, Castle St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Coomer | Percy | 12/2670 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Coomer, of 22, Burnley Terrace, Dominion Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Born at Abbotsford, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Coonan | John Thomas | 10/1215 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs W Forsyth (sister), Dooinfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooney | James Vincent | 32820 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Cooney, of 35, Reed St., Oamaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cooney | Leonard William | 8/2416 | Corporal | Cpl | 21/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Ada Cooney, of England. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Albert George | 10/380a | Private | Pte | 26/12/1914 | WIR | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of W. H. and E. Cooper. Born in England. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Alexander Campbell | 41740 | Private | Pte | 28/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Cooper, of Furnace, Argyll, Scotland; husband of A. C. Cooper, of Huntley School, Marton, Wanganui. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Alexander Edward | 8/26 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Catherine Mirfin (formerly Cooper), of Wellington. Born at Dunedin. Served in Egypt, and at Gallipoli, 1915. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Allen Claude | 12/321 | Lieutenant | Lt | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Ann Agnew (formerly Cooper), of Barry Rd., Waihi, Thames, and the late William Cooper. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cooper | Andrew Winnick | 53901 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Mary Cooper; husband of Sarah Cameron (formerly Cooper), of 518, Leith St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Arthur George | 11837 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William A. and Margret Cooper, of Rimu, Westland, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cooper | Arthur Leslie | 24/723 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/06/1920 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Arthur and Clara Jane Cooper. Born at Christchurch. Served in Egypt, and on the Western Front. | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Arthur Reginald | 23/99 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie M. Cooper, of Cheviot, Canterbury. | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cooper | Arthur Thomas | 8/2420 | Private | Pte | 27/08/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Arthur and Annie Cooper, of 181, Thorndon Quay, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Australia | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Cooper | Charles | 2/2016 | Gunner | Gnr | 19/03/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Ruth Cooper, of Gisborne, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - The Huts Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Clarence Henry | 34636 | Private | Pte | 01/03/1919 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Matthew Charles and Ada Jane Cooper, of 83, Smith St., Woolston, Christchurch | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Douglas Hamilton | 54471 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. H. R. Cooper, of Bell Block, Taranaki. | France - Villers Hill British Cemetery, Villers-Guislain | |||
Cooper | Edward James | 40516 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cooper, of Bronte, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | Ernest | 8/3124 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper, of Mossburn, Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cooper | Ernest | 10/1448 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Fanny Cooper, of Sandwich, Vancouver Islands British Columbia | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | Ernest Pallant | 2/1139 | BQMS | BQMS | 19/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | NZ | Son of George and Mary Ann Cooper, of 1, Park Rd., Addington, Christchurch. Born at Wellington. Served in France. | NZ - Christchurch (Addington) Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Frank Frederick | 15142 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Mary Cooper, of Townend, Gore, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Cooper | George Begg | 9/1412 | Private | Pte | 08/12/1918 | Pioneers | Died of disease | France | Son of John and Mary Cooper, of Bannockburn, Otago, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cooper | George James | 31819 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/07/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry Thomas and Lucy Cooper, of Rongomai, Eketahuna, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Cooper | Herbert George | 12/2672 | Private | Pte | 22/07/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. T. C. Cooper. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Horace | 74935 | Private | Pte | 04/06/1923 | 38th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Terrace End Cemetery, Palmerston North | ||||
Cooper | James | 12/328 | Private | Pte | 24/06/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Jane Cooper, of 12, School Place, Kirkwall | UK - Kirkwall (St. Magnus) Cathedral Churchyard | |||
Cooper | James Leslie | 23/101 | Driver | Dvr | 28/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. and A. M. Cooper, of Cheviot, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Le Treport | |||
Cooper | Jesse Halford Frederick | 9/915 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of James Cooper, of Edinburgh St., Waikouaiti, Otago, and the late Margaret Sommerville Cooper. Native of Owaka, Dunedin. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cooper | John | 6/4014 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - R Cooper (father), South Balmoor, Peterhead, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | John | 8/1721 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Jesse and Mary Ann Cooper, of Waikahuna Gulley. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | John Hazelwood | 8/1438 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frances Ellen Hayden (formerly Cooper), of Waite St., Featherston, Wellington, and the late James Cooper. Native of Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | John Mitchell | 28438 | Private | Pte | 30/07/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cooper, of Rapanui, Wanganui. Born at Patea, Taranaki. | NZ - Wanganui (Aramoho) Cemetery | |||
Cooper | John Vaughan | 30181 | Private | Pte | 22/12/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret L. Cooper, of Pahiatua. Native of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cooper | Josiah | 48769 | Driver | Dvr | 17/07/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of Albert Henry and Amelia Cooper, of Queen's St., Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Cooper | Mancel John | 48174 | Private | Pte | 29/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Christina Cooper, of Porewa, Rata | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | Oliver Walter | 73188 | Private | Pte | 18/12/1918 | Samoan Relief | Died of disease | Samoa | Son of Mrs. E. Cooper, of Fairfield, Claudelands, Hamilton. | Samoa - Magiagi Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Victor William | 10/1780 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Ellen Hayden (formerly Cooper), of Wallace St., Featherston. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | Walter Graham | 10559 | Gunner | Gnr | 04/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Annie Cooper, of Pungarehu, New Plymouth, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Cooper | Walter Leslie | 48916 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Christopher Tom and Jemima Elizabeth Cooper, of 217, Fitzgerald Avenue, Christchurch. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cooper | William | 39172 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Ann Cooper, of Dunedin; husband of Lillian Cooper, of 23, Nelson St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery | |||
Cooper | William Albert | 25/1161 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Cooper, of 89, Birkbeck Rd., Sidcup, Kent, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cooper | William Collett | 15/149 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Charles Alfred and Mary J. Cooper, of 15, St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Coote | Philip Stanley | 6/1022 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Peter and Margaret Coote, of 50, Berwick St., St. Albans, Christchurch. Born at Lyttelton. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cootes | Taipua Skipwith | 19564 | Private | Pte | 29/10/1919 | Pioneers | Died of disease | UK | Son of Thomas Ashton and Frances Leah Cootes; husband of Grace I. Cootes, of Otaki, New Zealand | UK - Melcombe Regis Cemetery | |||
Copeland | William John | 10/666 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Mercer Copeland and Emma Copeland, of 30, Liffiton St., Wanganui | Turkey - Canterbury Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Copestake | Leslie | 50728 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/09/1918 | NZMGC | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of John Farnham Copestake and Alice Copestake, of Tarurutangi, New Zealand | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Copestake | William | 7/831 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Copestake, of Canal House, Consall, Stoke-on-Trent, England | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Copland | Robert Davie | 24/1254 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Annie Morton Copland, of "Rosslyn," King St., Timaru, New Zealand | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Copp | John Henry | 55916 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/02/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Henry and Kate Copp. | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Coppell | John Henry | 40192 | Private | Pte | 26/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Sarah Coppell, of Motupipi; husband of Phillis Coppell, of Motupipi, Takaka, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Coppin | John | 8/1440 | Private | Pte | 16/06/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Grace Coppin, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Coradine | John | 24/46 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/08/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of James Moore Coradine and Sarah Ann Coradine, of 61, Pine St., Masterton, Wellington. Native of Timaru. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Corbett | Adam | 49604 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Corbett, of Gicklewood, Timaru, New Zealand. | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Corbett | Albert | 15694 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Annie Corbett, of Okato, Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Corbett | Alfred Sydney | 10322 | Private | Pte | 15/11/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Corbett, of Paerata, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Corbett | Eric | 56246 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/07/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Bowyer and Emily Corbett, of Tauranga, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Corbett | Henry Albert | 26566 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Archibald and Martha Corbett, of Okato, Taranaki, New Plymouth, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Corbett | James Stewart | 6/2404 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Martha Corbett, of 102, Queen St., Dunedin. Native of Riverton, Invercargill. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corbett | John Mainer | 12/1600 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/06/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Edward M. and Mary Ann Corbett. Native of Waitekauri, Thames. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Corbett | Kenneth | 52959 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Only son of John Henry and Catherine Ann Corbett, of Fitzroy, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Corbett | Leonard George | 6/758 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late G. T. Corbett, of Spring Creek, Blenheim, Marlborough. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corbett | Robert Stephen | 20305 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Fanny S. Corbett, of Toko, Taranaki, New Zealand, and the late George Corbett | France - Ribecourt Road Cemetery, Trescault | |||
Corbett | Thomas | 8/336 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/03/1920 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Peter Corbett, of Athenry, Galway, Ireland. Born in Ireland. | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Corbett | Thomas Hugh Leslie | 36319 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Sarah Jane Corbett, of 48, Winchester St., Merivale, Christchurch. Native of Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Corbett | Thomas Joseph | 31951 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and May Corbett, of Ireland. | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Corbett | William Thomas | 24093 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William 0. D. and Georgina Corbett, of 122, Nelson St., Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Corbishley | Charles Albert | 63829 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Sarah Catherine Corbishley, of Mahoe, Taranaki, New Zealand. Native of Newcastle-under-Lyne, England. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Corcoran | Hugh Thomas | 85421 | Corporal | Cpl | 14/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Patrick and Mary Corcoran. Born at Waikato. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Corcoran | Michael | 32938 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Susan Corcoran, of Greymouth, New Zealand. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Corcoran | Thomas | 33521 | Private | Pte | 30/11/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Patrick and Catherine Corcoran. Native of Keel Laughtacalla, Co. Kerry, Ireland. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Corcoran | Thomas | 8/1219 | Private | Pte | 07/01/1920 | AEC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of James and Johanna Corcoran. Born in Ireland. Served at Gallipoli and on the Western Front. Listed on CWGC with death date 7 January 1921, Waikumete Cemetery records list death date as 7 January 1920. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Corda | Andrew | 23/1599 | Private | Pte | 06/06/1916 | AIR | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Mrs McDowell McDonald (friend), Freezing Works, Whangarei) | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Corden | Edwin | 26/739 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Miss Alice Corden (sister), King St, Cambridge) | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Corin | Walter Henry | 25/1238 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Fanny St. George, of Princes St., Otahuhu, Auckland. Born in New Zealand | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cork | Henry Raymond | 38353 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Charlotte Cork, of 26, Elgin St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cork | John Yexley | 46438 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Catherine Cork, of Whangarei, New Zealand. | Belgium - Mendinghem Military Cemetery | |||
Corkery | Thomas Francis | 47861 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of John Corkery, of Te Wae Wae, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Corkhill | Cyril Robert | 32939 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs A Cave (friend), Blackett St, Cobden, Greymouth) | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Corkhill | Ernest James | 26/235 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Ernest and Louisa Ada Corkhill, of 28, Beresford St., Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corkill | Thomas Alfred | 68511 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Quirk Corkill and Elizabeth Corkill, of Trollaby Cottage, Union Mills, Douglas, Isle of Man | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Corleison | William Archibald | 13/678 | Trooper | Tpr | 11/06/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs Corleison (mother), Helensville, Kaipara) | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Corlet | Arthur Braughten | 10/2562 | Sergeant | Sgt | 11/08/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edmund George Murray Corlet and Mary Corlet. Also served at Gallipoli. Born at Carterton, Wairarapa, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Corlett | Alfred Harpham | 11/407 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred and Frances Harpham Corlett, of Ballance, Pahiatua. Killed side by side with his brother Franklin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corlett | Alfred Stanley | 12/66 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs G M Pimblott, 43 Albert Rd, Devonport, Auckland) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Corlett | Franklin | 10/307 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred and Frances Harpham Corlett, of Ballance, Pahiatua. Native of Woodend, Christchurch. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cormack | Frederick Robert | 54472 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Catherine Cormack, of 7, Glasgow St., Auckland. Native of Roxburgh, New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cormack | James Herbert | 15139 | Sapper | Spr | 31/10/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Cormack, of Roxburgh, Otago, New Zealand. Employed in Post and Telegraph | France - Beaudignies Communal Cemetery | |||
Cormody | Alexander Ford | 6/3212 | T/Lieutenant | T/Lt | 08/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Thomas Cormody and of Sarah Ann Cormody, of 290, Sandycombe Rd., Kew Gardens, Surrey, England. Born at Liverpool, England | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cornaga | Andrew | 2/175 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Cornaga, of Cambridge, Waikato, New Zealand. Native of Auckland | France - Guards' Cemetery, Lesboeufs | |||
Cornelius | Charles Lyall | 8/27 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of C. W. Cornelius, of 11, Cutten St., South Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Cornelius | Clifford Clarence | 69462 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs D, Ormsby (formerly Cornelius), and the late C. Cornelius. | France - L'Homme Mort British Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein | |||
Corner | Herbert Edwin | 13/896 | Trooper | Tpr | 07/09/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of George and Elizabeth Corner, of South Holme, Brompton, Yorks, England. Born at Cocklebury, East Cowton, Northallerton | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Corner | Maxwell | 11/1531 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/04/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Palestine | (NOK - Mrs J Corner (mother), Gin Gin, Queensland, Australia.) | Egypt - Port Said War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cornes | William Clement Augustus | 24/386 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William John and Charlotte Cornes, of Muirs Reefs, Te Puke, Auckland. Native of Te Aroha, Thames | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corney | Clarence Keith | 24/2173 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and the late Rose Corney, of Inglewood, New Zealand | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Corney | Edwin Hall | 82958 | Private | Pte | 20/08/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Walter and Mary Corney, of 8, Pompallier Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Cornfoot | James Grieve | 13317 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/11/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of William Grieve Cornfoot and Agnes Catherine Cornfoot, of Feilding, New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cornford | Ernest Stanford | 6/2099 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 07/07/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Miriam Cornford, of Maidstone, England | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Cornick | Thomas John | 8/2880 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Jemima Cornick, of Enfield, Oamaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cornish | Wilfrid Arthur | 67960 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Annie Cornish, of 6, Bowling Green Terrace, Launceston Rd., Callington, Cornwall, England. Native of Luckett, Callington, Cornwall | France - Ruesnes Communal Cemetery | |||
Cornman | Jack William | 13/2742 | Driver | Dvr | 13/11/1918 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Mary Cornman, of 101, Harris St., Kaiti, Gisborne. Born at Auckland. Served in Egypt and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Cornwall | Joseph Martin | 12/941 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cornwall, of Paraparaumu, Wellington, New Zealand | Turkey - Quinn's Post Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Cornwell | Henry | 2/1881 | Driver | Dvr | 23/01/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Hannah Cornwell, of 53, Heperburn St., Auckland; husband of K. M. Cornwell, of 3, Roslyn Terrace, Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of England. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Corrie | Frank Reginald | 11/520 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. J. Fryer, of Johannesburg, South Africa | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corrie | Harrie Wilkin | 6/602 | Private | Pte | 29/07/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs T W Corrie, storekeeper, Anderson St, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia) | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Corrie | John Kilpatrick | 47707 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Father of Miss F. B. Corrie, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Corrigall | Samuel | 39174 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Jean Corrigall, of Omakau, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Corrigan | Francis William | 8/2777 | Private | Pte | 10/09/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of William Henry John and Jessie Christina Corrigan (nee McNeil). Born at Dunedin. Served at Gallipoli and on the Western Front. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Corrigan | Michael | 13/2027 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Bernard and Sarah Corrigan, of Dirnan Lissan, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. Ireland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corrigan | William Edward | 24/1527 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Michael Corrigan (brother), Te Kiri, Taranaki. Born in Australia) | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Corry | Alfred | 11241 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Corry. Native of Lancashire, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Corry | Edward | 14070 | Private | Pte | 06/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Corry, of Augustine St., Waimate, New Zealand. | France - Lebucquiere Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Corsar | Charles Skelton | 24/1003 | Private | Pte | 19/05/1916 | WIR | Accident | France | Son of Mrs. Jane Ann Corsar, of 1, School Lane, River St., Brechin, Scotland | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Corsbie | Richard Thornton | 33312 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Lewis and Lettice Corsbie, of 10, Derby St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Cory | Donald Henry | 13/318 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Lilla Cory, of "Sandisplatt," The Thicket, Maidenhead, England, and the late W. H. Cory. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cosbrook | Andrew John | 2/191 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/09/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Croix de Guerre (France). Son of Mr. G. Cosbrook, of Motunui, Taranaki, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Cosgrave | Edward | 25815 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Mary Cosgrave (mother), 74 Carlyle St, Napier) | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Cosgrave | James Steele | 2/296 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of James A. and Ellen Cosgrave, of Upper Waiwera, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Cosgrave | Stephen Laurence | 33839 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Mary Cosgrave (mother), 79 Wellington Street, Auckland) | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Cosgrove | Francis Alfred | 17/41 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Timothy and Mary Cosgrove, of Orepuki, Southland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cosgrove | James | 52581 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Ellen Cosgrove, of Pleasant Point, South Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Cosgrove | Patrick John | 24982 | Gunner | Gnr | 14/02/1919 | NZFA | Died of disease | Germany | Husband of Mrs. H. M. Cosgrove, of 466, Madras St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Cosgrove | Patrick Joseph | 8/1441 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. B. Cosgrove (now Mrs. Tominay), of 6, Pollock St., Motherwell, Scotland. Born in Ireland. Served in Egypt and at Gallipoli in 1915, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Dannevirke (Mangatera) Cemetery | |||
Cosgrove | Robert Stuart | 8/349 | Private | Pte | 29/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Timothy and Mary Cosgrove, of Orepuki, Southland, New Zealand | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Cossey | Ernest Richard | 59618 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Emily Cossey, of Rugby Rd., Tariki, New Zealand. Native of Taranaki. | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Costar | Reginald Ernest | 48457 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Matoaka A. and Sarah C. Costar, of Karaka, Papakura, Auckland | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Costar | Walter Richard | 2/2600 | Gunner | Gnr | 09/12/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Matoaka Atlantic and Sarah Caroline Costar, of Karaka, Papakura, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Costello | Frederick | 14948 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Catherine Costello, of 62, Main St., Blenheim, Marlborough | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Costello | Patrick John | 12/901 | Private | Pte | 11/05/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Maurice Costello, of Marine Parade, Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Costelloe | Patrick | 6/2495 | Patrick Costello | Private | Pte | 11/09/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | (AKA Patrick COSTELLO) Son of Edmond Costelloe, of Boolteens, Castlemaine | Ireland - Kiltallagh Catholic Churchyard | ||
Coster | Alfred Cyril Clifford | 52582 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Catherine Coster, of 29, The Rigi, Kelburn, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Coster | Frank Porteous | 27461 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Gordon Coster and Maggie Auld Coster, of Waimauku, Auckland. Native of Winton, Southland, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Coster | John Paper | 12/524 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Coster, of Norfolk St., Whangarei, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Costin | Andrew | 49670 | Private | Pte | 12/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Mary E. Costin, of 16, Huxford St., Heretaunga, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Costin | David | 37917 | Private | Pte | 11/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Thomas Costin, of Heretaunga, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Coton | Frank Wilfred | 24/1004 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Elizabeth Coton, of Lakedale Rd., Plumstead, London, England. Native of Kent, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cotter | Henry Francis | 17594 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 11/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Timothy and Bridget Cotter, of Hawea Flat, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cotter | Humphrey | 24/1962 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Timothy and Ellen Cotter, of Wellington South, New Zealand | France - Auchonvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Cotter | Maurice | 53647 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of John Cotter, of 140, Orbell St., Dalmore, Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cotter | Richard Stephen | 9/1161 | Sergeant | Sgt | 24/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Jemima Cotter, of Arrowtown, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Delsaux Farm Cemetery, Beugny | |||
Cotter | Sydney Thomas | 3/839 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Amelia Cotter, of Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Cottingham | Henry John | 58745 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Susan Cottingham, of Weston, Oamaru, New Zealand, and the late George Cottingham | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cottingham | Richard John | 13/652 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/07/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs C M Cottingham (wife), C/o W Street, Cockburn St, Grey Lynn, Auckland) | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Cottle | Donald Charles | 18624 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Ville Cottle and Elizabeth Cottle. | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Cottle | George Stephen | 6/604 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George Richard and Jane Isabella Cottle, of Greymouth. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cottle | John William | 76040 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea to UK | Son of John Charles and Jane Cottle, of 17, Peel St., Grey Lynn, Auckland. Born at Hornsey, London, England. | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Cotton | Arthur Albert | 57485 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Martha Ann Cotton, of 25, Haast St., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Australia. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cotton | Arthur Ernest | 7/633 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/02/1918 | CMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Catherine E. Cotton, of 2, Stanmore Rd., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Cotton | Edward | 8/2198 | Private | Pte | 18/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Rosa Cotton, of 5, Church St., St. Mary'S, Sandwich, Kent, England. | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Cotton | Joe Bird | 37771 | Private | Pte | 06/11/1921 | Pioneers | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Pukerua Bay Maori Cemetery | ||||
Couch | Josiah Richard | 24/70 | Rifleman | Rfm | 22/08/1916 | NZRB | Accident | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Couch, of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | France - London Cemetery And Extension, Longueval | |||
Couchman | Victor Reginald | 6/30 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of John and Louisa Victoria Couchman, of Crawford St., Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Wanganui, New Zealand | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Coulam | Francis | 12/2252 | Sergeant | Sgt | 11/11/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Samuel James and Mary Ann Coulam (nee McDonald). Born at New Plymouth, Taranaki. Served at Gallipoli and in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Coull | John | 6/1821 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs Isabella Sutherland (mother), Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coulson | Bertie | 22309 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louisa Sarah Coulson, of Alexandra, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Coulson | Eric | 62021 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Jesse and Anne Coulson, of North Botany, New South Wales, Australia | France - Rossignol Wood Cemetery, Hebuterne | |||
Coulson | John Watson | 8/2882 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Louisa Sarah Coulson, of Alexandra, Otago. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Coulson | Sidney | 24/387 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - R Coulson (father), C/o C Dent, Surrey Chambers, Perth, Western Australia) | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Coulter | Arthur | 9/1029 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Coulter, of Roxburgh, Otago | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Coulthard | John Alfred | 12/2984 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Only son of Thomas W. and Laura Coulthard, of Oakleigh, North Auckland, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Coulthard | Roy | 28681 | Private | Pte | 17/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - S V Coulthard (father), Marere Rd, Onehunga) | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Coumbe | Frederick | 6/2102 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Mudros | (NOK - Mrs B Coumbe (mother), Marlborough St, Greymouht) | Greece - Portianos Military Cemetery | |||
Coumbe | Lewis Joseph | 6/1822 | Private | Pte | 06/07/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Edwin Coumbe (mother), Marlborough St, Greymouth) | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Counihan | Michael Joseph | 74693 | Private | Pte | 02/02/1919 | NZInf | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Counihan, of North Rd., Oamaru | NZ - Oamaru Cemetery | |||
Coup | George Harry | 6/3667 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late George and Ann Coup, of Kiapoi, New Zealand, and of Leeds, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coupar | Simon James Stuart | 16/260 | Lieutenant | Lt | 29/06/1916 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Coupar, of Colac Bay, Wallace, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Coupe | John Whittom | 33310 | Private | Pte | 01/11/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John and Fanny Augusta Coupe (nee Spray), of Te Kiri, Taranaki | NZ - Opunake Cemetery | |||
Couper | Claude Eric | 10560 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Donald McLean Couper and Rachel Gordon Couper, of Hawke's Bay; husband of Mrs. D. M. Couper, of "Waimoe," Otane, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand | Syria - Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery | |||
Couper | James Robert | 12/2253 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Couper, of 6, Le Cren St., Timaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Couperthwaite | Peter | 8/152 | Corporal | Cpl | 28/04/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of the late Robert and Jane Couperthwaite, of Kelso, Southland, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Coupland | Geoffrey Robinson | 24/388 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/01/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Levi Coupland, of 3, Epsom Avenue, Epsom, Auckland. Born at Wellington | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Courtney | Clarence Channel | 13586 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 22/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of W. J. and E. E. Courtney, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Courtney | Eugene Leo | 12355 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Kate Courtney, of Auckland, New Zealand | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Courtney | Robert | 56747 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Scott, of New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cousins | John | 51692 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Margaret Cousins, of Blue Spur, Tuapeka, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Cousins | Samuel Albert | 14076 | Private | Pte | 24/06/1923 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Terrace End Cemetery, Palmerston North | ||||
Cousins | William James | 11170 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cousins, of 15, Brunswick St., South Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Couston | George | 12/709 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Fanny Couston, of 301, Rattray St., Dunedin. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Coutts | Edward | 11/1533 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/11/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Gilbert H. and Eliza Ann Coutts, of Fetlar, Shetland Isles, Scotland. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Coutts | Wyman | 10/3864 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 17/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Andrew and Elizabeth Coutts, of Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Coveny | Frederick Charles | 6/2406 | Private | Pte | 04/12/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Robert Joseph and Ada Coveny, of 35, Devonshire Rd., Miramar, Wellington. Born at Bristol, England. Served in Egypt and Gallipoli, 1915-16. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Cowan | Henry Rawlings | 10/116 | Lieutenant | Lt | 15/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Sarah Cowan, of Mangatainoka, Wellington, New Zealand. Born at Auckland, New Zealand | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cowan | James George | 8/28 | Lieutenant | Lt | 07/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. A. M. Cowan, of Rotomanu, West Coast, New Zealand | Turkey - Pink Farm Cemetery, Helles | |||
Cowan | James Lockhead | 20971 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Agnes Cowan, of Hunua, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cowan | John James | 12/330 | WO2 | WO2 | 16/07/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. and H. A. Cowan, of Otahuha, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cowan | John William | 63305 | Private | Pte | 24/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Annie Cowan. Born at Kia Ora, Oamaru | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cowan | Peter Mackay | 51557 | Private | Pte | 20/07/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Agnes Cowan, of Hunua; husband of May Cowan of Hunua, New Zealand. | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Cowan | Thomas William | 6/2405 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Cowan, of Kaikohe, North Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Cowan | William Henry | 13/2285 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and Sarah Cowan, of Mangatainoka, New Zealand; husband of Kathleen Cowan, of Edward St., Thames, New Zealand | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Cowdrey | Albert Charles | 12/711 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cowdrey, of "The Pines," Halcombe, Wellington | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cowie | Alexander George | 33833 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Cowie, of 9, Taenui Rd., Cheltenham, Devonport, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cowie | Alfred Cranstone | 10/3809 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Peters Cowie and Alice Cowie, of 107, Wicksteed St., Wanganui, New Zealand. Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Cowie | Bertie Shiel | 40889 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Margery and the late Peter Cowie, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No.10 | |||
Cowie | David | 26799 | Private | Pte | 20/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Cowie | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Cowie | Lennox George | 27456 | Private | Pte | 16/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Andrew Cowie, of 7A, Hamilton Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Cowie | Oswald Ferguson | 15284 | Private | Pte | 23/02/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Elspet Cowie, of "Cedars," Oreti, Southland, New Zealand. Native of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Cowles | John Richmond | 23/9 | Major | Maj | 25/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Sarah Cowles, of Richmond, Nelson, New Zealand. Served in Samoa. Fought in three engagements against Senussi on Western Frontier of Egypt. Had charge of Officers' Training Class at Etaples. | Belgium - The Huts Cemetery | |||
Cowley | James | 10/1216 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Clara Cowley. Born at Kaipaki, Ohaupo | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cowley | John Alexander | 12/3287 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Lydia Cowley, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Cowley | Ralph Tugi | 24/97 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/07/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born at Tonga Isle. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Cowley | Richard Henry | 12/523 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Dorothy Agnes Raynsford (formerly Cowley), of 38, Cowper Rd., Wimbledon, Surrey | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Cowley | Thomas Cannell | 90747 | Private | Pte | 06/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of John Cowley; husband of Ellen Louise Cowley, of Waiuku. Born in the Isle of Man | NZ - WaiUKu Public Cemetery | |||
Cowling | Frank Wilfred | 11839 | Private | Pte | 10/12/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Betsy Lobb (formerly Cowling), of 219, Devon St., New Plymouth, New Zealand, and the late William Cowling. | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Cowper | Arthur Henry | 12/3208 | Private | Pte | 18/06/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | UK | Husband of Charlotte L. Cowper, of Mount Albert, Auckland. Native of Christchurch, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Cowper | Richard | 12/70 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Astley and Elizabeth Cowper, of 10, King St., Kempston, Bedford, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cox | Bernard Sheffield Kirkpatrick | 11591 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Cleeve Arthur Cox, of Te Awatea, Chatham Islands, South Pacific. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cox | Clifford | 47862 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Benjamin William and Elizabeth Cox, of 62, Wainui Rd., Kaiti, Gisborne | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cox | Ernest Wilkin | 12/710 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edmund Blackford Cox and Davis Anne Cox, of Hamilton Rd., Cambridge, Waikato, Hamilton | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cox | Frederick | 85305 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of E. B. Cox, of Te Kopuru, Northland. Born at Waikato. | NZ - Palmerston North (Terrace End) Cemetery | |||
Cox | George | 12/1849 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Elizabeth Cox; husband of Mildred Cox, of Thames, New Zealand. Born at Burton-on-Trent, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cox | George Turnley | 10/173 | Private | Pte | 14/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Edward George and Louisa Cox, of 92, Glasgow St., Wanganui | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cox | Herbert William | 2/2391 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 23/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of James T. G. and Mary A. Cox, of 7, Westbourne Rd., Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of New Zealand. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Cox | James | 3/392 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Brother of Frank Cox, of Main St., Huntly, Hamilton | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cox | James Hair | 49504 | Private | Pte | 21/01/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Henry and Clara Cox, of Enfield, Oamaru, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cox | John | 29671 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Annie Cox, of 16, Caledonian Rd., Oamaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cox | John Patrick | 62930 | Private | Pte | 05/01/1919 | CIR | Died of disease | Sea to NZ | Husband of D. A. Cox, of Russell Square, Timaru. | NZ - Canterbury Provincial Memorial | |||
Cox | Lionel | 12/2677 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 21/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Luke John Cox, of Whata Whata, Hamilton, New Zealand | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Cox | Mervyn Francis | 11/868 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edward George and Louisa Cox, of 92, Glasgow St., Wanganui | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cox | Norman Davidson | 41430 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 31/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. L. S. Cox, of 85, Glasgow St., Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Cox | Robert George | 6/1023 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Sophia Cox, of 55, Walters Rd., Marshland, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - London Cemetery And Extension, Longueval | |||
Cox | Robert James | 25/740 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cox, of Matatoki, Thames, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cox | Sidney Herbert | 23/1601 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cox, of 147, Green Lane, Hastings St., Napier, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Cox | Stanley Gordon | 25/605 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Lilly Chammen (aunt), 75 Shetland St, Roslyn, Dunedin) | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cox | Wilfred James | 41180 | Lieutenant | Lt | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert George and Lydia Harriett Cox, of 208, Karangahape Rd., Auckland; husband of Doris Keys (formerly Cox). | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cox | William Edwin Batchelor | 13/2173 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/12/1917 | MGS | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Elizabeth Emma Wolfe (formerly Cox), of 2, Sutherland St., Pimlico, London, England, and the late Walter Batchelor Cox. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Coxhead | David | 10/2903 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Stella May Cave (formerly Coxhead), of Hamilton. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coxhead | Edward Frederick | 11624 | Sapper | Spr | 17/01/1922 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Timaru Cemetery, Timaru, Canterbury | ||||
Coxhead | George | 29363 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mrs. J. Derley, of 339, Bulwarra Rd., Ultmo, Sydney, Australia. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Cox-Smith | Stephen | 25/1699 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Owen Percival and Emma Cox-Smith, of Kamo, Whangarei, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Coyle | Edward | 27464 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Joan Coyle, of Kyeburn, Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Coyle | Francis John | 24345 | Sergeant | Sgt | 18/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs B Coyle (mother), Seddon St, Raetihi) | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Coyle | John Christopher | 6/4015 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Mary Coyle, of 7, Copeland St., Wanganui. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Coyle | Thomas | 22944 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Patrick and M. Coyle, of 7, Copeland St., Wanganui, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cozens | Wilfred Win | 29222 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Winifred Parkinson (formerly Cozens), of Wakefield, Nelson, and the late Daniel Cozens. Native of Dovedale. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crabb | Alexander | 22314 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Eliza I. A. Crabb, of "Thrum's," Maitland St., Leven, Fife, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crabbe | James | 8/3224 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crabbe, of Bannockburn, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crabbe | Joseph Benedict | 25/168 | Sergeant | Sgt | 17/04/1916 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Mrs R S McCaulay (friend), Rosewood, Elsthorpe, Hawkes Bay) | France - Mazargues War Cemetery, Marseilles | |||
Cracknell | Leslie | 6/3669 | Private | Pte | 17/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of the late H. Kate Cracknell, of 275, Somme Parade, Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Crahart | William John | 20972 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Crahart, of Tregildern, St. Teath, Cornwall, and the late Annie Crahart. Native of Pendoggett, St. Kew, Cornwall. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Craig | Albert James | 11234 | Private | Pte | 05/09/1916 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. R. Craig, of Tuatoperi, Southland, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Craig | Alexander Dempster | 8/1958 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of W. E. Craig, of Puketapu, Palmerston South. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Craig | Alexander William | 40301 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - John Craig (father), Laurie Ave, Parnell, Auckland) | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Craig | Alonzo Augustus | 65359 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Calvin Craig, of 40, Derwent St., Island Bay, Wellington, and the late Margaret Craig | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Craig | Andrew Charles | 23/715 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of William Erskine Craig, of Palmerston South, Otago. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Craig | David Glover | 12/2678 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - James Craig (father), Post Office, Auckland | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Craig | Delwyn Harold | 17623 | Gunner | Gnr | 18/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles J. and Mary Craig, of Auckland, New Zealand | France - La Chapelette British And Indian Cemetery, Peronne | |||
Craig | Douglas | 74164 | Bombardier | Bdr | 06/09/1918 | NZFA (Res) | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of the late James and Jessie Douglas Craig. Born at Auckland | NZ - Auckland Provincial Memorial | |||
Craig | Edward Arthur | 25988 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 05/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of David and Sarah Emma Craig, of 71, Gillies Avenue, Epsom, New Zealand. Born at Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Craig | Francis John | 8/335 | Sergeant | Sgt | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig, of Tuatapere, Southland, Invercargill. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Craig | George | 10/2108 | Private | Pte | 31/10/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | NZ x Egypt | Born in Scotland. Served in Egypt, 1915. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Craig | Herbert Austin | 2/2103 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/01/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J Craig (mother), C/o H B Shephard, Rugby St, Invercargill) | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Craig | James | 10186 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - John Craig (father), 12 Dalkeith Rd, Edinburgh, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Craig | John Eric | 38494 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Craig, of Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Craig | John Hendry | 31069 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/04/1919 | APC | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Robert and Margaret Craif. Born in Scotland. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Craig | John William Hugh | 17388 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/03/1918 | ICC | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, of Awamangu, Balclutha, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Craig | Robert | 9/262 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 22/08/1915 | OMR | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of John and Isabella Craig, of The Bush, Caroline, Invercargill, New Zealand. Born at Dipton, New Zealand. | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Craig | Robert John Richard Bowman | 12/1000 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Phoebe Janet Craig, of 28, Church St., Ponsonby, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Craig | Thomas Pearson | 59098 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Ellen Pearson Craig (mother), Head of Muir, Denny, Stirlingshire, Scotland) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Craig | Walter Riddell | 52385 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Jane Craig, of Waipipi, Waiuku, New Zealand. | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Craig | William W | 2/1404 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/12/1921 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Sydenham Cemetery, Christchurch | Not on CWGC (After cut-off) | |||
Craighead | Gordon Morris | 6/4226 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 15/07/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Christiana Craighead, of 149, Victoria St., Ashburton, New Zealand | France - Foncquevillers Military Cemetery | |||
Craighead | Hugh | 21799 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/03/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Hugh Clark Craighead (father), Cameron Street, Ashburton) | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Craigie | James Colin | 2/2392 | WO2 | WO2 | 14/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK | Son of Thomas and Ann Craigie, of Milburn, Otago. | UK - Exeter Higher Cemetery | |||
Craigie | Wilfrid John Mellor | 8/2885 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Mitchell Craigie and Ada Craigie, of 10, Whitby St., Mornington, Dunedin. | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cramp | John Alexander | 2/2104 | A/Bombardier | A/Bdr | 05/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Cramp, of Hawera, New Plymouth | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cran | James | 23/1359 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Jane Cran, of 37, Matsons Rd., Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Cranby | John Leonard | 13/2422 | Driver | Dvr | 26/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of Charles and Mary A. Cranby, of 130, Ebbely St., Waverley, Sydney, Australia. Born at Napier, New Zealand. | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Crann | Percy | 14765 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Harry and Mary Crann, of New Plymouth, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cranney | Augustin Joseph | 10/2563 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late James and Elizabeth Cranney, of Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia; husband of Marie Elizabeth Cranney, of Lowe St., Gisborne, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Crannitch | John | 8/3225 | Corporal | Cpl | 01/08/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Crannitch, of Dyson St., Temuka, Timaru, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Cranston | Frank Mullen | 22947 | Private | Pte | 15/06/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Ellen Cranston, of New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cranston | Frederick Arthur | 12/2679 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Louisa Cranston. | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Cranston | Maurice James | 13/786 | Corporal | Cpl | 25/11/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of James and Constance Cranston, of Ayr St., Ohakune, New Zealand. Native of Bristol, England. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Cranswick | Thomas Bertram | 10/2564 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Charlotte Cranswick, of The Red House, Scalby, Scarborough, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cranwell | Albert Melancthon | 12/3965 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Jessie Cranwell, of 28, Orakei Rd., Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Crapp | Harry | 14230 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 21/06/1920 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Opotiki. | NZ - Blenheim (Omaka) Public Cemetery | |||
Crapper | Edward James | 12103 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/12/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Crapper, of 253, Moorehouse Avenue, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Craswell | Percy Wylie | 12/1931 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - F J Craswell (brother), Ravensford House, Ashford, Middlesex, England) | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Craven | Leslie Alic | 7/511 | Lieutenant | Lt | 04/10/1918 | MGS | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Alexander and Margaret Craven (nee Herd), of Grovetown, Marlborough. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, and at Gallipoli | NZ - Blenheim (Omaka) Public Cemetery | |||
Craven | Norman Euart | 57036 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Annie Craven, of England. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Craw | Eric Hector Dunstan | 11/24 | Bombardier | Bdr | 25/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Craw, of Linton, Manawatu, New Zealand. | France - Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Craw | George | 23/392 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/08/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Ellen Craw, of Styx, Canterbury, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Crawford | Albert | 39178 | Private | Pte | 05/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, of 338, King St., Dunedin | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crawford | Alexander McCoubry | 14231 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander and Jessie Crawford, of Kamo, Whangarei, North Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crawford | Arthur Grant Ross | 16282 | Lieutenant | Lt | 09/06/1918 | ICC | Died of wounds | Egypt x Palestine | (NOK - Mrs Isabella Cunningham Crawford (wife), c/o J Y Crawford, Clifton, Pahiatua) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Crawford | David | 27076 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James Crawford, of Waikoikoi, Otago, formerly of Ayrshire, Scotland, and the late Mary Crawford. Native of Waikoikoi | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crawford | Edward | 2/863 | A/Bombardier | A/Bdr | 21/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. Crawford, of Gill St., New Plymouth, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Crawford | George Philip | 24/1963 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Ruth Reid, of 129, Vivian St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Crawford | Henry | 72236 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary J. Crawford, of Lumsden, Southland, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Crawford | Herbert | 8/814 | Private | Pte | 17/04/1916 | OIR | Died of disease | NZ x Gallipoli | Born at Adelaide, Australia. Served in Egypt and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Crawford | Hugh Mackay | 23803 | Private | Pte | 04/05/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Mary Crawford, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Crawford | James | 13426 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Oswald and Margaret Crawford. Native of Invercargill. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crawford | James Tweedale | 10/3226 | Private | Pte | 29/03/1919 | WIR | Died of disease | Germany | Son of William and Anna Crawford, of Wellington, New Zealand | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Crawford | John Cameron | 8/1222 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 31/01/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Mary Crawford, of 151, Nelson Crescent, Napier, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. Born at Dunedin. | France - Croix-Du-Bac British Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Crawford | Leslie John Beresford Clayton | 10/2908 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/10/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford, of Clareville, Wairarapa, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Crawford | Norman | 6/435 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Annie Maria Crawford, of 25, High St., Timaru | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crawford | Robert | 34638 | Private | Pte | 15/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. T. Crawford, of 96, Princes St., Ashburton, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Crawford | Robert | 40193 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mathew Crawford. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crawford | Robert Albert | 34639 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. L. Crawford, of Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late James Crawford. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Crawford | Roderick | 23/1362 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/03/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J H Crawford (father), Pahiatua) | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Crawford | Stanley Hutson | 12/2256 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/10/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mabel Emily Herbert (formerly Crawford), of Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crawford | Thomas | 30761 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Crawford, of Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Crawford | William Henry | 29669 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Grace Crawford. | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Crawshaw | Ernest Elgood | 53906 | Private | Pte | 09/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Louisa Crawshaw, of Christchurch; husband of Elsie Lorraine Gunn Crawshaw, of 28, Papanui Rd., Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Crawshaw | Samuel | 9/1274 | Private | Pte | 06/01/1919 | Pioneers | Died of disease | France | Son of Samuel and Anne Crawshaw, of Oamaru, New Zealand | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
Cray | Donald | 55585 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 29/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Stephen and Mary Helen Cray, of Timaru | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cream | Patrick Lewis | 23/394 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J Crean (mother), Hereford St, Christchurch) | France - Brewery Orchard Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Creamer | Leonard | 46440 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Creamer, of 9, Wanganui Avenue, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.1 | |||
Creamer | Robert Henry | 10/3445 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Creamer, of North Rd., Kaiapoi, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crean | Thomas | 29224 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Yohanna Crean, of The Peaks, Hawarden, Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - White House Cemetery | |||
Creaney | Mark Owen | 12974 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J A Creaney (mother), Eastham, London E, England) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cree | Herbert Stewart | 40890 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret Cree, of Otekaike, North Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cree | James | 40891 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Margaret Cree, of Otekaieke, Oamaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cree | John | 37770 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/01/1919 | CIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mathew and Mary Ann Cree. Born at Dunedin. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Creed | Thomas Richard | 21663 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Richard Creed, of Waiau, North Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Creely | Percy | 24/1629 | Private | Pte | 26/10/1919 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Nicholas and Amelia Creely, of Western Creek, Chudleigh, Tasmania, Australia.. Born in Tasmania, Australia.. Served in Egypt and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Cress | Leonard James | 10/2567 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Henry and Lillah Charman Cress. Native of Wellington. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cresswell | Albert Edward | 6/1500 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Fanny Elizabeth Cresswell, of Stoke, Nelson, and the late William Daniel Cresswell. Also served at Gallipoli from the landing to the evacuation. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cresswell | Edward George | 45829 | Private | Pte | 29/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cresswell, of 81, Manawatu St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Cresswell | Gordon Hallam | 32507 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Richard and Sarah Reese Cresswell, of Wellington. Native of Wanganui. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cresswell | Jack Tennyson | 44258 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Marshall Cresswell and Eleanor Mary Cresswell, of Wanganui. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cresswell | James Kirk | 23/719 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 09/01/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James Edward and Jessie Cresswell, of Riversdale, Blenheim, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cresswell | Raymond Wallace | 6/213 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of James Edward and Jessie Cresswell, of "Riversdale," Blenheim, Marlborough | UK - Netley Military Cemetery | |||
Cresswell | Reginald Napier | 16076 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/10/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | Son of the late John and Louisa Cresswell, of Christchurch, New Zealand | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Creswell | Benjamin | 13/2176 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert Edward and Elizabeth Creswell, of Landsdowne, Masterton, Wellington. Native of Lincoln, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cribb | Charles Harold | 45269 | Corporal | Cpl | 13/01/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cribb, of Takakopa, Whararimu, Otago, New Zealand | Belgium - La Brique Military Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cribb | Charles William Edward | 6/1110 | Major | Maj | 09/08/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. M. Sowman, of Shakespeare Bay, Picton, Blenheim; husband of Mrs. Cribb, of 16, Shakespeare St., Greymouth | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cribb | James Frederick Leslie | 24/1359 | Rifleman | Rfm | 13/12/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cribb, of Ridgway St., Wanganui. Born at Wanganui. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Wanganui Old Catholic Cemetery | |||
Cribb | William Henry | 26997 | Corporal | Cpl | 27/05/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Eldest son of Charles Henry and Louisa M. Cribb, of 260, Lincoln Rd., Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Crichton | Andrew Williamson | 8/1223 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | Son of Andrew Williamson Crichton, of 17, Erin St., Roslyn, New Zealand. | UK - Portsdown (Christ Church) Military Cemetery | |||
Crichton | Cecil | 8/1442 | Private | Pte | 27/06/1915 | OIR | Died of disease | Mudros | Son of David and Catherine Crichton, of Pine Hill Rd., Dunedin, New Zealand. | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Crichton | Henry | 45075 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Crichton, of Ellis Rd., South Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crichton | James Wilfrid | 53904 | Private | Pte | 26/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Stuart Crichton and Mary Crichton, of 23, Avonglade, Richmond, Christchurch, New Zealand. An old boy of Christ's College, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Crickett | William | 13/308 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/05/1915 | AMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Mary Crickett, of Cambridge, Waikato, New Zealand | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Crighton | John Holmes | 26/90 | Corporal | Cpl | 03/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alexander Martin Crighton and Mary Augusta Crighton, of 24, Morrisey St., Hawera, New Plymouth. Native of London, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crimins | Cornelius | 68691 | Private | Pte | 01/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Cornelius and Ellen Crimins, of Regent St., Timaru, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Crimmins | John Patrick | 6/1502 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Crimmins, of Moana, Greymouth. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cripps | Alfred Christopher | 38497 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Samuel E Cripps (father), Ashford, Kent, England) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cripps | Herbert Ernest | 8/4110 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Edwin and Winifred Elizabeth Cripps, of 18, Carlisle Rd., Victoria Rd., Romford, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cripps | Victor George | 56741 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Leah Cripps, of Rapanui, Wanganui. Born at Wimbledon, Napier | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crisp | Benjamin Roy | 30909 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Crisp, of 6, Church St., Nelson, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Crisp | Ernest Frederick Gordon | 12/1184 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 02/05/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of H. D. and G. Crisp, of Boat Harbour, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Hebuterne Military Cemetery | |||
Critchfield | Henry Cecil | 80582 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Joseph and Mary Critchfield, of 79, Yarrow St., Invercargill | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Crockett | Charles | 8/337 | Private | Pte | 29/06/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Christina Crockett. of Dunedin. New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Crockett | John | 8/3227 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Christina Crockett, of 2, Chapman St., Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Crockett | Joseph | 8/864 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crockett, of 2, Chapman St., Roslyn, Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Crockett | William | 10/632 | Private | Pte | 20/04/1923 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Te Henui Cemetery, New Plymouth, Taranaki | ||||
Crocombe | Walter | 10/1783 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Crocombe, of East Bodley, Parracombe, Devon, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crofskey | John | 10/3227 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 23/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Jane Crofskey, of Pihama, Taranaki. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Croft | Albert John | 6/4598 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Eliza Croft, of 98, George St., Croydon, England. Native of Croydon. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Croft | Arthur | 12/3288 | Private | Pte | 09/03/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | (NOK - Miss Jean Gribble (cousin), 12 Murdoch Rd, Grey Lynn, Auckland) | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Croft | Frederick William | 8/2887 | Private | Pte | 26/11/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Waihola, South Otago. | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Croker | Eric Robert Irving | 39027 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of James Taylor Croker and Diana Valentine Croker, of 23, Waipapa Rd., Hataitai, Wellington. Native of Christchurch | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cromar | Cyril Francis | 74655 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/02/1919 | OIR | Died of injuries | Germany | Son of William and Anne Cromar, of Dunedin, New Zealand | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Crombie | Albert James | 44354 | Private | Pte | 12/12/1917 | CIR | Accident | France | Son of Anna Crombie, of 5, Council St., St. Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late James Crombie. | Belgium - Reninghelst New Military Cemetery | |||
Crombie | Alexander Watt | 36565 | Private | Pte | 27/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Crombie, of Otamita, Southland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Crombie | Frederick William | 10/3158 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Charles Melville Crombie and Matilda Margaret Crombie, of Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crombie | George Pye | 29744 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Catherine Crombie, of 15, Garfield Avenue, Dunedin. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crompton | Frank | 52163 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Crompton, of 16, Domain St., Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Crompton | John Jennings | 6/4017 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Jardine Crompton and Louisa C. Crompton, of 3, Mount Pleasant Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Omata, Taranaki. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crompton | Thomas Solly | 10/718 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/03/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Jardine Crompton and Louisa T. C. Crompton, of 3, Mount Pleasant Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Omata, Taranaki. | Belgium - Tancrez Farm Cemetery | |||
Crone | Charles | 10/729 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Crone, of Gilbert St., New Plymouth | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crone | Joseph James | 11625 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gone, of Leonard St., Waimate, South Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cronin | Edward James | 51696 | Private | Pte | 03/04/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Cornelius and Alice Louise Cronin, of 56, Malmesbury Terrace, Canning Town, London, England. | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cronin | Francis Dorn | 6/3219 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Thomas and Nelly Louisa Cronin, of 2, Tory St., Petone, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cronin | John Michael | 55436 | Private | Pte | 26/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Cronin, of 38, Mowbray St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cronin | Michael | 14232 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cronin, of Pukekohe Hill, Pukekohe, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cronin | Patrick Joseph | 8/4111 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 13/01/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Daniel and Catherine Cronin, of West End, Millstreet, Co. Cork | Belgium - La Brique Military Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cronin | Thomas | 1/607 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Michael and Mary Jane Cronin, of Manawaru, Te Aroha, Thames. Born at Waiorongomai, Thames | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cronin | Thomas John | 27229 | Thomas James Cronin | Private | Pte | 13/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (AKA Thomas James CRONIN) Son of Mrs. M. Cronin, of 38, Mowbray St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | ||
Crook | Cecil Theodore | 7/183 | Trooper | Tpr | 04/07/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William and Sarah Crook, of Collingwood, Nelson. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Crook | Edward | 18767 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Alice Crook, of 38, Ariki St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Crook | Harry Miller | 12143 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/12/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Martha Dobson (mother), Frenchwood Ave, Preston, Lancashire, England) | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Crook | Henry | 32302 | Private | Pte | 27/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Hannah Crook, of Kaiwarra, Wellington, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Crook | John | 25/535 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. A. Crook, of Sutherland Terrace, Blenheim, Marlborough. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crook | William Henry | 8/4112 | Corporal | Cpl | 01/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emmanuel and Annie Crook, of 61, Keighley Terrace, St. Paul'S, Cheltenham, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crooks | James Alexander | 64460 | Private | Pte | 27/07/1918 | EntBn | Died of disease | France | Son of George and Mary Ann Crooks (now Bell), of Sherborne Rd., Mt. Eden, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Lille Southern Cemetery | |||
Crooks | William John | 23/1023 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of James Crooks, of 2, Waltons Row, Blairhill, Co. Durham, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Croot | George Ernest | 40438 | Private | Pte | 27/08/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Croot, of 5, Bayfield Rd., Herne Bay, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cropley | Edward Fox | 6/2350 | Private | Pte | 05/02/1921 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of William and Sara Cropley (nee Fox), husband of Emily Jane Cropley, of 51, Holmwood Rd., Fendalton, Christchurch. Born in Sydney, Australia. Served in Egypt, 1915, and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Waimate Cemetery | |||
Cropp | Alfred William | 54015 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Benjamin and Sarah J. Cropp, New Zealand. Native of Wai-iti, Nelson, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cropp | Carl Clement | 10/607 | Private | Pte | 23/11/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Michael and Ellen Cropp (nee Lynch), of 25, Marine Parade, Napier. Born at Porongahau. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front. | NZ - Napier (Old) Cemetery | |||
Cropp | Walter Charles | 51969 | Corporal | Cpl | 14/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs W C Cropp (wife), 515 Manchester Street, Christchurch) | France - Meteren Military Cemetery | |||
Crosbie | Andrew | 14589 | Private | Pte | 26/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Crosbie (formerly Spittal), of 3, Alexandra Park Gardens, Dennistoun, Glasgow, Scotland, and the late Thomas S. Crosbie. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crosbie | George | 3/938 | Private | Pte | 31/05/1916 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - T S Crosbie (father), 3 Armadale St, Denniston, Glasgow, Scotland) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Crosbie | John Charles | 62024 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Crosbie, of Deerin, Allum, Victoria, Australia | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Crosby | Michael | 20973 | Private | Pte | 03/02/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Matthew Crosby, of 1, Wee Row, Bankside, Bainsford, Falkirk | Belgium - Birr Cross Roads Cemetery | |||
Crosley | George Wickham | 13/317 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Hanna Crosley, of Tauranga | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cross | Albert John | 13/2031 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/01/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Edward James and Eleanor Cross, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cross | Albert Victor | 2/1397 | Bombardier | Bdr | 25/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cross, of 59, Anglesea St., Ponsonby, Auckland. | France - Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Cross | Albert Wilford | 28306 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William George Cross, of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cross | Alexander Stirling | 25819 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of the late Mrs. E. Cross, of St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Cross | Arthur | 14590 | Private | Pte | 18/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs A Cross (mother), Homebush, Masterton) | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Cross | Ernest Clarence | 46558 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Mary Cross, of Matipo St., Lower Riccarton, Christchurch; husband of Florrie Cross | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cross | George Henry | 15489 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Grace Cross, of 95, Parkes St., Woolston, Christchurch | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cross | George Herbert | 29226 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Mary Ann Cross, of Rangiora, Christchurch; husband of Ethel Maria Jane Douglas (formerly Cross); of 9, Peveril St., Lower Riccarton, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cross | Gilbert George | 11238 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cross, of West Clive, Napier, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Cross | Gladstone Henry | 23/396 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/05/1916 | NZRB | Accident | France | Son of Henry and Jane Cross, of Bluff, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cross | Henry Herbert | 6/2588 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Cross, of Geraldine, South Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cross | Jack | 25/263 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. D. Broom (formerly Cross), of Papakala Rd., Taihape, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Canadian Cemetery No.2, Neuville-St. Vaast | |||
Cross | John | 2/817 | WO2 | WO2 | 03/10/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. Cross, of 7, Salt Lane, Salisbury | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Cross | William | 21664 | Private | Pte | 01/03/1917 | NZI | Accident | Ireland | (NOK - E Cross (brother), Borlin Moy Co Tyrone, Ireland) | Ireland - Killyman (St. Andrew) Church Of Ireland Churchyard | |||
Crossan | Gilbert William | 8/1036 | Private | Pte | 10/06/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of William and Jean Crossan. Bornin Ayrshire, Scotland | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Crossen | George Lawrence | 6/3671 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1919 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Ellen Crossen (nee Scully), of 24, Hastings St., Sydenham, Christchurch, and the late Thomas Crossen. Born at Brookside, Canterbury. Served in Egypt and on the Western Front, 1916 | NZ - Lincoln Cemetery | |||
Crossen | Harold Stanley | 6/4228 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Crossen, of 39, Walker St., Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crossen | Leslie | 24/1630 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Ann Crossen, of 39, Walker St., Christchurch. Native of Brookside, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Crossen | Robert Joseph | 46559 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Crossen, of Rolleston, Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Crossman | Edwin Luther | 33313 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crossman, of 16, Moorland Rd., Oldfield Park, Bath, England. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crosswell | Alfred George | 23675 | Ftr | Ftr | 01/09/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Theresa Crosswell, of 40a, Moreau St., St. Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Crotch | William | 32633 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick and Amelia Crotch, of 96, Marlborough Rd., Norwich | France - Viesly Communal Cemetery | |||
Crothers | Frederick Cleven | 26998 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Henrietta Crothers, of 12, Dudley St., Addington, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Crouch | Albert Edward | 57197 | Private | Pte | 27/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Mary Ann Crouch (mother), Post Office, Wick, Littlehampton, Sussex, England) | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Crouch | Frank | 46121 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. M. Crouch (now Wood), of 29, Sussex St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Crowe | Adam | 8/1723 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mrs. N. Crowe, of Napier. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crowe | Alfred Percival | 41501 | Private | Pte | 01/06/1917 | NZI | Died of disease | Sea to UK | Son of Patrick Crowe, of Takapu, Johnsonville, Wellington; husband of Alice Crowe. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Crowe | Cecil Hervey | 7/1215 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 09/08/1916 | CMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Alexander and Sarah Ellen Crowe. Native of England. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Crowe | Ernest Owen | 82744 | Private | Pte | 18/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Naomi Crowe, of Broomfield, Amberley, and the late Harry Crowe. Born at Oxford, Canterbury | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Crowe | Frederick John | 8/2422 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frederick and Lucy Crowe, of 22A, Astonville St., Southfields, London, England. Native of Barnes, Surrey, England | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Crowe | Joseph | 53957 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | EntBn | Died of disease | Germany | Son of Mrs. E. Crowe, of South Hillend, Southland, New Zealand | Germany - Niederzwehren Cemetery | |||
Crowhurst | Arthur Frederick | 24/99 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/08/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Samuel George and Catherine Crowhurst, of 24, Eden St., Newmarket, Auckland | NZ - Remuera (St. Mark's) Churchyard | |||
Crowhurst | Francis Ernest | 60080 | Private | Pte | 20/04/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel George and Catherine Crowhurst, of 24, Eden Street, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Bertrancourt Military Cemetery | |||
Crowhurst | Samuel Alfred | 12/1933 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel George and Catherine Crowhurst | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Crowley | Michael | 9/1537 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Denis and Mary Crowley, of Dunsfort Midleton, Co. Cork, Ireland. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Crowley | Thomas George | 70251 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. S. W. Crowley, of Frankton Junction, New Zealand | France - Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Le Treport | |||
Crowther | Albert Stephen | 10/2390 | Corporal | Cpl | 17/10/1917 | WIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Robert and Agnes Crowther, of Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Croxson | William Vivian Oscar | 8/3548 | Corporal | Cpl | 22/12/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Robert and Alexandrina Croxson. Native of Mangere, Auckland | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Croy | William | 28859 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Mary Croy, of Fingeo, Stronsay, Orkney. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Crozier | Albert Heal | 24/1360 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Only son of S. H. and W. J. Crozier, of New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Crozier | Walter | 39180 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Crozier, of Waitahuna, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cruickshank | Alexander | 6/2105 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/05/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. J. and Mrs. B. Cruickshank, of North Otago, New Zealand | France - Louvencourt Military Cemetery | |||
Cruickshank | Charles David | 25678 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/07/1921 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of David James and Sophia Cruickshank (nee Stuart), of Rosemount, Matakana, North Auckland. Served on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Matakana Public Cemetery | |||
Cruickshank | James | 39786 | Private | Pte | 26/01/1917 | Training Reserve | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born at Aberdeen, Scotland | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Cruickshank | John Herring | 20107 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/05/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Husband of Mrs. F. J. E. Cruickshank, of 237, Upper Willis St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Cruickshank | Wilfred Rennie | 9/1815 | Gunner | Gnr | 04/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Margaret S. Cruickshank, of Rongahere, Otago. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Cruickshank | William | 10/3869 | Private | Pte | 14/12/1916 | WIR | Accident | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Cruickshank, of Kohinui, Pahiatua, New Zealand. | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Cruller | Henry Archibald Basil | 31401 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William Rufus Cruller and Annie Kathrine Cruller, of Keri Keri, Auckland. Native of Kaeo, North Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Crum | Fred Albert | 3/240 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1917 | MFA | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Albert and Margaret Crum, of New Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand. | Israel - Deir El Belah War Cemetery | |||
Crum | George Daniel John | 6/3177 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Stephen and Margaret Crum, of 74, Princess St., Ashburton, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Crump | Ernest Frank | 23807 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Samuel Crump, of Te Kuiti, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Crutcher | George | 12/75 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Crutcher, of Hutchinson's Avenue, New Lynn, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Crutchley | John Clarence | 36566 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crutchley, of 392, North Rd., North East Valley, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cuff | Jeremiah Nugent | 9/264 | WO1 | WO1 | 06/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John C. and Ellen Cuff, of Usk St., Oamaru. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cuff | Joshua Thomas | 2/382 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/07/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine Cuff, of Godley St., Halcombe, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Coxyde Military Cemetery | |||
Cuff | Robert William | 54121 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Clarence John and Annie Cuff, of Spencer St., Milton, Dunedin. Born at Geraldine, Timaru | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cuff | William Masterson | 11/1782 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1916 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Mrs. C. Cuff, of Halcombe, Manawatu, Wellington | Egypt - Kantara Memorial | |||
Cule | James | 23/1960 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George Griffiths Cule and Elizabeth Cule, of Red Castle, Cross Ash, Monmouth, England | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cullen | Blair McLeod | 8/177 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Peter and Jean Cullen, of Mataura, Southland, Invercargill. Native of Gore, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cullen | John Harley | 42053 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/02/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Benjamin and Georgina Cullen, of Cove, Waipu, North Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Cullen | Leo Gerald | 2/2018 | Gunner | Gnr | 15/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Rachel Cullen, of 250, Remuera Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt. Native of Napier, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Cullen | Philip Onslow | 6/3291 | Private | Pte | 16/06/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Daniel and Caroline Cullen, of Waihou, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Cullen | Thomas | 11418 | Private | Pte | 05/02/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Margaret Cullen, of Tauranga, New Zealand. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Cullinger | Lyle Ernest | 49344 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Martha Cullinger, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Cullingham | Arthur James | 4/1728 | Sapper | Spr | 28/03/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Jane Cullingham, of Penge, London, England. Served with Royal Engineers in the Somaliland Expedition and the South African Campaign. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Culpitt | Henry William | 21665 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alice Culpitt, of 45, Roderick Rd., Hampstead, London, England, and the late Henry Culpitt. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Culverhouse | Frank | 7/2248 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/11/1917 | CMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of George and the late Anna Culverhouse. Born at Ashburton. Served in Egypt. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Culverhouse | George | 51264 | Private | Pte | 12/08/1923 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Hamilton West Cemetery, Hamilton, Waikato | ||||
Culverwell | Leonard Wilford | 2/2804 | Gunner | Gnr | 21/10/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Henry and Alice Culverwell, of Mount Pleasant, Wellington, New Zealand | France - St. Souplet British Cemetery | |||
Cumberland | Albert Charles | 23/1961 | Sergeant | Sgt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cumberland, of 20, White St., Wanganui East, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Cumberworth | Alan Moore | 11/1527 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 14/11/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of F. J. and Jane Brice Cumberworth, of Mahoe, New Zealand. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Cumberworth | Walter Russell | 26804 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/03/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | France | Husband of Eleanor Faith Cumberworth, of 312, Manchester St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Cuming | Reginald Addington | 32436 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Eliza A. Cuming, of 17, Bealey St., St. Albans, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Cumming | Greig | 23/1962 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Cumming, of 31, Church St. West, Palmerston North, and the late Ella Cumming | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cumming | Martin | 10/1786 | Private | Pte | 19/10/1921 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | - | ||||
Cumming | William Murdock | 59801 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cumming, of Brougham St., Westport, New Zealand. Born in Australia | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Cummings | Daniel Patrick | 11237 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - T A Cummings (brother), GPO Wellington) | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Cummins | Arthur Brierley | 3/995 | Private | Pte | 06/01/1919 | NZMC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cummins, of "Acklands," Polefield, Blackley, Manchester, England. Born at Manchester. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Hamilton East Public Cemetery | |||
Cummins | Colin George | 10/306 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cummins, of Marton, Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cummins | Durrell Henry | 6/2994 | Private | Pte | 28/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of W. H. and J. E. Cummins, of 33, Drummond St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Cummins | Frank Roland | 43958 | Private | Pte | 23/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas F. and Rose Cummins, of 230, Norwood St., Beckenham, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Colincamps Communal Cemetery | |||
Cummins | Norman | 8/3550 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Julia Eliza Cummins, of 33, Drummond St., Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cummins | Patrick Edward | 23/720 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Cummins, of Akura, Masterton, Wairarapa | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Cunliffe | Edward Hunt | 91359 | Private | Pte | 12/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Richard and Caroline Cunliffe (nee Bell); husband of Marie Cunliffe, of 129, Esplanade, Petone, Wellington. Born at Greymouth | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Cunliffe | Roy Lane | 13739 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of J. E. and A. M. Cunliffe. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | Albert Edward | 73314 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Sarah Grace Cunningham, of 10, Gladwin Rd., One Tree Hill. Onehunga. Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cunningham | Alexander | 9/265 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 07/06/1918 | OMR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Robert Alex. and Jean Anderson Cunningham, of 35, Priory Rd., Anfield, Liverpool, England. Born at Glasgow, Scotland | UK - Liverpool (Kirkdale) Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | Arthur Cargill | 9/1122 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph Watson Cunningham and Helen Donaldson Cunningham, of Wangaehu, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cunningham | Charles | 23/110 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Livine Cunningham, of West Coast, New Zealand. | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | Charles Percival | 8/30 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of James and Catherine Cunningham, of Christchurch. Native of Oamaru | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cunningham | Duncan | 10/1460 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 22/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - James McFarland, Aorangi, Feilding) | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Cunningham | Edward Christopher | 8/1444 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. M. Cunningham, of 45, Loyaly St., South Dunedin | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cunningham | Frederick | 11420 | Private | Pte | 20/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Ann Little (formerly Cunningham), of Mount Albert, Auckland | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cunningham | Frederick James | 13425 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 31/03/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and the late Emma Cunningham, of Hilton, Canterbury, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | Frederick Percy | 14761 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Avery Cunningham and Henrietta Cunningham, of 38, Ashey St., Rangiora, Canterbury, New Zealand. | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | James Charles | 32825 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of disease | NZ x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, of Invercargill. Born at Southland. Served on the Western Front, 1917 | NZ - Invercargill (Waikiwi) St. John's Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | James Thomas Chalmers | 9/689 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. J. Cunningham, of Christchurch. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | John | 24877 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/01/1917 | AMR | Died of wounds | Egypt | Son of Thomas K. and May Arabella Yoxall Cunningham. | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | John | 24/1534 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 02/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cunningham, of Jacobstown, Gore, New Zealand | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Cunningham | Leonard John | 10/2571 | Private | Pte | 02/12/1915 | WIR | Died of disease | Sea x Mudros | Son of William and Anne Cunningham, of Manaia, Taranaki | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cunningham | Michael James | 2/255 | Gunner | Gnr | 18/11/1918 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, of I, Anne St., Devonport, Auckland. Born at Warongomai, Te Aroha | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | Patrick | 28988 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Bernard and Julia Cunningham, of Tividinna, Donaghmoyne, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | Peter | 80341 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - Miss B Cunningham (sister), 37 Idris Rd, Fendalton, Christchurch) | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Cunningham | William | 23/1365 | Sergeant | Sgt | 29/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. H. Cunningham, of 38, Neil's Avenue, Grey St., Auckland, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Cunningham | William Joseph | 11422 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Cunningham, of 9th Avenue, Cameron Rd., Tauranga, Thames. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Curkovich | Peter | 47410 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Connie Curkovich, of Krusvar, Diemo, Dalmatia, Jugoslavia. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Curline | Albert Edward | 8/1161 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Ellen Mary Curline (sister), 153c Moray Place, Dunedin) | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Curline | Harold James | 23/1605 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Beatrice E. Hopkins (formerly Curline), of New Plymouth, New Zealand, and the late James Curline | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Curline | Henry Newton | 25/963 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of William Curline, of 14, Clyde St., Oakleigh, Melbourne, Australia | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Curnick | James | 6/3292 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. Ada King, of Waikuku, North Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Curran | Clifford Harold | 24/1633 | Corporal | Cpl | 13/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and the late Emma Curran, of Girtrude St., Darmevirke, New Zealand | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Curran | Patrick Stanislaus | 36567 | Private | Pte | 25/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Patrick and Margaret Curran, of Milton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Motor Car Corner Cemetery | |||
Currie | Archibald | 6/1001 | Sergeant | Sgt | 02/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Mary Currie, of Station Rd., Hillsborough, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Currie | Arthur Frederick John | 10/3526 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Jane R Currie. of Mangatera, Dannevirke, Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Currie | Edward | 24/1008 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Jane Currie, of 49, Wyndham Rd., Mataura, Southland, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Currie | George | 6/3672 | Sergeant | Sgt | 21/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Currie, of Linwood, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Currie | George Coulthard | 10/2572 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. A. C. Currie, of Dannevirke, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Currie | James | 61227 | Private | Pte | 23/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Mary Currie, of Lowther, Lumsden, Southland, New Zealand. Native of Green Island. Dunedin | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Currie | John Alfred | 11236 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Christina Currie, of 3, Millar St., North East Valley, Dunedin, and the late John Currie. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Currie | Robert Hunt | 6/608 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | y | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late John Hunt Currie and Helen Currie. Native of Ross, Westland, Greymouth. Served in the South African Campaign | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Currie | Robert Malcolm | 8/1962 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of John and Grace Currie, of Maungatua, Otago. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Currie | Thomas Edward | 7/321 | Trooper | Tpr | 22/07/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Archibald and Amelia Currie, of "Veylanel," 112, Hackthorne Rd., Cashmere Hills, Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Currie | Walter | 10/3870 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - T Currie (father), 56 Cavendish St, off Eglington St, Glasgow, Scotland) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Currie | William Robert | 61222 | Private | Pte | 10/10/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. E. Currie, of St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Currie | William Stewart | 12/1603 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of William and Helen Currie, of Waikino, Ohinemuri, Thames, New Zealand. Native of Workington, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Curry | Albert Bert | 31231 | Private | Pte | 17/10/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Harriett Curry, of Ross St., Woodville, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Curry | Andrew John | 25/533 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/10/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew James and Nancy Lamphier Curry, of Main St., Blenheim, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Curry | John Hugh | 45834 | James Henry Curry | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (AKA James Henry CURRY) Son of Ada Curry, of 376, Cashel St., Christchurch, and the late Arthur Curry. Native of Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | ||
Curry | John James | 51628 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Curry, of Wellington. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Curry | Matthew Goodwin | 41429 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 05/09/1918 | NZI | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Elizabeth Frances Simpson, of Waitotara, and the late Alfred Walton Curry; husband of Mabel Curry, of 11, Ward St., Palmerston North. | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Curry | Oliver John | 25/744 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edwin and Ada Curry, of Norwood Rd., Bayswater, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Curry | William | 26805 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Margaret Curry, of Ashington, Northumberland, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Curties | Erick | 39428 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Cyril Curties, of Lyttelton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Curtin | Denis | 42853 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/07/1919 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Agnes H. Curtin, of 16, South Second Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York, U.S.A. Born at Cork, Ireland. Served on the Western Front, 1917. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Curtis | Alfred Robert | 79724 | Private | Pte | 09/10/1919 | NZI | Died of disease | UK | Son of Elizabeth Curtis, of Upper Peel St., Westport, New Zealand, and the late Mr. Curtis | UK - Torquay Cemetery And Extension | |||
Curtis | Edmund Canute | 24/1622 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Charlotte Curtis, of 12, Rotterdam Rd., Lowestoft, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Curtis | George | 39183 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. P. Curtis, of Melrose, Waiareka Junction, Oamaru | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Curtis | Henry Edward | 14951 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Edward and Annie Curtis, of Peel St. Cobden Greymouth, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Curtis | Joseph | 19459 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1917 | Pioneers | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Matilda Curtis, of Levu, Fiji. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Curtis | Kenneth Oscar | 26/47 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 11/08/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Curtis, of Inglewood, Taranaki, New Zealand | UK - Kensal Green (All Souls') Cemetery | |||
Curtis | Michael Joseph | 11/227 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/01/1917 | WMR | Died of wounds | Egypt | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis, of McPhee St., Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. | Egypt - Kantara Memorial | |||
Curtis | Norman Henry Ellison | 10/3232 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Born at Johnsonville, Wellington. Son of Mrs. Ellen Curtis, of Maho Maho Rd., Weraroa, Levin, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Curtis | Ronald Henry | 20110 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert Roland Curtis and Alice Mary Curtis, of Colyton, Feilding, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Cussons | Thomas Richard | 12/1936 | Private | Pte | 22/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Annie Cussons, of 14, Jordan Rd., Four Oaks, Birmingham. Native of Beverley | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Cutfield | Brian | 8/1226 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Henry McArthur Cutfield and Minnie Elizabeth Cutfield. Native of Ballycastle, Ireland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Cuthbert | John | 28091 | Corporal | Cpl | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Isabella Cuthbert, of Pembroke Rd., Stratford, New Plymouth | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Cuthbertson | Douglas Macpherson | 2/1384 | Captain | Capt | 30/03/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Robert E. and Susan E. Cuthbertson, of Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Cuthbertson | Frank | 13885 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/09/1921 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Glenavy Cemetery, Waimate, Oamaru | ||||
Cuthbertson | George Isaac | 13886 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 09/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Isaac and Margaret Cuthbertson, of Glenavy, Oamaru, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Cuthbertson | John | 12/26a | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Harriet Emily Cuthbertson, of Wanganui. Born at Hilderthorpe | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cuthbertson | John Peterson | 45343 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. R. Cuthbertson, of Sunnyvale, Green Island, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Cuthbertson | William James | 12/3603 | CQMS | CQMS | 22/04/1920 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Cuthbertson, of Hillcrest, Dundonald, Co. Down, Ireland. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Cutler | Cecil James Kelly | 19088 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/11/1916 | AIR | Died of disease | France | Son of James and Kate Cutler, of 77, Lincoln St., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Cutten | George | 10/3233 | Private | Pte | 11/03/1918 | WIR | Died of disease | Sea to NZ | Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Cutten, of Wellington. Served in the South African Campaign (1900). | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Cuttle | Joseph Alexander | 9/122 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. J. Cuttle, of 15, College St., Caversham, Dunedin | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Cuzens | Archie | 46695 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Ellen Cuzens, of Oamaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dabbs | William Guy | 24579 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/06/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William and Caroline Isobel Dabbs, of Tyrone, Marton, Rangitikei. Born at Hastings, Hawke's Bay. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Dabell | Bernard | 9/690 | Sergeant | Sgt | 24/08/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Mary Dabell, of Blackgang, Isle of Wight, England; husband of Alice May Dabell. Member of the Legion of Frontiersmen. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dabinett | Francis Milne | 48325 | Private | Pte | 07/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Albert H Dabinett (mother), P O Box 2 Wanganui) | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Dacombe | Charles Samuel | 39029 | Private | Pte | 07/12/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Alice Dacombe, of 23, Gravers St., Linwood, Christchurch, and the late W. H. Dacombe. Born at Christchurch. | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Dadson | John William | 4/1769 | Sapper | Spr | 08/09/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of John William and Maria Emma Dadson, of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Dagg | Francis Patrick | 9/1820 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dagg, of 10, Gilmore St., Kaikorai, Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dagg | John Stewart | 12/2620 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Rosalind Dagg, of 194, Ponsenby Rd, Auckland. Born at Brighton, England. | France - Thiepval Anglo-French Cemetery, Authuile | |||
Daily | Michael | 65364 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. N. O'Rourke of Kiwi St., Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Daking | Cyril | 12/2987 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Daking, of Felsham Grange, Bury St. Edmund's, England | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Dale | Alfred Ernest | 6/2995 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Phillip and Fanny Dale. Born at Stafford, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Dale | Archie Edgar | 24/731 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/10/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late J. D. A. Dale, of Wanganui, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Dale | Charles Martin | 23150 | Private | Pte | 05/05/1917 | Pioneers | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs M Dale (mother), Pakipaki, Hawkes Bay) | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Dale | Hugh | 8/1963 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mark and Mary Dale, of Helensbrook, Milton, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Dale | Robert Joseph | 41073 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Kezia Dale, of Clyde Terrace, Kaitangata, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dale-Taylor | Thomas | 13/2981 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 15/08/1916 | AMR | Died of wounds | Egypt | Son of Barrie and Charlotte Taylor. Served in the South African Campaign | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Dalgleish | John Alexander | 8/31 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Margaret Dalgleish, of Timaru, and the late Thomas Virtue Dalgleish | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dall | George Bruce | 25046 | Sergeant | Sgt | 27/05/1922 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Dallas | John | 11248 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Taylor Dallas and Mary Ellen Dallas, of Rosebank, Baldutha, Otago, New Zealand | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Dalley | James Thomas | 27238 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Groes Dalley, of 67, Byron St., Sydenham, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dalley | Reginald Whitman | 24/2571 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Edith Jane Dalley, of 108, Oxford St., Ashburton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dalley | Stanley Miles Clifford | 14952 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/04/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jonah and Florence Dalley, of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Auchonvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Dallinger | James Type | 10/162 | Captain | Capt | 22/06/1920 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Alice Dallinger, of 23, Morrissey St., Hawera. Born at Bristol, England. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front. | NZ - Hawera Cemetery | |||
Dalton | Alfred James | 65015 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Dalton, of New Zealand | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Dalton | John | 29228 | Private | Pte | 13/01/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dalton, of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dalton | John Brian | 9/903 | A/Corporal | A/Cpl | 02/12/1915 | OMR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | Son of John and Kathrine Dalton. of Hawera, New Plymouth. | UK - Walton And Weybridge (Walton-On-Thames) Cemetery | |||
Dalton | Peter | 42055 | Trooper | Tpr | 20/10/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Joseph Edwin and Margaret Dalton, of Tolaga Bay, New Zealand | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Dalton | Roland | 14953 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Edward and Anne Dalton, of 161, Fendalton Rd., Fendalton, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dalton | William Charles | 10567 | Saddler | Sdlr | 08/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | UK | Son of Chas. Wyatt Dalton, of Tairua, East Coast, New Zealand | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Dalton | William Henry | 7/185 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/05/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Annie and the late William Henry Dalton, of New Zealand | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Daly | Frederick | 2/190 | Lieutenant | Lt | 25/09/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Daly, of Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Daly | Martin | 44997 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Martin George and Helena Daly. Native of Akarao, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Daly | Patrick Joseph | 29150 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. P. Daly, of Asburton, Canterbury. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Daly | Richard O | 73242 | Private | Pte | 14/01/1922 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland | ||||
Dalzell | Alexander Gordon | 64031 | Private | Pte | 27/05/1919 | WIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. Jessie Dalzell, of Tokomaru, Wellington. | UK - Stratford-Sub-Castle (St. Lawrence) Churchyard | |||
Dalziel | Edward | 21989 | Private | Pte | 25/05/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs L Chapman (friend), YMCA, Moray Place, Dunedin) | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Dalziel | Edwin Stokes | 58140 | Trooper | Tpr | 29/08/1920 | CMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Mrs. M. A. Meldrum (formerly Dalziel), of Ward St., Cobden, Greymouth. Born at Dunedin. | NZ - Greymouth (Karoro) Cemetery | |||
Danby | Walter Ernest | 4/894 | Sapper | Spr | 30/07/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Danby, of Pollen St., Thames, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dancey | Reginald William | 2/211 | Lieutenant | Lt | 12/06/1919 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Harry Dancey, of Putney, London, England; Husband of Frances J. Dancey, of Auckland. Born in England. Served in Gallipoli and France. | NZ - Dunedin Southern Cemetery | |||
Danderson | John | 12/1937 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Danderson, of Wellington, New Zealand. Born at Wanganui, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli and in Egypt. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Danger | James | 16/575a | Corporal | Cpl | 03/09/1917 | Pioneers | Died of wounds | France | Son of Hiu te Miha Danger and Te Iwi Ngaro Hiu, of Greytown, Wairarapa, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Daniel | Edwin Frank | 7/37 | Trooper | Tpr | 22/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Edwin Herbert and Helen Daniel, of Kingsdown, Timaru. Born at Papanui. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Daniel | John | 82580 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Albert and Emma Daniel, of 45, Queen St., Petone, Wellington | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Daniel | Robert Joseph | 10/2398 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and Emily Agnes Daniel, of 5, Oxford St., Wellington. Also served in Samoa. Journalist "Dominion" Staff, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Daniell | Groves Edward | 2/256 | Captain | Capt | 04/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Percy Edward and Mary Daniell, of 24, Ruhine St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. Officer commanding 6th Howitzer Battery. | France - Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Daniels | David Bentham | 23679 | Sapper | Spr | 01/01/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | France | Son of W. H. B. and Ada Daniels, of 22, Cranbey St., Tainui, Anderson's Bay, New Zealand. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Daniels | George Mervyn | 5/161 | Driver | Dvr | 24/05/1918 | ASC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Harriet Emily and the late George Daniels, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Louvencourt Military Cemetery | |||
Daniels | James Edward | 44259 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/11/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Mary Daniels, of Rhyndaston, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Daniels | Richard Freeman | 86688 | Private | Pte | 08/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of D. E. Daniels, of Manakau Rd., Epsom, Auckland. Born at Blenheim | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Danks | William | 2/527 | Driver | Dvr | 21/10/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Emily Danks, of Marine Parade, Eastbourne, Wellington, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Dann | Charles Robert | 33700 | Private | Pte | 16/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emily Dann, of Sefton, Canterbury, New Zealand, and the late Allan Dann. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Dann | John | 12147 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of A. J. and A. Dann, of 113, St. Albans St., St. Albans, Christchurch | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Danrell | Samuel Innis | 28688 | Private | Pte | 31/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Mr. A. Danrell of Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dansie | Thomas | 6/3294 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Matilda Hilda Dansie, of 41, Edward St., Canning Town, London, England. | France - St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen | |||
Danzey | Henry | 25/1120 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Henry and Christine Danzey, of Ladies Mile, Elleslie, Auckland, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Darby | John Henry | 39476 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Darby, of 135, Sydney St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Darby | William Duncan | 46562 | Private | Pte | 15/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Jane Darby, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
D'Arcy-Irvine | Roy George | 6/765 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/06/1921 | CantReg | - | NZ | Son of John Lowther D'Arcy-Irvine and Jessie D'Arcy-Irvine, of 23, Grove St., Nelson. Born at St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia. Served in Egypt, 1914-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Nelson (Wakapuaka) Cemetery | |||
Dare | Alfred | 17976 | Private | Pte | 06/04/1920 | NZMFHomeService | - | NZ | Son of Thomas and Hannah Dare; husband of Emma Jane Dare, of 64, Burnley Terrace, Dominion Rd., Mount Albert, Auckland. Born at Taranaki. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Dargan | Sylvester | 4/1340 | Sapper | Spr | 13/07/1920 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Mrs. H. J. Dargan, of Mataura Rd., Waihi. Born in South Australia. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Waihi Public Cemetery | |||
Darling | Charles | 14191 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Harriet Walsingham Darling, of 106, Forbury Crescent, St. Clair, Dunedin husband of Minnie Alice Darling, of Dargaville, New Zealand. | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Darnill | William Alfred | 8/358 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Francis William and Jane Darnill, of Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand | Turkey - Ari Burnu Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Darrach | Ralph Semple | 31610 | Private | Pte | 28/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Alexander and Ada Gertrude Darrach, of Mahurangi, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Darragh | John | 8/362 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Janet Rae Darragh, of West Plains, Invercargill, New Zealand. Native of Victoria, Australia | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Darragh | Joseph Archibald | 22316 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Agnes Darragh, of "Hawthorndale," East Rd., Invercargill, New Zealand. Native of Myross Bush, Southland. | Belgium - New Irish Farm Cemetery | |||
Darragh | Thomas William | 58748 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Agnes Darragh. | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Darrell | Percy Fowler | 23352 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/08/1922 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waipukurau Cemetery, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay | ||||
Darrow | Leslie Rotorua | 12/920 | Sergeant | Sgt | 10/08/1915 | NZInf HQ | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late James and Clara Darrow, of Thames. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dartnall | Clement Arthur | 6/2590 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 15/11/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Henry Lloyd Dartnall and Sarah Brookholding Dartnall, of 13, Jackson Rd., Fendalton Rd., Christchurch. Served at Gallipoli and in France. | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Darville | Percy Leonard | 10/1787 | Private | Pte | 28/06/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Rose Darville, of "St. Hilary," Bull Rd., Rayleigh, Essex, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dash | Herbert Lloyd | 79735 | Private | Pte | 05/07/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born at Sydney, Australia. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Dasler | James | 8/1447 | Private | Pte | 25/06/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Louis and Janet Dasler, of Oamaru, New Zealand | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Dass | Ernest | 28991 | Rifleman | Rfm | 02/07/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William J. and Anne J. Dass, of Geraldine, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Dath | John | 25/1711 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Bridget Dath, of Waitahuna, Otago. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
D'Ath | Cuthbert | 12358 | Private | Pte | 10/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Frank and Bessie Elliott D'Ath, of "Holme Lea," Boreham Wood, Herts., England | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
D'Ath | William Joseph | 24/1365 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph H. and I. M. D'Ath, of Manakau, Manawatu Line, New Zealand. | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Daulton | Royal Frederick | 18630 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of T. and S. J. Daulton, of Manutuke, Gisborne, New Zealand. Native of Gisborne | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Daulton | William Charles | 11/1788 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/12/1916 | WMR | Died of wounds | Egypt | (NOK - Joe Daulton (brother), Manutuke, Gisborne) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Dauphin | Alfred Herman | 11/1682 | Sapper | Spr | 16/09/1916 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Auguste Alfred and Panny Dauphin, of Ward St., Raetihi, New Zealand. Born Eketahuna, New Zealand. | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Davenport | David | 25/377 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Henry and Agnes Davenport, of Masterton, Wairarapa, New Zealand; husband of Gertrude Jane Davenport, of 3, Donnington St., Palmerston North, New Zealand | Belgium - Ypres Reservoir Cemetery | |||
Davern | Thomas Cole | 6/2591 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Tryphena Davern, of 53, Lyttleton St., Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.. Native of Swansea, Tasmania, Australia.. Also served at Gallipoli | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davey | Alexander Gordon | 57581 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel Hancock and Keturah Davey, of Stanley Rd., Te Aroha, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Davey | Allan Osborne | 6/2112 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. J. McCallum (formerly Davey), of 64, Lansdown St. Waltham, Christchurch | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davey | Daniel | 23/113 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Ellen Davey, of Broomfield, Papakaio, Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand; husband of Nellie Florence Vernon (formerly Davey), of 30A, Pinner Rd., Oxhey, Watford, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davey | James Michael | 22158 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late James and Mary Davey, of Duffer's Creek, Grey Valley, New Zealand. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Davey | John | 11/244 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davey, of Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Davey | Lester | 23/1370 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Davey, of Miller's Rd., Dannevirke, New Zealand | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Davey | Oral Edgar | 6/440 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. C. Davey, of James St., Kensingtoll, Timaru. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davey | Stanley Edward | 24/734 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Maria Jane Davey, of Main North Rd., Temuka, New Zealand. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Davey | William Cecil | 21990 | Private | Pte | 04/08/1921 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of George Frederick and Elizabeth Davey; husband of Alice Maude Mary Davey, of 7, Miller St., St. Kilda, Dunedin. Born in Guernsey. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Davey | William John | 6/4233 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Davey, of Rangitira Valley, Temuka, Timaru | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
David | Ernest James | 25/101 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Sampson and Julia B. David, of Timaru, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Davidson | Alexander | 15877 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/11/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Marion Davidson. Born at Tawatea, Eketahuna, Masterton, New Zealand. | France - Rue-David Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Davidson | Andrew | 56913 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Andrew and Ellen Davidson, of Hokonui, Southland, New Zealand. Native of Winton, Southland | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Davidson | Arthur | 6/2113 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Annie Davidson, of 22, Edward St., Timaru. Native of Forfarshire, Scotland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davidson | Charles Kenneth | 21225 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Alice Davidson, of 74, Franklin Rd., Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Davidson | George | 74169 | Private | Pte | 17/01/1919 | AEC | Died of disease | France | Son of Johanna and the late Thomas Davidson, of Auckland. | Belgium - Mons Communal Cemetery | |||
Davidson | Gilbert | 7/835 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, of 33, Home St., Wellington | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davidson | James Anderson | 24/1964 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/11/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Isabella Davidson, of Taradale Rd., Dannevirke, New Zealand. | France - Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Davidson | John | 65622 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of injuries | France | Son of Elizabeth Bowman, of Blackhall House, Carlisle, Cumberland, England | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Davidson | Joseph Hampton | 10/2417 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davidson, of Howard St., Gore. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davidson | Karl Nilsson | 10/882 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George A. and Ida Clotilde Davidson, of District High School, Dargaville, Auckland. Native of Taumarunui, Hamilton. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davidson | Logan Leonard | 3/663 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davidson, of Devonport, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davidson | Mark | 6/4021 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Annie Davidson. Born in Forfarshire, Scotland | France - Honnechy British Cemetery | |||
Davidson | Matthew Francis | 29152 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Louisa Davidson, of Hinds, Canterbury. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Davidson | Robert Neilson | 44260 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Douglas Davidson (mother), Porangahau) | Belgium - Aeroplane Cemetery | |||
Davidson | Thomas | 11/1141 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Margaret Davidson, of 198, Hastings St., Napier | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davidson | Thomas Alan | 10/1124 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David and Elizabeth Davidson, of 116, Harbour Terrace, Dunedin, New Zealand. Formerly on permanent staff of New Zealand Military Forces. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davidson | William Arthur | 10/2578 | Private | Pte | 08/12/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - J Davidson (father), Taranaki) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Davidson | William James | 5/119 | Trooper | Tpr | 10/12/1918 | AMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of M. Davidson, of 16, Mills St., St. Kilda, Dunedin. Born at Edinburgh, Scotland. Served in Egypt and Palestine | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Davidson | William Philip | 10/664 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Jane Kelly (formerly Davidson), of Regan and Sylvia Streets, Stratford, Taranaki, and the late Capt. James Davidson | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davie | Harry Percy Claude | 11/243 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 23/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Geo. R. Davie, of Fox St., Woodville, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Davie | Waru | 19940 | Private | Pte | 27/08/1920 | Pioneers | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Annie Davie, of Maungatapu, Tauranga. Born in North Auckland. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Maungatapu (Waitaia) Maori Cemetery | |||
Davie-Martin | John Edmond | 21/499 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/03/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Eliza Jane Davie-Martin, of North Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Davies | Alfred Robert Samuel | 56263 | Sapper | Spr | 01/12/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | France | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Davies, of 12, St. Leonards Rd., Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Davies | Arthur James | 3/492 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | Mudros | Son of George and Annie Jane Davies, of 306, Queen St. West, Hastings, New Zealand | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Davies | Arthur Joseph | 54729 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Emma Louisa Davies, of Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Davies | Charles Hill | 24/1366 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Sarah Moore Davies. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | David Stanley | 8/4444 | Private | Pte | 12/02/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Gwen Davies, of 16 The Watton, Brecon, Wales. | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Davies | Ernest | 37474 | Sapper | Spr | 02/08/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Esther Davies (mother), Driving Creek, Coromandel) | France - Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras | |||
Davies | Fred | 23/1033 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Emily Davies, of 27, Wingfield St., Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Paraparaumu, New Zealand. | France - Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers | |||
Davies | Frederick William | 44215 | Private | Pte | 28/11/1917 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of John Edward and Jane Elizabeth Davies; husband of Barbara Winifred Davies, of Juliet St., Stratford, Taranaki, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Davies | Geoffrey William | 17178 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Only son of William H. and Mary Davies, of Alpha St., Cambridge, Waikato, New Zealand. Born at Somerton, Somerset, England. | Belgium - Coxyde Military Cemetery | |||
Davies | Harold Claude | 37553 | Sapper | Spr | 24/07/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Julia Davies (mother), Mount Hercules, Picton, New South Wales, Australia. Born in Australia) | France - Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras | |||
Davies | Henry Arthur | 2/408a | Captain | Capt | 15/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. H. and Anne Davies, of Lower Hutt, New Zealand. | France - Quarry Cemetery, Montauban | |||
Davies | Herbert Edward | 26061 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Davies, of Te Papakuku, Dannevirke, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Davies | James | 10/2916 | Private | Pte | 02/08/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Rose Ellen Davies, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Davies | James | 8/187 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davies, of Christchurch. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | John | 10221 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ellen Davies, of Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Davies | John James | 6/3674 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss L Davies (sister) C/o R Cain, Redcliffe, Waihao Downs) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | Lloyd | 7/1999 | Bombardier | Bdr | 15/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. I. R. and Elizabeth Davies, of 34, Church St., Wellington, Salop, England. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | Maurice | 12/3293 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. E. M. Davies, of Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Davies | Milton William | 29229 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. Davies, of 29, North Avon Rd., Christchurch. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | Percival Charles | 37781 | Private | Pte | 06/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs M C Davies (wife), 17 Martin Square, Wellington. Born in Australia) | France - Varennes Military Cemetery | |||
Davies | Percy Sylvester | 45671 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Annie Jane Davies, of 612, Queen St., West Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Native of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davies | Reginald Owen | 33103 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 18/02/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Richard and Emma K. Davies, of Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand | Belgium - The Huts Cemetery | |||
Davies | Richard George Llewellyn | 8/2811 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Emma K. Davies, of New St., Oamaru, and the late Richard Davies | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | Roy Sutherland | 12/2264 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. G. Davies, of the Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | Sidney | 70453 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hugh Davies. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Davies | Sydney Allan | 4/895 | Sapper | Spr | 10/07/1917 | NZE | Died of disease | UK x France | Only son of Ernest and Eliza M. Davies, of Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Davies | Thomas Henry | 65768 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Ellen Davies, of Tiki Road, Coromandel, New Zealand. | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Davies | William | 10/334 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs F Davies, 4 Clapham Park Mansions, Sydenham Rd, Brixton, London) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davies | William Darcy | 57043 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. D. H. and Margaret Davies, of 129, Owen St., Newtown, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Davies | William James Francis | 71389 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Edith Davies, of 202, Dixon St., Masterton, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Davis | Albert Edward | 4/1913 | Sapper | Spr | 29/04/1918 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Emma Davis, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.2 | |||
Davis | Albert John Vivian | 17/45 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1915 | NZVC | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Lake Wanaka. | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Davis | Arthur Herbert | 40907 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry Charles Davis, of Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Bernard Cantrell | 37784 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the Rev. Henry John Davis, of The Vicarage, Hampden, North Otago, New Zealand, and the late Sarah Harriet Davis. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Charles | 8/1449 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Davis, of 382, Cumberland St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Davis | Charles Edward | 12/3973 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary L. Davis, of 8, Edwin St., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Charles Davis. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Davis | Claude Harry | 6/1826 | Private | Pte | 30/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Rebecca Davis, of 47, High St., Swadlincote, England. Born at Witney, Oxon | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Davis | Edgar Norman | 23/402 | Rifleman | Rfm | 28/12/1915 | NZRB | Died of wounds | Egypt | Son of Herbert Bowen Davis and Mary Davis, of Christchurch, New Zealand | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Davis | Eric Nathaniel | 8/2513 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry John and Grace M. Davis, of Pahiatua, Wellington, New Zealand. Also served in Gallipoli. | France - Auchonvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Davis | Francis Edward | 27470 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis E. and Susan Mary Davis, of 12, Scarborough Terrace, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Davis | Frank Lang | 24/1965 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. E. Davis, of 15, Maidstone St., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery | |||
Davis | Frank Lewis | 79726 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mark and Miriam Julia Davis, of Auckland. Born at Sydney | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Davis | Frederick Anthony | 10/2112 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Richard Anderson Davis and Agnes Grove Davis, of 4, Ollerbarrow Road, Hale, Cheshire, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davis | George Frederick Samuel | 24984 | Gunner | Gnr | 03/01/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Ann Davis, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Davis | George Hamilton | 24/733 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Davis, of 25, Anglesea St., Hamilton, and the late Mr. Davis. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Davis | George Harcus | 7/707 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 09/08/1916 | CMR | Killed in action | Egypt | (NOK - Miss Maggie Davis (sister), The Manse, Weston, near Oamaru) | Egypt - Kantara War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Davis | Hallyburton | 41761 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Lane (formerly Davis), of Te Teko, Thames, and the late Mark Davis. Born at Gisborne | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davis | Harley Henry Woodthorpe | 44261 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. J. H. Davis, of Fitzroy Avenue, Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; husband of the late Mrs. E. Davis of Bulls, Marton, New Zealand | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Harold William | 24/1018 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Hubert William and Eliza Davis, of Marne Rd., Papakura, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davis | Henry A'Court | 10/2113 | Private | Pte | 17/12/1922 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Te Henui Cemetery, New Plymouth, Taranaki | ||||
Davis | Henry Roland | 17951 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/07/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William and Lucy Davis (nee Ward), of 656, Worcester St., Christchurch. Born at Amberley. | NZ - Balcairn Cemetery | |||
Davis | Henry Seth | 33701 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Seth and Mary Davis, of Toadsmore, nr. Stroud, Glos., England. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Davis | John | 47992 | Private | Pte | 29/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - H Millar (friend), Ngaturi, Pahiatua) | France - Esquelbecq Military Cemetery | |||
Davis | John | 8/561 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Michael and Janet Davis. Born at Sandymount, Otago, Peninsula. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Davis | John Norman | 58101 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | NZMFHomeService | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis, of 3A, Officers' Quarters, H.M. Prison, Wormwood Scrubbs, London, England | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Davis | Leonard Sydney | 34339 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and A. Davis, of Alexandra St., Te Awamutu, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Lingard Howell Montgomery | 23/116 | Corporal | Cpl | 20/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Gledney Smith Davis and Margaret Davis. Native of Dover, England. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Davis | Llewellyn Thomas | 10/1044 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/09/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. David Edward Davis, of Queen St., Hastings, Hawke's Bay | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davis | Percy Charles | 8/3325 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter John and Harriet Elinor Davis, of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, Napier. Native of Hastings, Hawke's Bay. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Richard George | 12990 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Davis, of 56, Anglesea St., Ponsonby, Auckland, and the late Richard Alfred Davis. Native of Kamo, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Robert Edward | 23355 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Augustus Davis, of 24, Kingsland Avenue, Kingsland, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davis | Sydney | 26/761 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of T. Chambers and Minnie Davis, of Cambridge, New Zealand. Native of Liverpool, England. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Davis | Sydney Grey | 13430 | Corporal | Cpl | 27/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis G. and C. E. Davis, of Port Nelson New Zealand. | France - Halluin Communal Cemetery | |||
Davis | Thomas | 47412 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of John and Phoebe Davis, of Alfredton, New Zealand. | UK - Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery | |||
Davis | Thomas | 10/1222 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Leah Davis, of Tauherenikau, Featherston, Wairarapa, Wellington | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davis | Thomas | 8/746 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. F. H. Davis, of 4, Eastown Rd., Wanganui East. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Davis | Thomas Joseph | 10/1462 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Thomas Joseph Davis, of 86, Nairn St., Wellington. Served in Egypt and Gallipoli | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Davis | Thomas Moore | 12/1080 | Sergeant | Sgt | 14/05/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Moore Davis and Elizabeth Davis, of 58, Williamson Avenue, Grey Lynn, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Davis | William | 6/441 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alfred and Mary Davis, of Winton, New Zealand | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Davis | William John | 7/38 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/09/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Mudros | Son of the late Mr. W. Davis, of Geraldine, Canterbury, New Zealand | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Davis | William John Silvester | 62268 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. S. Davis, of 25, Anglesea St., Hamilton, New Zealand, and the late T. T. Davis. | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Davis | Ernest | 8/1725 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis, of Clyde, Central Otago, New Zealand | Turkey - Baby 700 Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Davis | George Everett | 4/1645 | George Everett Davies | Sapper | Spr | 05/08/1917 | NZE | Killed in action | France | (AKA George Everett DAVIES) Son of Everett Davis, of Caversham, Dunedin; husband of Ruby Pearl Davis, of 10, Manning St., Newton, Auckland. | France - Faubourg D'Amiens Cemetery, Arras | ||
Davison | Charles Henry | 6/4020 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Jane Mole Davison, of England. | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Davison | Francis | 7/639 | Lieutenant | Lt | 07/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Hawdon Davison and Margaret Davison, of St. Leonards, Culverden; husband of Alice Wilmot Davison, of Lowry Peaks, Culverden, Canterbury, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Davison | George | 16079 | Private | Pte | 17/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Sarah Davison, of Southburn, Waimate, Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - The Huts Cemetery | |||
Davison | Leslie Percival | 64989 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William James and Eliza Jane Davison, of 338, Main South Rd., Sockburn, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Davison | Septimus Bartholomew | 54848 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mrs. M. A. Davison. | Belgium - Bedford House Cemetery | |||
Davitt | Arthur Wilfred | 12/2684 | Corporal | Cpl | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Davitt, of Nova Scotia, Canada | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Davy | Alfred Charles | 31974 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Flora Mary Davy, of Auckland. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Davy | Edmund Bromley | 18900 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Vinicombe Davy and Minnie Davy, of Buckland, Waikato, New Zealand. Left New Zealand with the 19th Reinfs. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Davy | Nelson | 10/2114 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Miss J Daniels (aunt), 87 Erskine Hill, Hampshire Garden, England | Turkey - No.2 Outpost Cemetery | |||
Davy | Para | 19703 | Private | Pte | 08/11/1918 | Pioneers | Died of disease | France | (NOK - Mrs Ani Davy (mother), Tauranga) | France - Awoingt British Cemetery | |||
Daw | Arthur Guy | 26/757 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Arthur and Alice Daw, of 3, Clifton Rd., Herne Bay, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Dawbin | William Joseph | 11/41 | Trooper | Tpr | 23/08/1915 | WMR | Died of disease | UK x Gallipoli | Son of William and Julia Dawbin, of Awahuri, Manawatu, Wellington, New Zealand | UK - Compton Dundon (St. Andrew) Churchyard Extension | |||
Dawe | Leslie Gordon | 6/3676 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Sarah Dawe, of Queen's Drive, St. Kilda, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawe | Thomas William Ernest | 27734 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Henry and the late Rosina Dawe, of Meeanee, Napier, New Zealand; husband of Dora Beryl Dawe, of Napier. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Dawes | Charles | 9/2063 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dawes, of 868, Cumberland St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Dawes | Charles Lynleigh | 13/897 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Louisa Dawes, of 5, King's View Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawes | James | 49074 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Esther Dawes, of "Rosslyn," Park View Rd., Alphington, Victoria, Australia. Native of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Dawkins | Vivian Laver | 69576 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Laver Dawkins and Margaret Jessie Dawkins, of Mangaweka, New Zealand | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dawson | Basil Fred | 10/1790 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Ebenezer and Eliza Dawson, of 70, Morton Rd., Invercargill | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawson | Frederick Bernard | 8/3237 | Private | Pte | 21/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frederick Walter and Ada Harriet Dawson, of Rimu, Southland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawson | Henry Beal | 8/32 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mary Dawson, of Waihola, Otago, and the late A. Dawson. Native of Hampden, Otago | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Dawson | James | 43473 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur and Hannah Maria Dawson, of Towai, North Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dawson | James | 57489 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson, of Dunedin, New Zealand. Late New Zealand Royal Artillery | France - Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich | |||
Dawson | James Wilfred | 10/2583 | T/Sergeant | T/Sgt | 25/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie Bishop Dawson, of Mapua, Nelson. Native of Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawson | John Albert | 6/3297 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1916 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of the late Mary Louisa Dick, of Hokitika. Westland, New Zealand. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Dawson | John Henry | 42633 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Herbert Henry and Margaret A. Dawson, of Kennington, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dawson | John Matthew | 4/1113 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Oliver and Matilda Mary Dawson, of 17, Reid Rd., South Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Dawson | John Russell | 5/322a | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Margaret Dawson, of Dunsandel, Christchurch, and the late William Dawson | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawson | Percy Ash | 12/1064 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Captain Dawson (67th Regt.) and Mrs. T. Dawson, of Remuera, Auckland. Born at Hamilton | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dawson | Samuel James | 20309 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Mary Dawson, of Third St., Lansdowne, Masterton, Wellington. Previously wounded at the Battle of the Somme, 1916. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dawson | Stewart | 31233 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Dawson, of Lincoln, England; husband of Dorothy Ida Dodd (formerly Dawson), of 1, Barn Green, Beeches Barn Estate, Wolverhampton, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dawson | Sydney Theodore | 12/691 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Charles Frederick and Annie Saile Dawson, of 17, Upper Vincent St., Auckland. Born at Sydney, Australia. Served at Gallipoli and in France. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Dawson | Thomas Howard | 2/2602 | Lieutenant | Lt | 11/06/1918 | NZFA | Died of injuries | France | Son of Thomas C. and Jessie C. Dawson, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Dawson | Victor | 23/726 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Charles William Dawson (father), 436 Hereford St, Christchurch) | France - Forenville Military Cemetery | |||
Dawson | William John | 70094 | Private | Pte | 09/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William James and Fanny Dawson, of Wiri, New Zealand. | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Day | Andrew Thomas | 8/3889 | Private | Pte | 20/08/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Annie Day, of 48, Young St., St. Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late John Francis Day. | UK - Kensal Green (All Souls') Cemetery | |||
Day | Arthur Campbell | 13/898 | Trooper | Tpr | 29/09/1916 | AMR | Died of wounds | UK x Gallipoli | Brother of Graham Day, of Opotiki, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. | UK - Wandsworth (Earlsfield) Cemetery | |||
Day | Daniel William | 20507 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Evangelina Day, of Te Toki, Silverhope, New Zealand. Native of Aramoha, New Zealand. | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Day | Frank | 53763 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day, of Albany, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Day | Frederick | 11005 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Elizabeth Rosetta Day, of Ruatangata West, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Day | Leslie Arthur Holman | 12756 | Gunner | Gnr | 25/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Emmeline Day, of Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Day | Mervyn Dove | 26/541 | Rifleman | Rfm | 20/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Nodes Dickinson Day and Archanna Day, of "Corrimal," Benton Avenue, Artarmon, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Native of Parkes, New South Wales, Australia. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Day | Robert James | 10/1464 | Private | Pte | 10/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. R. A. and Elizabeth Day, of Boons, Transvaal, South Africa | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Daynes | Charles Edward | 6/1509 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Phoebe Ann Daynes, of Mill Cottage, Lower Rd., River, Dover, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Daysh | William Ernest | 47623 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Daysh, of Kuripuni, Masterton, New Zealand. | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
De Andrad | Alfred Manuel | 12/1188 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John De Andrad, of Herekino, North Auckland. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
De Bakker | Henry | 35108 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/12/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Bazil de Bakker, of Ross, Westland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
De Blois | William James | 38137 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/09/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. A. M. De Blois, of Wanganui. | Belgium - Birr Cross Roads Cemetery | |||
De Castro | Alan Hirst | 7/187 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Waring de Castro and Helen Ratcliffe de Castro, of Monro St., Blenheim | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
De Cent | Kenneth Owen | 23471 | Captain | Capt | 12/04/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph Thomas and Sarah De Cent, of Gisborne, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
De Courcy | Harry Pickering | 15348 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/05/1918 | EntBn | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Reginald and Eliza De Courcy, of New Zealand; husband of Louisa De Courcy, of 17, Dublin St., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand.Born at Auckland. | Belgium - Voormezeele Enclosure No.3 | |||
De Laney | Albert Arthur | 13/2754 | Gunner | Gnr | 09/05/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Emily De Laney, of Tapuhi, Whangarei, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
De Luen | Frederick | 12/2995 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick De Luen, of 19, Liverpool St., Wanganui | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
De Ridder | Harold Clarence | 2/489 | Gunner | Gnr | 11/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Brother of Mr. P. G. De Ridder, of Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
De Rose | Frederick James | 4/7 | Sapper | Spr | 07/03/1916 | NZE | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Frederick R. and Pricilla De Rose, of England. Also served at Samoa and Gallipoli | Egypt - Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery | |||
De Spong | Thomas Pearse Nash | 27472 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nash De Spong, of 63, Wallace St., Roslyn, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
De Thierry | Martin | 23357 | Sapper | Spr | 03/11/1918 | NZE | Died of disease | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William de Thierry, of Rangiriri, Waikala, New Zealand; husband of Mrs. G. E. de Thierry, of 3, Crosspark Terrace, Heavitree, Exeter, Devon. | France - Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille | |||
De Ville | Percy | 26/759 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/07/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. De Ville, of London St., Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
De Villiers | Louis Valentine | 6/827 | Corporal | Cpl | 22/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Husband of Evelyn M. De Villiers, of Clark St., Sumner, Christchurch. Born in South Africa. Served in Egypt 1914-15 and at Gallipoli. | NZ - Ashburton Cemetery | |||
De Vletter | Louis Joseph | - | Gunner | Gnr | 08/11/1918 | NZFA | - | NZ | Son of Johannes Simon de Vletter and Georgina de Vletter (nee Diesel), of 25, Kellner St., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Deacon | Francis | 13/645 | Saddler | Sdlr | 14/10/1920 | AMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Thomas William and Eliza Deacon (nee Lockett); husband of Elizabeth Hamilton Deacon, of 656, New North Rd., Mount Albert, Auckland. Born at Riverhead, North Auckland. Served in Egypt. | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Deacon | Jack Mervyn | 6/1100 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Marion Gibbs (formerly Deacon), of 44, Knowles St., St. Albans, Christchurch | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Deacon | James | 11250 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Lydia Deacon, of Isla Bank, Southland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dean | Albert Ernest | 47866 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Jane Dean (mother), 609 Seven Sisters Rd, South Tottenham, London, England) | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dean | George | 23502 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Ann Dean, of Eaton Socon, St. Neots, Hunts., England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dean | Leonard Thomas | 64468 | Private | Pte | 20/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of William Hastie Dean and the late Elizabeth Mary Dean; husband of Violet Hardcastle (formerly Dean), of Taukau, Auckland | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Dean | Leonard Widlake | 2/438 | Lieutenant | Lt | 02/09/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of the Rev. Oliver and Sarah Leach Dean, of Napier, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Dean | Roy Effingham | 12/3976 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William B. and Mrs. M. H. Dean, of 72, Charles St., Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dean | Wilfred Henry | 34646 | Private | Pte | 16/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William G. Dean, of Linwood, Christchurch | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Deane | Bernard Reginald John | 11/508 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | WMR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of the Rev. Henry J. and Norah Deane, of Godney Vicarage, Wells, Somerset, England. Native of Blackmoor End, Braintree, Essex. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Deans | Albert Cecil | 8/657 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Herbert Deans, of Signal Hill Rd., Opoho, Dunedin. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Deans | Alexander | 27693 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 04/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Catherine Edith Deans, of Riccarton, Christchurch, and the late John Deans; husband of Norah Deans, of Morven, Waddington, Christchurch. Native of Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dear | Frederick Ernest | 24/2179 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/10/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Sarah Elizabeth Dear, of Rongotea, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Dearsley | Walter | 5/579 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Annie Boenicke (formerly Dearsly), of 165, Karangahape Rd., Auckland, and the late Thomas Dearsly. Also served in Egypt. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Death | Alfred Stephen Henry | 20115 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Oliver and Selina Death, of Pahautanui, New Zealand | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Debenham | Charles | 38266 | Private | Pte | 17/06/1917 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Henry E. and Mary E. Debenham, of Bright St., Cobden, Greymouth, New Zealand. Native of Denniston, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Debenham | Henry Edward | 29230 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of H. E. and M. E. Debenham, of Bright St., Cobden, Greymouth. Native of Kumara. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Deck | Robin Howell | 7/797 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 29/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry O'Brien Deck and Ethel Deck, of Motueke, Nelson; husband of Mabel Deck, of 74, Tinakori Rd. Wellington. | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dee | George Keith | 24/11 | Captain | Capt | 08/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Arthur and Harriet Dee, of Ashburton, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Deeble | William | 45487 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of William John and Harriet Deeble; husband of Ada Deeble, of 111, Union St., Lismore, New South Wales, Australia. Born at Thames. Served on the Western Front in 1917 | NZ - Bombay Presbyterian Church Cemetery | |||
Deed | Edgar Thomas | 52835 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/07/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of W. J. Deed, of Hairini, Te Awamutu, New Zealand | France - Hebuterne Military Cemetery | |||
Deed | Guylott Henry Jackson | 51698 | Private | Pte | 26/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Deed, of Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Deehan | James Edward | 71901 | Sapper | Spr | 15/10/1918 | EFT | Died of disease | Egypt x Palestine | Son of Patrick and Elizabeth Deehan. Born at Dunedin | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Deeney | James | 13/2178 | Trooper | Tpr | 02/01/1916 | AMR | Died of disease | Egypt x Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs E Baxton (mother), Taupaki, Kaipara) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Deeney | Thomas John | 44836 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Eliza Deeney, of Londonderry, Ireland. | Belgium - Bethleem Farm West Cemetery | |||
Delahunty | Patrick | 12359 | Private | Pte | 13/06/1919 | AIR | Died of disease | NZ | Born at Thames. | NZ - Waikaraka Park Cemetery | |||
Delamain | Charles William | 46564 | Private | Pte | 27/05/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John 0. Delamain, of 467, Prestons Rd., Marshland, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Delamere | Heremia | 16/93 | Sergeant | Sgt | 13/06/1916 | Pioneers | Accident | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Delamere, of Omaio, Opotiki, Thames, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Delaney | Arthur | 13/578 | Sergeant | Sgt | 17/08/1916 | AMR | Died of wounds | Egypt | (NOK - H Delaney (father), Yen Dela, Buckland, Auckland) | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Delaney | Edward | 34647 | Private | Pte | 06/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Clara Delaney. Born Christchurch. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Delaney | George Irvin | 31403 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Delaney, of Tapuhi, Hukerenui, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Delaney | John | 32149 | Private | Pte | 17/02/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - G Garrett (friend), Springbank, North Canterbury. Born in Australia) | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Delaney | John Patrick | 8/1450 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | France | Son of James and Ellen Delaney, of 50, Somme Rd., Wanganui, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Delaney | William Percival | 49802 | Private | Pte | 24/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Delaney, of Ohakune, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Delaney | William Thomas | 53328 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J M Clark (sister), Blacks, Central Otago) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Delany | Cecil Sylvester | 7/949 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Delany, of Victoria St., Mosgiel, Dunedin. Born at Arrowtown, Invercargill. Also served on Gallipoli. | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Delany | Michael Patrick | 49562 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Johanna Delany, of South Beach, Greymouth, New Zealand, and the late Robert Delany. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Deller | Leslie Charles | 56259 | Private | Pte | 11/01/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Charles and Mary Deller, of 2, Russell St., Chilwell, Geelong, Australia; husband of Ada K. Deller, of Rawene Rd., Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Dellow | Arthur John | 12148 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Dellow, of Tinwald, Ashburton. Born at Mayfield, Ashburton, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Dellow | John | 10/1465 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dellow of Ashhurst. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dempsey | Ernest Henry | 38358 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/11/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. G. Gulpan (formerly Dempsey), of Heale St., Thames, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dempsey | George David | 10/621 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Dempsey, of Mangatoki, Eltham, New Plymouth | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dempsey | Hugh | 25/382 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Dempsey, of Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dempsey | Sidney William | 26/32 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Joseph and Gertrude Dempsey, of go, Hataitai Rd., Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Kandahar Farm Cemetery | |||
Dempsey | William | 27475 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dempsey, of Bridge House, Shannon St., Bandon, Co. Cork, Ireland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dempsey | William James | 3/2750 | Private | Pte | 28/11/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of James William and Edith Dempsey, of 96, Waltham Rd., Waltham, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dempster | George Alexander | 71101 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dempster, of 87, St. David St., Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Dempster | Thomas Dick | 28620 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Jessie D. Dempster, of 278, Ashkirk Drive, Mosspark, Glasgow, Scotland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Denbee | Thomas William | 24/1021 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/07/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William John and Annie Sophia Denbee, of Parkvale, Carterton, New Zealand | France - Ration Farm Military Cemetery, La Chapelle-D'Armentieres | |||
Denby | Walter Henry | 24/401 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. E. M. Denby, of Oxford St., Lansdowne, Masterton, Wellington | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Denholm | John | 8/1451 | Private | Pte | 09/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John and Helen Denholm, of Newborough, Oamaru. Native of Peebles, Scotland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Denize | Leslie Charles | 15349 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Willie Charles Edith Denize, of Whangapoua Rd., Coromandel, Auckland. | Belgium - Lindenhoek Chalet Military Cemetery | |||
Dennehy | Bartholomew Joseph | 10/2418 | Private | Pte | 03/07/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Hannah Dennehy, of Coromandel St., Wellington, New Zealand. Born at Pukerau, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dennehy | Edmond James | 2/817a | Gunner | Gnr | 06/08/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Frederick Michael Dennehy, of North St., Timaru. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dennehy | Edward Scanlon | 8/2418 | Sapper | Spr | 29/01/1923 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Dennehy | Thomas | 46565 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Michael Frederick and Margaret Josephine Dennehy, of North St., Timaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dennett | George | 12757 | Gunner | Gnr | 14/11/1918 | NZFA | - | NZ | Son of A. Dennett, of Grosvenor Rd., St. Helens, Lancs., England | NZ - Huntly (Kimihia) Public Cemetery | |||
Dennett | Joseph John Baptist Leon | 11/1683 | Leon | Gunner | Gnr | 07/12/1921 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Adolphus and Agnes Catherine DENNETT nee HAYES. Hus/o Ellesmere Rebecca ROBINSON | Not on CWGC (After cut-off) | ||
Dennis | Frederick | 43170 | Trooper | Tpr | 31/10/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Louisa Dennis, of Clyde St., Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Dennis | Joseph Charles | 40782 | Private | Pte | 10/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alice Emily Dennis, of 14, Wilson St., Pill, Newport, Mon., England. | Belgium - Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery | |||
Denniston | James Archibald | 24/115 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Jane Denniston, of 15, Mary St., Port Chalmers, Dunedin. Also served in Egypt. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Denniston | Thomas Hillier | 3/195 | Sergeant | Sgt | 28/07/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | Malta x Gallipoli | Son of G. and E. B. Denniston, of Bond St., Dunedin, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Denny | John | 16/1270 | Private | Pte | 27/04/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Born at Christchurch. | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Denny | Richard John | 10/633 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Nephew of Mrs. M. Carr, of Station Rd., Penrose, Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Densem | John | 24/736 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Densem (mother), Sanaford near Crediton, Devonshire, England) | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Denshire | Charles De Chair | 14195 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Fannie Denshire, of 22, Jackson Rd., Fendalton, Christchurch, and the late William Banks Denshire. Native of Ashburton, Christchurch | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Denston | George Henry | 35110 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs W Body (mother), Pitt St, Runanga, Westland) | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dent | Claude | 10571 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/01/1920 | NZFA | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Mary Dent, of Ngatea, Hauraki Plains, and the late Edward Dent. Born at Napier. | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Dent | George Bates | 43076 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/03/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Cordelia Dent, of 24, Armidale St., Petone, New Zealand | France - Mailly Wood Cemetery, Mailly-Maillet | |||
Dent | John | 6/2999 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Ellen Dent, of South Rd., New Plymouth. Native of Westport, West Coast. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dent | Robert Alfred | 17917 | Private | Pte | 20/07/1921 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. A. Dent, of Auckland | NZ - Purewa Public Cemetery | |||
Dent | Thomas James | 54477 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas James and Martha Alice Dent, of Otaki, Wellington. Born at Porirua, Wellington | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Denton | Ernest Harold | 61560 | Private | Pte | 13/09/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs A E Jude (sister), Ihakara, Levin) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Denyer | Bertram Charles | 12/729 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry Frederick and Annie Denyer, of Eruera St., Rotorua, New Zealand. Born at Thames | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Depree | John Griffiths | 36741 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Evelyn Ensor Depree, of 160, Richmond Rd., Grey Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Derby | John William | 41507 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Derby, of Piriaka, Hamilton. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Derbyshire | William Frederick | 20974 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles William and Elizabeth Derbyshire, of Nelson St., Papakura, Auckland | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Derrett | Leslie Walter | 6/2597 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Daniel and Sarah Derret, of Vague's Rd., Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Derrett | Thomas Llewellyn | 24/414 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Derrett, of Waiau, North Canterbury. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Derriman | Harry | 11/425 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph and Elizabeth Grant Derriman, of 87, Long St., Cerne Abbas, Dorset, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Derungs | Leonard Reginald | 6/4022 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Leonard and Jane Edith Derungs, of 36, Peer St., Upper Riccarton, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Des Barres | John Clifford Stuart | 10747 | Corporal | Cpl | 03/09/1916 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of M. Eivers of Whakataye, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand | France - Rue-Du-Bois Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Deschler | Arthur Reginald | 41126 | Corporal | Cpl | 19/12/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Eliza Annie Deschler (now Mrs. Rein), of 29, Gala St., Invercargill, and the late Carl Julius Deschler. | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Desmond | Charles Alexander | 2/2604 | Gunner | Gnr | 21/10/1916 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Desmond, of May St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Carnoy Military Cemetery | |||
Desmond | Francis William | 8/2896 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 13/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Mary Booth (fiancee), Post Office, Ophir, Central Otago) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Desmond | James | 62938 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Mary Desmond (sister), 440 Princess St, Dunedin) | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Desmond | Joseph | - | Gunner | Gnr | 20/11/1918 | NZMC | - | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Desmond. Born at Wellington | NZ - Devonport (O'Neill's Point) Cemetery | |||
Devaney | Thomas Michael | 3/2723 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | NZMC | Killed in action | France | Brother of Imelda Devaney, of Hokitika, Greymouth. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Devening | Thomas Francis | 23/729 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 20/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Emma Devening, of 32, William St., Papanui, Christchurch, and the late William Devening | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Devereaux | John Patrick | 12/3613 | Private | Pte | 24/03/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mrs. M. Coles, of 5, Cambridge Place, Birkenhead, Cheshire. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Devereaux | Patrick John | 12/2272 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 10/08/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Mudros x Gallipoli | Son of James T. and Jane Devereaux, of Glenbrook, Waiuku, Auckland. Native of Ireland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Devereux | Geoffrey De Bohun | 12/1190 | Major | Maj | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the Hon. H. De B. and Mrs. Devereux, of 72, Market Rd., One Tree Hill, Auckland. New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Devereux | John Patrick | 14956 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Marion Devereux, of 41, Murphy St., Wellington, and the late John Devereux. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Deverson | Bertie George | 5/332 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Rose Deverson, of Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Devery | George Thomas | 11/2087 | Driver | Dvr | 26/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of injuries | France | Son of Mrs. C. Devery, of Wainui Beach, Gisborne, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Devine | Arthur Ernest | 24825 | Private | Pte | 22/11/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Alfred and Emily Devine; husband of Eileen Florence Winnie (formerly Devine), of 39, Ava St., Petone, Wellington. Born at Petone. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Devine | Patrick | 2/1319 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/10/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Bridget Devine. | France - Longueval Road Cemetery | |||
Devine | Patrick | 46955 | Private | Pte | 16/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Devine, late of Pukemiro. Born in Fifeshire, Scotland. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Devine | Patrick John | 6/2498 | Private | Pte | 09/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Michael and Margaret Devine, of 8, Waipapa Rd., Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand. Also served at Samoa and Gallipoli | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Devitt | John | 45481 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs E Devitt (mother), C/o G Dickinson, Cambridge) | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Devon | David | 7/433 | Fr/Sergeant | Fr/Sgt | 27/11/1917 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of Hugh and Margaret Devon; husband of Margaret Devon, of Gimmerburn, New Zealand. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Devonside | George Robert | 12/724 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William James and Elizabeth Devonside, of 41, Packington St., Edge Hill, Liverpool, England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dew | Alfred George | 63835 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Daisy Dew, of Ormondville, Napier. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dew | Arthur Louis | 10/1467 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. M. A. Dew, of 38, Young St., Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dewar | Alexander | 15148 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Dewar, of Totaratahi, Oamaru, New Zealand. Born at Totara. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Dewar | David | 18211 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs T G Dewar (mother), Merton, Waikouaiti, Otago) | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Dewar | Davidson Blackie | 23810 | Private | Pte | 11/12/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Margaret Dewar, of Totara, Oamaru, New Zealand. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Dewar | Ernest | 13428 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Thomas and Barbara Dewar. Native of Taranaki. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dewar | Henry | 11/448 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Lydia Dewar, of 4, Pascal St., Palmerston North. (Played 16 matches for the All Blacks) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dewar | Leslie Hastie | 33036 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Dewar, of 12, Bellevue St., Roslyn, Dunedin, and the late Stewart Dewar. Native of Queenstown, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dewar | Stewart George | 9/31 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Dewar, of 12, Bellevue St., Roslyn, Dunedin, and the late Stewart Dewar. Native of Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli and in Egypt. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dewar | William | 26067 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - W Dewar (father), Cairn Lodge, Fifeshire, Scotland) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dewhurst | Edward | 6/443 | Edward Dewhirst | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/05/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (AKA Edward DEWHIRST) Son of George Francis and Eliza Emma Dewhirst, of Frankton Junction, Waikato. Born in England | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Dexter | Albert | 25209 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Maria Elizabeth Dexter, of 159, Tudor Rd., Leicester, England | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dey | Arthur Alexander | 24/740 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Day, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Diamond | Bernard | 6/872 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Diamond, of 183, River Rd., Christchurch. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Diamond | Herbert Andrew | 11844 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 22/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William Abraham and Matilda Diamond; husband of Elizabeth Jane Jansen (formerly Diamond), of Matoroa Rd., Taihape, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dick | Alexander Sinclair | 6/444 | Private | Pte | 14/11/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Gavin and Jane Dick, of 127, North St., Timaru, New Zealand | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Dick | Ernest John Edmund | 11845 | Private | Pte | 12/06/1916 | NZInf | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of Alexander and Eliza Dick, of Whakapirau, New Zealand | Egypt - Suez War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Dick | Harold James | 4/147a | Trooper | Tpr | 13/07/1915 | CMR | Died of disease | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dick, of Hill Grove, Otago | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dick | James | 25/618 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs A Dick (mother), 70 Green St, Ayrshire, Scotland) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dick | Joseph Andrew | 6/809 | Private | Pte | 17/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. R. Dick, of Timaru, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dick | Robert James | 23/1374 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Sarah Dick, of Seddon St., Carterton, Wellington. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dick | Robert Wotherspoon | 8/1726 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George W. Dick, of 18, Campbell St., Maryhill, Glasgow, Scotland; husband of Marion Robb Dick. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dick | William Barrie | 53483 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Ann Steele Dick, of Forfar, Scotland. | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Dickens | Harry Burton | 63836 | Private | Pte | 13/02/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Charles Henry and Frances Mary Dickens, of 49, Featherston St., Palmerston North, Wellington | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Dickenson | Alfred | 11/417 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. E. J. Dickenson, of Fordell, Wanganui. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dickeson | Colin Addison | 24/2128 | A/Captain | A/Capt | 26/04/1918 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. L. E. Dickeson, of Mount Albert, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dickey | Andrew | 26/768 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/02/1920 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickey, of Tamatarau, Whangarei. Born at Bay of Islands. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Tamaterau Maori Cemetery | |||
Dickey | Cecil Vernon | 26/26 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dickey, of 79, Bryndwyr Rd., Fendalton, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dickey | James | 13/2755 | Gunner | Gnr | 28/09/1921 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland Presbyterian Division C Row 2, Plot 62 | ||||
Dickey | James Dean | 26/753 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Fannie Louisa Dickey, of Thames. Native of Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dickey | Robert | 2/529 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/12/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Robert and the late Emily Ellen Dickey. | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Dickey | William | 12/2273 | Private | Pte | 01/06/1916 | AIR | Died of disease | UK | (NOK - S Dickey (brother), Mackaytown, Karangahake) | UK - Kensal Green (All Souls') Cemetery | |||
Dickie | Eric Stanley Gordon | 43960 | Gunner | Gnr | 22/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Clara Eliza Dickie, of Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Bertrancourt Military Cemetery | |||
Dickie | John Duncan | 51018 | Private | Pte | 05/04/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Eliza Dickie, of Ngahauranga, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Kirkcaldy, Scotland | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Dickin | Henry George | 48467 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Ann Dickin, of 6, Lochiel Rd., Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late Herbert Dickin. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dickinson | Charles | 19/63 | Private | Pte | 31/12/1917 | Samoan Relief | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Abel and Elizabeth Dickinson (nee Sinclair), of Opua, Bay of Islands. Born at Whangaroa, Northland. | NZ - Kawakawa Cemetery | |||
Dickinson | James | 68698 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Margaret Dickinson, of 17, Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Preston, England | France - Anneux British Cemetery | |||
Dickson | Alexander | 57492 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jane Dickson, of 235, Stanmore Rd., Richmond, Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late Alex. Dickson. Native of Skelmorlie, Ayrshire, Scotland. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dickson | Charles | 49350 | Corporal | Cpl | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles and Jessie Dickson, of Colac Bay, New Zealand. | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dickson | Charles Frederick | 24/1641 | Private | Pte | 28/07/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Rebecca Dickson, of Somme Parade, Wanganui, New Zealand, and the late George Henry Dickson | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Dickson | Donald McKenzie | 10/1468 | Private | Pte | 18/07/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of David Murray Dickson and Margaret Dickson, of 20, Clyde St., Timaru, New Zealand. Native of Portobello, Otago | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Dickson | Edmund Francis | 49349 | Private | Pte | 28/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Lydia Mary Dickson, of 31, James St., North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dickson | Harry | 19699 | Private | Pte | 13/11/1918 | Pioneers | Died of disease | NZ | Son of Rikihana Tari, of Tauranga. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18 | NZ - Matapihi Maori Cemetery | |||
Dickson | Henry Leslie | 34823 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickson, of Kuri Bush, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dickson | Herbert Alexander | 12/2991 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Rebecca Dickson, of 271, Somme Parade, Aramoho, Wanganui, and the late George Henry Dickson. Born in New Zealand. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dickson | Leslie Donald Melville | 62940 | Private | Pte | 08/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - G R Dickson (father), 30 Ayr St, Rangiora) | France - Marcoing British Cemetery | |||
Dickson | Millen Stuart | 59622 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of David Murray Dickson and Margaret Dickson, of 20, Clyde St., Timaru, New Zealand | France - Lebucquiere Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Diehl | Ralph | 2/1613 | Bombardier | Bdr | 23/10/1915 | NZFA | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Gustav and Anna J. Diehl, of 49, Fairview Crescent, Kelburn, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Oamaru, Otago, New Zealand. | Turkey - Embarkation Pier Cemetery | |||
Diggelman | Otto | 59874 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Albert and Anna Diggelman, of Katikati, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand | UK - Aldershot Military Cemetery | |||
Diggle | William | 23988 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Lydia Diggle, of Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Diggs | Hubert John Edward | 38361 | Private | Pte | 30/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Alice Diggs, of 78, Mein St., Newtown, Wellington | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dighton | Leslie Probyn | 25150 | Sergeant | Sgt | 09/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Dr. and Mrs. Adair Dighton, of Cheltenham; husband of Evelyn Dighton, of 8, Lansdown Terrace, Cheltenham, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dignan | Maurice Martin | 32148 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis John and Ellen Margaret Dignan, of Auckland, New Zealand. Native of Marton, Wanganui. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Dilks | Robert Beresford | 35254 | Gunner | Gnr | 27/08/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of W. T. and Mary A. Dilks, of 9, Donnington St., Palmerston North, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dillon | Brian Vernon | 8/190 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Francis Lily Dillon, of 20, Manor Place, Dunedin. Native of Blackstone, Otago. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dillon | Edward Thomas | 15853 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/07/1917 | NZRB | Died of disease | UK | Son of D. and M. Dillon, of 187, North St., Timaru, North Canterbury, New Zealand. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Dillon | James Daniel | 8/820 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of James and Ellen Dillon, of Eketahuna. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dillon | William Arthur | 20311 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Elizabeth V. Dillon, of Tinui Station, Masterton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Dimble | Richard Henry | 4/717 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/11/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Henry and Eliza Dimble, of 24, Waterloo Rd., Falmouth, Cornwall, England. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dimes | Arthur | 32144 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Anne Dimes, late of Doras Green, Crondall, Hants, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dimick | Frank Morris | 13/157 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Simon George and Harriett Dimick, of Thames St., Oamaru. Native of Ramsgate, England. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dimond | Harry | 20117 | Private | Pte | 01/08/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dimond, of Riverslea Rd., Hastings, Napier. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dinan | John Henry | 24/404 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/11/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Nora Dinan, of Ararimu, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Dines | George William | 23/38 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George William and Elizabeth Ann Dines, of Fairlie, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dingley | Frederick Arnold | 13/3018 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Arthur Bertram Cecil and Beatrice Flora Dingley. Born at Halesowen, Birmingham, England. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Dinneen | James Dalton | 66239 | Captain | Capt | 01/10/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Michael Dalton and Mary Victoria Dinneen, of Auckland, New Zealand. B.A., New Zealand University | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Dinsdale | Charles | 14404 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Mary Dinsdale. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dinsdale | Joseph | 12/1613 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Robert Dinsdale, of 3, Railway Cottages, Stillington Junction, Ferryhill, Co. Durham, England. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Diprose | Frank Daniell | 26815 | Private | Pte | 21/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Elizabeth Caroline and the late William Diprose, of Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Disher | Edward | 37788 | Private | Pte | 11/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary A. Westrupp (formerly Disher), of 34, Wakefield Quay, Nelson, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Divan | George | 7/2380 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Isabella Divan, of Washdyke, Timaru, Canterbury, and the late John Divan,. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Divehall | Claude William John | 23/1373 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mary Ann Divehall, of Toko Rd., Toko, Taranaki, and the late Henry Lewis Divehall | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dix | Gerald | 47997 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dix, of St. Andrew'S, Timaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dix | Charles Marshall | 39655 | Private | Pte | 22/01/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mary Dix, of Taupiri, Waikato. | NZ - Greytown Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Alfred Lee | 12/2996 | Corporal | Cpl | 03/07/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Helen Dixon of Franklin Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, and the late E. B. Dixon. Born at Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dixon | Cecil William | 53764 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/02/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Doris B. Dixon, of 47, Collingwood St., Nelson, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Charles Sugden | 17059 | Private | Pte | 05/11/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Walter and Helen Dixon, of Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Wimereux Communal Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Harold Percy | 49803 | Private | Pte | 30/11/1919 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. S. Dixon, of 8, Bede Terrace, Barnard Castle, Leeds, England. Born in Leeds, England. Served on the Western Front | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Henry William | 8/1452 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Henry Dixon of Pomahaka, Otago. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dixon | Innis Noble | 12/994 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Father of G. C. Dixon, of Auckland; husband of the late Esther Daisy Dixon | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dixon | James | 64299 | Private | Pte | 17/05/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Isabella Dixon, of Castlewellan, Co. Down, Ireland. The Inscription on the original wooden cross read "Erected by his brothers, Bob of S. Africans, Alec of Australians, Marcus of R.I. Rifles.". | France - Louvencourt Military Cemetery | |||
Dixon | James Arthur | 28106 | Private | Pte | 20/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas William and Jessie Ann Dixon, of Inaha Rd., Hawera, New Plymouth, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Dixon | James Frederick | 24/1025 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 15/11/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Henry and Ellen Dixon, of 154, Leet St., Invercargill, New Zealand | France - Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Dixon | John William | 9/1826 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/01/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of the late Mrs. C. Dixon, of Dunedin. | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Ralph Joseph | 26068 | Rifleman | Rfm | 23/01/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph S. and Hebe Dixon, of Woolston, New Zealand. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Dixon | Robert Lionel George | 33524 | Private | Pte | 18/04/1917 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. Eugenie Alice Dixon, of Auckland. | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Samuel James | 25/1045 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Father of Cyril Young, of Dannevirke, New Zealand | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | |||
Dixon | Thomas Harold | 6/3299 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Gilbert and Mary Hannah Dixon, of 85, Lyttelton St., Spreydon, Christchurch. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doak | David John Wilson | 7/2376 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of David John and Sarah Doak, of Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Doak | Samuel William | 44578 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of J. G. and A. Doak, of Fernside, North Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doak | Stephen | 27666 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doak, of 165, Wellington St., Launceston, Tasmania, Australia. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doak | William | 22321 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Only son of Robert and Agnes Doak, of "Fortification," Alma, Oamaru | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dobbie | Percy Frederick | 6/3300 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Dobbie. Native of England. | Belgium - Underhill Farm Cemetery | |||
Dobbie | Reginald Henry Victor | 10/1470 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry Dobbie, of Bungay, Suffolk, England. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dobby | Abraham Joseph | 55450 | Private | Pte | 09/01/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of J. W. and A. Dobby, of 521, Hills Rd., Marshland, Christchurch, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Dobby | George Thomas | 38943 | Private | Pte | 17/08/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Brother of Frederick W. Dobby, of Lyttelton, Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Dobbyn | Joseph Lawrence | 10/3240 | T/L-Sergeant | T/L-Sgt | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. W. J. Dobbyn, of 215, Queen St., Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. | France - Warlencourt British Cemetery | |||
Dobier | Arthur Richard | 6/3682 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Fanny Dobier, of 42, Victoria St., Timaru, and the late Thomas Dobier. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dobson | Charles Rube | 13/320 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Charles and Hannah Dobson, of Kai Iwi, Wanganui. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dobson | James | 25684 | Rifleman | Rfm | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. F. Dobson, of Valley Rd., Hikurangi, Auckland. Born in New Zealand | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dobson | John | 12158 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Catherine Dobson, of Heriot, Scotland; husband of Margaret Stevenson Dobson, of Baillie St., Thames, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Dobson | John Thomas | 64300 | Private | Pte | 03/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Mary Dobson. Native of Whangarei, New Zealand. | France - Beaumetz Cross Roads Cemetery, Beaumetz-Les-Cambrai | |||
Dobson | Joseph | 6/2409 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1915 | CIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | (NOK - W Dobson (father), 81 New Bank Rd, Blackburn, Lancashire, England) | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dobson | William | 8/1185 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of John Hardie Dobson and Katherine Dobson, of Galashiels, Scotland; husband of Mary Dobson, of 50, Daniell St., South Wellington, New Zealand. | Turkey - Redoubt Cemetery, Helles | ||
Docherty | Francis James | 12/533 | Driver | Dvr | 28/11/1918 | ASC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born at Port Chalmers, Dunedin. | NZ - Milton (Fairfax) Cemetery | |||
Docherty | William John Alexander | 27000 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Bella Docherty, of Christchurch; husband of H. V. M. Docherty, of 177, Hastings St., Sydenham, Christchurch. Born at Sydenham. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Christchurch (Sydenham) Cemetery | |||
Docksey | Alfred Henry | 40194 | Private | Pte | 17/12/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Mary A. Docksey, of Nelson, New Zealand. Native of Talke, Staffs, England. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dodd | Alfred James | 6/218 | Sergeant | Sgt | 15/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred Ernest and Catherine Emma Dodd, of Johnston St., Karori, New Zealand. Born at Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Dodd | Ernest Henry | 54336 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 11/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Father of Clifford Read Dodd, of Eastbourne, Wellington, New Zealand. (Played 3 matches for the All Blacks) | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Dodd | John | 38267 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 10/12/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dodd, of 16, Hatton St., Timaru. | NZ - Timaru Cemetery | |||
Dodd | Joseph Luke | 40526 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Dodd, of Augathella, Queensland, Australia. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Dodds | Charles William | 39964 | Private | Pte | 16/08/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Charles Ralph and Ann Christina Dodds, of New Zealand. | Belgium - Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery | |||
Dodds | Harold Binnie | 23475 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Nicholas and Christine Isabel Dodds, of George St., Port Chalmers, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dodds | John Robertson | 8/2898 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Alexander and Isabella Dodds. Native of Goodwood, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dodds | Thomas Neil | 10329 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Marion Dodds, of Parnell, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dodds | William George John | 36854 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Alex. Gunn Dodds and Annie Dodds, of 75, Nith St., Invercargill. Native of Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dods | John | 2/1769 | Driver | Dvr | 11/10/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - J Dods (father), Opotiki, Bay of Plenty) | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Dodson | Frederick Hugh | 12/683 | Lieutenant | Lt | 25/04/1915 | y | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Maude Dodson, of Courtville Annexe, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Dodson | Reginald Henry | 10/3807 | Lieutenant | Lt | 18/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Frank and Alice Dodson, of 4, Ipsley St., Blenheim; husband of Eleanor Stoddart Chapman (formerly Dodson), of 15, Maipapa Rd., Hataitai, Wellington. Native of Blenheim, Marlborough. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dodson | Sydney Reid | 6/3683 | Private | Pte | 14/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Ellen Susan Dodson, of Cleveland Rd., Nelson, and the late Henry Dodson. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dodunski | Paul | 28109 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mickl. and Catharine Dodunski, of Broadway, South Stratford, New Plymouth | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doggett | Alfred Cedric | 53329 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Margaret Doggett, of Hastings, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Doggett | David Booth | - | Private | Pte | 17/07/1915 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William John Ivory Doggett and Isabella Doggett (nee Booth), of Southbrook, Rangiora. Born at Woodend | NZ - Rangiora Presbyterian Cemetery | |||
Doherty | Adam Thomas | 23812 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. Doherty, of 28, Riddiford St., Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Doherty | Charles | 42479 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Francis and Eliza Doherty, of Balmoral, Outram, Dunedin. | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Doherty | Edward | 20118 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward Doherty; husband of Mrs. B. E. M. Wells, (formerly Doherty), of 58, Boulcott St., Wellington, New Zealand | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Doherty | Hugh Edward | 5/120 | Driver | Dvr | 04/02/1916 | ASC | Died of disease | Egypt | Son of John and Elizabeth Doherty. Born at New Plymouth. | Egypt - Cairo War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Doherty | John | 36957 | Private | Pte | 05/10/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Michael and Annie Doherty, of 46, Abelsmith Street, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | |||
Doherty | John William | 23358 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Beryl Doherty (wife), Kenney St, Waihi) | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Doherty | William F | 59872 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1920 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Edmund and Mary Doherty (nee Diarmody); husband of Henrietta Doherty, of Main Rd., Ohinemutu, Rotorua. Born at Taranaki. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Rotorua Public Cemetery | |||
Dohrmann | Ernest William | 6/4025 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Fredrick and Emma Elizabeth Dohrman, of Ashley District, Oxford, Canterbury | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Doidge | Albert Branton | 6/217 | Private | Pte | 10/07/1915 | CIR | Died of disease | Mudros | Son of James Branton Doidge and Annie Hester Doidge of Richardson St., Port Nelson, New Zealand. Born at Stoke, Nelson | Greece - East Mudros Military Cemetery | |||
Doidge | Edwin Bailey | 12/3298 | Corporal | Cpl | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edwin and Mary Doidge, of "Mount Eden," Olphert Avenue, Vancluse, Sydney, Australia. Born at Cootamundra, Australia. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Doig | Henry Wilfred Greenvoyce | 79034 | Gunner | Gnr | 07/11/1918 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Husband of Mrs. R. E. Doig, of Aro St., Wellington. Born at Halcombe | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Doig | James | 32788 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William and Elizabeth Doig, of Papakaio, Oamaru; husband of Agnes S. Doig, of Greta St., Oamaru. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doig | Peter William | 24/125 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/09/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas and Eliza Doig, of Ashburton, New Zealand. | Belgium - Reninghelst New Military Cemetery | |||
Domigan | Arthur Leslie | 8/655 | Sergeant | Sgt | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Maj. W. and May Cairns Domigan, of Carrington, Carterton, Wellington. Native of Gore, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Don | David | 42481 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Sarah Don, of Georgetown, Oamaru, New Zealand, and the late Alexander Don. Born at Georgetown. | Belgium - Poelcapelle British Cemetery | |||
Don | George Marshall | 57317 | Lieutenant | Lt | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - J Don (father), Windsor, Oamaru) | France - Shrine Cemetery, Bucquoy | |||
Don | James | 34818 | Private | Pte | 24/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Hughina Don, of 7, Hull St., Oamaru, North Otago, New Zealand, and the late James Don. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Donaghy | Francis | 12/3299 | Frank | Private | Pte | 06/10/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Francis and Maggie Donaghy, of Dunmore, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Ireland. | Belgium - Nine Elms British Cemetery | ||
Donahoe | Ernest Joseph | 14405 | Private | Pte | 04/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Patrick and Bridget Donahoe, of Hauraki St., Birkenhead, Auckland. | Belgium - Berks Cemetery Extension | |||
Donald | Andrew Alexander | 8/656 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of David and Elizabeth Donald, of 32, Norwood St., North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Donald | Robert Hugh | 12/1614 | Private | Pte | 05/05/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Lucy Donald, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Donald | William Kenneth | 28111 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 15/06/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William A. and Beatrice A. Donald, of "Hillside," Featherston, Wellington. | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donaldson | Ian Douglas | 25688 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Peter John Donaldson, of Ranganui, North Auckland, and the late Annabella Donaldson. Born at St. Helier's Bay | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donaldson | James | 25/747 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Kate Donaldson, of 36, Sentinel Rd., Ponsonby, Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donaldson | Joseph | 9/1280 | Private | Pte | 26/06/1916 | CIR | Accident | France | Son of Richard and Margaret Donaldson, of Waianakarua, North Otago, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Donaldson | Sidney James | 23/1254 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/05/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J A Donaldson (mother), 9 Kilmore Ave, Wellington) | Belgium - Maple Leaf Cemetery | |||
Donehue | Albert Thomas | 14079 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Donehue, of Dergholm, Casterton, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Donelley | Robert Edward | 12/973 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas William Henry and Harriett Donelley, of Kohu Kohu, Hokianga. Also served in Egypt (Suez Canal). | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Doney | Harry Charles | 65366 | Gunner | Gnr | 05/09/1918 | NZFA (Res) | Died of disease | Sea to UK | Son of Charles and Eliza Doney, of 21, Sugar Loaf Rd., Brooklyn, Wellington | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Donkin | William Scott | 10/1795 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Algernon Percy and Emma Nottage Donkin, of 219, Harrow Rd., London, England | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donn | Caleb Alexander | 70095 | Rifleman | Rfm | 27/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Fanny E. Donn; husband of Freda Kathleen Grymes (formerly Donn), of 38, Te Aroha St., Claudelands, New Zealand. | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Donn | Eric Stanley Gordon | 15882 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Edith Jackson Donn, of 107, Peter St., Ashburton, Christchurch. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Donn | James | 23/734 | T/Corporal | T/Cpl | 08/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J Donn (father), 19 Harbour Tce, Dunedin) | France - Naves Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Donn | John Murray | 6/1053 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 02/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Barbara Donn, of 22, Sherbourne St., St. Albans, Christchurch. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donn | Robert | 73327 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Robert and Elizabeth Fanny Donn, of Hamilton, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Donn | Sydney | 15350 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Donn, of Tramway Rd., Claudelands, Hamilton, New Zealand | France - Metz-En-Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension | |||
Donnan | Arthur Victor | 23929 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/06/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Stroyan Donnan and Marie Louise Donnan, of "Euroka", Gipps St., Drummoyne, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Native of Woollahra, New South Wales, Australia. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Donnan | Thomas | 14080 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs Elizabeth Donnan (mother), Portaferry, Co Down, Ireland) | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Donne | John Alexander | 36956 | Private | Pte | 07/07/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. C. Johns, of Walpeup, Onyeu, Victoria, Australia. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Donne | Stanley Ernest | 33100 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 22/10/1917 | LROS | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late William G. and Martha A. Donne, of Queenstown, New Zealand | Belgium - Poperinghe New Military Cemetery | |||
Donnelly | Archibald Luke | 2/172 | Corporal | Cpl | 27/06/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Nephew of Mrs. F. D. Donnelly, of 50, Onslow Rd., Epsom, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Donnelly | Francis Patrick | 10/2588 | Private | Pte | 02/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly, late of Pirinoa, Wellington. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donnelly | George Joseph | 10/157 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Donnelly, of Pirinoa, Martinborough, Wairarapa, Wellington | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donnelly | James | 8/3239 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Donnelly, of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay. | France - Cite Bonjean (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donnelly | Joseph Patrick | 24790 | Private | Pte | 04/01/1921 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Patrick and Ann Donnelly. Born at Ross, West Coast. Served in Egypt in 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916-18. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Donnelly | Thomas | 39191 | Private | Pte | 19/07/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - William Donnelly (brother), Roxburgh, East Otago) | France - Gommecourt Wood New Cemetery, Foncquevillers | |||
Donohue | Laurence Patrick | 3/2631 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1917 | NZMC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Martin and Annie Donohue. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Donohue | Leo Gilbert | 35195 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Martin and Ann Donohue, of 471 Manchester St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Native of Papanui, Christchurch. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Donovan | Daniel Joseph | 33023 | Corporal | Cpl | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Father of Daniel John Donovan, of Mount Eden, Auckland | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Donovan | James Stephen | 23/1972 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs M Peacock (sister), Brentnor Rd, New Cross, London, England) | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Donovan | John | 24146 | Private | Pte | 06/05/1919 | 13th Reinf | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. B. Donovan, of West Green, Dunmanway, Co. Cork, Ireland. Born in Ireland | NZ - TemUKa Cemetery | |||
Donovan | Thomas | 12/182 | Private | Pte | 05/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Donovan, of Ulster St., Hamilton. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dons | Victor C H | 12920 | Gunner | Gnr | 10/10/1922 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Doole | William John | 13744 | Private | Pte | 09/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Kathleen Doole, of Taihape, North Island, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Dooley | Frank Mark | 9/32 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Joseph Benjamin and Annie Dooley, of Dunedin | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Dooley | Robert George | 73169 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Husband of Mary Lowe (formerly Dooley), of Canal Reserve, Otahuhu, Auckland | NZ - Wellington Provincial Memorial | |||
Dooley | William John | 21431 | Sapper | Spr | 04/05/1917 | NZE | Died of disease | France | Son of Mrs. J. Dooley, of Waterloo Rd., Beaufort, Australia. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Dooling | Cornelius | 12/1797 | Private | Pte | 20/06/1915 | AIR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of Cornelius and Ellen Dooling, of 268, Clifford St., Gisborne | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Doran | Edmund James | 19128 | Corporal | Cpl | 02/09/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Patrick and J. Doran, of Mayfield, Blenheim, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Doran | Frederick Augustus | 51020 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. J. Doran, of Capleston, Westland, Greymouth | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doran | James Joseph | 44263 | Rifleman | Rfm | 21/11/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Patrick Doran, of 18, Carlyle St., Napier, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dore | Albert Frederick Campbell | 8/356 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dore, of Mossburn | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dore | Patrick | 13/655 | Chaplain | Cpln | 15/07/1918 | Chaplain | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of M. Dore, of Ballylinare, Newcastle West, Co. Limerick, Ireland | NZ - Foxton Cemetery | |||
Doria | Birley Reginald | 28114 | Private | Pte | 30/12/1916 | NZInf | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. Helen Pope (formerly Doria), of Wimbledon, New Zealand, and the late Birley Darlington Doria. His brothers Jack and Percy also fell. | UK - Plymouth (Efford) Cemetery | |||
Doria | Leonard Jack | 23/1375 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Helen Pope (formerly Doria), of Wimbledon, Dannevirke, Napier, and the late Mr. B. D. Doria. Native of Porangahau, Hawkes Bay. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Doria | Percy | 22953 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 16/10/1917 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Helen Pope (formerly Doria), and the late B. D. Doria. One of three brothers all of whom died in the War. | France - Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery | |||
Dorman | Charles Percy | 7/1350 | Trooper | Tpr | 18/12/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Arthur and Mary Helen Dorman, of Riverview, Fairlie, New Zealand | Turkey - 7Th Field Ambulance Cemetery | |||
Dorreen | Leslie | 34651 | Private | Pte | 10/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dorreen, of 77, Flockton St., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand | Belgium - Strand Military Cemetery | |||
Dorricott | William | 41315 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Ruth Dorricott, of Hobsonville, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dorset | David Allan | 10/2589 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Annie Dorset, of 15, Myrtle Crescent, Wellington. Native of Otaki | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dorsett | Charles Henry | 10/326 | Private | Pte | 09/05/1915 | WIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Charles Henry and Charlotte Mary Dorsett, of 7, Ennismore Gardens Mews North, Princes Gate, London, S.W.7. | Turkey - Lancashire Landing Cemetery | |||
Dorward | Edmond William Thomas | 32639 | Private | Pte | 03/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Philippa Mary Dorward, of 79, Wansbeck St., Oamaru, New Zealand, and the late T.E.W. Dorward. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Douard | Ernest | 8/3240 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - J Douard (father), Eauchere Verton, Loire, Inferieure, France) | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Doubleday | Charles Leonard | 29233 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of William and Alice Doubleday (nee Merrin), of North Rd., Kaiapoi, Canterbury. | NZ - Kaiapoi Anglican Cemetery | |||
Douds | John | 12/1193 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late James and Margaret Douds; husband of the late Madeline Douds. Native of Christchurch | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dougall | Robert James | 25112 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/10/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Peter Bacon and Catherine Dougall; husband of Daisy Violet Victoria Dougall, of Leaver Settlement, Westport | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dougall | Walter Keith | 8/185 | Lieutenant | Lt | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John J. and Harriet C. Dougall, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | France - Millencourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Doughty | William Trenton | 24353 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Richard and Kate Phillips Doughty, of Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Mud Corner Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Allan Ritchie | 30110 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 11/08/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Ellen Douglas, of Palmerston, Otago, New Zealand. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Archibald Hugh | 50085 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/07/1918 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Archibald and Faith Douglas, of 80, Aranui Rd., Kaiti, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Native of Whangara, Gisborne | Israel - Jerusalem Memorial | |||
Douglas | Earle George | 11/2083 | Gunner | Gnr | 17/04/1918 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs S J Douglas (mother), 4 Brown St, Wellington) | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Frederick William | 41274 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Fanny I. Douglas, of Christchurch, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Douglas | George | 38269 | Private | Pte | 08/04/1917 | NZTU | Died while training with NZEF | NZ | Son of James and Essie Douglas. Born at Amberley. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Douglas | George Alexander | 13/480 | Trooper | Tpr | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William John and Annie Douglas, of Tauranga | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Douglas | Herbert | 7/326 | Corporal | Cpl | 10/11/1917 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | Son of James and Mary Douglas, of Melbourne, Australia; husband of Blanch Douglas, of 15, Winchcombe St., Christchurch, New Zealand. | Israel - Beersheba War Cemetery | |||
Douglas | James | 72401 | Private | Pte | 04/09/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | (NOK - R Douglas (brother), Station Rd, Garmouth, Morayshire, Scotland) | NZ - Otago Provincial Memorial | |||
Douglas | James | 10/4502 | Private | Pte | 17/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. G. Douglas, of Newmarket Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - A.I.F. Burial Ground, Flers | |||
Douglas | John James | 13/323 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Hugh and Jane Douglas. Native of Te Puke | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Douglas | John Sholto | 15881 | John Sholto Douglas Watts | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (AKA John Sholto Douglas WATTS) Father of J. S. Watts, of 37, Sale St., Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Grevillers British Cemetery | ||
Douglas | Kenneth | 47127 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Kenneth and Annie Douglas, of Swordale, Evanton, Ross-shire, Scotland | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Douglas | Kenneth James | 26/665 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Emily Blythe (formerly Douglas), of Oparara, Karamea, Westport, and the late George Douglas. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Douglas | Neil McLaren | 16049 | Trooper | Tpr | 19/10/1918 | WMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - H Douglas (brother), Opaki Rd, Masterton) | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Percy Osmond | 52970 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/11/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Miriam A. Douglas, of 178, Waihi Rd., Hawera, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Robert | 38133 | Rifleman | Rfm | 16/06/1917 | NZRB (Res) | Died of injuries | France | Son of David Douglas, of Gisborne, New Zealand. | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Robert George | 38673 | Private | Pte | 30/11/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Douglas, of 31, Mason's Avenue, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Douglas | Thomas | 2/1954 | Driver | Dvr | 05/06/1917 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas, of 5, Wesley St., South Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Douglas | Thomas Lewis | 11/37 | Trooper | Tpr | 09/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William John and Annie Douglas. Native of Tauranga | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Douglas | William | 29750 | Private | Pte | 06/04/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Neil and Ellen Douglas, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Douglas | William Kenneth | 25/612 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of the late William Douglas and E. Douglas, of Gore, Invercargill. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Douglass | Edward Hugh Valentine | 7/2249 | Private | Pte | 20/11/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Alfred and Ada Douglass, of 189, Hanson St., Wellington. Born at Palmerston North Served on the Western Front | NZ - Te Kuiti Old Public Cemetery | |||
Douglass | John Reginald | 10032 | Private | Pte | 17/11/1920 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John and Margaret Agnes Douglass (nee Peat); husband of Ellen Springthorpe Douglass, of 7, Loyalty St., Dunedin. Born at Dunedin. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front. | NZ - Dunedin Southern Cemetery | |||
Doull | James | 53330 | Rifleman | Rfm | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - David Doull (brother), Ubster, Caithness, Scotland) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dove | Albert Ernest | 9/693 | Driver | Dvr | 29/08/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late Charles and Jessie Dove, of Glengarry, Gippsland, Victoria, Australia | France - Achiet-Le-Grand Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dove | John Canning | 70386 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 26/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Born at Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.. Son of John Clement Dove and Blanche Mary Dove | France - Vertigneul Churchyard, Romeries | |||
Dove | John James Craig | 12/728 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. C. Lee (formerly Dove), of 137, Romily St., Westport, Greymouth | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dove | Wilfred Ellis | 6/446 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | y | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Mary Eliza Dove, of Hornby Junction Rd., Upper Riccarton, Christchurch. Native of Long Beach, Ashburton, Christchurch. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Dow | David | 9/29 | Bombardier | Bdr | 17/09/1916 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dow, of 476, Leith St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Dow | James | 9/28 | Trooper | Tpr | 06/08/1915 | y | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dow, of 476, Leith St., Dunedin. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | ||
Dow | John William | 32831 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Dow, of Woodside, West, Taieri, Dunedin, and the late Peter Dow. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dowd | John | 51356 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/03/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. N. Dowd, of 168, Edgeware Rd., St. Albans, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Dowd | Thomas | 8/913 | Private | Pte | 01/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Alexander and Mary Dowd, of Launceston, Tasmania, Australia.. Served in the South African Campaign with the Australian Forces. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dowden | Walter Eric | 13/3019 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 19/02/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dowden, of Termyson St., Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand | Belgium - Dochy Farm New British Cemetery | |||
Dowdle | Francis Edmond | 24/2521 | Rifleman | Rfm | 17/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of F. Dowdle, of Clarkville, Canterbury, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Dowman | Hall Martin | 8/1454 | Private | Pte | 28/07/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hall C. Dowman, of Purangi, Taranaki | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Downard | Samuel Charles Gower | 10/2826 | Corporal | Cpl | 23/07/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Samuel William and Harriett Downard; husband of Agnes Downard, of Standen St., Karori, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Downer | Wilfred Bertram | 23/409 | Rifleman | Rfm | 01/05/1916 | NZRB | Died of disease | France | Son of William and Agnes M. Downer, of Helensville, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery | |||
Downes | Albert | 16/508 | Private | Pte | 09/09/1915 | Maoris | Died of disease | Malta x Egypt | Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Downes, of Kohukohu, Hokianga, Auckland, New Zealand | Malta - Pieta Military Cemetery | |||
Downes | Andrew Thomas | 8/1156 | Private | Pte | 14/07/1916 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James Thomas and Rachel P. Downes, of Sawyers Bay, Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Downes | Arthur Owen | 13/680 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Henry and Elizabeth Downes, of Kohukohu, Hokianga, Auckland | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Downes | Thomas Stephen | 8/149 | Private | Pte | 26/04/1915 | y | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas and Grace Downes, of Waitati, Otago | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | ||
Downes | Walter | 36430 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Grace Downes, of Waitati, Dunedin. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Downey | John James | 41317 | Rifleman | Rfm | 24/05/1922 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Hastings Cemetery, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | ||||
Downie | Alexander | 24/126 | Corporal | Cpl | 16/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Margaret Downie, of Balclutha, New Zealand. | France - Dartmoor Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt | |||
Downie | James | 17393 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/05/1918 | CMR | Died of wounds | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs M Downie (mother), Narrandera, New South Wales, Australia. Born in Australia) | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Downing | Albert Joseph | 10/2119 | Sergeant | Sgt | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Downing, of Port Ahuriri. (Played 26 matches for the All Blacks) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Downing | William Gibson | 3/171a | Corporal | Cpl | 14/12/1915 | CMR | Died of wounds | Egypt x Gallipoli | Son of W. G. and Kate Downing. | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Downs | Charles Henry | 20508 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Downs, of Marton Junction, Wanganui. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Downs | William | 6/1272 | Private | Pte | 27/07/1922 | DEC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Karori Cemetery, Wellington | ||||
Dowrick | Stephen Robert John | 47868 | Private | Pte | 18/09/1920 | NZMC | - | NZ | Husband of R. A. Dowrick, of Christchurch. Born at Hawke's Bay | NZ - Rotorua Public Cemetery | |||
Dowsett | Charles Frederick | 51022 | Private | Pte | 28/10/1918 | WlgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dowsett, of Karori Rd., Wellington. Served on the Western Front, 1917. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Dowsing | Robert John | 26577 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Havelock Butler Dowsing and Bessie Dowsing, late of Auckland; husband of Emma Dowsing, of 16, Gundry St., Newton, Auckland. Native of Denniston, Westport. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dowson | Tom | 10/2582 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Dowson, of 15, Westbourne Avenue, Bridlington, Yorks, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dowthwaite | Henry Alfred | 31239 | Private | Pte | 31/07/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mabel M. Douthwaite, of 12, Beach St., Petone, Wellington. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Doyle | Arthur Edgar | 25489 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Henry and Mary Eveline Doyle, of Chamberlain Rd., Johnsonville, Wellington. Native of Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Doyle | Charles Stanley | 49234 | Private | Pte | 10/01/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Charles Doyle (father), Longbush, Southland) | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Doyle | Henry Thomas | 25/21 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 10/10/1918 | WIR | Drowned | At sea | Born at Auckland. Son of Michael and Mary Doyle, of Westfield, Otahuhu, Auckland | Ireland - Grangegorman Military Cemetery | |||
Doyle | James | 38136 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. M. Doyle, of South Loburn, Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doyle | James Justin | 8/365 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 15/11/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Michael and Mary Ann Doyle, of Bana St., Bluff. Born at Invercargill. Served at Gallipoli and in France | NZ - Featherston Cemetery | |||
Doyle | John | 42307 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. L. M. Doyle, of King St., Pukekohe, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doyle | John Joseph | 12/3618 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John Joseph Doyle, of 19, Campbell St., Palmerston North. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Doyle | Philip Edmund | 41512 | Private | Pte | 20/10/1917 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William Henry and Mary Eveline Doyle, of Chamberlain Rd., Johnsonville, Wellington. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Doyle | Thomas Francis | 49879 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/03/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Brother of John Doyle, of Wellington, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Doyle | William John | 6/621 | Private | Pte | 30/05/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - W J Doyle, Greymouth) | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Drabble | William Thomas Henry | 29234 | Private | Pte | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Henry and Mary Drabble, of Cookson St., Kaiapoi. Canterbury. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Drain | Horace | 7/1351 | Trooper | Tpr | 16/10/1918 | CMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - H F Drain (father), 94 Olliviers Rd, Linwood, Christchurch) | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Drain | William Henry | 7/951 | Trooper | Tpr | 01/01/1919 | CMR | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Sarah Drain, of Tuapeka Mouth, Otago. Served in Egypt, 1915-16 | NZ - Tuapeka Mouth Cemetery | |||
Drake | Campbell | 8/564 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William and Margaret Drake, of Bonn St., Bluff, Southland, Invercargill. Also served in Egypt (Suez Canal). | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Drake | Francis George | 42058 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Husband of T. Drake, of 8, Chamberlain Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Drake | John Powsland Oakley | 39969 | Rifleman | Rfm | 11/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Jessy Drake (nee Raper), and the late Richard George Drake. Born at Bristol, England. Served on the Western Front. | NZ - Purua Pioneer Cemetery | |||
Drake | John Robert | 8/562 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 07/06/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Drake. of 103, Clyde St., Dunedin, New Zealand. Native of Otago. | Belgium - Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery | |||
Dray | William Alfred Mason | 62276 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Fredrick and Letitia Dray, of Auckland; husband of Elsie Dray, of Leamington, Cambridge | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Dreaper | Reginald Charles | 11/757 | Trooper | Tpr | 11/07/1915 | WMR | Died of wounds | Sea x Gallipoli | Son of George H. and Louisa M. Dreaper, of 19, Banks Rd., West Kirby, Cheshire, England | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dredge | Egbert Vivian | 21993 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 17/10/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of D'Arcy Egbert and Elizabeth Amelia Dredge, of 1, Regent St., Palmerston North, New Zealand. Native of Dunedin, New Zealand. King's Scout and Scoutmaster of St. John's Anglican Church Troop | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Drew | Frank | 24/1373 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/06/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs M Harfield (sister), 73 Wingfield St, Landport, Portsmouth, England) | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Drew | John Percival | 12/3620 | Private | Pte | 17/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Matilda Drew, of Auckland, New Zealand; husband of Mary Elizabeth Drew, of 30, Eckersley St., Whelley, Wigan, England. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Drewet | Oliver Hawkes | 12/723 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drewet, of Waimamaku, Hokianga, North Auckland | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Driffill | William Charles Howell | 12/1851 | Private | Pte | 18/05/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Margaret Driffill, of Waiatematama, Hokianga, New Zealand. Previously wounded in Egypt | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Driscoll | Andrew Augustus | 9/1283 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1917 | Pioneers (DEC?) | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Petrea Driscoll, of Wigan St., Gore, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Gwalia Cemetery | |||
Driscoll | John | 15883 | Rifleman | Rfm | 06/08/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs Mary Driscoll, of Christchurch. Born at Kaiapoi. Served on the Western Front, 1916-17. | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Driscoll | Thomas | 52972 | Private | Pte | 27/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Driscoll, of Wellington, New Zealand. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Driscoll | Thomas Michael | 8/3561 | Private | Pte | 22/03/1920 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Born in London, England. Served in Egypt, 1916 | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Driver | Benjamin Henry | 59510 | Private | Pte | 28/03/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Eliza Driver, of London, England. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Driver | Thomas William | 10/580 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Louisa Alice Driver, of 29, Elizabeth St., Timaru. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dromgool | Charles | 11/1085 | Trooper | Tpr | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dromgool, of 9, Emma St., Mount Albert, Auckland | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dron | Douglas Alexander | 6/1517 | Major | Maj | 08/10/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - William Dron (father), Spring Grove, Nelson) | France - Honnechy British Cemetery | |||
Dron | Edmund Thomas | 80343 | Rifleman | Rfm | 10/11/1918 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mrs. W. Dron, of 1, St. John's Avenue, Palmerston North, New Zealand | UK - Cannock Chase War Cemetery | |||
Drower | George Edmund | 11/239 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Drower, of St. Helen's Bay, Auckland | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Druitt | Alfred | 29377 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Alfred Thomas Druitt, of Rawsonville, near Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia. (Born in Australia) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Drummey | James | 42308 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss A Drummey (sister), Speer St, Abbeyside, Waterford, Ireland) | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Drummond | Alfred Ernest | 12/2687 | Sergeant | Sgt | 04/10/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drummond, of Willow St., Te Papapa, Onehunga, Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Drummond | Frank Thomas | 26580 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas Ransome Drummond and Kate Evelyn Drummond, of Tamahere, Waikato, Hamilton | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Drummond | John | 2/1423 | Gunner | Gnr | 11/10/1917 | NZFA | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Jane Drummond, of 815, George St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | Belgium - Divisional Cemetery | |||
Drummond | Maurice Clifton | 29235 | Private | Pte | 07/05/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Elizabeth Jane Rickard Drummond, of Nelson | Belgium - La Plus Douve Farm Cemetery | |||
Drummond | Peter | 45195 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Elizabeth Drummond, of North East Valley, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Drummond | Robert | 10/1473 | Private | Pte | 19/09/1916 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Elizabeth Drummond, of Warrington, Otago, New Zealand. Served in Gallipoli | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Drummond | Robert Simpson | 35009 | Private | Pte | 31/12/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of R. S. Drummond, of Dunedin South, New Zealand. | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Drummond | Walter | 12/3307 | Private | Pte | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drummond, of Auckland. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Drummond | William Colenso | 35/3 | Captain | Capt | 20/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of John and Jessie Drummond (nee McLeod); husband of Maud Annie Drummond, of 42, Swinburn St., Dannevirke. Born at Ongaonga, Hawke's Bay. Served on the Western Front and in Egypt, 1916-17. | NZ - Dannevirke (Mangatera) Cemetery | |||
Drummond | William George | 24/107 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/09/1916 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of A. J. Drummond, of Public Trust Office, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Drury | Arthur | 26070 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 11/08/1920 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Drury, of North Ockendon, Essex, England. Born in Essex, England. Served in Egypt, 1915-16, at Gallipoli, and on the Western Front. 1916. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Dryburgh | Alexander | 6/3302 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 04/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Mrs J Dryburgh (mother), Strathmiglo, Fife, Scotland) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dryburgh | Walter | 6/2120 | Private | Pte | 15/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Walter and Agnes Rodger Dryburgh, of "Fernlea," Main St., Coaltown of Wemyss, Fife. | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Dryden | Edward James | 14957 | Private | Pte | 07/05/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Edward and Mary Ellen Dryden, of 3, Lincoln Rd., Spreydon, Christchurch. Native of Newham, Victoria, Australia. | Belgium - St. Quentin Cabaret Military Cemetery | |||
Dryden | George Henry | 8/186 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Nephew of J. B. Hagen, of Milburn, Otago. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dryden | George Irvine Mouat | 27866 | Private | Pte | 29/03/1918 | OtgReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Charles Henry and Agnes Dryden (nee Mouat), of 76, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington. Born at Picton. Served in France and Flanders. | NZ - Wellington (Karori) Cemetery | |||
Dryden | John William | 23/122 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 27/09/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Dryden; husband of Constance Hunter (formerly Dryden), of 92, St. Luke's Rd., Edgbaston, Birmingham, England | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dryden | Thomas Willoughby | 49355 | Sapper | Spr | 14/03/1918 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Marion Dryden, of 11A, Duke St., Dunedin, New Zealand | Belgium - Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery | |||
Drysdale | John | 37462 | Sapper | Spr | 05/05/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Sarah Drysdale. | France - Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun | |||
Drysdale | Thomas John Hirst | 4/95a | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 06/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of John Drysdale, M.D., and Alice Drysdale (nee Dodson), of 2, Belhaven Terrace, Rutherglen, Scotland. Born at Port Chalmers, New Zealand | France - Gezaincourt Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Du Vall | Verner Henry | 32510 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary E. Harrison (formerly Du Vall), of 248, Highgate, Maori Hill, Dunedin, and the late Mr. H. W. Du Vall. Native of Auckland. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Duane | Charles | 16536 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Isaac and Mary Duane, of Great South Rd., Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Flesquieres Hill British Cemetery | |||
Duckmanton | Henry William | 6/3303 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Thomas and Alice Duckmanton, of 132, Hastings St., Christchurch | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Duckworth | Robert Francis | 42744 | Corporal | Cpl | 28/10/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Susan J. Duckworth, of Mossburn, New Zealand. Born at Stirling, Otago, New Zealand | France - Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Duddridge | Charles | 8/2584 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Maria Duddridge, of Half Acre, Williton, Somerset, England | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dudfield | Arthur John Scobie | 45346 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Alice Dudfield, of 12, Carr St., North East Valley, Dunedin, and the late Harry Dudfield. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dudley | John Charles Amphlett | 2/2344 | Lieutenant | Lt | 22/02/1919 | NZFA | Died of disease | Germany | Son of Mrs. E. Dudley, of 28, McDonald Crescent, Wellington, New Zealand | Germany - Cologne Southern Cemetery | |||
Dudley | William Albert De Vale | 70760 | Private | Pte | 09/11/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, of 76, Sumner Rd., West Croydon | UK - Croydon (Mitcham Road) Cemetery | |||
Dudson | Louis Chanel | 25/20 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 28/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Joseph and Mabel Dudson, of Carterton, New Zealand | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Due | Carl Frederick | 54240 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jens Carl and Elizabeth Sara Due, of Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, Napier | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duff | Albert | 9/268 | Trooper | Tpr | 07/08/1915 | OMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Margaret Hibbs (formerly Duff), of Long Bush, Southland, and the late William Duff | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duff | Arthur Lionel McBurney | 10795 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | Cyclists | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Annie Elizabeth Duff, of 56, Owen Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Duff | Caesarion Joseph | 12/3983 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. J. Duff, of 50, Owens Rd., Mount Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Y Farm Military Cemetery, Bois-Grenier | |||
Duff | Cecil Albert | 26/1590 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Eleanor Duff, of Bulls, Wellington, and the late David James Duff | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duff | George Kenneth | 4/1041 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 28/03/1918 | NZE | Killed in action | France | Son of Neil and Cordelia Duff, of 134, Edgeware Rd., Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Duff | Matene Rangiamohia | 16/373 | Sergeant | Sgt | 01/09/1916 | Pioneers | Died of wounds | France | Son of May. G. T. B. and Rangiamohia Duff, of Tokaanu, Lake Taupo, New Zealand. | France - Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz | |||
Duff | Robert | 6/1518 | Sergeant | Sgt | 30/11/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert Duff, of 147, Seaview Rd., New Brighton, Christchurch, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Duff | William Wallace | 12/1616 | Private | Pte | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Christina Duff, of 434, Princes St., Dunedin. Native of Waikouaiti. Also served in Egypt and Gallipoli. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duffey | Albert | 13/2280 | Corporal | Cpl | 12/10/1918 | AMR | Died of disease | Palestine | (NOK - Mrs N G Newman (sister), 27 Regent St, Mornington, Dunedin) | Israel - Jerusalem War Cemetery | |||
Duffey | Frederick | 23/739 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/04/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. Duffey, of 74, Dundas St., Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Duffill | George | 10/626 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of John A. Duffill, of Argyle St., Hawera, Taranaki | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Duffy | George | 12362 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | (NOK - John Duffy (brother), Tepapapa, Onehunga) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Duffy | John | 65960 | Rifleman | Rfm | 09/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. M. Duffy, of Church St., Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Duffy | Patrick | 12/3309 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 24/10/1918 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Michael and Lilly Duffy, of Tapanui, Otago. | France - Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Le Treport | |||
Duffy | Thomas | 43507 | Gunner | Gnr | 06/09/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs Thomas Duffy (mother), Jacksons Tce, Lyttelton) | France - Varennes Military Cemetery | |||
Duffy | William Patrick | 34652 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | MGC | Killed in action | France | Son of Robert and Isabel Doyle Duffy. Native of Ireland | France - Favreuil British Cemetery | |||
Duggan | Clarence Kimber | 10/1801 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of the late Mrs. L. Duggan. of 223, Karangahape Rd., Auckland | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duggan | James | 33525 | Private | Pte | 30/03/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - J Firth (friend), Ohinewai) | France - Euston Road Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Duggan | Maurice | 26/168 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/10/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Duggan, of Christchurch. Born at Christchurch. Served in Egypt, 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916 | NZ - Christchurch (Linwood) Cemetery | |||
Duggan | Patrick Joseph | 40913 | Rifleman | Rfm | 04/02/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Michael and Margaret Duggan, of West Plains, Southland, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Duignan | Joseph | 31616 | Private | Pte | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Anne Duignan, of Crosshill, Arigna, Carrick-on-Shannon, Ireland. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Duke | George | 59101 | Rifleman | Rfm | 31/08/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Richard and Jane Duke, of Trerule Foot, St. Germans, Cornwall, England. | France - Vaulx Hill Cemetery | |||
Duke | Joseph Martin | 5/41a | Private | Pte | 19/05/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of James and Rachel Duke, of Timaru, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.2 | |||
Duke | Sydney George | 29752 | Private | Pte | 03/06/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of William W. and Mary Duke, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Dukes | William Henry | 26254 | Private | Pte | 04/11/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of the late James Dukes, of Timaru; husband of Alice Dukes, of 920, Colombo St., Christchurch | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Duley | Manfred Grant | 12333 | Private | Pte | 21/02/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of James Alexander Duley and Edith Grant Duley, of Nuhaka, Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. | France - Pont-Du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue | |||
Duller | Arthur Lewis | 10/4090 | Private | Pte | 25/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. M. A. Duller, of Gilbert St., New Plymouth | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dumbell | Horace Cunliffe | 14595 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson Dumbell, of Tauranga, Thames. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dumbleton | Douglas Horatio | 39778 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Dumbleton, of 34, Ponsonby Rd., Auckland, New Zealand; husband of the late Ellen Louise Dumbleton. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Dumbleton | Ronald | 8/2901 | Corporal | Cpl | 05/04/1917 | OIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of William and Lucy A. Dumbleton of Pukeuri, Junction, Oamaru | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Dumergue | Edward Frederick | 38364 | Private | Pte | 21/11/1918 | MGC | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. F. E. Dumergue. Born at Opotiki, Bay of Plenty | NZ - Whakatane (Domain Road) Public Cemetery | |||
Dunbar | Alexander Cobb | 10/1802 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mary Dunbar, of Talka House, Garvock St., Laurencekirk, Scotland, and the late David Dunbar | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunbar | John David | 54123 | Private | Pte | 07/04/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Grace A. Dunbar, of Totara, New Zealand. | France - Auchonvillers Military Cemetery | |||
Dunbar | Robert | 10/236 | Private | Pte | 08/06/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Dunbar, of 38, Rhodes St., Wellington | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dunbar | William David | 8/3434 | David Williams | Private | Pte | 08/03/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | UK x France | (AKA David WILLIAMS). Son of Eliza June Dunbar, of 467, Adelaide Rd., Wellington, New Zealand, and the late William Dunbar. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | ||
Duncan | Alexander | 47550 | Private | Pte | 14/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of James and Mary Ellen Duncan, of Aickens, Westland, New Zealand. Native of Annat, Canterbury | France - Meteren Military Cemetery | |||
Duncan | Alexander | 8/360 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. A. Duncan, of 133, Liddle St., Invercargill. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duncan | Alexander Grindell | 10/966 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of George and Minnie Duncan, of Coronation Rd., Epsom, Auckland. Native of Napier | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duncan | Arthur Percival | 73157 | Private | Pte | 25/11/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | UK | Son of Lizzie Duncan, of 32, Webb St., Wellington. | UK - Brookwood Military Cemetery | |||
Duncan | Charles William | 41077 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. A. C. Duncan, of 121, Bowmont St., Invercargill, New Zealand. | Belgium - Passchendaele New British Cemetery | |||
Duncan | David | 42062 | Private | Pte | 06/11/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan, of Bull's, Wellington, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Duncan | George | 13/2429 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/11/1917 | AMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of John and Sarah Duncan. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Duncan | Gilbert Alexander | 80607 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/03/1919 | NZRB (Res) | Died of disease | NZ | Son of William and Margaret Duncan, of Waikawa, Southland. | NZ - Invercargill (Eastern) Cemetery | |||
Duncan | James | 7/838 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Duncan, of 31, Bordesby St., Linwood, Christchurch, New Zealand | Turkey - Hill 60 Cemetery | |||
Duncan | James Malcolm | 7/804 | Trooper | Tpr | 28/08/1915 | CMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Malcolm and Mary Duncan, of Rangiora, Christchurch. Served in the South African Campaign | Turkey - Hill 60 (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duncan | John | 56568 | Rifleman | Rfm | 29/03/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Thomas S. and Annie Duncan, of Aria, Te Kuiti, New Zealand. | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Duncan | John | 25/173 | Corporal | Cpl | 28/12/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Lizzie Duncan, of 10, Hawkestone St., Wellington, New Zealand, and the late John Duncan. | Belgium - Hooge Crater Cemetery | |||
Duncan | Ninian | 23/1038 | Private | Pte | 30/07/1916 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mrs. Margaret Duncan, of Cumberland St., Dunedin, New Zealand. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Duncan | Victor | 6/1382 | Private | Pte | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Francis and Mary Duncan, of Timaru. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duncan | William Arnold | 58677 | Private | Pte | 03/01/1918 | NZInf | Died of disease | Sea x NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Duncan, of Catlins. | NZ - Otago Provincial Memorial | |||
Duncan | William George | 8/192 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan, of Mataura, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Duncan | William Munro | 3/667 | Lieutenant | Lt | 15/07/1918 | NZMC | Died of disease | UK | Son of George and Alexanderina Duncan, of Glen Urquhart, Inverness, Scotland. | UK - Brockenhurst (St. Nicholas) Churchyard | |||
Dunckley | Raymond | 6/3002 | Private | Pte | 11/07/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Dunckley, of Blenheim, New Zealand | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dundon | William Thomas | 6/1276 | Private | Pte | 05/06/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - J Dundon (father), Blenheim) | Turkey - Shrapnel Valley Cemetery | |||
Dunford | George Frederick | 61577 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of George and Elizabeth Dunford, of Pallame Gate, Northwood, Newport, Isle of Wight, England | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Dunford | James Henry | 68913 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/04/1918 | NZMR | Accident | Egypt | (NOK - W Dunford (father), Bayfield Rd, Andersons Bay, Dunedin) | Egypt - Ismailia War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Dunford | Patrick | 49357 | Private | Pte | 12/12/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Dunford, of 8, Arawa St., Anderson's Bay, Dunedin, New Zealand, and the late Susan Dunford. His brothers, Thomas and James Henry also fell. | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Dunford | Thomas | 29897 | Private | Pte | 13/08/1918 | AklReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of William Dunford, of 8, Arawa Street, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin, and the late Susan Dunford. Served on the Western Front, 1917 | NZ - Dunedin (Anderson's Bay) Cemetery | |||
Dungey | Alfred Hugh | 47716 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/04/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Maria Dungey, of Dunedin, and the late James Dungey | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dungey | George | 49359 | Private | Pte | 02/09/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Edith Dungey, of Cromwell, New Zealand; husband of Daisy R. Dungey, of Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Bancourt British Cemetery | |||
Dunham | Herbert John | 11/737 | WO1 | WO1 | 27/08/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Dunham; husband of Mary H. Dunham, of Wrea Green, Kirkham, Lancs., England. | Turkey - 7Th Field Ambulance Cemetery | |||
Dunipace | John | 46702 | Sapper | Spr | 20/10/1918 | EFT | Died of disease | Palestine | Son of Robert and Agnes Dunipace. Born at Chapelton, Scotland | Israel - Gaza War Cemetery | |||
Dunlay | James | 54124 | Private | Pte | 25/05/1918 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Ellen Dunlay, of Roxburgh, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps | |||
Dunleavy | Thomas | 6/623 | WO2 | WO2 | 07/08/1915 | CIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Thomas Dunleavy, of 106, Bonsall St., Mill Hill, Blackburn, England, and the late Mary Ann Dunleavy. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunlop | Andrew | 27681 | Rifleman | Rfm | 18/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Dunlop, of 39, Cerrick St., Glasgow; husband of Cissy Hawkshaw Dunlop, of 123, Coburg St., Glasgow, Scotland | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dunlop | Cyril Charles | 11/653 | Trooper | Tpr | 30/05/1915 | WMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Mrs E M Dunlop (mother), 7 Onslow Pl, South Kensington, London) | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dunlop | Gordon | 8/359 | Private | Pte | 21/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. Alice B. Dunlop; of 24, Lance St., Avenal, Invercargill | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunlop | Hugh | 15150 | Private | Pte | 15/11/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. J. Dunlop, of Tahakopa, Catlins, New Zealand. | France - Cite Bonjean Military Cemetery, Armentieres | |||
Dunlop | Hugh | 8/3244 | Corporal | Cpl | 15/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Nurse J. O. Dunlop, of Plunket Office, Arcade, Timaru. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunlop | John | 12/829 | Sergeant | Sgt | 28/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. G. Dunlop, of 7, Grange Rd., Pendleton. Manchester, England | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Dunlop | John Charles Muir | 63838 | Private | Pte | 25/08/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Frances Dunlop, of Gympie, Australia. | France - L'Homme Mort British Cemetery, Ecoust-St. Mein | |||
Dunlop | Matthew Allan | 10/3247 | Private | Pte | 15/09/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlop, of Napier. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunlop | Thomas | 29753 | Corporal | Cpl | 24/11/1917 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Catherine Margaret Jane Dunlop, of Crombie St., Gore, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Dunn | Alexander John | 18587 | Private | Pte | 06/08/1917 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Alexander and Catherine Dunn, of Hastings, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. | France - Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck | |||
Dunn | Allan | 55455 | Private | Pte | 22/01/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Mary Jane Dunn, of 5, Holmes St., Waimate, South Canterbury, New Zealand | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dunn | Allan | 24/1032 | Private | Pte | 04/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunn, of Shag Point, Otago. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dunn | Cecil | 6/3306 | Sergeant | Sgt | 13/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss A Bell (aunt), 9 Barry St, Sydenham, Christchurch) | Belgium - Polygon Wood Cemetery | |||
Dunn | Charles | 12018 | Sapper | Spr | 07/06/1917 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Thirza Dunn, of Skegness, Lincs, England. | Belgium - Messines Ridge British Cemetery | |||
Dunn | Edward Joseph | 26583 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/06/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of John Joseph Dunn, of 191, Paddington St., Paddington, Sydney, Australia, and the late Adelaide Kate Dunn. Native of Sydney. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dunn | Edwin Robert Towersey | 24/408 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of William and Elizabeth Thomas Dunn. of Featherston, Wellington | France - Serre Road Cemetery No.2 | |||
Dunn | Francis Alexander | 40914 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1918 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Georgina Christie Dunn, of Ardwick St., Gore, Southland, New Zealand | France - Romeries Communal Cemetery Extension | |||
Dunn | James | 71202 | Gunner | Gnr | 22/09/1918 | NZFA (Res) | Died of disease | UK | Son of Mary Dunn, of 41, Austin St., Wellington, and the late James Dunn | UK - Tidworth Military Cemetery | |||
Dunn | James Conroy | 12/3623 | Private | Pte | 25/03/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Margaret Ann Dunn, of Queen St., Thames, New Zealand, and the late James Dunn. | France - Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord) | |||
Dunn | John Robert | 10/594 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Matthew and Sarah Dunn, of Solway, Masterton. Native of Whakataki | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunn | Joseph Alexander | 12/727 | Private | Pte | 30/09/1916 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of A. J. and Mary E. Dunn, of Pakuranga, Auckland, New Zealand. | France - Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe | |||
Dunn | Peter David | 8/781 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn, of 5, Holmes St., Waimate. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunn | Robert Christy | 10/328 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Brother of Mr. J. A. Dunn, of Silverstream, Wellington. | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunn | Thomas | 46318 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/07/1920 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dunn, of Panmure, Auckland. Born at Silverdale, Auckland. Served on the Western Front, 1917-18. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Dunn | William Robert Allan | 6/3690 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 05/08/1919 | CantReg | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mrs. Margaret Allan Dunn, late of Pleasant Valley; husband of M. Dunn, of Christchurch. Born in Silverstream, South Canterbury. Served in Egypt 1916, and on the Western Front, 1916. | NZ - Christchurch (Bromley) Cemetery | |||
Dunnage | Robert Gordon | 10/113 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mrs. M. A. Dunnage, of Mauku, Pukekohe, Auckland. | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunnage | Spencer Timaru | 23531 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of William Herbert and Laura Adela Dunnage, of 89, Dalrymple Rd., Invercargill | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dunne | Frank Hedley | 55931 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - Mrs A D Dunne (mother), Alexandra St, Manchester Rd, Warrington, England) | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Dunne | Jock Donald | 61578 | Private | Pte | 24/08/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunne, of 226, Montreal St., Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Adanac Military Cemetery, Miraumont | |||
Dunne | Robert William Charles | 21432 | Sapper | Spr | 17/05/1922 | NZE | Died after discharge from wounds etc | - | Headstone Reefton Cemetery, Reefton, Nelson | ||||
Dunne | William Patrick | 13890 | Sergeant | Sgt | 19/06/1918 | OIR | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of Patrick and C. Dunne, of Totaratahi, Oamaru. | UK - Codford St. Mary (St. Mary) New Churchyard | |||
Dunne | William Patrick | 38803 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1917 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Husband of Mrs. E. N. Dunne, of Taheka, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Dunnet | John Clouston | 2/214 | Captain | Capt | 05/04/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of Mary and the late Charles F. Dunnet, of Kelso, Otago, New Zealand | France - Doullens Communal Cemetery Extension No.1 | |||
Dunnicliff | Thomas William | 42063 | Rifleman | Rfm | 19/11/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunnicliff, of Chin Chin St., Lambton Heights, New South Wales, Australia. Born in London, England. | NZ - Auckland (Waikumete) Cemetery | |||
Dunphy | James George | 25/969 | Rifleman | Rfm | 14/12/1918 | NZRB | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dunphy, of Fairton, Ashburton. Born at Belfast, Canterbury. Served in Egypt in 1916 and on Western Front 1916-17. | NZ - Ashburton Cemetery | |||
Dunphy | Richard | 12/341 | Private | Pte | 25/04/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Lily Cox (formerly Dunphy), of Victoria Rd., Devonport, Auckland. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dunsford | Norman Guthrie Chalmers | 8/35 | Sergeant | Sgt | 03/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Fannie Elizabeth Dunsford, of 60, Wai-iti Rd., Timaru, and the late William George Dunsford. Native of Invercargill. Before enlisting he was 2nd Lt., Senior Cadets, Timaru. | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dunton | Albert | 12/2688 | Corporal | Cpl | 07/06/1917 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George Robert and Sarah Dunton, of Aongatete. Tauranga, Thames. | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dunwoodie | William David | 31968 | Private | Pte | 23/06/1917 | AIR | Died of wounds | France | (NOK - P J Tristram (friend), Te Awamutu) | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Dupeyron | Charles Louis | 24/1033 | Rifleman | Rfm | 12/10/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Dupeyron, of St. Saviour's, Guernsey, Channel Islands. | Belgium - Tyne Cot Cemetery, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen | |||
Durand | James Douglas Gerald Hay | 5/41 | WO1 | WO1 | 26/04/1918 | ASC | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Arthur Trengrove C/o J Nathan and Co, Wellington) | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Durant | William Macliesh | 4/1223 | Lieutenant | Lt | 14/09/1916 | NZE | Died of wounds | France | Husband of Mrs. J. R. Durant, of 25, City Rd., Roslyn, Dunedin, New Zealand | France - Point-Du-Jour Military Cemetery, Athies | |||
Durey | George Frederick | 39031 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/09/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of George Frederick and Annie Elizabeth Durey, of "Singleton," Harewood, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Durham | Donald | 13/179 | L/Corporal | L/Corp | 08/08/1915 | AMR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Mary Durham, of Waipu, Auckland, and the late John Durham | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Durham | Norman | 12/3223 | Corporal | Cpl | 01/06/1917 | AIR | Died of disease | UK x France | Son of John and Mary Durham, of Waipu, New Zealand. | UK - Ipswich Cemetery | |||
Durie | Henry | 6/3691 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and H. Durie, of St. John's St., Woolston, Christchurch, New Zealand | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Durie | Thomas Armstrong | 13891 | Private | Pte | 03/01/1917 | OIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of the late William and Jane Durie, of Clifden, New Zealand. | France - Estaires Communal Cemetery | |||
Durie | William Alexander | 31826 | Rifleman | Rfm | 03/12/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of M. A. and W. Durie, of 103, Durie Hill, Wanganui, New Zealand. | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood | |||
Durnett | Allan Bertie | 44457 | Private | Pte | 01/10/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Elizabeth Durnett, of Wellington, New Zealand, and the late Evelyn Beatrice Durnett | France - Masnieres British Cemetery, Marcoing | |||
Durnett | Robert | 63576 | Private | Pte | 14/04/1918 | EntBn | Killed in action | France | Son of Evelyn Beatrice Durnett; of Taranaki St., Wellington | Belgium - Messines Ridge (N.Z.) Memorial | |||
Durose | Harold | 37998 | Private | Pte | 23/04/1918 | WIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of Benjamin and Jane Durose, of 1, Atiawa St., Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. Native of Oldham, England | France - Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt | |||
Durrant | Arthur Frank | 20124 | Private | Pte | 29/09/1918 | MGC | Died of wounds | France | Son of Albert Edward and Kate Hannah Durrant, of Waipiro Bay, Gisborne. Born in London, England | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Durrant | John David | 42639 | Rifleman | Rfm | 07/11/1917 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of William and Theresa Durrant, of Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand. | France - Boulogne Eastern Cemetery | |||
Durrant | Reginald Frank | 52393 | Rifleman | Rfm | 30/05/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Henry and Frances Durrant, of Little Bredy, Dorset, England | France - Hebuterne Military Cemetery | |||
Durrant | William James | 9/1819 | Driver | Dvr | 26/01/1923 | NZFA | Died after discharge from wounds etc | NZ | Buried Waikaraka Cemetery, Onehunga, Auckland | ||||
Durward | Peter Calder | 2/1834 | Corporal | Cpl | 09/10/1918 | NZFA | Died of wounds | France | Son of the Rev. Peter Calder Durward and Elizabeth Durward, of The Manse, Lawrence, Otago, New Zealand. Born at Denny, Scotland. Also served at Gallipoli and in Egypt. | France - Beaulencourt British Cemetery, Ligny-Thilloy | |||
Dust | Gilbert Farmer | 10/330 | L/Sergeant | L/Sgt | 08/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William James and Alice Elizabeth Dust, of Mangapurua, Upper Wanganui River. Born at Marton | Turkey - Twelve Tree Copse (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dustin | Claude | 10/1229 | Private | Pte | 16/05/1915 | WIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of William Samuel Dustin, of 71, Wilson St., Wanganui, Wellington, New Zealand. | Turkey - Walker's Ridge Cemetery, ANZAC | |||
Dustow | Edward Albert | 12156 | Sergeant | Sgt | 24/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of the late John and Margaret Dustow, of Fitzroy, New Plymouth | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duthie | David Keith | 24/121 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 07/08/1917 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of David W. and Florence Duthie, of Auckland, New Zealand. | Belgium - Prowse Point Military Cemetery | |||
Duthie | Edward Hall | 8/1458 | Private | Pte | 27/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Brother of Mr. G. Duthie, of Mataura Island, Invercargill. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duthie | Robert Leiper Martin | 8/162 | Lieutenant | Lt | 12/05/1915 | OIR | Died of wounds | Gallipoli | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Duthie, of Milton, Otago, New Zealand | Turkey - Pink Farm Cemetery, Helles | |||
Dutton | Edwin | 8/1231 | Private | Pte | 02/05/1915 | OIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | Son of Harry and Elizabeth Dutton, of Colac Bay, Southland, Invercargill | Turkey - Lone Pine Memorial | |||
Dutton | James Heywood | 12/969 | Private | Pte | 08/08/1915 | AIR | Killed in action | Gallipoli | (NOK - Thomas Dutton, Buersill Head, Rockdale, Lancashire, England) | Turkey - Chunuk Bair (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Duval | William | 27248 | Private | Pte | 11/02/1918 | WIR | Killed in action | France | (NOK - Miss Francis Duval (sister), Red Cross Nurse, Paris, France) | Belgium - Oxford Road Cemetery | |||
Duxfield | Lewis Alfred | 72769 | Private | Pte | 16/12/1918 | CIR | Died of disease | France | Son of Alfred Timothy and Mabel Evelyn Duxfield, of Raurimu, New Zealand | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Dwight | William John | 8/3894 | Corporal | Cpl | 21/09/1916 | OIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Dwight, of 81, Barbour St., Christchurch; husband of Amy Dwight, of 66, Kenmure Rd., Belleknowes, Mornington, Dunedin | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dwyer | Thomas Byrne | 6/1277 | Sergeant | Sgt | 07/04/1918 | CIR | Died of wounds | France | Son of John and Theresa Eileen Dwyer, of 555, Manchester St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Born at Omaru, New Zealand. | France - St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen | |||
Dwyer | William Michael | 9/694 | Bombardier | Bdr | 02/08/1917 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of Lawrence and Ellen Dwyer, of Milton St., Riverton, New Zealand. | France - Etaples Military Cemetery | |||
Dyer | Alfred John | 8/357 | Private | Pte | 08/05/1915 | OIR | Died of disease | Egypt | (NOK - Thomas W Dyer, 17 Robertson St, East Invercargill) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Dyer | Herbert Francis | 6/2605 | 2/Lieutenant | 2Lt | 08/01/1918 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mrs. Mary Dyer, of 435, Barbadoes St., Christchurch, New Zealand, and the late E. Dyer | Belgium - Menin Road South Military Cemetery | |||
Dyer | Herbert Melville | 64474 | Rifleman | Rfm | 26/10/1918 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Hannah Dyer, of Kumara, New Zealand. | France - Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-Au-Bois | |||
Dyer | John Alexander | 23/1970 | Rifleman | Rfm | 15/09/1916 | NZRB | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer, of 17, Bowen St., St. Kilda, Dunedin. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dyer | Walter William | 13/2762 | Gunner | Gnr | 26/11/1918 | NZFA | Died of disease | France | Son of Mrs. I. V. M. Dyer, of Whakapara, Whangarei, Auckland, New Zealand | France - Caudry British Cemetery | |||
Dyer | William | 40531 | Private | Pte | 31/08/1918 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Born at Auckland. Son of Henry George Dyer, of Okoroire Springs, Rotorua, Hamilton | France - Grevillers (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dyett | Arthur Frederick | 10/2593 | Private | Pte | 23/10/1916 | WIR | Died of injuries | France | Husband of E. A. C. Dyett, of The Cottage, Manaia, Taranaki, New Zealand. Also served at Gallipoli and in Egypt | France - Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, Fleurbaix | |||
Dyke | Herbert Jubilee | 11/242 | Sergeant | Sgt | 28/07/1916 | WMR | Killed in action | Egypt | Son of Charles and the late Elizabeth Dyke. Born at Patearoa, Otago Central | Egypt - Kantara Memorial | |||
Dyke | Thomas Bags | 12557 | Trooper | Tpr | 14/11/1917 | WMR | Killed in action | Palestine | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dyke, of Patearoa, New Zealand. | Israel - Ramleh War Cemetery | |||
Dyke | William Henry | 11850 | Private | Pte | 03/10/1916 | WIR | Killed in action | France | Son of John and Annie Dyke, of 25, Beattie St., Feilding, Wellington. | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dynes | David John | 40786 | Rifleman | Rfm | 25/02/1918 | NZRB | Died of wounds | France | Son of Andrew and Jane Dynes, of Wakanui, New Zealand | Belgium - Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery | |||
Dynes | Francis Robert | 12/336 | Sergeant | Sgt | 26/09/1916 | AIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dynes, of Matatoki, Thames | France - Caterpillar Valley (New Zealand) Memorial | |||
Dyson | Charles Frederick | 55457 | Private | Pte | 26/12/1917 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of Alfred and Eliza Dyson, of The Knowle, Tinley, Tewkesbury, England | Belgium - Buttes New British Cemetery (N.Z.) Memorial, Polygon Wood | |||
Dyson | Oscar | 6/1519 | Private | Pte | 16/09/1916 | CIR | Killed in action | France | Son of George and Annie Dyson, of 25, Galloway St., Hamilton East, New Zealand. Born at Brighthouse, Yorks, England | France - Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval | |||
Dyson | Richard Herbert | 3/127 | Sergeant | Sgt | 05/08/1915 | NZMC | Died of disease | Egypt | (NOK - William Frank Dyson (father), Okahukura near Taumaranui) | Egypt - Alexandria (Chatby) Military And War Memorial Cemetery | |||
Surname | Forenames | Service Number | Alt Service Number | Alias/AKA | Rank | Rank, abbreviated | Date of Death | Date of Death Approximate | Unit | Cause of Death | Place of Death | Notes | Recorded Cemetery - CWGC |